The Touch Series: Initiation (10 page)

BOOK: The Touch Series: Initiation
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              Artie was about to say something when Jacob interrupted, “There's an awesome bar here on the ninth floor. Make sure you order their lobster appetizer. It's primarily lobster liver and it's a well-known aphrodisiac.” Artie told me that he tended to say inappropriate things in a very casual manner and it was now apparent. I wasn't sure if I admired that or if I was repulsed.

              I nodded and muttered, “Thanks, we'll keep that in mind.”

              Janel then looked at me and shook her head, “I hate sea food.”

              I gave her a look of mocking disappointment and hissed, “Darn it. What else will we do to get our aphrodisiac on?”

              Thankfully, Janel looked amused and played along. “Gosh, I don't know. Let's go over to guest services and get their recommendations on alternative ways to experience the ultimate sexual pleasure – Hawaiian style!”

              I held out my arm for her to take, “shall we?”

              She circled her arm into mine and we both waved to the men as we walked away. Artie and Jacob both looked completely dumbfounded. And Josef had an amused twinkle in his eye which made my stomach drop.






              I bought Nicholas a small treasure chest with coin shaped chocolate inside from the hotel gift shop. He liked pirates so I was sure he would like this.

              As we walked out of the shop with our purchases, we spotted some of the other girls from the Club waiting for an elevator. As me and Janel approached the doors, two of them, Cassie and Lisa,  gave us dirty looks. I never said a word to them so I wondered what their problem was. I rolled my eyes before I looked away from them. Though I couldn't help but overhear what they were talking about.

              “So, we're suppose to request for private time with Mr. Constane. Which is ridiculous,” muttered Cassie to Lisa. “We have to go through Gwen or Artie first. But it's not guaranteed. But I'm determined to get my way.”

              Lisa shook her head at Cassie, “Why? What's the point? Just enjoy the freebies and the good time while the money pours into our bank accounts.”

              “Have you seen him? He's hot. We certainly won't do better.”

              Lisa began to sound exasperated. “Whatever. I'm not requesting any private time. If he never talks to me, I'll be fine. This is the easiest and most glamorous job. And I'm not going to risk ruining it by overstepping the line. Especially, with you know who?”

              I wondered what she meant and I quickly looked at Cassie to see if she looked like she knew. “Isn't that just a rumor though? Plus, who cares? We're here and she's not.”

              Who was she talking about? Who was 'she'?

              At that moment, the elevator doors opened and we all stepped in with me and Janel positioned  all the way at the back. I had hoped Cassie and Lisa would continue talking. I was beyond curious. 

              Lisa began to speak again, sounding tired. “Doesn't matter whether she's here or not. From what I heard she's a nasty piece of work and you don't want to get on her bad side.”

              Was she talking about Gwen? It sounded like her....

              A new voice jumped into the conversation. “You sluts need to quit it. He isn't going to hook up with anyone here. He hooks up with girls outside of the Club. Which I know for a fact because we have mutual friends. So why would he be wasting his time on you gold-diggers when he gets it elsewhere all the time, anytime?” It was Ivy, one of the other girls. She was the tallest of us all with beautiful long blonde hair that was naturally wavy. She had toned legs and great abs, all with big breasts. She was just perfection. She was also known as the resident bad girl. She wasn't afraid to speak up against Gwen. Drank more than the rest of us combined, yet never got really wasted. And she got high frequently when she could get away with it.

              It took me a while to take in everything she had just said. My stomach dropped at the thought of Josef hooking up with random girls all the time – any time. But then, of course he would. Why not? He had the money and the looks. I can't imagine it being difficult for him to pick up a gorgeous model  each night at a bar or something. I should never have expected him to be loyal to us in any way. But it still hurt...

              Cassie looked pissed at Ivy but didn't respond. She then looked at Lisa, as if she would rescue the situation, but Lisa only shrugged which made Cassie even angrier. “Well, we'll see about that.”

              Ivy looked as if she was going to laugh, “Go ahead. Then you'll get cut and I won't have to see you desperate-ass again.” She turned to face the elevator door with a triumphant look across her face. Cassie and Lisa got off on the next floor. It was just Janel, Ivy and I.

              I needed to know more and it seemed like Ivy was the girl to get answers from. “Hey, I'm Quinn. Are you busy tonight? Do you have plans?”

              Ivy turned around surprised and looked at the both of us. Janel looked over at me in surprise and confusion. Ivy took a few seconds to consider her response, “I was going to try to see if I could hook up with this really cute cabana boy I saw but, then again, he looked underage. So, it would probably be best if I did something else. Why? What did you have in mind?”

              “Well, my friend, Artie, – well, who I thought was my friend – put his credit card under our room so we can order what we want from room service.” I'm pretty sure that it was meant more for Janel than me, though. “And well I'm kind of angry with him at the moment. So, why not the three of us take advantage and drink all of the alcohol in the room and order an unlimited amount of ice creams sundaes?”

              It took her no time to think about it. “Sounds good. What floor?”

              I smiled at her, “the next one.” I was happy. I needed to know more of what she knew. Plus, it wouldn't hurt to make another friend here.

