The Treasure (17 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Lowery

Tags: #romance, #suspense

BOOK: The Treasure
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She cupped his cheek. “No,” she said softly. “You saved me.” Unable to wait any longer she whispered, “Make love to me, Brody.”

Brody peeled off his boots and pants and rolled her beneath him, cherishing her body like it was the Holy Grail. And when she could take no more, she clutched his shoulders.

“Please, Brody, now,” she pleaded, riding the edge.

“Yes.” With hands that shook, he tore through his pack, flipped the first aid kit open, grabbed a condom and rolled it on. Amelia watched him touch himself and heat infused her body. Then he lowered himself over her, gripped her hips and plunged inside her.

Amelia cried out as he filled her, loved the feel of him moving inside her, filling her. Each thrust drove her toward ecstasy. She wrapped her legs around his hips, urged him deeper, faster, longing to sail over the edge she perched on, at the same time she wanted this to last forever. The feel of Brody’s body slick and hard against hers, the power of his strokes, the complete and utter possessiveness that touched the deepest part of her. His groans filled her ears, made her smile.

“Oh … God … Brody … now.”

came harder, faster, and more powerful than she could ever have prepared for. Her climax ripped through her. She cried Brody’s name, scratched her nails down his back as wave after wave assailed her. Vaguely, she heard Brody’s grunt as he fell with her, rode her waves and sapped every last drop out of her.

When it was over, Amelia collapsed on the floor of the tent, spent, and let out an exhilarated laugh. “That,” she said when she could speak, “was amazing.” And the first time she had ever climaxed with a man together. Until now, she had thought her boyfriends to be good lovers. They were boys compared to Brody.

Brody rested on top of her, supporting his weight on his elbows as to not squish her, and that only made her want him more.

His breathing was as erratic as hers. Their bodies were slick with sweat and rainwater, the tent steamy and smelled of sex. Perfect. And she never wanted it to end. Making love to Brody
the most exciting adventure of all.

• • •

Brody rolled off Amelia, who sighed, eyes closed, a satisfied smile on her flushed face. Amazing, yes. Best sex ever, yes. One hell of a woman, yes. Stupid, yes.

When she fell, his heart stopped beating for those few seconds until the belay system caught her. Pandora flashed through his head, broken and battered, and he froze, caught in the past. The need to touch her, feel her, know that she was alive, overwhelmed his good sense.

He rubbed a hand over his face.

Making love had been a fool’s move. Because it sure as hell was more than sex. It stirred things inside him he thought dead and buried. Life was easier that way. No complications. Amelia Sawyer was nothing but a complication.

“Brody?” Amelia questioned softly. Night had fallen and it was going to be a long one. Because now that he had tasted Amelia, he wanted more.

He knew what she wanted. What she needed. He remembered the vulnerability in her eyes when she sat naked before him. She wanted reassurance. Acknowledgement. He could, at least, give her that. For tonight, anyway.

Reaching for her, he pulled her up against his side. She sighed and cuddled up against him, content. And — for the moment — he allowed himself to be content, too.

Chapter Sixteen

Amelia wiped a strand of damp hair off her cheek, tucked it behind her ear, and stopped to stare in wonder at the beauty surrounding her. Clear water flowed lazily over serene gray rocks whose steps ascended toward a distant waterfall. Mist hovered over red leafy plants mingled with tall green ferns and shrubs that lined the stream. It was stunning. Paradise in the middle of the jungle. The last checkpoint on the map and the end of their journey.

It stole her breath as a sense of peace settled over her. Never had she felt her aunt’s presence as she did here. It hung on the wispy leaves dropping from the trees and in the muted plants covered in droplets of rain. Happiness gurgled in the water that rolled over slick rock. Warmth of another kind wrapped around her and she knew Aunt Pan was here with her, enjoying her victory.

And it was a victory. She had done it. She had found
. And it truly deserved its name. It was the most beautiful place she had ever been. It was doubtful anyone expected
to be this beautiful piece of heaven. They would only see the treasure buried here, but not her; she saw the true beauty. It was almost like coming home. No wonder Aunt Pan wanted her to find it. There was no place else on earth like it.

Dropping her bags on the ground, she stretched out her arms and lifted her face to the sky, eyes closed. The sun, not hidden by a canopy of trees as was the rest of the jungle, warmed her skin, and made her smile.

Happy, she dropped her head to find Brody watching her. His expression made her belly tighten. “We found it,” she said softly. “

Brody nodded slowly, still watching her. There was a time she would have been uncomfortable with such direct scrutiny, but not anymore. Not after the toils of her adventure. Not after making love to Brody last night. That had changed her. Freed the woman hiding inside her. And she liked it. Liked the confidence it brought and the wild abandon she felt, even now. And there was no one in the world she would rather celebrate with than Brody.

“I couldn’t have found it without you,” she said.

