The Tiger's Mate: (Book 12, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas) (8 page)

BOOK: The Tiger's Mate: (Book 12, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas)
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Chapter Fourteen

Acksel checked his watch.  Only an hour to go.  He tapped the steering wheel, played with the radio, turned the radio off when the DJ pissed him off and then started tapping the steering wheel again.  Only fifty-nine minutes to go.

His animal wagged his tail like a puppy.  Time seemed to be creeping forward slower than a tortoise, but at least he something wonderful worth waiting for.

He was thrilled at seeing Simone.  Thrilled that she wanted him.  Thrilled that she didn’t recoil when he called her his mate.

He was concerned that she was already mated.  Yes, his beast had a few issues with that, too.  He wasn’t the type to fool around with mated females, but she made it clear it wasn’t a real mating – he was sure there was a good reason.  Plus she wasn’t bonded – she didn’t have the bonding mark.  The mating was reversible.

He did want to know what was going on, and why she seemed to fear her Alpha so much, but even his wolf could see that getting her back to Rose and to the safety of the pack was the most important thing at that moment.

The wolf yowled, eager to see their mate again.  Okay, only fifty-seven minutes to go.  The sun was just starting to set.  The last few rays of sunshine danced across the parking lot.

Acksel closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat.  Damn, he wished he’d actually cleaned his house before he left.  He wasn’t usually messy, but in the last few days, he hadn’t been overly concerned about washing dishes, picking up used towels or worrying about where his underwear fell when he got undressed…  Yeah, anger turned him into a slob.  He wondered whether he could call his sisters and bribe them into running over there and tidying up for him.  He should probably call his Alpha, too.  There was no way he was going to let his Alpha get in the way of him taking Simone home, but if her pride was dangerous, he needed to give his pack a heads up.

His wolf growled, throatily.  Acksel opened one eye and caught sight of a large male approaching in the mirror.

.  The male was so big and muscled that he had to be a shifter.  He had to be part of the pride.  The pride that had his mate so scared.

Acksel snarled and got out of the car.  His wolf howled at the scent of tiger shifter.

The male was smiling, genially as he said, “You have a very familiar scent.”


Simone pulled armfuls of clothes out of the closet and dumped them in her suitcase.  She looked around her bedroom.  She didn’t really have much, and nothing that was precious to her – except her mother.  And as far as clothes were concerned, she didn’t need much.

She reached into the back of her closet and pulled out an old shoebox, the one hidden under four others, and pushed into the darkest, dampest corner.  It was where she hid the pack’s money.  She was planning on giving it back to the pack as soon as she got to Rose.  Maybe it would be some consolation for whatever her Alpha might do to them for allowing her and her mother to stay with them. 

She paused.  Was this a good idea?  Her tiger whimpered that it was.  But Simone had her doubts.  She wanted Acksel.  She wanted him with a fierceness that almost scared her, but she didn’t want him to get hurt because of her.  But she already tried that; she already left him so he wouldn’t get hurt and he came looking for her.  An involuntary smile touched her lips.  He did, didn’t he?  He came for her.  He wanted her.  He said he wouldn’t leave without her.  She told him about the dangers, and he didn’t even have to think about it.  He was so sure that they should be together.  The tiger howled, excitedly.  Things might be difficult while trying to deal with her pride, but it would be worth it.  Yes, yes, she was going with him.

Although, maybe she should leave a note for Parker.  She had no idea where he was, but it seemed a little callous to leave without any kind of explanation.  Things were strained between them, but he had been a good friend over the years.

She stiffened as she heard the door downstairs.  Her tiger snarled as she scented the Alpha.

“Shit!”   She dragged the suitcase under her bed and smoothed her hair down as she went down to see him.  She hoped her anxiety didn’t show on her face.

She met the Alpha already coming up the stairs.  “Oh, Alpha, I didn’t hear you come in.  Ah…”

His face was a mask of stone as he continued up the stairs, walking directly towards her and forcing her back into the bedroom.  The back of her legs hit the bed, and she dropped down onto it.

He looked around the room and inhaled deeply.  “Funny,” he rumbled, smiling faintly.  “I can’t scent my son in here.”  Simone squirmed as he sauntered over to the closet and ran his hand through the remaining clothes.  “None of his clothes are in here.”

“I’m a bad sleeper – we sleep separately,” she tried, trying to calm her worried tiger.

He raised an eyebrow.  “No scent of sex either, do you imagine I’ll find it in Parker’s room?”

