The Touch Series: Initiation (15 page)

BOOK: The Touch Series: Initiation
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              “Private” time? More than anything.


              But how can I allow myself to be with him like that without really knowing him. First he was hot and flirty, and then he was cold and distant. I am not sure that I would be able to keep up in the long run.






              It was approximately a week later when Gwen had sent the Club an email about attending one of Josef's corporate events followed by dinner that very evening. Unfortunately, I would not be able to stay for the dinner since I had to be at work at the hotel at that time. I was holding on to dear hope that Josef would be entirely okay with letting me go. Though that didn't stop my stomach from turning knots inside.

              I arrived at
a modern art gallery just outside of Richmond. There was a DJ playing, good-looking servers everywhere and a good fifty people mingling. Most of the people were in business-like attire so I felt out of place in my short white dress with a mesh neckline and my big hair curls cascading down my front. And when I saw the other girls in their much more modest clothing, apart from Ivy, I cursed under my breathe. I had not received a memo to look hot but professional.

              I waved at Janel and Ivy who glued themselves to a table of appetizers. Before I walked over to them, I wanted to see Josef first to tell him that I couldn't attend dinner. I looked around the room to find him coming down a set of glass stairs. When I walked towards him, he was nearly at the bottom of the stairs and he grinned when he saw me.

              “Hi.” I couldn't help but feel giddy like I always did around him. My second-guessing over him and what we were was thrown out the window. Funny how looks and charms can affect anther person...

              “Hi.” He stepped right in front of me, fixing one of his cuffs. But not once did he take his eyes off me. “You look lovely.”

              “Thank you.” I blushed not only at his compliment but over the fact that I was under-dressed and I felt that a part of him was teasing me for it. “I wasn't told that this was a more formal gathering. I would have worn something less Nasty Gal and more Banana Republic?”

              He raised an eyebrow and looked as if I confused him immensely. “Nasty Gal? What is that?”

              “Never-mind,” I muttered as I shook my head. He smiled again and looked amused at my response. Again, like always, I suppressed my urge to join him and grin myself. Though I, unlike him, would have looked nerdy and desperate. “Actually, I wanted to let you know that I can't attend dinner tonight after this. I have to go to work. I already told Gwen about it and I just wanted to let you know myself.”

              He was no longer smiling. He looked annoyed as he cocked his head to one side with his eyes glaring slightly. “You couldn't call off?”

              I wasn't sure why he was so upset. Though I had a feeling he might not have been entirely happy about it, Artie and Gwen had informed the entire group that we were allowed to take nights off with a valid excuse.  “No. The thing is that there is this charity dance event tonight and my boss is expecting all of the dancers to be there.” He continued to look annoyed. “Plus, we will all be paid double for tonight.”

              “I don't like your job.”

              “Why? Because you're not getting your way tonight? Or, is it the dancing part that you don't like?” I started to become irritated myself.

              “Hey. Don't get angry with me.”

              “You're the one who is angry. And you're asking me to not go to work because you don't like it.”

              “You dance for the pleasure of others, particularly older men who have no respect for you when they watch you. So yes, I'm annoyed that you're leaving an opportunity to dine at a fine restaurant with good company and opting to go and make every perverts dream come true.”

              I quickly looked around to see if anyone was overhearing us before turning to glare at him even more. “It's for charity!”

              “Oh, I'm sure the perverts will be extra generous today then.”

              I stared him down before turning and walking away. I needed to get away from him and cool off, so I headed outside to the parking lot. What was up with this guy? He came across as controlling but this was taking things too far. Now, he was telling me not to go to work and losing his cool over it!

              When I was out, a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me around. Josef pulled me towards him and grabbed my other arm as a way to keep me right in front of him.

              “Let go of me!”

              “Look at me.”

              I didn't look at him as I was busy trying to wiggle myself out of his grip. Suddenly, he let go and   placed both his hands on either side of my neck, forcing me to look at his face. “I'm sorry.”

              “You're not very nice.” I felt a tear coming down one of my cheeks.

              He looked hurt by what I said but he deserved it. “Okay. Fine, I'm not. But that won't make me change my mind about how I feel about your job. I wish you were doing something else.”

