The Third Reich at War (163 page)

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Authors: Richard J. Evans

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Germany

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Heinrici, Gotthard

deep-seated prejudices

and Operation Barbarossa

on occupation of Soviet Union

on winter war

sceptical about Hitler as commander

reputation as defensive tactician

background and career

commitment to continuing to fight

allegiance to Hitler

and Speer’s plans to preserve infrastructure


postwar life

Heisenberg, Werner

Heissmeyer, Kurt

Helldorf, Wolf Heinrich Count von

Helmbrechts sub-camp



Henlein, Konrad

Henriot, Philippe


Hereditary Health Matters, Reich Committee for

hereditary theory of disease

Hermann G̈ring Reich Works

Hess, Rudolf



Heyde, Werner

Heydrich, Reinhard

creation of Reich Security Head Office

and German army’s atrocities in Poland

and Germanization programmes in Poland

encourages Kr̈ger

and deportation of Jews

establishment of ghettos

policies against Gypsies

and ‘euthanasia action’ programme

and plan to kidnap Duke and Duchess of Windsor

and Herbert Backe

Commissar Order

and Task Forces

plans for ‘total solution of the Jewish question’

approves use of gas chambers

at Wannsee Conference (1942)

implementation of ‘final solution’

racial policies in Protectorate


and segregation of forced labourers

visits Paris (May 1942)

and extermination of Gypsies



Hilfrich, Antonius, Bishop of Limburg


Himmler, Heinrich

clashes with Hans Frank

creation of Reich Security Head Office

appointed Reich Commissioner for the Strengthening of the German Race

population transfer programmes

policy on Jews in Poland

and anti-Jewish legislation in Germany

and the ‘Gypsy problem’

observes gassing of mental patients

and ‘euthanasia action’ programme

interrogation of Georg Elser

on aim of war against Soviet Union

General Plan for the East

visits Task Forces in occupied east

granted complete control over ‘security measures’ in east

orders mass execution of Jews in east

and mass deportation of Jews from Reich

creation of genocidal mentality

development of genocidal policy

acceleration of killing programme

and Heydrich

implementation of ‘final solution’

establishment of Auschwitz

orders ‘liquidation’ of ghettos

and Speer

and the SS economic empire

and labour mobilization schemes

restructuring of concentration camps’ administration

and French occupation administration

deportation of Jews from Western Europe

Ancestral Heritage organization

establishment of Military SS

Reich Interior Minister

and judiciary

and corruption in concentration camps

extermination of Gypsies

policy on homosexuals

and population growth

and Arno Breker

and closure of universities

and medical experimentation

and Warsaw uprising (1944)

and July 1944 plotters

and ‘wonder-weapons’

and ‘People’s Storm’

murderous mentality of final weeks

and Count Bernadotte

last days in the bunker

leaves Berlin

secret negotiations with Swedish Red Cross


Hindenburg, Paul von

Hippler, Fritz

Hirt, August


History of National Socialism, Research Centre for the

Hitler, Adolf

German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact (1939)

invasion of Poland

‘peace offer’ to Britain

plans for occupied Poland

admiration for Stalin

amnesty for German army’s actions in Poland

preference for subordinates to fight each other

strips Hans Frank of Party offices

visits Jewish quarter of Kielce

plans for removal of Jews from the Reich

plans for elimination of ‘degenerates’

and ‘euthanasia action’ programme

annual address to Party Regional Leaders

assassination attempt (November 1939)

Munich beer-hall putsch (1923)

determined to attack Britain and France

Army chiefs’ conspiracy against

invasion of Norway

halts German advance through France

Hitler, Adolf -

and signing of French Armistice

conquest of France high-point of his popularity

sight-seeing trip to Paris

ambivalence towards British

plans for invasion of Britain

and Battle of Britain

negotiations with Franco

relations with Mussolini

meeting with Haj Amin al-Husseini

invasion of Yugoslavia and Greece

supports Antonescu in Romania

plans for conquest of Russia

and Hess’s mission to Britain

his monologues

and treatment of Russian prisoners of war

establishes ‘Wolf’s Lair’

plans for occupied Soviet territory

orders diversion of forces to south of Soviet Union

and march on Moscow

winter clothes for troops appeal

takes command of military operations

grants Himmler control of ‘security measures’ in occupied east

mass murder of East European Jews reflection of his beliefs

‘prophecy’ on annihilation of Jews

declares war on USA

increasing rhetorical attacks on Jews

sanctions mass deportations of Jews from Reich

creation of genocidal mentality

justification of genocidal policy

appoints Heydrich Reich Protector

anger at Heydrich’s assassination

and food shortages

report on Reinhard Action

and restructuring of armaments production

appointment of Speer to replace Todt

and the ‘New Order’

and labour mobilization

and women in workforce

and deportation of Jews from Western Europe

anger at Nazi allies refusal to deport remainder of Jews

and summer offensive in east (1942)

open contempt for army leadership

and Battle of Stalingrad (1942-43)

and ‘total war’ initiative

launches ‘terror raids’ on Britain

growing popular disillusionment with

talks with King of Bulgaria (1943)

rescue of Mussolini

assents to German retreat from Caucaus

and Battle of Kursk (1943)

distrust of army

donations to senior army officers

and Nazi political education of soldiers

guidelines for courts-martial

increasing withdrawal from public view

physical deterioration

fragmentation of government

interventions with judiciary

views on homosexuality

concern at falling birth rate

anti-Christian policies

passion for music

art collecting

and medical experimentation

and deportation of Hungarian Jews

assassination attempts (1943)

