The Training of Fallen Angels (8 page)

BOOK: The Training of Fallen Angels
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‘Not much chance of that in this place,’ laughed Janet as she returned to her task of licking Paul’s bottom.

‘You can say that again.’ The three of them swung
to see the naked form of Mike standing in the open doorway. His erection was once more as stiff as ever, and it swung heavily as he walked over to the bed. Lisa shrugged and slid over to meet him. She greeted him by taking hold of his cock and quickly engulfing it in her mouth.

In a way, Janet was pleased that he had arrived. Mike would keep Lisa occupied for a while so that she could concentrate on the gorgeous Paul. He had remained kneeling on the bed and was thoroughly enjoying what she was doing to him with her tongue. Janet resumed her oral caress of his bottom. She found the taste of his fresh sweat intoxicating.

She parted his buttocks with her thumbs and pushed the tip of her tongue into the tight little hole. This was something she had learnt from Lisa and she knew that, if Paul was enjoying it half as much as she had done that first, wonderful time that it had happened to her, then he would be in sheer ecstasy. He moaned softly and arched his back so that she could delve deeper. She responded by pursing her tongue and pushing hard. It hurt her a little but the knowledge of the pleasure she was giving made the slight discomfort worthwhile.

The bed began to shake rhythmically. Janet raised her head to see Mike lying on top of Lisa and fucking her steadily. Janet put her mouth back to Paul’s bottom and licked again. Lisa managed somehow to wriggle her body over the bed so that her head was under Paul’s groin. Janet was able to see that she was now sucking his thick cock whilst Mike continued to plunder her lush pussy with his own considerable stalk.

Janet suddenly had an idea. Paul seemed content to remain in the same position with his steel-hard prick being gently suckled by her friend, and he didn’t seem
notice when Janet moved from the bed and walked over to the dressing table. She opened one of the drawers and retrieved a shiny, black vibrator. She returned to the bed and knelt again behind Paul and once more ran her tongue wetly between his buttocks. She put the tapered tip of the vibrator into her mouth and soaked it with her saliva, then gently eased about half its length into his bottom. She twisted the base and the implement buzzed into life. Paul took in a deep gasp of air and threw his head back in abject delight as she continued to push until nearly the full length was held inside him.

Lisa saw what was going on and reached between Paul’s legs to grip the root of the vibrator and began to move it in and out whilst continuing to suck his thick cock. Mike seemed oblivious to all this and carried on fucking Lisa with long, measured strokes. Janet crawled to the head of the bed and positioned herself on her knees and elbows so that her own bottom was inches from Paul’s face. She sighed with delight as she felt him lapping her pert buttocks, then groaned happily as his tongue slithered up and down along her deep cleft. She stiffened her thigh-muscles and pushed her bottom against his face, thrilling as his tongue began to probe her tiny sphincter.

Then he was moving behind her. Somehow he had managed to extricate his cock from Lisa’s luscious mouth and was easing the huge head inside Janet’s soaking sex-lips. He slid his full length deep into her and she felt his thick stalk throb within her hot sheath. She came with a suddenness that surprised even her and she bit hard into the pillow. Her entire body trembled as Paul began to fuck her, gently at first then with increasing force and rapidity She sensed him ease a finger into her anus, then something that felt quite different. He was now easing the
into her tight little hole whilst, at the same time, continuing to shag her mercilessly. The buzzing started and it tickled her at first, but then tremors of excitement began to course through her loins. Paul held himself still with his long cock firmly embedded inside her cunt. It was clear that he was enjoying the vibrating sensation as much as she was.

Lisa and Mike moved from the bed and out of her line of vision. ‘Oh, my God,’ breathed Paul, ‘your friend’s licking my backside now. I don’t think I can hold back much longer.’ Janet looked over her shoulder to see Lisa kneeling on the bed and assiduously running her tongue over Paul’s bottom. Mike was now standing at the foot of the bed on the floor, once more plundering the succulent depths of Lisa’s pussy and completing the chain of sublime over-indulgence.

Paul was the first to surrender to the inevitable. He gave a long, low groan and gripped Janet’s thighs tightly with his cock rammed into her as far as it would go. She felt it stretch and seem to become even harder against her oozing flesh. Then she felt it pulse again and again and she heard him gasp. She stiffened her inner muscles to grip him tightly as he filled her with his hot seed. Her actions caused her to rise quickly to the edge of her own orgasm. She felt Paul slowly easing the vibrator from inside her bottom and the combination of the extreme sensations took her over into blissful release.

