The Touch Series: Initiation (18 page)

BOOK: The Touch Series: Initiation
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              The three of us sat on one of her couches and we waited quietly for Gwen to return. I felt queasy. I didn't know how we were going to explain to Gwen that we had quit the group an hour ago and wanted to find a way back in without looking like fools. She returned with a tray with tea cups. She smiled as she put the tray down onto her coffee table and sat on the couch across from us. When she wasn't angry or bitchy, she looked warm and pretty. Her fiery red hair glistened in the sunlight and her green eyes looked like emeralds. We all took a cup of tea so to not to be rude and she clasped her hands  as we started sipping. “A few minutes before you came, I received a call from Mr. Constane. He told me you three walked away.” She smiled sweetly as she sipped her tea. “May I ask why?”

              Janel put her cup down. “Gwen, after last night's events we became very scared for our lives. You see, according to Lisa, Cassie received a warning from some girl that someone in the group was going to be killed. And then we all thought there was some conspiracy against the group. So we got scared.”

              Gwen froze with her lips at the tip of the cup. After a few seconds she slowly put the cup on the table. Her jaw was tense but she still managed a smile. “What girl told her that?”

              All three of us shrugged. “Lisa couldn't get a good look. Cassie just told Lisa what the girl told her.” Ivy was irritated. She wanted to get past that point and start asking Gwen how to get back into the group.

              Gwen frowned. “Strange.” She then smiled though her eyes were sad. “Poor Cassie, I feel awful.” Her smile completely faded. “You girls were my responsibility and I failed one of you.”

              I shook my head. “No. It wasn't your fault. You could not have stopped it.”

              Janel began to talk again. “And that's why we are here actually.”

              Gwen picked up her cup and began to sip. “I'm listening.”

              “We realized how rash we were when we spoke to Mr. Constane today and then we realized that  there is no conspiracy and that, unfortunately, what happened...happened. Now, we would like to know if you knew if there was a way to get back into the Club and make Mr. Constane understand our initial reaction to it all.”

              Gwen frowned and licked her lips. “I'm sorry, I can't make such decisions. The only thing you can do is ask Mr. Constane himself. Of course, I can tell him that I understand why you left in the first place. I'll try to get him to see your side.”

              “Do we just go back and see him?”

              Gwen shook her head profusely and learned stern. “No. Don't ever do that. He wasn't happy when you came to him today. I'll have to pencil you in to meet him.”

              Ivy was irritated. “Fine. Let us know when he can see us.”

              Gwen smiled as she added more sugar to her tea. “I hope it works out. I like a big group.” All of a sudden we heard a “
” noise to which Gwen abruptly got up. “I'm baking a pie for Cassie's family. Please, excuse me.” When she left, I noticed that she left her cellphone where she sat. And without thinking I grabbed it and started searching for Josef's number. Ivy tried to hold in a laugh while Janel looked like she was going to murder me. I found the number and quickly wrote it into my phone before I put the phone back in the same position where it was. Gwen walked back in just as I sat back down. “I made extra pie. Who would like a slice?”






              When we left Gwen's and were a good distance away from the apartment building, Janel whirled right in front of me. “What were you thinking?”

              I tried not to laugh along with Ivy. “I got his number and I'll call him tonight. Knowing him, he'll make us wait long to see him as a way of punishment for ending the contract in the first place.”

              “She's a vampire. If she knew, she could have done something to you.”

              Ivy snorted. “Did you see her? She's in denial and in mourning. She is in no mood for doing anything else but bake pie.” We all started walking again. “And Quinn's right, he won't pencil us in for anything. Except maybe Quinn.” I pinched her arm for that. She laughed. “What? It's true. Sorry. But hey, revenge will be sweet.” I was no longer smiling or laughing which she noticed. “Hey, it's his fault. He led you on when he shouldn't have. I know how this group thing works and he doesn't get close to any of its members for a reason. And he obviously fucked up with you.”

              At that moment I eyed Ivy. “Are you still in contact with that friend of yours who used to be in the Club?”

              Ivy looked at me with pursed lips as if she wasn't sure where I was going with this. “Yes. Why?”

              “Do you think she'd be willing to answer some questions about her experience?”

              “I guess, sure. But why?”

              Despite my anger and hatred for Josef right now, I still yearned to know more. “I don't know. I just feel like someone in a past group might have known or noticed something. Do you think I could at least get her email?”

              Ivy no longer looked confused. “Yeah. Whatever. I'll text it to you.”

              We ended up walking in silence the rest of the time until Ivy started laughing.

              Janel looked at her irritated. “What?”

