The Teleporter. (7 page)

Read The Teleporter. Online

Authors: Louis Arthur-Brown

BOOK: The Teleporter.
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“Looks like they’ve chang
ed their fucking minds hahah!” Dave shouts!

A few seconds later, the heavens open up with a red hot fiery blaze.
240mm and 160mm explosive rounds fall like a hail storm and destroy anything and everything in their path. The explosion shockwaves smash distant windows and the six T-92 tanks, and multiple APC’s are reduced to scrap metal in a matter of seconds. The overwhelming, god like destructive power of these two AC-130’s is unmatched here on this night.

When the scene falls silent, th
e team then gaze at the red glow being emitted over their cover and stand there for a few seconds trying to contemplate how many hostiles have just been killed in the eerie silence that has descended in the area.

“Squad, this is Charlie 1- we’re RTB, We hope you’ve enjoyed flying with Kick-ass
airways, have a nice day. Out”

“Fucking Yanks” Dave states.
“Gotta love them, they just saved out asses!” Jack says.

The elite four then notice a subtle blue glow, coming from a room with an o
pen door with blood stains on it, which is currently being propped open by an arm, belonging to a dead body. Paul and Cat enter the room, and find a device which looks similar to their teleporter. They call everyone in.

“Look what we have found!” Cat exclaims!

“This… this is the ‘technology’ that I told you about… it’s the same as the photograph I was shown a few years back. I wonder what it does?” Dave asks.

“It’s in Russian, I can’t understand it
…” Cat begins

“Here I understand basic Russian” a voice from nowhere announ
ces. “It says… well, it means Dimension and different? Oh no that’s change. Dimension Change”

“Oh my god
, Impossible. I don’t believe it!” John says.

hen, the distinctive low pitched beating sound of Three Chinooks then fills the air as they can see their extraction method en route. “Grab what you can and let’s go!” Dave announces.

“C4 the room before we go, we can’t let anybody else find this!”
John says.

y all grab what they can, and take loads of pictures on their phones before making a sharp exit. The room then explodes, taking down a section of the fortress with it. The team then are in awe of the technology they have just found, well, destroyed. Thousands of questions begin surfacing and buzzing around their minds.

At this point, the ‘ninja’ guy took out the European one, before it was even used which is a bonus. The UK team have already made news as they have tranquilised and captured
some of the most important figures in the UK, in case they have used the FTRTP’s, in hope that they can get their souls back. That team are now on their way to America.

News channels around the world are covering the
abduction of the royal family and main MP’s and obviously the full scale war which is now in progress in Russia. The Japanese have begun a massive air assault, gradually breaking up the Russians defences, bit by bit. If you told anyone of the events that’s have unfolded so far just 2 days ago, they would have said you were insane.

The elite 4 are stunned at the fact that this technology, the very thing they are looking to understand, has just landed in their laps. They begin asking so many questions, and trying to understand the hand written diagrams that the ex-scientists have made. Few diagrams make a lot of sense but one in particular stands out. It is a drawing of what appears to be Alex’s theory- about transferring to another dimension and folding that for teleportation- but it is only half of it. The diagram also appears to show calculations for a
certain particle… something that has been harnessed, something very familiar; the Tachyon Particle. The team, are reading the notes and are astounded that they all have missed the ‘dimension change’ stage and gone one further with teleportation. They ask the SAS for immediate transfer back to FTR, on the grounds that something humongous has just landed on their laps.

The Chinook diverts to an aircraft carr
ier, it looks to be a new type, it is stealth black and barely visible, until they are just about to land on it. It must have some new type of stealth technology as it is just outside of Russian waters, which obviously the Russians will be monitoring. The Chinook, drops the Elite 4 off, with all of the kit, and the two injured SAS guys, Will and Jack who will escort them back home. The rest of the Squad then re-join the other SAS troops en route for Japan.

On the Elite 4’s way back to base in their VC-10, they are monitoring the developing war on a small satellite TV receiver.
All news channels are dubbing these events ‘the beginning of World War 3’, which begins to spread panic. A state of emergency is declared in Europe and America, as they are aware that Russia’s ICBM (Inter-Continental Ballistic missiles) are more than capable of hitting any target in the world with multiple warheads. The allied stance is that we will return fire if fired upon; but this would certainly mean a nuclear winter lasting years would be upon us. All leaders are aware that this would be MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction).

As the Elite 4 get dropped off, back at John’s back
garden they realise how lucky they all are, so have fought with the SAS and survived intense combat, and the fact that the war hasn’t hit home- not just yet anyway.