Simone met his gaze and tilted her chin up, in a small show of bravado that she really didn’t feel.  Her situation with Parker had always been tenuous; she’d always known this was coming.  “I’ve been taking it easy since the accident.”

Locke looked at her in disbelief.  “Really?”  She forced herself not to flinch as he slowly lowered his large body onto the bed next to her.  His thigh brushed up against hers, and she pressed her nails into her palms.  She focussed on the slight pain, distracting her from her desire to move away from him.

He put a hand on her arm, and she held her breath at the unwelcome touch.  “Too tuckered out after your night with the wolf?” he asked with deceptive softness.

Simone stared at him.  Her heart thundered in her chest, and her cat cried in alarm, but she didn’t move a muscle.

The vague smile never left his face.  “I know you cheated on your mate - my son.”

Seconds ticked by in silence before Simone caved.  “You don’t understand.”

Locke grinned open-mouthed, showing his dangerous fangs.  “I understand more about you than you know. You just can’t keep your legs crossed can you?”  His hand moved from her arm and settled on her thigh.  Her tiger wanted to lash out and scratch him, but Simone held still.  One wrong move and he would kill her.  She wasn’t in any doubt about that.

“You think I don’t know about you losing your virginity to that boy from town?  You think I don’t know that Parker’s a fairy?  You think I didn’t see the signs?  I was hoping being mated to a whore like you would set him straight, but not even you could manage it.”

She bristled with hatred, and her claws pushed through her fingertips.  What she wouldn’t give to swipe at the bastard, right in the jugular.

The Alpha continued in a disturbingly friendly voice.  His words were anything but friendly.  “Before Parker announced he was mating you – saving you from the shame of being a whore – I was planning on mating you myself.  I just lost my mate, figured you’d do for me, wouldn’t have to shame you that way.”

She swallowed her revulsion.  “What?”

“But this worked out better than I thought.”  He beamed like he’d just won the lottery.  “I’ve had to be patient and make do with Nita these past few years, but now,” he leaned even closer, “you’re mine.”  He purred the words at her, and Simone wanted to scream.

“Nita?” she repeated, trying to focus on something else.

“She’d do anything for her Alpha.  My eldest son is no better than my youngest.  He prefers to party with his friends and get drunk and fuck human women.  Reckoned he wanted to mate a human in town.  I got rid of her, told him to mate Nita.  The female was practically begging him to mate her.  Course, my mate was still alive then, otherwise she would have wanted me.”  He affected a look of modesty.  “Figured Nita would suit him.  She’s pretty enough, but she’s not smart.  She was born to bear cubs; pretty much all she’s good for.  Course, Asher can’t abide even touching Nita.  So when he couldn’t perform his duty, I stepped up.”

“You mean all of Nita’s cubs are…”

Locke looked inordinately proud as if having sex with his daughter-in-law was something noble.  “Mine, I’ve no doubt.  Don’t reckon Asher’s done his duty since the mating night.  I blame my useless sons on my mate.  She had inferior genes.  I had no idea when I agreed to mate her that her old pride allowed other species to join.  She was part bunny – what a fucking joke.  Bunny!  Of all the fucking things for a tiger to mate!  Even more disgraceful than a human or a wolf.”

Simone glowered at him, and he shook with silent laughter.  He lifted his fingers to her face, and she pulled back.

Her beast roared.  “Stop it!”

His look turned livid, and he painfully grasped her hair.  “You’re lucky I even give you a second look after what you did with that wolf.  You really are a whore.”

“I don’t want this,” she murmured through gritted teeth.

“Then what do you want?  The wolf?  What’s his name?  Axe?  You think you can just leave here and run off him?”

Her tiger mewled in worry.  He knew Acksel was in town.  He knew Acksel had come for her.  “What have you done?” she breathed, barely able to form words.

His eyes glittered dangerously.  “You belong to me; you’re mine!” 

He tried to kiss her, and Simone dug her claws into his arm.  He roared in agony and ripped her hand away from him.

“I’m not yours!  Where’s Acksel?”

He leapt to his feet as she tried to hack at his face.  He bodily threw her onto the bed as if she weighed nothing.  Panting slightly, he let out a hollow laugh as he looked down at her.

“The wolf seduced a mated member of my pride, and he came onto pride land.  He has to be punished.”

“If you hurt him…”

Locke slapped her across the face - hard.  She didn’t even register the pain as her tiger howled at him.

“What?  What will you do?” he taunted.  “Your wolf has to be punished for what he’s done.”

“His pack will come after you.”