              Ivy shook her head. “Quinn, I can't believe you're just going to call him. I can just see you melting at the sound of his voice.” She pretended to fan herself which made me annoyed.

              “Do any of you want to call him instead?”

              They both looked serious and responded in sync. “No.”






              I was biting my two index fingers as I looked at the screen of my laptop. I wanted to write an email to Ivy's friend, Claire, who used to be in the Club. Maybe she knew something about it that was worth noting.  After I had written a greeting and asking her if she could answer some of my questions, I simply waited to see if she was a quick email responder. I was setting my laptop aside and ready to head downstairs to grab a snack when I heard a
sound. It was her. She was inviting me for an online chat. I took up my laptop and immediately accepted her invitation.

              C: Hi, Quinn :)

              Q: Hi, Claire. Thanks for responding :)

              C: No problem. Ivy told me you had some questions about the Club?

              Q: Yeah. Did she mention to you what recently happened to one of the members?

              C: Yeah. It's awful :(

              Q: Yeah and weird timing...

              C: Not really surprised though...


What did she mean? She wasn't


              Q: What do you mean?


It took her a whole two minutes to respond.


              C: They're vampires. Their natural side was bound to come out.

              Q: But there is evidence that proves  that Mr. Constane, Artie and Jacob weren't involved.

              C: I wasn't talking about them...

              Q: ?

              C: Think about it. I won't accuse someone online...

              Q: Red-head was cleared too.

              C: Which one?


There was more than one?


              Q: Name starts with a “G”...

              C: No, the other one...

              Q: Ummm...don't know another one.

              C: Nevermind then....Forget it.


Okay, that was weird.


              C: I have to go now...


              Q: One more question?

              C: Okay...

              Q: During your time, did you ever see if Mr. Constane was romantically involved with                             someone? Outside of the group?

              C: Yeah, he had some chick on the side.




              Q: Really? Was it serious?

              C: We were never allowed to talk to her and she was a cold bitch.


I suddenly remembered what Lisa and Cassie were talking about on the elevator in Hawaii. They mentioned some girl who was best not to be stepped on...


              C: Why????

              Q: Just curious. He seems lonely.

              C: She didn't make a difference. He was always like that.

              Q: I haven't seen this other woman yet. Do you know if they broke up?

              C: Ha! LOL. She clung so hard to him, there was no way he could get rid of her... She tended to               pop up around unexpectedly.


The mystery girl?


              Q: Maybe I did see her. Can you describe her?

              C: She changed her hair color a lot. One night it was black then blonde the next. But her face               was ice-cold all the time. Can't miss it.

              Q: Hmmm... Can't recall...

              C: Trust me. She'll pop up sooner or later.             

              Q: Did he seem to like her?

              C: He was as distant to her as he was to us. But apparently she was his fuck buddy.


I definitely didn't want to hear that.


              C: I really have to go now. Sorry. Talk later?

              Q: Yes. Thanks. Goodnight :)

              C: Goodnight.  (Don't ever be by yourself with the vampires. Trust me.)


              She definitely knew something that I didn't. And she wanted to hide it at the same time. But why? Was it dangerous to know? It wouldn't surprise me, really. Especially not after what happened.

              We had officially entered Danger Ville – something I thought I was protected from by living in Richmond. But I guessed that it was something no one could ever





              After my weird talk with Claire, I laid on my bed for a good hour with my cellphone on my stomach. I wanted to call him not just for Ivy and Janel but to hear his voice. Despite what happened, a part of me did miss him. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. I felt sick.

              I took a deep breath in and exhaled before I sat up on my bed. I dialed his number without thinking. I was going for it and there was no turning back.

              “Yes?” He didn't sound angry or irritated instead he sounded curious as to what unknown number was calling him I suppose.

              “Hi.” My voice was breathy.

              “Quinn?” He lowered his surprised voice.

              “I stole your number from Gwen's phone. Please don't be mad. I wanted to speak to you.”

              He let a sigh. “I'm not mad...”

              There was a moment of silence between us. I was supposed to ask him to take the three of us back but I couldn't. “I miss you.”

              “Really? Because you didn't seem that way at my house today.”

              I winced. “I'm sorry but we were all freaked out by what happened. And I was still angry at you.”

              “I'm sorry about what happened in my office, I just needed to be honest with you,”
Sometimes honesty hurts,
I thought, “and what happened to Cassie looks pretty messed up but believe me I always have the best intentions for the group.”             

              “I know.”

              “Come back then.”

              I was relieved that he wasn't going to have me beg for it. “Really? Can Ivy and Janel come back too? We were all ahead of ourselves.”

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