The Training of Fallen Angels (11 page)

BOOK: The Training of Fallen Angels
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‘As I walked down the short path to the main door I began to feel a little nervous, to say the least. I pushed against the outer door, but it was locked. I was about to turn and head for home when I heard a buzz and a click and the door snapped open. I pushed my way in and found myself in a long corridor with a flight of stairs at the far end. There were doors on both sides. I assumed the door to the woman’s flat was the first one so I went to knock on it.

‘Before I could, however, the door was opened and she stood there. If anything, she looked a little older than I had first imagined, but her dark eyes seemed to be sending out incredibly sexy signals to me. I smiled awkwardly, trying to think of something to say and looked down. She’d unbuttoned the robe. She was wearing a very frilly nightdress under her dressing-gown. I could make out the shape of a huge,
bra under the thin material, and I could just see that she was also wearing a very large pair of black knickers. It’s funny the details you remember, isn’t it?’

‘Get on with it, Mike,’ said Paul, feigning exasperation.

‘OK, OK. Now where was I? Oh yes. Anyway, she asked me if I wanted to come in for a coffee. I just nodded and stood there like an idiot. My knees were shaking and my heart was thumping. I hadn’t got a clue what I was letting myself in for, and I think that I was more nervous than excited.

‘She turned and walked back into the flat, then looked over her shoulder as if to say, “Well, come on, you bloody fool”. I followed her obediently, like a lamb to the slaughter. We were in her lounge. She turned to me again and gave me a big smile. Although she was over twice my age she seemed to exude sex, and yet she was the opposite of what I had always thought I wanted in a woman. OK, her tits were huge, but the rest of her looked plump as well. Her face was still very attractive, and she had lovely, big, dark eyes that she used on me to great effect. She never seemed to take them off mine for a moment.

‘She told me to close the door and turn the light on, then she walked over to the window and drew the curtains across the window. I did as she’d asked, then sat on the edge of the sofa. She seemed to be having a problem drawing the curtains fully so I jumped up to help her. I managed to do the job without difficulty. We were standing very close – almost touching. She turned her head and looked me straight in the eye. Her smile had gone. She was looking at me in a very serious way, as though I’d done something wrong. I could feel my cock stiffening and for some reason I felt embarrassed. I tore my gaze from hers
fiddled a bit more with the curtains before returning to my seat.

‘She stood by the window for a moment, just looking at me. I half-smiled, then looked down at her feet. Her legs were bare, no tights or anything, and she was wearing a fluffy pair of slippers. “I’ll go and make the coffee,” she said. She walked across the room and disappeared through a door behind me.

‘I sat waiting for her like someone waiting to see the dentist. She seemed to take ages until at last she returned carrying a tray. As she walked in front of me, the first thing that I noticed was that the awful slippers had gone, to be replaced by a pair of black, high-heeled shoes. Her legs were covered in black nylon as well; I remember wondering if she was wearing stockings or tights. She nodded to a small coffee table in the centre of the room. “Pull that table in front of you,” she said. I did so, and she bent forward rather more than was necessary and placed the tray down. I found myself looking down at an incredible depth of cleavage. Her breasts were swinging free; the bra had gone. I leant forward slightly, but I couldn’t quite see her nipples.

‘She looked up at me suddenly and I quickly looked away from the melon-sized mounds. She grinned. “D’you want sugar?” she asked. I nodded. “How many?” I asked for two spoons and watched in fascination as she slowly put the sugar in my cup and stirred the coffee. She bent forward even more as she did so. I looked down her flimsy nightie again. I could just make out the edge of one of her nipples. As she stirred the coffee her tits shook rhythmically – it was obvious that she was doing it on purpose but I didn’t know what to do or say.

‘She looked up at me again. “D’you like the view?” she asked in a husky tone. I apologised clumsily and grabbed my coffee. I managed to spill half of it into
saucer. I tried to take a sip but my hands were shaking so much that I had to put it down before I spilt the lot over myself. I know how your postman felt.

The woman took up her own drink and sat at the opposite edge of the sofa. She took a sip, then leant back against the arm and crossed her legs. The swish of the nylon made me look down at her legs. I could see the dark edge at the top of one of her stockings and the clasp of a suspender. My cock was hardening by the second, but I still didn’t know what to say or what to do. I suppose that I was frightened of putting her off by saying something stupid.