Paul began to pound heavily into her again and knocked her flat on her stomach. He lay on her lithe, little body and fucked her harder than she could remember being fucked until, gradually, he slowed his pace until he stopped.

They lay still for a few minutes. Paul’s slowly wilting cock still beat inside her, albeit with less and less frequency. Janet always loved this time, the few
moments when lust is sated and lovers caress each other with genuine tenderness. Lisa and Mike disappeared into the bathroom, no doubt to continue their mutual delights in the bath or shower.

Paul eased himself from within her and rolled over on to his back. Janet turned over and raised herself on her elbow, then kissed him lightly on the lips. He gazed adoringly into her soft, brown eyes.

‘Welcome to Grantham Manor,’ he breathed.


eyes slowly as the heat of the morning sun eased her back into consciousness. The gentle throbbing between her legs reminded her of the previous night’s excesses. She pulled herself up on the pillows, half sitting, half lying, and looked around the room. Janet had gone, as had the two young men; what were their names? Pete? No, Paul, that’s it, and Mike. She closed her eyes and dreamily remembered their superb, athletic bodies and some of their shared delights. For such young men they certainly knew what they were doing.

She slipped from the huge bed and walked towards the bathroom. Once inside, she quickly squatted over the toilet and began to pee. The urgent, warm torrent reawakened the nerve-endings of her sex in the most pleasurable of ways and stung her raw flesh slightly. She sighed. It had been quite a night.

The job completed, she washed herself between her legs then smoothed her depilatory cream over and around her sex-lips. The coolness of the balm soothed her. She’d lost count of the number of times that Paul and Mike had slipped their hard cocks into her willing sheath during that wild orgy last night. And when Janet had used that huge dildo on her – no wonder that she ached.

Lisa reached over and turned on the bath taps. As
gushed into life, she smiled to herself as she remembered some of the things that the four of them had got up to in the same bath just hours previously. She reached for a small, blue bottle and tipped some of the contents into the steaming water. The perfume filled her senses immediately. It was strong but subtle, and clearly very expensive.

A tingling sensation between her legs told her that the cream was already working its magic. She blessed the day when she’d discovered it. No more razors, with their attendant dangers. A quick dip in the warm water and all traces of pubic stubble would be gone.

She clambered into the bath and allowed her body to slide against the smooth marble until just her head was above the scented water. The steam began to cloud the mirrors that covered every wall. Lisa closed her eyes and ran her hands lazily over her body. Not for the first time in just a few hours did she feel that she had found heaven.

She heard the bedroom door close with a bang. ‘Janet?’ she called, her ears straining to hear a reply. There was none, just the firm padding of footsteps on the thickly piled carpet. ‘Janet, is that you?’

The bathroom door opened. ‘Where’ve you been?’ continued Lisa, ‘I was –’

The intruder wasn’t Janet. Instead of her friend, Lisa found herself confronted by an exceptionally tall black woman dressed in a bright red corset which appeared to be made of leather. It was drawn in tightly at the waist, the effect being to accentuate the size of her huge, naked breasts and the broad sweep of her hips. Her only other apparel was a pair of red panties of similar material and black, shiny boots which covered her long legs almost to the crotch.

‘Who are you?’ Lisa demanded as she sat upright in the bath and instinctively covered her breasts with her hands.

The impressive figure stepped forward. She smiled broadly, flashing a row of dazzlingly white teeth. The smile did nothing to quell Lisa’s feelings of apprehension. The expression in the newcomer’s eyes was cold and stern. ‘Do not conceal such wonderful prizes,’ said the woman. She reached out and took hold of Lisa’s arms and firmly tugged her hands away from her breasts. Lisa looked down, as though she was ashamed of their nakedness. The newcomer gazed at the heaving mounds hungrily. Lisa shivered uncontrollably, despite the warmth of the water. The woman released her grip of her arms and stepped back.

‘My name is Heidi Stone,’ she said, proudly, ‘but you will call me Madam Stone. I am your guide, your mentor and, above all, your instructor.’

‘Instructor? I don’t understand. I thought that we –’

‘Before you can teach you must learn.’

