Read The Temptation of Lady Serena Online

Authors: Ella Quinn

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General, #Regency

The Temptation of Lady Serena (21 page)

BOOK: The Temptation of Lady Serena
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Spreading both hands on him, she ran her fingers through his curls, over his muscles and found his nipples, squeezing them as he’d done to her. Robert’s jaw clenched. He reached for her.
“No, wait.” She unfastened the buttons on his breeches, and her hands moved over him as she pushed them down. His erection sprang up between them. Her gaze lowered. His shaft stood in a bed of more blond curls. He was more well-endowed than the Greek statues in the museum. Serena lifted her eyes to his. “You’re beautiful.”
He pulled off his boots, stockings, and breeches and threw back the bed coverings, then laid her carefully on the sheets. Slowly he untied her garters and rolled down her stockings, caressing her legs as he did. His tongue created a light path from the back of her knee to her ankle. She craved each touch, each light lick. When he stretched out next to her, his body was like a furnace. Robert removed her pins and spread her hair over his hands, then down over her breasts to her waist.
He buried his face in it and kissed the soft place under her ear. “This is all you need to wear.”
She yearned for him to touch her.
“I’ll show you how nice being naked can be,” he whispered, intending to learn all of her, bit by bit. Using his tongue, he traced the side of her neck and paused at the pulse. He moved down and circled her breasts then lower over her slightly rounded stomach to her hips, licking, suckling, enjoying her musky taste. He settled at the apex of her thighs, then shouldered her legs apart. With his hands under her buttocks, holding her steady, Robert covered her mons with his mouth. Serena gave a small cry of protest.
“Do you want me to stop?”
“I—I don’t know.” She panted. “What are you doing?”
“I’ll show you. Tell me if you don’t like it.”
“All right.”
He licked her swollen nub. Serena writhed with pleasure and cried out his name. He reveled in her slippery heat. Her breathy cries and moans drove him on. Holding her down when she’d tried to thrust, he drove his tongue into her sheath and tasted her nectar. She shuddered as he moved over her, the head of his erection at her entrance. “Are you sure you want this?”
He stilled. If she told him no, he’d stop.
Her eyes were glazed with desire and she gasped as if she’d been running. “Yes, I want this. I want you.”
Robert slowly entered her, drawing back and pushing in a little farther each time. He’d never taken a virgin before, but he knew, no matter what he did, he would cause her pain. “Look at me.”
Serena glanced up, her gaze so full of trust his heart clenched.
“This will hurt. It will be the only time. Keep your eyes on mine.”
She nodded and fear lurked in her eyes.
He kissed her. “Don’t be afraid, my love.”
Robert kissed her again, then held her gaze, searching her face as he slowly filled her and stopping when she tensed. He took her mouth and plundered as he thrust sharply through her maidenhood and stopped when she cried out.
God, he hadn’t wanted to hurt her. Placing soft kisses on her face, he wished he could take away her pain. “Are you all right?”
“Yes, the pain is going away.”
A tear slipped from the corner of her eye and he thought his heart would break. “You’re crying.”
She brought his head down to hers and kissed him. “It’s because I’m happy. It’s a strange feeling, having you inside me.”
Kissing her gently, Robert caressed her cheek and hair, anything to keep her happy and not crying. “I’ll wait for a bit. There is no rush.”
Serena nodded. “Kiss me.”
He captured her lips and mouth and when she relaxed he started thrusting again, slowly, until he was deeply in her and she responded to his long unhurried strokes. “Put your legs around me.”
Serena did as he asked and held him tight. Her every moan, her every cry, became a symphony to him. For the first time, Robert had to fight to maintain command over himself. When she climaxed, his control broke. He pumped his seed into her before pulling her, sated and limp, against him. Lying back against the pillows, holding Serena close, he marveled at the intensity of his love for her. His strong desire to protect her, even from the fleeting pain of their first mating, surprised him. The need to make her his wife had never been stronger. Why hadn’t he insisted on a special license? The wedding was much too far away.
Serena’s heart swelled and threatened to burst with happiness. Robert held her so intimately, his heart pounded against her cheek, yet she burrowed closer to him. Telling him what she wanted somehow increased her anticipation and her need. When Robert had said he wanted her to be his equal in this sensual sphere, she’d thought it ludicrous. He had so much experience and she, none. Yet what they did made her feel more his equal. She’d wanted what he would give her, and he’d found joy in their lovemaking. Her body ached with a need she couldn’t deny, frissons of pleasure shot through her and still her senses led her on.