‘She put her coffee down on the table and then sat back again. This time she drew her gown back to her sides nonchalantly. Her big breasts jutted out, now covered only by her thin nightie. I could see the dark shapes of her nipples. I looked down at her lap and wondered if she’d still got those dreadful, big knickers on. It was hard to tell, although I couldn’t see the dark shape of them under the white lace. “Have you been working out at the gym?” she asked. I just said yes. “You don’t say much, do you?” she teased. She leant forward and slipped her gown off. Her nightie was so loose that I thought her breasts were going to fall out as she threw the gown over the back of the sofa. I could feel my face colouring up. “Would you like to see my holiday snaps?” she continued. I said that I would – anything to cover up my embarrassment at not being able to think of a single intelligent thing to say.

‘She got up and walked over to a sideboard. As she bent forward to get the album from one of the cupboards I could see the shape of her lovely, big bottom through the white lace. The knickers had gone as well!

‘She returned with the album and sat next to me so that our thighs were touching. She rested the book on my lap and opened it. “It was in Spain, last year,” she said as we leafed through endless pages of photographs of her and another woman. There were pictures of them standing individually in front of castles, bars and donkeys – you know, the usual kind of stuff. I was beginning to get bored when she turned to a page of snaps of her in a bikini.

‘It was yellow and far too small for her ample body. I looked with great interest at her sumptuous curves. She was plump, as I’ve said, but in all the right places. Her waist was surprisingly narrow and, although her stomach was a bit big, it curved in the sexiest way towards the tiny V of yellow material between her legs. “D’you like those?” she said, quietly. I nodded. “What about these, then?” she said, as she turned the page.

‘My throat went dry. The bikini top had gone, and there they were, the most beautiful tits that I could ever have imagined. Although they were huge, they jutted out firmly without the slightest trace of sag. “D’you like big breasts?” she asked. I told her that I did; very much. She took hold of the album, closed it and put it on the table. I looked down at my legs. My cock was fully hard, and its shape was clearly visible through the tight, lycra shorts. I looked up at her guiltily. She smiled broadly. “My word,” she said, “whatever’s happened to you?” She ran her fingers lightly along my thigh but didn’t touch me where I wanted her to. I mumbled something about the pictures being very nice and looked down at my cock. I willed it to shrivel but it seemed to be getting harder. Then a damp patch appeared where the end was resting and I wanted to die. She pulled her hand away from my leg and I thought I’d blown my chance.

‘She sat back and moved her hands under her breasts and lifted them. “Would you like to see them for real?” she asked. She didn’t wait for my answer. She caught up the hem of her nightie and pulled the flimsy lace over her head quickly. She was naked now, apart from her stockings and suspender belt. She just sat there, with her legs crossed, looking at me as if waiting for me to make a move. My arms were frozen to my sides. I gazed at the massive globes of firm flesh and the long, dark nipples and swallowed hard. After a moment she smiled and took hold of one of my wrists. She drew my hand slowly towards her until my fingertips touched the smooth skin of one of her wonderful tits. I cupped the big mound with the nipple pressed against the palm of my hand. At last, I took the initiative and reached up with my other hand to take hold of her other breast.

‘She closed her eyes and started to breathe heavily as I kneaded the plump flesh with my inexpert fingers. She uncrossed her legs and I looked down to see her thick bush of dark hair between them. I leant forward. She opened her eyes and pulled her face away from mine. “No, don’t kiss me,” she said. I was puzzled, and a little hurt, but my thoughts were quickly turning to more basic things.

‘I took my hand from one of her breasts and moved it to her thigh. She opened her legs and I inched my hand upwards until my fingertips touched the damp hair. She gasped loudly and I moved my hand back down her thigh, fearing that I’d gone too far. She responded by grabbing hold of my wrist again and dragging my hand back up between her legs. I cupped her hot, little pussy for a moment, then slipped my middle finger between her soaking wet lips. I remember being surprised at how wet she was. Still gripping my wrist, she groaned and moved my
against her, as if to teach me how to please her. I was a willing pupil!