John, then gets a phone call from a weird number as the team are making use of John’s living room as a temporary Lab. “John, John mate, just to let you know the Russians are threatening to launch their
entire arsenal of nuclear warheads at Japan if they don’t stop attacking. We’re not going to get there in time, and even if we do, I doubt we’ll get back. I love you man, you’re a top lad, keep it cool… Gotta go! …” then he does not give John time to reply before he hangs up.

John then rushes in to his living room, with a blank look, as he has gone white, and says in a serious tone “Guys, Russia are about to launch their nukes at Japan”.

“It seems that Nuclear deterrents aren’t working” Paul replies.  

“I guess we just await nuclear war then?” Cat says sarcastically.













Chapter 6.1- White Death

It is sunrise as the three freshly loaded Chinooks are on their way to another aircraft carrier in the North Atlantic, again barely visible until you’re just on top of it- but this time it isn’t black, its black and white, it seems to break the colours up and make it less visible- a great optical illusion for stealth in broad daylight.

The brilliant orange sunshine graces the right side of the Chinook, through the
starboard window as it is making its final approach to the carrier. Dave and his team know the risks and they also know that they may have to pay the ultimate price to stop the impending war. They are all tired and haven’t slept in 26 hours, but they are hardened, and they appear to not care, but you can tell by their silence that they are all worried.

Then, the temporary bliss is broken by a voice.
“Whats the plan?” James says to Dave.

“There isn’t one yet. We just find the Japanese emperor and take him into
custody” Dave replies.

“You’re forgetting how much the Japs love their emperor. They all wouldn’t hesitate to die for him
. He’ll be heavily guarded” Steve points out.

“Yes, I am aware of that, we just
gotta do what we do best. Get in, Get out as fast as possible” Dave states.

“Do we have air support?” James asks again.

“Yes, we have US air support standing by. Oh, and look at this” Dave says as he gets a laptop out of his bag. “We have 3 predator’s for disposal, each carrying 4 ATGM’s. If that doesn’t shake them up, I don’t know what will”.

The boys then smile and nod as they know
how useful the predators are.

James, still not satisfied however goes on “Ok, so we’re supposed to be saving the world and they could only spare 3 predators?  No othe
r air support?”

“Oh shut the fuck up mate, we have an aircraft carrier full of F-18’s at our disposal as well!” Dave pretends to snap at him, before announcing that with a cheer!

The other boy’s moral skyrockets as they realise that they now have a lot of help.

They unload on the carrier and suit up into various speedboats. They have
Intel from Overwatch that the Japanese Emperor is hiding underground, in a complex which is on Oshima Island. Oshima island is a small island just south of Kanagwa, central Japan.

As they are getting close on thes
e small speed boats, the snipers order the boats to steady up as they plan to take out everyone they can see at long range.

“Mate, you do know we’r
e still 3 clicks off shore, and you’re going to take a shot from this distance?” Colin, one of the older guys says to Steve the sniper.

then raises an eyebrow, turns his head to Colin and smiles whilst saying nothing, before looking back down his scope. Steve’s spotter, James is reeling all of this information off to him, and Steve is adjusting his scope to almost every point that James makes as he is looking through his binoculars.

Bang, Bang… Bang…

Then there is a delay as the sound of the rounds seems to reverberate off of nearby waves, the rest of the unit look on in amazement as three red mists appear; and three bodies drop off the side wall of the structure that is about 100 meters in land.

“Fuck m
e sideways, three shots and three kills from this distance!? That’s amazing!” Colin says.

“Don’t fret old
man, a sniper is only as good as his spotter.” As he acknowledges James’s spot on information.

“Right, let’s stop sucking each other off and go fuck some peoples’ days up!” Richard orders, to Dave’s amusement.

“Slow on the approach lads, I want one shot one kill from now on; we don’t know how many of them there are and ammo is limited” Rich orders again as the boats creep closer to the island.

As the boats run aground on the beach
, and the team cover with a sand coloured tarp, they sprint to the nearest cover as they regroup.

redators will be up in 5, and there’s a 15 minute delay on first air strike” Scott, the communications guy says.

As the SAS team move closer, they order one of the predators to unload its 4 ATGM’s at strategic locations so it can go back and get rearmed. The 4 massive explosions take out half of the complex, allowing the team to storm very efficiently indeed. They then call in air support to do a bombing run of any nearby hostiles, but there is of course a 15 minute delay- giving the Japs time to congregate.

The SAS again, flash every room, they pretend every corner has hostiles waiting in anticipation just around them, they are outstanding. As they get closer the fire fight gets more intense. The team have strategically laid claymore mines (Motion activated anti-personnel devices) behind them, so they cannot get flanked unexpectedly.

