The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You (17 page)

BOOK: The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You
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Except, of course, because you’re reading this now, you’re about to find out.


You are simply amazing. You see things that no one else will ever see. You hear things that no else will ever hear. You’ve gone and will go where no one else will ever go. And above all, you think and thus feel things that no one else will ever feel. This is who you are. This is
you are. These are your sacred offerings to the Highest of Highs, yet you need do nothing other than be. And by being, you create what none has, can, or ever will create. You are the face of God as it’s never before been seen.

Adored? Words completely fail. Cherished? More in every moment, in an upward spiral without end. And this is what you begin to feel in the moment you arrive.

While “alive,” most people measure who they are by what they’re not. Don’t wait until you die to see the whole truth. Nobody can be everybody. No one will ever have everything. Of all that God is, you are but a very small sparkle, which means if you go looking for what you are not, you will always find it. The point was never to find out what you are not but to find out what you are: a collection of traits, characteristics, leanings, desires, quirks, dimples, freckles, and ever more as you expand eternally, creating a priceless window on creation through which God, not through you but
as you
, both observes and commands the elements—and dances with Herself, as She appears as others.

You are one of a kind. You are
. A masterpiece, a Mini-Me of the Divine sufficient unto yourself.
are a dream come true, God’s first and last chance to be you, exactly as you now are.
; it’s more than enough. Yet even as you might bask, you will be followed, honored, and celebrated by angels and admirers in the unseen, because even now, as you read these words, you are more important than you can possibly imagine.


In the moment you arrive, you’ll begin to see, as those who’ve come before you have seen, that life as you once knew it was the dream and that this “new place” is where you dreamt it from. And that as the dreamer, you were always bigger than the dream; and that even as you thought life was happening to you, you were happening to life. You came first. You were the reason, literally, that the sun rose each day.

Death will be the gateway to being more “alive” than you now suspect is possible. The sliver of reality that pertains to you suddenly increases exponentially, including past, present, and future. You’ll find there are parallel earths each with a different version of yourself, each in existence because of a fork in the road of your former life in which you gave serious thought to both paths—at which point a literal wrinkle in time was created, a parallel universe was born, and you simultaneously went down both roads, each “you” thinking you were the only one.

You’ll see that this “fractioning” occurred throughout your entire life, at
crossroads, small and large, where decisions had to be made. The smaller tangents usually merged back in, yet the larger crossroads often led to wildly different experiences, completely different lives, different careers, partners, children, lessons, discoveries, everything.

And in every version of reality there’s you, at its very center, your thoughts, beliefs, and expectations. Living lifetimes within lifetimes by the hundreds or thousands, yet clearly each incarnation is … you … and this is all well before we’ve even considered how this affects your typical interpretation of reincarnation, “after” a lifetime.

all of this is powered by you! And you get it! It makes sense!

Your present measures of power in terms of the illusions—volts, torque, lift, horses, thrust—bear no resemblance to how power is measured spiritually. Each man, woman and child alive in your world today is literally capable of moving mountains with just words … hence the expression. And one day you will.

Thy Kingdom Come

Your reach is more than you could have fathomed in time and space. Your history is far richer. Your people more amazing. And your spiritual power, which even now lies mostly dormant within you, is more than your brain can comprehend—which limits it not. You will reel in awe upon seeing what you’ve done and sensing what lies ahead, all because of your time
space. Gazing upon the physical landscapes of your recent life, you’ll see how the illusions—matter and circumstances—bent to your every flight of fancy, daydream, and fear. That you arranged and then rearranged and changed again and again the props, players, and circumstances of your life almost as swiftly as you changed your mind. So almighty were you—and are you—that:

As you stir in thought, winds begin to howl,
As you smile, waves of love lap upon eternal beaches,
As you speak, the floodgates of abundance and good fortune begin to tremble, and
As you dream, the stars realign.

This is your life. Your power. Know it to use it. Begin today.

Because by design, as you inevitably prevail against odds, soaring in every area of your life, and success becomes commonplace, you’ll start to wonder what else there is to know, how else there is to live, and what else you might be capable of. And because of your wondering, also by design, you’ll become even more powerful and curious, and a magnet for even more knowledge, wisdom, truth, and love.

That you’ve already cleared a psychological pathway in these primitive times on your new little planet and in your formative years for “dead” people to reach you with such messages
is proof. Bloody well done.


The sublime perfection of time and space is that everything that happens,
and everything that
does not,
makes you more. So magnificent is this inherent formula that nothing can tarnish the beauty of the jungles of time and space. It’s only your belief in the illusions, the little white lies that make your adventures possible, that tells you otherwise. Think about it. You have
. You will live again and again. So wouldn’t every seeming setback, loss, or disappointment ultimately make even more meaningful future advances, gains, or triumphs? Mightn’t they also serve as lessons to others who may then avoid any discomfort you experienced, so that your pain or sorrow may spare them the same?

Life as you once
knew it was the dream, and this
“new place” is where
you dreamt it from.

And again, the illusions are just illusions;
they’re not real.
It’s only your belief in them being real—objective, black and white, all or nothing—that makes you suffer. From your new vantage point, looking back at your recent life will be like waking up from a vivid dream. “
Wow, that was incredible!!
” Particularly comforting when there were bumps. Yet the experience made possible by thinking it was real changed you. Made you wiser. You have a new lease on “reality,” so to speak, because the lessons of the dream were so impactful! So helpful! So attention-getting, jarring, beautiful, and spectacular! And such is life within the jungles of time and space from the perspective of an afterlife glance; nothing is real except the learning and love you take from them.

Perhaps you now wonder, “And what of those who are hurt, or worse, in their lifetime? Wasn’t their loss so great that it irrevocably shattered any hopes that the rest of their lives could have been as happy as they would otherwise have been?” But then also ask, as we have been asking:

Am I so sure there were no gifts that will ever come from what happened to them?
Am I so sure that this is their only life?

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