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Authors: Richard J. Evans

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Germany

The Third Reich at War (159 page)

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Numbers in
indicate maps



Abetz, Otto



Adam, Luitpold

Adis Abeba

Adler Works, Frankfurt

Admiral Hipper
(heavy cruiser)

‘Adolf Hitler Personal Flag’ (

Adolf Hitler
; personal bodyguard)

Adriatic Sea

Adventure in China

Africa Corps


Agriculture Ministry

air force, German


bombardment of Poland

aircraft production

bombardment of Allied forces in Norway

bombardment of Allied forces in Holland, Belgium and France

Battle of Britain

bombing raids on Britain

devastation of Belgrade and war with Soviet Union

and Allied bombardment of German cities

popular anger at

and Allied Normandy landings

and medical experimentation

‘Baby Blitz’

Battle of the Bulge

suicides of generals

Air Ministry

air-raid shelters

air-raid wardens

bombing raids

aircraft carriers


Alamein, El, Battle of




Alexander, King of Yugoslavia




(prison ship)


aircraft production

radar confusion

Alvensleben, Ludolf von

Alvensleben, Wichard von


Ambros, Otto

Amersfoort labour camp

ammunition production





Ancestral Heritage organization (SS-

Andersen, Lale

Anglo-German Society

Anthropology, German Society for


antibacterial drugs


in Poland

in feature films

in German army

in Tsarist Russia

in SS

in Baltic States

in Ukraine

in Romania

Hitler’s rhetoric

in France

in Holland

see also
‘final solution’; propaganda, anti-Jewish

Antonescu, Ion


Applied Research in Defence Science, Institute for


Arbed (steel combine)


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