It is at this point, when a
ir support give them a heads up- “Bravo one, there are many hostiles converging on your position, commencing bombing run, Over”

The ground shakes as the 400lb
missiles from the F-18’s tear through everything in their path. The air raid sirens then sound as the small Japanese island scrambles its few aircraft to intercept the US fighters.

“Bravo one, multiple KIA’s including 6 enemy
Migs, You should encounter little resistance on exfil. Good luck, over and out”. It is safe to say that the US hammered this small island, in just 10 minutes.

The team then are drawn to a massive, open plan room, where they can see the emperor, armed with a M249 light machine gun, and he
is surrounded by approximately 30 Japanese troops, equally armed to the teeth. There are 22 SAS guys in this room, and all that separates them lays a 4ft concrete wall that spans the circular open plan room. Between them, they only have 2 flashbangs and a frag grenade left. They need the emperor alive. This is about to get difficult. They are at a Mexican standoff, they are all within sight and all are looking for the first sign of movement.

t is then broken by one of the Japanese troops hand going near his pocket, and Jeff planting one in his skull as a reaction.

Hell has just been unleashed in this room.

The defining sound of 50 people opening fire at the same time in an enclosed room is painful. Rounds are barely missing people, concrete dust is flying, making it hard to see and breathe. Bullets are deflecting and smashing glass tables and the round casings are dropping like a hail storm as everyone is desperately cowering behind cover.

ing Hell!” Dave shouts!

“Let’s fuck them up! Mike, Frag the left side the Emperor has gone right, he’s gone right”

As Mike pulls the pin on his frag grenade, he tosses it backwards over his head and it lands perfectly behind their cover. The explosion rips through at
least 4 of their troops, and injures 2 or 3 more as Dave throws his last Flashbang. Simultaneously, all of the SAS troops stand up and they all fire in different ‘sectors’, taking out anything that isn’t behind cover. As this happens, their 30 odd men have just been reduced to 5 or so, including the emperor who is now hiding in a small room adjacent to the entrance, and is firing through the wooden door.

Miraculously, none of the SAS
have been hit. The last flash goes in to the small room as the SAS mop up. The flash stuns the emperor. Dave then kicks him in the face and ends the lives of two of his bodyguards that are in the room with him with his M9 pistol.

They have out done themselves once again, and in a very disciplined and efficient fashion.

As they exfil, the Black Hawks then give an ETA of 5 minutes. They are waiting outside and the emperor is frothing at the mouth in a rage. He appears to have super human strength, almost like a medical condition called Excited Delirium. This is dangerous as he will ‘burn up’ and die if he doesn’t get proper medical attention very soon. He appears to be making no sense, even if you don’t understand Japanese, you can still tell. The Medic then tranquilises him, for his own safety, and for the benefit of the teams’ ears. 

As the team step outside they admire the scorched earth and the smell of death. Tanks and APC’s have been reduced to scrap and soldiers have been obliterated where they once stood.

The world is silent. The only sound that is present is that of the rustle of the trees in the weirdly warm breeze.

“Is it hot out here or is it just me?”

Their attention is then sharply drawn to the left of Mt Mihara, where a great white flash has just been emitted.  The light is bright, it is blinding in fact, and causes the team to shield their eyes. The light is as bright as a thousand sunrises, and a brilliant white cloud is ascending at great speed. They all realise exactly what has just happened as they see what seems to look like a shockwave, hurtling towards them. The godly light and the impending destruction has not frozen these hardened veterans as they scramble to the nearest ditch and await the impact as they hear an old air raid siren being activated. These air raid sirens are eerie and symbolise panic and death. The low pitched bass sound of destruction is nearing and getting louder somewhat overpowering the sirens, the light is getting brighter, and all of a sudden a wall of hot air goes over them, followed by tonnes of debris, reducing anything in its path to zero.

The black hawk helicopters do not stand a chance. They break up in the
air and seem to disintegrate; it almost looks like confetti being blown from the palm of your hand in a strong wind. The rushing sound of the recently passed shockwave continues and the sound is so defining that every one of them has to cover their ears and shut their eyes tightly. All they can do now is hope and pray. They are powerless.

The atmosphere around Japan
is now tinted with a reddish glow, the wind has increased, the weather has seemed to go from a bright sunny day to a hellish red sky with strong winds in a matter of seconds. It is at this point, another brilliant white flash appears, this time to the right hand side of the mountain.

What is the world to like be after this?





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