              “Trust me, I would like that too. But I only have dance skills so...”

              “We can change that....I'll take care of you.”

              “No way! I'm not going to always travel and go to clubs with you along with seven beautiful women as work. I need to actually
, Josef.”

              “Fine. Then you'll come work for me at my company.”

              I let out a laugh which made him let go of my neck and place his hands on his hips. I honestly thought he was joking until I saw how shocked he looked at me. “Oh, you're serious?”


              I was stumped. Why would he hire me with no business skills?

              “As what?”

              “We're in the process of hiring interns. We pay very well.”

              “I don't know anything about trading or any type of business. Plus, why would you mix my inclusion in the group with your work? It would be awkward.”

              “You'll learn. And at work we'll keep things professional.”

              He might be able to act professional at work but I wouldn't. Frankly, me and him in an office setting would make me want to carry out certain office fantasies of mine...

              He came closer and held my arms, “Say yes.”

              I shook my head knowing that this would be a bad idea. “No.”

              “Think about it. You'll make more money and your parents won't be upset with where you work.” He ran his eyes across my body, “I promise I'll be good.” His mischievous grin showed me that he was lying.

              “Can I think about it?”

              His grin disappeared and he looked annoyed. “Fine. But if you go tonight, you'll have to make up your absence by seeing me tomorrow.”

              I tried not to look too happy. “Oh. I have school in the morning.”

              “Your last class ends at two so come over to my office afterward and we'll have lunch.”

              “How did you know that? That I get out of school at two.”

              “It's all in your file.”

              I suddenly remembered the file he was reading back in his office the first time we met. “Oh, I see. Do I get a file on you? It's only fair.”

              “You wouldn't be able to handle it.”






              Being in school was torture. I only had three classes but it felt like I was never going to get out and my last class dragged like crazy. I already had my bag packed a minute before class was to end and once it did I practically sprinted out the door.

              When I finally got to the office, I was more impatient then ever to see Josef. The brunette receptionist who I met during the “audition” part of the group greeted me coldly. And as I sat down and waited, I caught her staring at me in bewilderment like I didn't belong in the same space she was in.  I looked down the entire time before a door to Josef's office opened. Three men came out and were shaking Josef's hand. I couldn't hold back my smile as I ran my eyes down his body. Like always, he looked amazing. He was wearing a crimson red blouse which brought out the copper tones in his sandy blonde hair. Speaking of his hair, he had that
hair (hopefully, not actually true!) that he occasionally sported and totally made me go crazy inside. He leaned against the reception desk with his arms placed flatly on top as he watched the men step into the elevator. When the elevator doors closed, he grinned and slowly turned his head to me as if he knew I was there all along.

              “Hi.” His voice was husky which touched certain parts of my body.

              “Hi.” I bit down on my bottom lip to suppress my idiotic smile that I felt was going to appear.

              He backed off the desk, still grinning, and gestured for me to come into his office. I waved to the cold brunette as I walked towards his office.

              When I was inside he closed the door immediately behind him. I didn't even turn to look at him. I was distracted immediately by the elegance and beauty of his office. Mostly white and ivory with a hint of red oak here and there. Just like his home.

              “How was school?”

              I turned to find him opening a shelf filled with liquor.

              “Long. Too long.”

              He turned towards me. “What would you like to drink?”

              I shrugged my shoulders. “Anything fruity?”

              He rolled his eyes as he glanced back at the shelf. “You are such a girl. How does a Cranberry vodka sound like then?”

              Vodka this early in the day? “Sounds good.” As he was busy with the liquor, I placed my bag on  one of the plush ivory couches and went up to the window to check out the view. There wasn't an ocean or a skyline filled with skyscrapers but it was a beautiful view nonetheless. A vast amount of green and pink willow tress. It was one of the few reasons to love Richmond.

              Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him approaching me. I turned facing him and accepted the drink he offerred me. “Thanks.” I took a sip and was surprised at how good it tasted so I ended up drinking the whole thing at once which made him look at me in shock. “It was a long day at school.”

