The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You (29 page)

BOOK: The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You
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You couldn’t be more worthy of all your heart now desires, dear Wedgie, or more likely to get it.
Dancing on top of the world, drinking hot cocoa, with masses of affection for you—


It wasn’t easy to write this book. The dead cooperated, but will its readers?

If the truth has been shared here, as I believe it has, you might wonder, as I have, why it hasn’t been shared so explicitly before. Actually, much of it has; the recommended reading list in the appendix will soon show you that. But a lot of what I’ve addressed, others haven’t. Why?

I think there are two reasons:

  1. Few understand the absolute degree to which we are all the eyes and the ears of the Universe,
    “particles” of God come alive. And/or,
  2. Some of what I shared might be extremely offensive to those who are not ready (or who don’t want) to hear it.

I don’t mind the first reason—obviously, it’s very self-serving—but I cringe over the second.

Still, if it wasn’t me, sooner or later someone else would have excitedly shared what’s going on. The truth is the truth and it’s going to come out. Moreover, how other people react to a message is about them, not the message. And finally, there’s just too much good to come from the truth, the world over, for people who
ready, and their numbers are now increasing every day, exponentially. Droves
finally waking up, it’s
that time
in our civilization’s evolution, and they want to be given permission to go within and discern what their life is really about. I’ve offered a sort of road map. But I caution that you not accept any of what I’ve written until you’ve weighed it with your own feelings, deductions, and life experiences. Please, always, above all else, ask the hard questions, see what shows up, and then follow your heart and mind to uncover the treasures of truth that await you.

In summary of all that I’ve shared, being as concise as possible, you now stand at a major crossroads that every life adventurer eventually comes to. To believe that life is

  1. All of the time,
  2. Some of the time, or
  3. None of the time.

Before you choose, let me ask:
How good was “some of the time” working for you?

Once you can wrap your head around “a” as the answer—not that it will always be easy, but you didn’t sign up for “easy”—not only will your life blast off and your joys multiply, but you will be a light in the darkness helping to lift all higher.

There’s a new “sheriff” in town (not me), and while no one likes change, if—or better, when—you join the party, a wildly different world order awaits in which respect, cooperation, creativity, and love will blossom in ways we can’t now comprehend.

However you feel about what you’ve been reading, about me, or about yourself, you are adored. At a minimum, the dead and I wish for you to know of your immortality and your natural-born abilities to live deliberately and to create consciously.

Until our paths cross again, perhaps at one big party “in the sky,” may all that you now wish for be the least you receive—as I know it shall be.

By the way, the new sheriff is you.

Recommended Reading

If you’re now as curious as I once was to find out “Who else thinks like this?”, here are the books that started showing up in my life that gave me the most peace, confirming my own thoughts and suspicions about life and reality. They’re listed here in no particular order, except for the first, which is just one book of a series that rocked my world almost 35 years ago. Whether you seek these titles out, or allow others to find you, if you have questions and
upon answers, one way or another you’ll be reached by the truth.

The Nature of Personal Reality
by Jane Roberts

Like all her Seth books (and they’re all outstanding), this one is very deep, objective, and even a bit complex, but I consider Seth to be the “granddaddy of them all.”

Discover the Power Within You: A Guide to the Unexplored Depths Within
by Eric Butterworth

Awesome clarity. Extremely inspirational! Lots of biblical and Christian references, but explained as I believe they were originally meant, without the religious spin.

by Hermann Hesse

Profound wisdom in a timeless, world-famous story.

The Game of Life and How to Play It
by Florence Scovel Shinn

Very simple and powerful advice, written in the 1920s. Easy reading for any age.

Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East
(six-volume set) by Baird T. Spalding

Mind-bending! Volumes 1 and 2 are as adventurous as they are inspirational.

Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
by Richard Bach

Exhilarating, fun, and easy to read. These two novels are on almost everyone’s list for good reason!

Journeys Out of the Body
by Robert Monroe

The classic on out-of-body experiences.

Life after Life: The Investigation of a Phenomenon—Survival of Bodily Death
by Raymond A. Moody Jr. and Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

The classic on life after life and near-death experiences.

Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue
by Neale Donald Walsch

Each of the books in this series is a mind-blower. They’re also very easy and fun to read.

Emmanuel’s Book: A Manual for Living Comfortably in the Cosmos
by Pat Rodegast and Judith Stanton

The entire series of Emmanuel books offers gentle yet powerful reminders of how angelic we all are. Wonderful.

Ramtha: The White Book
by Ramtha

Very friendly, powerful, and inspirational. Another easy read and one of the most powerful of all the titles listed here.

The Prophet
by Kahlil Gibran

Insight into life’s most basic truths. Another perennial, international bestseller.

The Science of Getting Rich
by Wallace D. Wattles

If you’ve ever thought you might like wealth, you’ll love this. A truly unique and encouraging perspective.

Messages from Michael
by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

Very “out there,” yet ringing of truth and containing revolutionary material I’ve not thought of or heard of elsewhere. Helps me to be less critical of others and more patient with myself.

Atlas Shrugged
The Fountainhead
by Ayn Rand

Although Ayn Rand was an agnostic/atheist, her books are extremely spiritual in that she considered herself a “man worshiper” and she reveled in the glory of life and our ability to have dominion over it all. Her epic novels are spellbinding, romantic, and deeply philosophical, and her talent is off the charts.

The Secret
(DVD and book) by Rhonda Byrne

I’m grateful to have been one of the featured teachers in this outstanding documentary on the law of attraction. It’s as inspirational as it is enlightening.


Writing is a tiny bit like giving birth to children, although my wife would not likely agree. In a single moment, what had never existed suddenly does. And unless or until you hit delete, those words may outlast you. Yikes … because like children, you tend to think that every single one of yours is the most beautiful, precious thing in the world, even though you may be the only one who thinks so.

I’d therefore like to tip my hat and share deep gratitude for my amazing editors in this work, Patty Gift and Anne Barthel, for both knowing when to encourage me, and for having the mettle to tell me when to stop, delete, or not even think about it! And for, at times, showing me what I really meant, in words I couldn’t find. Your enthusiasm, empathy, street smarts, and skill are what every author dreams of one day having on his team, and I am happy our paths have crossed.

About the Author

Mike Dooley is a former PriceWaterhouseCoopers international tax consultant turned entrepreneur. He’s the founder of a philosophical Adventurers Club on the Internet that’s now home to more than 600,000 members from 182 countries. His inspirational books emphasizing spiritual accountability have been published in 25 languages, and he was one of the featured teachers in the international phenomenon
The Secret.
Today Mike is best known for his free “Notes from the Universe” e-mailings, his social network postings, and his
New York Times
Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams
Leveraging the Universe: 7 Steps to Engaging Life’s Magic.
Mike lives what he teaches, traveling internationally to speak on life, dreams, and happiness.

To receive Mike’s daily “Notes,” visit

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