“And we’ll be waiting.  I can guarantee that the SEA will be persuaded to say we were acting by our laws.  The wolf willingly came onto pride land, and he broke our laws – we can do what we want.  His pack won’t be able to touch us.”

“I’ll never be your mate!”

“No,” he told her calmly, “you will continue to be Parker’s mate – but you will bear my cubs.”

Her tiger roared at her as bile rose in her throat.  “You think I’m going to let you… you rape me?  You think I’d stand for that?”  She tried to hit him; he easily caught her wrists and held her firmly, his fingers digging into her flesh.

“My Beta has been pushing for me to give him your mother.”


“All these years, I’ve been holding him back, but I think he deserves a reward for his patience.”

“You can’t do that!”

Locke snorted.  “I’m the Alpha; I can do what I want.  I think he likes it that she’s weak – easier to control.  Of course, I’m not blind to my Beta’s… desires.  He likes to punish.  The question is, just how far will I let him go with your mother?”


“I thought there might be a little opposition on your part.”  The Alpha grabbed some silver threaded rope out of his pockets.  Simone could smell them burning into his skin.  She tried to get away, but he hauled her back to the bed and restrained her.  He looped the ropes around her wrists and ankles.

He pouted, mockingly.  “You stay here; I just have an errant wolf to take care of.”

He left as she screamed at him.

Chapter Fifteen

Acksel growled at the males leading him with a silver chain.  Leading him like a fucking dog!  His wolf was livid.  At least the fuckers flinched at the ferocity of his growl; that made him feel marginally better.  Pussies.

Chains were looped over his chest and arms, burning into his skin.  The more he struggled, the tighter they became.

The cats jumped him the moment he got out of the car.  He could kick himself for being so dumb.  Thankfully there were eight tiger shifters to kick him instead.

He supposed that even if he had seen it coming, it was doubtful he would have been able to stop it.  Although, it didn’t stop his wolf being pissed about it.  The bastards tasered him, beat him up, put chains on him and threw him in the back of a truck.  A short bumpy ride later and here he was, stripped half naked and being marched through the woods by two hench-tigers.

With the silver constricting his body, he couldn’t shift.  Trying would maim him at best and at worst, kill him outright.  He had to bide his time.  His wolf didn’t like it, but he had to, for Simone.  If they were doing this to him, he dreaded to think what they might do to her.  He had to find her; he had to protect her.  Some half-baked escape attempt wouldn’t cut it.  He had to be patient.  He had to be smart…

“Move dog,” sneered one of the cats.

Acksel stopped and kicked the tiger in the stomach.  The male slumped to the ground with a satisfying thud.  The other cried out and punched Acksel.  It was weak and barely landed.  Acksel slammed into him, smashing him into the ground.  The pain as the silver cut into his skin was immense, but a part of him considered it was worth it.  Okay, from now on he had to be smart.

There were shouts, and more cats ran towards them.  Acksel felt half a dozen hands grasping at him, pulling him off the tiger.

“Idiots!” hissed a new, irritated tiger.  “For fuck’s sake, he’s just one wolf!”

“Get up, mutt,” rumbled a burly looking male.

Acksel began to stand up.  The burly male kicked at his legs, sending Acksel face first to the ground.  He laughed maliciously.

“We don’t have time for this, the Alpha’s waiting,” snapped the irritated tiger.

The burly male grabbed him and grumbled at him to get moving.  They entered a clearing, lit by a large bonfire, and surrounded by about fifty males.  His eyes drifted over them.  Some of them sneered.  Some of them laughed.  But Acksel could scent some fear.  A few seemed uneasy.  Although they were trying to hide it, they looked like they wished they could be anywhere else on the planet – including an active volcano – at that moment.  Not all the males wanted to be there.

The genial looking male who had spoken to him at his car held up his hand.  He was probably in his early fifties, but he certainly still looked big and tough.  Judging by his command over the other males, and the power Acksel sensed, this had to be the Alpha.  He smiled almost unnervingly at Acksel.

“Wolf,” boomed the Alpha, “you have come into my pride’s territory and defiled one of our mated females, do you deny this?”

Most of the males were an inch from shifting.  Acksel stood up straighter, and proudly puffed out his chest.  Was there any point in arguing semantics with these idiots?  It would just make them angrier.  There was only one thing he cared about.  Or one cat.

“Where’s Simone?” he called.

Howls erupted around him, and the muttered words ‘dog’ and ‘mutt’ were thrown around.  His wolf snorted.  Those pussies have some right to talk! 