              When Ivy turned to face the doors, Janel slapped my arm quietly and gave me a questioning look. I waved her off.

              The elevator doors opened and I practically sprinted towards our room door. When we got in Janel opened the glass doors that led to the balcony. “It's so beautiful,” she said musically.  She was right, the sun was setting and the resort looked peaceful and stunning. We were in paradise.

              Ivy started rummaging in the liquor shelf. “Yes, they have all the good stuff.”

              I jumped on my bed and Janel slowly sat next to me. Ivy handed each of us a glass of Jack Daniel's and Coke. Then she sat with her legs crossed on Janel's bed, right in front of us.

              “So, what made you want to do this?” I eyed her, curious to know her back story.

              She grabbed the menu for room-service off the night stand next to her and began to flip through it, “Me and Mr. Constane have mutual friends. And they knew I needed cash to open up my business.”

              Janel looked pleasantly surprised. “What business?” She probably thought Ivy drank, smoked pot all day, and couldn't possibly have a mind for business.

              “I want to open a store that sells Wiccan and witchcraft supplies. I also want to open a witchcraft museum attached to it as well.” She was serious. She wasn't joking.

              I tried not to sound freaked out or offensive in anyway. “That sounds great. I hope it works out for you.” I looked over at Janel who just stared at Ivy with her mouth agape in surprise and horror.

              Ivy looked up at me and she looked curious about something, “what are you doing here?”             

              “My family needs the money.” That's all I said, I didn't want to get into the story of what happened to Nicholas. It was always difficult to explain.

              Ivy then looked at Janel who responded quickly, “I want to go to law school and it's not cheap.” She then took a sip from her drink and looked down at the floor.

              Ivy then looked back at me, “Don't take this personally. But you're not really his  usual type.”

              My face fell and I looked down too. “Oh.”

              “Be careful.” I looked up and she smiled slightly. “He must have a thing for you. He either goes for brunettes or platinum blondes. Your like his first red-head who isn't tan or six feet tall. I think he has a plan for you or something?”

              “A plan?” What did this girl know, exactly?

              She slowly looked down at the menu again but she didn't stop smiling. “I don't know. Maybe he wants to take advantage of your innocence and virginal look. Guys are kinky like that. Have you ever been to Japan?

              “No.” I looked over at Janel to see if she knew what Ivy was talking about and she looked just as confused as I.

              Ivy still looked at us and leaned in closer like she was about to tell us a secret. “In Japan, they have these clubs where guys go to to spend time with teenage girls dressed in Lolita fashion. It's like the biggest thing to occur in the night scene there in the past few years.” She winked at us. “Its so exclusive that you need to pay a shit load to get in for an hour and there's a huge waiting list.”

              Janel looked disgusted, “It sounds gross.”

              Ivy snorted, “well, that's the male mind for you. And don't be surprised if that's not what he's into.” She looked at me at that moment.

              I started to feel somewhat offended. “I don't get it.”

              “Honey, you're like Lolita-incarnate,” she ran her eyes down my body. “You tend to wear baby doll dresses and you look like a porcelain doll. It doesn't help that you have this innocent and shy manner about you.” She noticed that I was getting upset. “I'm not trying to upset you. I'm just letting you know what all of us have observed. And he might take advantage of that.”

              I shook my head in disbelief and looked down at my hands, “He's been kind to me.”

              Ivy and Janel exchanged looks. Janel sighed and turned to me, “yeah, he's only been kind to you.” Both her and Ivy studied me to see if I understood what they were saying.

              I shook my head in disbelief. I felt my mouth go dry as I attempted to speak, “No, he wouldn't. I mean, nothing bad will happen. Right?” I started to pace the room as I went over the awful possibility in my head.

              At that moment, Ivy began to laugh uncontrollably and walked to the mini-bar to get another bottle of liquor. “Relax, we won't let anything happen to you. Just don't ever be alone in a room with him. Plus, in the contract it says things between the two of you needs to be consensual.” She opened a bottle of vodka and took a sip before handing it to me. “Now, what word did you learn in your sex-ed class in school that can help you here?”

              I took the bottle firmly and took a sip. I had never had vodka before and it was gross. I gagged before I replied, “No.”

              In an instant, we all started laughing together. And before the night was over, we emptied the mini-bar. And I vowed never to let Josef take advantage of me like that. Ever.































              I awoke to the sound of something pounding on the door. As I tried to get up, I felt like my head was going to explode. I looked over at Janel's bed where I found Ivy slowly stirring up and yawning. I looked over her head to find Janel vomiting into the toilet in the bathroom. We definitely took it too far last night with the liquor. I wondered what the bill was going to come out to.

              The pounding sound returned, this time mixed with Gwen's voice. “Be down in 15 or you'll be considered late!”

              “Geez, she's so anal,” Ivy muttered. She looked completely fine and not wasted. I wonder how that was possible.

              I began to look around the mess in the room. “Wait, where did Janel sleep?”

              Ivy shrugged her shoulders. “From what I remember, she passed out on the balcony floor before I knocked out.” She walked towards the door and before she walked out she yelled, “See you in ten minutes girls!”

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