‘She ordered me to suck her nipples. I obeyed immediately and put my mouth to one of her huge, fleshy mounds and drew the hard, thick nipple between my lips. I sucked it hard and, at the same time, traced the shape of her cunt with my fingertips. I had never even seen one before, let alone touched one.

‘Suddenly, she began to tremble and breathe loudly. She grasped my wrist tightly and forced me to rub her rapidly between the legs whilst I continued to suckle her nipple. She groaned loudly and pressed her body against me so that her breast almost covered my face. I could hardly breathe.

‘After a moment she relaxed and lay back on the sofa. She pulled my hand from her crotch and let it fall on my lap. There was a long silence. I wasn’t sure what had happened – in those days I didn’t even know a woman could have an orgasm!

‘I looked at her lovely, plump body and watched in amazement at the way her big tits moved as she breathed. The hair between her legs glistened and I could see the pink lips of her pussy clearly. They were invitingly open. I wondered if I was going to fuck a woman at last. The trouble was, my cock was achingly hard and I knew that she would only have to touch it and there was a good chance that I would come.

‘She looked at the shape of my erection under the lycra shorts. The material was still visibly damp where my cock had leaked a bit during my excitement. “You’re very close, aren’t you?” she whispered. I nodded. I wanted to fuck her, but I knew if was hopeless. “How long will it take for you to get hard again if I make you come?” she asked. I told her a few minutes; I really didn’t know. When a man is in that sort of state he really believes that he can come
and again. It doesn’t seem possible that the incredible, driving lust he feels will disappear as soon as he shoots his load.

‘The woman moved to kneel in front of me and reached for the waistband of my shorts. I lifted my bottom from the seat and she pulled them down to my ankles. My cock was pressed rigidly against my stomach. “That’s a nice big one,” she said. I suppose she said that to all the guys, but it made me happy. She circled it with her fingers and raised it vertically, then squeezed it tightly. The end turned purple. She bent forward and pushed out her tongue, then licked around the head slowly. I watched her in total rapture. I couldn’t believe it – a woman was actually licking my cock!

‘She moved her hand to grip my cock by the root and engulfed the rest of my stalk in her hot mouth. The inevitable happened. I felt the twinges in my groin and my cock stiffened past the point of no return. “I’m coming!” I shouted. I was trying to warn her but she didn’t seem concerned. She sucked me all the harder and I came inside her mouth. My cock throbbed heavily and jet after jet of sperm shot to the back of her throat. Still she sucked and swallowed, determined to drain every last drop. I was in heaven.

‘At last, she moved her head from me and sat back on her haunches between my knees. She wiped her mouth on the back of her hand. For a long time we just sat in silence, simply looking at each other. Then she took a swig of coffee. “It’s gone cold,” she said. “I’ll make some more.” She got to her feet and picked up the tray, then walked off to the kitchen.

‘I sat in dumbfounded silence as she busied herself. My shorts were still round my ankles and my cock was resting loosely on my thigh. I couldn’t believe my
. I had actually come in a woman’s mouth! She had actually
swallowed my sperm

‘She came back into the room carrying two more mugs of coffee and set them down on the table. She’d put on a tiny little maid’s apron which just covered her crotch. It was the sexiest thing I had ever seen. She looked down at my ankles and laughed. “Why don’t you take your shorts off,” she said. “You look ridiculous.” I did as she asked, then pulled off my T-shirt, trainers and socks. She knelt on the floor beside me and took my cock nonchalantly in one hand and her coffee mug in the other. As she sipped her drink she casually rubbed me until I was as hard as steel. “Ooh,” she said. “That didn’t take long!”

‘I smiled proudly, then took a couple of swigs of the hot drink before returning the mug to the table. For some reason I was feeling much more confident now and I lay back in the seat to await her next move. She didn’t seem to be in any hurry. She just carried on rubbing me, gradually speeding up so that her breasts jiggled with the movement of her arm.

‘At last she put her mug down and removed the apron, then knelt in front of me between my legs. She leant forward so that her tits pressed against my erection. She looked up at me and grinned. “You like my big tits, don’t you?” she said. I told her again that I loved them. She shook her body from side to side so that her nipples brushed against my ragingly hard stalk then took hold of it and sandwiched it between her fleshy mounds. “Fuck my tits,” she ordered. I moved my hips up and down. I couldn’t even see my cock, but I could certainly feel what was happening to it!

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