Once again the Alpha held up a hand for silence.  He smiled horribly.  “I’ll take that as a no.”

“If you’ve hurt her…” he threatened.  Admittedly it wasn’t much of a threat at that moment. But it made his wolf feel better, and he was confident that he wouldn’t be chained in silver for long.  One way or another, he’d get free.

The Alpha stepped forward, standing inches from Acksel.  “You should worry about yourself,” he said, lowly, so the rest of the pride couldn’t hear.  “I’ll make sure Simone is well taken care of.”

Acksel saw the flash of lust in the male’s eyes and scented the stirrings of his arousal.  He growled as his wolf panicked.  No, this male would never touch Simone.

The Alpha stepped away, smirking at Acksel’s response.  He held up his hand.  “Parker, my son.”

A young, thin tiger shifter stepped forward.  He was trying not to tremble.  Acksel felt a flicker of sympathy for the male, but his wolf snarled as he realized this was Simone’s mate.  Or at least, her mate for appearances sake.

The Alpha gripped Parker’s shoulder, and the young male tried not to wince.  “It was your female he violated, you have the right to chose his punishment.”

Parker gulped.  Acksel could scent the wisp of fear.  But he suspected that it was fear of his father, rather than anything else.  “Father, I…”

“Choose!” roared the Alpha.  “Don’t dishonor your pride.”  The other males roared into the sky, perhaps in a show of support.  But more likely they were trying to goad Parker.

Parker looked at his father with pleading, unhappy eyes.  “But, father…”

“Show your strength by the way you treat your enemies,” called out the Alpha to howls of approval from the pride.  In a lower voice that Acksel struggled to hear, he said, “Choose, unless you wish for it to be your punishment.  Not keeping your female in line has consequences.  Not just for you, but for her, too.  You won’t fuck her, but maybe you care about her.”

Parker’s agonized eyes moved to Acksel.  The wolf eagerly gave him a half-nod.  The sooner Parker decided on a punishment, the sooner they could get this over with.  And Acksel certainly didn’t want the Alpha to do anything to Simone.  He feared there might be a chance that if he became enraged, the Alpha would change his mind and drag Simone out there to face the same punishment.  For now, he had to believe that Simone was safe.  It was the only thing allowing his wolf to retain his sanity.

“Run, croaked Parker, finally.  “Make him do the run.”

The Alpha beamed at his son.  “Acksel will run!” he happily proclaimed to the pride.  They cheered and growled until the Alpha held up his hand for silence.  “Wolf, you will be set free, and if you can reach our borders, you can go free.  If not,” he looked around at the baying males, “you will be at the mercy of the pride.”

The excited males, eager to start the run began stripping out of their clothes.  The others, less excited, reluctantly followed suit.

The Alpha clapped his son on the back.  The young male almost fell over.  “Parker, set him free.”

Parker dragged his feet over to Acksel.  “I’m sorry,” he whispered as he gingerly removed the chains.  “If you’re fast, you’ll make it, but all the pride will be after you – watch your back.”

His wolf breathed a little more easily as the silver was taken away.  His skin still burned, and he was sure he was bleeding, but he wouldn’t waste time in tending to his wounds.  He’d heal, eventually.  Or at least he would if he survived the pride.

“If I don’t make it, don’t let him hurt Simone.”

Parker looked uncertain.  “I’ll try…”

“Promise me, cat,” hissed Acksel with a dangerous edge to his voice, “or I will rip your throat out now.”

“I promise.”

Acksel shucked out of his jeans, trying not to sway.

“Good luck, pretty boy,” sneered the burly male.

Acksel grinned at him.  “I appreciate the compliment, but you’re really not my type so keep your eyes to yourself.”

The male's face stormed with rage.

“Thirty-second head start,” called the Alpha.  “Don’t say I’m not fair.”

Acksel growled, shifted and he ran.


Ugh!  Simone snarled as she tried to struggle at her bonds.  Her tiger whined, feeling helpless and pathetic.  The silver tore at her skin, and she twisted and turned.  She was vaguely aware of the pain, but all she cared about was getting to Acksel.

Hot, angry tears filled her eyes.  How could she have been so dumb?  How could she have put him in this position?  Why didn’t she tell him to run like hell when she saw him at the grocery store?

Her tiger chuffed at her, and Simone tried to pull herself together.  Her mother would come for her.  Her mother was expecting her.  When Simone didn’t turn up, her mother would come looking for her.  But what if it was too late?  Her heart clenched.  Acksel… he probably didn’t have long.  No, she couldn’t think like that.  She wouldn’t let anything happen to him.