              He nodded as he looked amused. “Yes, you mentioned that. Anything in particular that you wanted to get to after school?”

              You. Preferably shirtless. I smiled at him and turned away without verbally answering him. I walked towards a shelf filled with vinyl records, completely aware that his eyes were on me the whole time. “So you seem to like music... but you hate to dance. Huh. Interesting.”

              I looked back but he was no longer standing near the window, instead he was right behind me leaning against his desk. “I didn't hear you move.”

              “Vampire.” He waved.

              Oh. Damn. He brought up a topic that I really wanted to go over with him but at the same time I dreaded.

              “Right. About that. Can I ask you a few questions?”


              “For one, this has been eating at me for a while and I would really like to know. Just out of curiosity,” as I spoke he studied my face but I couldn't make out what he was thinking, “how old are you exactly?”

              His facial expression didn't change one bit. It's like he knew I was going to ask him that and he was prepared. “You really want to know?”

              “If that's okay with you.”

              “I'll be turning 407 later this year.”




A pitch black veil consumed my thoughts and vision.




              He continued to study my face casually which made me even more shocked. I nodded my head several times. Yes, he was old. Super old. But surprisingly I didn't seem to mind entirely. Despite the age, he had a young soul...

              I smiled at him. “You look good.”

              His face finally changed into a look of bewilderment. “That doesn't bother you?”

              It should, shouldn't it? “No, not really. I mean... yes, you're
older than me but... age is just number, right?” Heck, even Artie was over a hundred years old and it never bothered me once.

              He stood up and walked towards the windows and when he turned back to me he looked alarmed. “Have you lost your mind?”

              I shook my head in shock. “No. I got used to the whole old vampire age thing with Artie and it never bothered me. Inside he's young and so are you.”

              He ran a hand through his face and kept it momentarily on his mouth before he spoke again. “You're 19... this should bother you.”

              I was completely confused at what he was saying. “You knew the age difference and pursued me. You didn't have a problem before. Why are you acting like this?”

              “Before I told you how old I was, you didn't have any reservations when you were around me. I wanted to spend more time with you before you knew how old I was. But now that you know you should be running away.”

              “Do you want me to?”

              “No...I don't know.”

              We stood there in silence. I didn't know what to say. He thought I would no longer be attracted to him if I knew how old he was. But it really didn't make a difference to me. “So what now?”

              He went to stand behind one of the couches and he gripped the edge of it with both hands. “Quinn, you're 19 and you're beautiful. You have your whole life ahead of you and you would rather pursue something with me.”

              I looked at him confused.

              He cocked his head to one side with sympathy in his eyes. “I know that you like me more than you should. And part of that is my fault for leading you on. But I'm not a good guy. And after the group ends, I expect you to go out and find yourself a nice human boy who isn't nearly 400 years older than you.”

              My eyes were burning with the tears that started to form. My lips quivered as I tried to speak. “Is that what you really want? Fuck. Is that how little you think of us?”

              He looked at me like I was a lost puppy. I hated that. I hated that he looked at me like I was a poor led-on victim. He liked me and I refused to let him lie. “If things were different, maybe, we could have been together. In all my life, I never liked a human girl before. You make me laugh like no other and your natural kindness is rare. And... you're... simply the most stunning girl I've ever seen. I would be happy – and honored – to be with you if things were different.”

              I couldn't stop the tears from flowing rapidly. “You mean, if I was a vampire?”

              His face and eyes went hard. “Maybe, yes.”

              “So, this whole time we were just going to hang out? Afterward, you were just going to forget about me?”

              He sighed and was no longer looking at me. He came around the couch, picked up my bag and handed it to me. He finally looked into my eyes. “I'm sorry.”

              I couldn't believe it. I felt shattered completely. I took my bag and headed to the door. Before I turned the knob, I looked back a him. “Please terminate my contract. And I'll send back all of your money.” He opened his mouth to say something but I quickly went out the door and ran to the elevators before he could say anything.























                                                                      CHAPTER ten




              I was sitting on top of my bed sobbing uncontrollably. I had never felt like this before. Never had a guy treat me like that before. Now I knew why parents wanted me to date a “good” Christian boy.