Remembering what they’d done, there’d been a little pain, but it was not stronger than the waves of pleasure that racked her body. Then there was . . . only him.
The fires within her flared and she turned toward Robert as he reached for her. This time, when she lifted her hips to greet him, he didn’t stop, and soon a maelstrom sent her spinning, and she flew apart as waves of delight and happiness consumed her. She’d never known anything could be this wonderful.
Serena awoke cradled against him, his arm heavy around her. Somehow he’d pulled up a sheet to cover them. Robert was right, being naked did feel good. Serena stretched a bit and felt small twinges in her thighs, then rolled and found him regarding her under his thick lashes. A question hung between them.
“I’m fine.”
He grunted.
She explored his chest and was fascinated to find that his nipples tightened at her touch. Curious, she grazed them lightly with her teeth. He stirred like a sleeping giant. She caressed him down over his hard taut stomach to his shaft and took it in her hand. The skin was so soft. It grew and hardened. She wondered how many times a day that happened and thought back. When he’d held her before, she’d noticed there was frequently a hard ridge riding against her.
“Serena, love, are you sure you can take me again?”
She met his gaze, licking her lips and looking back down at his now straining erection. “How many times a day does it . . . ?” she asked, waving a hand.
Robert broke into laughter. “With
I don’t know. You have a definite altitudinal effect. We’ll have to experiment, but not to-day or to-morrow. If you’re not sore now, you will be.”
“Will I?” Her voice was low and sultry. She found his nipple again.
Robert closed his eyes and drew a ragged breath. Teaching her about sexual pleasure might be the death of him. He couldn’t imagine why he’d ever wanted a marriage of convenience. He groaned deeply, rolling her under him and spreading her legs.
Robert kissed her lightly, and captured her mouth. Serena’s answer was desperate and needy. Her body readily responded to him. He entered her slowly, trying to sense any pain she might have. But her low keening urged him on. He kissed her deeply as her skin dewed.
Rolling to his side, Robert held Serena so that there was no space between them. His world shrank to her. Serena pressed against him. He lost his control, lost himself. When she cried out, he poured his seed and his love into her. Robert loosened his grip and pulled the cover back up over them. He kissed her hair and stroked her.
Fierce possessiveness surged through him. The last time that had happened, he’d tried to force her to marry him. He vowed not to make important decisions without her full consent. He’d not risk losing her now.
“Sleep, my love.”
Suddenly, she was aware of Robert as never before, warm and strong, holding her to him. Loving her.
A light tap sounded on the door. “My lord?” Henley, his valet, inquired.
Robert blinked and glanced around the room. It was still light, but it had to be close to dinner time. They must have been here for hours. “Yes, I’m here.”
Henley cleared his throat. “My lord, can you tell me if her ladyship is with you? Her dresser is looking for her.”
Good God
. At least Henley and Serena’s maid were discreet. Robert gazed down at Serena, a warm feminine bundle cuddled next to him.
“Yes,” he answered. How many others knew? Why couldn’t he have waited until tonight?
Next to him, Serena stirred. Her eyes wide, she glanced up at him. Robert put a finger to his lips. “Henley, how many are searching for us?”
“My lord, most of the servants think you and her ladyship have gone out,” Henley said with dignity.
Robert shifted higher onto the pillows, bringing Serena with him. “How exactly do they have that impression?”
A soft-voiced consultation took place on the other side of the door.
“Ah, Miss Mac Duff, her ladyship’s dresser, may have mentioned that you and her ladyship had taken a walk.”
Robert’s shoulders shook with barely suppressed mirth. “Well done, Miss Mac Duff. I commend your quick thinking. If you will bring her ladyship’s clothing and whatever else she needs to the viscountess’s dressing room, I believe we will manage to overcome this potential contretemps.”
“Yes, my lord, right away.”
His valet and Serena’s dresser must have decided to abandon whispering. Robert listened to the conversation taking place on the other side of the door.
“If they’ve been in there all afternoon, they’ll need a bath. Mr. Henley, if you order water, I shall gather her ladyship’s things.”
“With the greatest pleasure, Miss Mac Duff.”
One pair of feet faded and a door closed across the corridor.
Serena raised her eyes to Robert’s amused green ones, and grinned. “Oh dear. I am very glad for Mary’s quick thinking.”
“Mmm.” He swooped down to kiss her.
Serena laughed as he drew her under him again.
“Do we have time?”
“If you are able, we have time.” He rolled her onto her stomach.
Serena descended into bliss. “Oh,