‘I don’t mean any disrespect,’ said Lisa, her confidence returning, ‘but I don’t think you could teach us much that we haven’t already experienced.’

The woman smirked unkindly. ‘I observed your performance last night, and that of your friend. Believe me, young lady, you have much to learn. Now, out of the bath, dry yourself off and join me in the bedroom for your first lesson. Quickly!’

The tone and abruptness of Madam Stone’s voice demanded immediate acquiescence. Lisa climbed out of the bath without a second’s thought and grabbed a towel. Madam Stone turned sharply and strode out of the bathroom. Lisa watched her go, noting the firm swell of her jutting buttocks and the thin sliver of red leather that disappeared into the dark cleft between the sumptuous globes. Despite her feelings of nervousness and not a little anger, she felt an immediate
for this powerful woman. Lisa had always felt a strong sexual attraction for black men and women, a magnetism that she found it difficult to control. There had been many times in the past that she had surrendered to these urges, and always with highly satisfying results. She quickly dried herself in excited anticipation, then, wrapping the towel around her body she followed as ordered.

Madam Stone was lying at the centre of the bed with her legs splayed wide apart. The red leather panties had been thrown on to the floor. Her bushy crotch glistened in the sunlight which streamed in through the large window. She grinned coldly as Lisa walked over to her to stand awkwardly at the side of the bed.

‘Remove the towel!’ commanded the fearsome woman. Lisa obeyed immediately. Madam Stone sat upright on the bed and slowly examined her body. She reached out with both hands and cupped Lisa’s breasts and raised them slightly, then let them fall from her grasp. She looked at Lisa and nodded her approval.

‘Very little movement for such large breasts,’ she said appreciatively. Suddenly, she slipped her hand between Lisa’s legs which caused her to gasp. ‘So smooth,’ she continued as she ran the tip of her tongue across her huge lips, ‘and so inviting.’ Lisa shivered. She could feel the woman snaking her middle finger into her creamy pussy. She began to breath deeply as Madam Stone circled her long finger inside her. ‘You like it, don’t you? Don’t you?’ The second time the question was asked it was with extreme severity, and it shocked Lisa. She nodded quickly.

The beautiful black woman removed her finger and lay back on the bed. ‘Kneel between my legs,’ she
. Lisa obeyed without a second’s thought. ‘Now, look at me. What do you see?’

Lisa was becoming confused. ‘Er, I don’t understand,’ she began.

‘Are you stupid?’ said Madam Stone angrily. ‘Look, girl, what do you see?’

‘I see … you,’ said Lisa.

‘Go on. What exactly do you see?’

‘I, I see a beautiful, strong woman with skin as dark as coal and eyes –’

‘What do you think of my breasts?’

Lisa stared at the heaving mounds and the long, jet-black nipples. She was terrified that she would say the wrong thing. ‘They are big,’ she ventured.

‘Not as big as yours.’

‘No, but I’m a bit unusual,’

‘Indeed you are. Now, what do you see between my legs?’

Lisa looked down at the thick bush of curly, black hair. ‘I can see your, your sex,’ she said quietly.

‘No, girl,’ said Madam Stone, angrily, ‘you can see my
! What can you see?’

‘Your cunt,’ replied Lisa, deliberately accentuating the obscenity.

‘And I can see yours. Your beautiful, hairless cunt, with thick, pouting lips that I am sure will taste divine.’ The big woman parted her long legs even wider and put the fingers of both hands to her crotch. She smoothed back the hair and pushed against the flesh to display her thick sex-lips to Lisa’s appreciative gaze. The outer lips were deep ebony in colour, but the long cleft between them appeared almost scarlet. ‘Do you like my cunt, Lisa?’ she said. Lisa nodded. ‘Lick it. Show me how good you are with your tongue.’

Lisa was in no mood to disobey. She knelt on her
and forearms and lowered her face towards Madam Stone’s blatantly offered prize. She took in a deep breath. Her scent was strong and distinctly feminine. Madam Stone raised her hips from the bed and tugged the lips of her pussy apart. Lisa gazed lustfully at the exposed, deep-red flesh of her inner lips and the prominent bud of her erect clitoris. She planted a gentle kiss on the hard, little button and heard Madam Stone draw in a sharp breath. The thickly matted hair was soaked with her arousal and her juices were gently trickling between her buttocks.

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