              Weezer's “Say It Ain't So” was blasting in the background, totally breaking the noise rule in the house. Nicholas was sitting on top of my desk sipping a slurpee. He didn't know what was going on. He was completely innocent.

              I missed that.

              Missed not knowing what heartbreak felt like.

              My father came in and turned the music down before slowly sitting down on the bed beside me. But my sobbing didn't stop. Nicholas continued to slurp while my father sighed and gave me a sympathetic look, “Is this about... a boy?”

              “No. About a
not a boy!”

              My father looked shocked and disgusted at the same time. He sat up and lifted his hands in front of him and slowly backed out of my room. “This is more of a conversation your mother should have with you.”

              I looked over at Nicholas who still had that look of casual innocence. He shrugged his shoulders at me and then I did too.

              When any of my friends would go through a tough breakup, they would always depressingly watch romantic films and wonder if there would be a happy ending for them like it was in the films.

              But that wasn't going to be the case here; I wasn't going to ridicule myself and my dignity by doing that. Especially, when deep down I knew that there was a very small chance of a happy ending for a relationship with someone like Josef.

              I was kidding myself if I thought it would be possible.

              I'm sure even Jane Austen herself would have pulled her hair out just attempting to put together such a story in words.






              I stirred in my bed at the sound of something buzzing. My eyes fluttered as I tried to read the time on my clock.


              “What the hell?”

              I reached over to grab my phone off the table which was covered with used kleenex tissues that kept me company during my sorrow earlier. I looked at the phone and saw Janel calling me.


              “Oh my God, what do you think happened?” She sounded absolutely panicked. My heart started racing.

              “Janel, what are you talking about?” I sat completely up on my bed with no ounce of sleepiness left in me.

              “Wait... you didn't hear?” She sounded shocked and her voice sounded like it was about to break.

              The anticipation was killing me. “No, I quit the group yesterday. What happened?”

              “Cassie is dead. She was murdered.”







              An image of a beautiful young girl lying still and cold flashed in my mind and suddenly I needed to cover myself up more with my blanket.

              I couldn't believe it. I wasn't her biggest fan but this was horrible. She was so young. Only 21 years old. I tried to calm myself and slow my heartbeat as I talked to Janel. Janel didn't have many details. She had only heard from Ivy who heard from Gwen. After we ended our conversation, I quickly dialed Artie's number. I wondered what happened.

              Could it, surely not.

              Was it a vampire attack?...

              On the whole, Richmond was a safe and quiet town. In the last few decades, vampires and humans have lived peacefully together after the vampire community came into a peace agreement with the U.S. Government. Vampires were allowed to live wherever they wanted and not hide, while they were not allowed to harm innocent humans. But that never stopped a few of the renegade vampires... Plus, it would make sense since the group was spending more time with Josef and his vampire friends. Especially since Cassie was in the group before. Did she get too close to a vampire?

              When Artie answered his phone, he sounded wary. “Hi, Quinn.”

              “Artie, what's going on? I just found out about Cassie from Janel.”

              He didn't reply immediately and I could hear him give out a deep sigh on the other end. “ Lisa and Gwen found her dead in the hotel room she was staying in.” He paused. “After the museum we went to dinner and we all ended up staying at a nearby hotel since many of the girls were too tired to travel back home. Gwen had a small meeting with the girls in one of the hotel's conference rooms and... Cassie needed to be excused... and when she didn't return for a while Gwen and Lisa went to find her. And well... yeah.”

              “No one knows anything else?”

              “There is an investigation going on right now. But I really don't know what will come out of it...”

              I could tell he was hiding something. I could hear distance in his voice. “Artie, talk me. What do you know?”

              “When Jacob, Josef and I went to her room to see if we could pick up a scent...”


              “We did pick up a scent... a supernatural one.”

              I knew it. I let out a gasp. “A vampire?”

              “No. Not at all. It's something else entirely.”

              I was confused. “What do you mean? Then who was it?”

              “We don't know. We could usually pick up a vampire's or werewolf’s scent but... not this one. It was overwhelmingly strong. Too strong to be a human's but it was... like... it was blocked?”

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