Water being poured into the copper tub woke Serena. They must have had both the doors open for her to hear that.
“We can only have one tub filled,” he whispered wickedly. “We could, of course, bathe one at a time. I would insist that you go first, or we can share the bath.”
What an interesting idea. “Won’t we scandalize Henley and Mary?”
Robert rolled on his side to face her. “I doubt anything could scandalize Henley. He’s been with me much too long. I can’t answer for your Miss Mac Duff.”
Serena couldn’t either, but it wasn’t as if she was taking a lover. Husbands are allowed to do what they wish. “Is bathing together an indulgence you plan to continue after we are married, my lord?”
“Most definitely one of the many indulgences I plan to continue, my lady.” He reached out to caress one breast.
She wanted to purr. Now she knew what a cat must feel like.
“My lord, your bath is ready,” Henley said through the door.
“Thank you, Henley. You are dismissed.”
“As you wish, my lord. Ah, about her ladyship.”
“She’ll manage without Miss Mac Duff.”
“Yes, my lord.”
Robert rose from the bed. “Come, my lady.” He held his hand out to her.
They walked through her dressing room, into the bathing chamber. The room was almost completely covered in blue and white tiles, including the large stove that stood in one corner, warming the entire area. Steam rose from a copper tub set in front of a fireplace. The room had a distinctly European feel.
“My grandfather designed it and had the chamber built after a visit to Baden-Baden. Allow me to hand you into the tub.”
Serena sank gratefully into the warm water. Robert followed with a linen cloth and soap. He washed her slowly, careful not to dislodge the cloth holding her hair up. When he reached between her legs, she winced.
“You’re sore. Why did you allow me to enter you the last time? I would have stopped.”
She took the cloth from him and scooted closer to wash him. “I didn’t stop you because I knew the pleasure would overcome any pain.”
Robert drew her near, unheeding of the water splashing onto the floor. “I love you with my heart and body and soul. More than I ever imagined I could love anyone.”
“And I love you. I never want to be parted from you. If you want me to move into the viscountess’s chambers, I shall and—and damn propriety!”
Robert chuckled deeply at her fierceness. “I wish to God I hadn’t insisted on the banns being read. We could have been married by special license, but our aunts are right, a large wedding is for the best.”
A knock sounded on the door. “My lord—” Henley began.
Mary interrupted. “My lady, you’ve got to come now or you’ll be late.”
“Been with you long has she?” Robert whispered.
“Long enough, though she’s never spoken to me in
tone before.”
“Possibly because you’ve never done anything to warrant it.” Robert rose to hand her out of the tub, then carefully dried her. “We did well. We managed not to wet your hair.”
“That would have truly delayed me.” Serena wrapped the towel around her and entered the dressing room.
An hour later, Mary and Henley watched as Serena and Robert descended to the drawing room.
“They’re a pair, Mr. Henley,” Mary said, shaking her head. “Reckless is what she is. Spent years taking care of everyone else with not a thought for herself, and you see where it’s led. If they keep on like this, I don’t know how we are going to manage to keep this a secret.”
“I agree, Miss Mac Duff. With two weeks until the wedding, we might have to put our heads together. I never thought to see his lordship so besotted, not that I in any way disapprove,” he added hurriedly. “But it does seem to be making him imprudent.”
BOOK: The Temptation of Lady Serena
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