July 1944 assassination plot

kidnap of Admiral H’rthy’s son

Battle of the Bulge (1944 - 5)


‘People’s Storm’

last speech (30 January 1945)

final proclamations to armed forces

murderous mentality of final weeks

refuses to surrender

‘Nero order’ (March

last days in the bunker



disposal of body

‘Political Testament’

announcement of his death

My Struggle

Table Talk

Hitler Youth

in occupied Poland

Schirach as head

evacuation scheme

and ideological education of German soldiers

and ‘Swing Youth’

influence on schools

labour schemes

and liquidation of concentration camps

in last weeks of war

see also
League of German Girls

Hlinka, Andrej

Hlinka Guard

Hochtief (construction company)

Hoepner, Erich


Hofer, Walter Andreas

Hoffmann, Heinrich

Hoffmann, Kurt-Rudolf

Ḧfle, Hermann




German invasion

government in exile

deportation of Jews from


sequestration of equipment and materials

exports to Germany

and the ‘New Order’

aircraft production

Dutch civilian workers in Germany

political prisoners in concentration camps

administration during occupation

Jewish population



labour camps

persecution of Dutch Jews

Military SS recruitment

confiscation of artworks

Allied forces advance into

surrender of German forces

homosexuals, homosexuality


Horowitz, Vladimir


H’rthy, Mikl’s

H’rthy, Mikl’s (son)

Hosenfeld, Wilm

on life in Warsaw ghetto

on German conquest of France

Hosenfeld, Wilm -

on treatment of Russian prisoners of war

on operation of concentration camps

on extermination of Jews

hatred for Nazism

rescue of Jews

and Warsaw uprising (1944)

imprisonment and death

Ḧss, Rudolf

on Task Force shootings

commandant of Auschwitz

transferred to concentration camp inspectorate

treatment of homosexuals

ordered to destroy Auschwitz

contemplates suicide

trial and execution

Hoth, Hermann

housing shortages

Hradˇany Castle

Huber, Kurt

Hudal, Bishop Alois


Polish Jews flee to

Romanian territory ceded to

and German invasion of Yugoslavia and Greece

and German invasion of Soviet Union

oil supplies

declares war on USA

and planned extermination of Jews

deportation of Jews from

Hungarian civilian workers in Germany

German influence in

refusal to deport remainder of Jews

German troops invade

Red Army approaches

Arrow Cross

leaves alliance with Germany

Red Army occupation

‘hunger plan’

Huntington’s disease

Huntsville, Alabama

Hurricane (fighter-plane)

Husseini, Haj Amin al-

Huta (engineering company)


I Accuse


If This Is a Man

I. G. Farben


Inner Mission



in Poland

in Soviet Union

Interior, Reich Ministry of the




Iron Guard, Romanian

Isopescu, Modest



emigration from Poland to

annexation of Ethiopia

enters war

invasion of Greece

North African debacle

and German invasion of Yugoslavia and Greece

reaction to Croatian genocide

and German invasion of Soviet Union

declares war on USA

deportation of Jews from

oil consumption

Italian civilian workers in Germany

German influence in

Allied invasion

defection to Allied side

puppet regime at Salò

treatment of Jews during German occupation

introduction of malaria to Pontine marshes

execution of Mussolini

surrender of German forces


Jacobs, Artur

J̈ger, August

Jannings, Emil

Jantausch, Pavel


Jasenovac concentration camp


Jeckeln, Friedrich

Jehovah’s Witnesses

Jelesi’, Milorad



Jeschonnek, Hans


jet aircraft

Jew S̈ss

Jewish Councils

in ghettos

in Amsterdam

in Hungary

Jewish Culture League

Jewish World Congress

‘Jewish world conspiracy’


atrocities against in Poland

and Germanization programmes in Poland


yellow star badges

in Soviet-occupied Polish territory

destruction of synagogues

pogrom of November 1938 (’Night of Broken Glass’)

regarded as race apart in Germany

as distinctive national minority in Poland

‘Eastern Jews’

antisemitic feature films

foundation of ghettos in Poland

deportation of groups of Jews into General Government

plans for removal of Jews from the Reich

forced labour schemes

confiscation of property

German Jews moved into ‘residence camps’

‘mixed-race’ Jews

in psychiatric institutions

‘mixed marriages’

in North Africa

massacred by Romanian Iron Guard

in Croatia

in Bulgaria

atrocities against in Soviet Union

mass executions in occupied east

genocide of Romanian Jews

atrocities against in Yugoslavia

Hitler prophesizes annihilation

mass deportation of Jews from Reich

growing restrictions on German Jews

ghettos in occupied east

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