The front door squeaked and then slammed. 

“Mom!”  Relief flooded through her, and her beast roared in happiness.  “Mom, up here.”  She laughed in almost hysterical gratitude as she inhaled the sickly, sweet scent of her mother’s homemade perfume.

Footsteps approached her door.  “Mom, hurry.  Quickly, you need to…”

The words died in her throat as Patrick the pride Beta walked into the room.  A malicious smile curled his lips as he surveyed her.  “Simmy, pretty Simmy,” he crooned with a disgusting amount of swagger.  “Look at you, all trussed up like a pig.  Oink, oink!”  He burst into a high-pitched laugh that would make excitable teenage girls cover their ears.

Her tiger bared her fangs.  “What are you doing here?  Why do you smell like…”  Oh, no.  Dread trickled down her spine.  “What have you done to my mother, you bastard?”

He grinned, horribly.  “Nothing.  I just paid her a visit to make sure she knew what would happen to you and lover-wolf if she tried to interfere.  Don’t worry, your mother and I decided to wait until our mating night to consummate our relationship.”

Simone shuddered as he said ‘consummate’ – that word sounded so filthy in his mouth.  He saw her expression and his eyes flashed with mirth.  “You should have seen her face when I told her; she can’t wait.”

“You stay away from her, you asshole!”  Her beast pushed at her to shift, but no, she couldn’t, the silver wouldn’t let her.  What she wouldn’t give to rip his damn throat out!

Patrick sauntered over to the bed and perched on the edge, watching her writhing body.  “Now, now, that’s no way to talk to your new step-daddy, you can call me that by the way.”

He stroked his calloused fingers over her cheek, and she snapped her jaws at him, trying to bite them off.

He snatched his hand away and chuckled.  “Easy, Simmy, can’t have females treating a male this way.”

Her tiger snorted.  “Yeah, untie me and say that to my face.”

Patrick scowled.  “If you don’t behave, I will punish your mother, and I’ll enjoy doing it.  Is that what you want?  She’s not strong like you, how much do you think she can stand?  She’s already lame and in pain, you want to make things worse?”

Simone let out a few ragged, furious breaths as her beast helplessly raged.  “Why do you want my mother?  Why her?  Why can’t you leave her alone?”

“I wanted your mother before you were even born – I missed my chance then, but she’s mine now.  And after your wolf is dealt with, you’ll be the Alpha’s…”

“What?!” shrieked a furious voice.

Patrick spun around to see Nita framed in the doorway and carrying a dish of cookies of all things.

“What are you doing here?” he snarled.

“Nita, help me!” ordered Simone, forcefully.

“She’s going to mate the Alpha?”  Nita pointed at Simone savagely, disbelief and indignation warring over her face.  “No, that’s not fair, he said I was special to him.  He said I was his female!”

“Get out, female, this has nothing to do with you!” snarled Patrick.

Nita wouldn’t be deterred from her rant, not even by an order from the Beta.  “Four kids I’ve given him and he still won’t mate me – four kids, and he’s going after her!”  She looked at Simone contemptuously.  "I knew it!  He's been acting weird all week.  I knew if I hung around her enough I'd find out what he was up to."

“Nita do something!” demanded Simone.

“Leave!” roared Patrick, moving towards her.  The Beta was a generally a coward, but he figured a heavily pregnant tigress wouldn’t put up much of a fight.  He was wrong.

Nita couldn’t shift, but she was riled enough to throw the plate of cookies at him and then hit him with a lamp with a solid metal base.  Then she hit him a few more times just to be sure and to work out some of her frustration.  He groaned on the floor.  Nita stared at him.

Simone rolled her eyes, impatiently.  “Nita, untie me.”

Nita looked up and gave her an accusing look.  “Why would he prefer you to me?”


“I’ve been so loyal to him,” she muttered, not even registering Simone was saying anything.


“Spying on the other females for him,” she rambled.


“And he wants you?”  Disgust shone on her face.  “I’m so much prettier than you!”

“Nita!  Untie me now!”  Simone and her tiger roared, filling her voice with as much power as she could muster.

Nita blanched at the force of the words.  She tried to resist, but she felt herself compelled to obey the command.   She pulled the knots apart, careful not to touch them too much.

Finally free, Simone didn’t waste any time in pulling the Beta onto the bed. Nita got the message and tried to help.  They wrapped the silver ropes around him, tightening them as much as possible.

BOOK: The Tiger's Mate: (Book 12, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas)
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