He shook his head. “No, Amelia. You did that on your own. I was only your backup.”

Her smile softened. Her protector. Her bodyguard. Her lover. “Do you really believe that?”


Pride swelled through her. The compliment touched a deep part of her. She always failed in her adventures, and ended up hurt and disappointed. But this, this she had accomplished. She had taken the plunge and succeeded. It felt amazing. This man standing in front of her was amazing. If not for him finding the secret hidden in the map, they never would have found it.

She moved closer. “See? I’m alive and well. History didn’t repeat itself.”

The flicker in his eyes told her he still wasn’t willing to admit that. He blamed himself for her fall. Brody Kern took care of what was his and she wanted him to take care of her right now. The treasure could wait. Right now, she needed to enjoy the beauty of this place with Brody. No matter what happened after today, she wanted to remember her adventure with the man she loved. Like maybe her aunt hadn’t with Charlie. Maybe Brody was the real treasure.

When he opened his mouth to argue, she pressed a finger to his lips. “Uh-uh,” she murmured and replaced her finger with her lips. It felt good to be bold. To take the initiative.

As if reading her mind, Brody kept his arms at his sides and let her take her fill of his mouth. It only emboldened her all the more. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressed her body against his, and tilted her head for better access.

When she nipped his bottom lip, he growled low in his throat and lifted her off her feet, his tongue plundering her mouth. A shudder worked its way from her head to her toes. Sweet heaven, the man could kiss.

He swept her into his arms and started walking. Amelia was too busy drowning in his kiss to care where they were going. She’d go wherever Brody wanted to take her. Willingly. Vaguely, she was aware of him climbing. She let her lips trail down his throat, biting the masculine cords with her teeth. His indrawn breath made her grin.

“If you don’t stop that, we’re going to tumble down this hill,” he growled.

“Stop this?” she asked, her tone innocent, and ran her tongue over his earlobe.

He jerked, almost dropped her, and she squealed, realizing he did it on purpose. “I’ll be good,” she laughed, holding on tighter around his neck. Sexual heat radiated between them and she realized she never felt this for anyone before. Never wanted a man the way she did Brody. If she hadn’t been certain about loving him before, she was now. Feelings like this didn’t just happen with anyone. Only when you found your soulmate.

With a sigh she rested her head on Brody’s chest, listened to his heartbeat strong and steady beneath her ear. There was no one in the world she would rather share this discovery with.

“We’re here,” Brody said softly.

Amelia lifted her head and looked around with a gasp. The waterfall at the end of the stone steps turned out to be a place of exotic wonder. Brightly blooming flowers, tall ferns, and delicate plants surrounded a pool of sparkling water.

“It’s … ” Amelia began, but couldn’t find the words to describe it. It was simply too beautiful. Mystifying. “Magical,” she finally decided as Brody set her feet on the ground.

Awed, she spun in a slow circle. No wonder her aunt loved and treasured this place. Wanted to share it with her. It was awe-inspiring. And completely theirs. No one had contaminated it. Harvested it for its exotic plants or trees. It was untouched in its natural state and more magnificent than any camera could ever capture.

“Let’s swim,” she said, turning to Brody.

Feeling carefree and happier than she ever thought possible, she began to undress. Watching Brody’s eyes darken as he watched gave her courage to continue until she was naked in front of him. The sun was warm on her skin, and a gentle breeze blew her hair across her back. Biting her lip, she basked in the glow of Brody’s expression. He made her feel like a queen.

“Last one in is a rotten egg,” she taunted with a playful smile, turned, and dove into the pool. Clear, crisp, cool water enveloped her and when she surfaced she knew she had been given a gift of heaven from a woman she spent her life admiring.

Wiping hair out of her eyes she looked around, not seeing Brody. With a frown, she turned in a slow circle, treading water. She hadn’t heard him enter the water, so where was he?

A hand suddenly gripped her ankle and she was tugged under. Her mouth barely closed on a gasp before water covered her head. Strong arms wrapped around her, pressed her against a hard, male body. Playing with her. It was so unexpected, so precious, she opened her eyes and smiled at him, floated until her curves were tucked into his. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he kicked them to the surface.

When they were clear, Amelia slapped him lightly on the shoulder. “You almost drowned me.”

“I’d never let that happen.”

One hand stroked her back, the other cupping her thigh. They floated in a slow circle, like a dance. An erotic dance with water lapping like silk around her waist and Brody’s hard body leading.

The smile faded from her lips when she met his eyes. Desire darkened them to stunning amber and playtime was cast aside. With a small lift, she took him inside her, never taking her eyes off his. It was the most intimate act she ever experienced. A gasp of pleasure escaped her lips when he filled her body as completely as he filled her heart.

He dropped his forehead down onto hers, drew in a ragged breath. “What are you doing to me?”

Amelia smiled. Hopefully the same thing he was doing to her. Falling in love. “You gonna stand here all day or are you going to make love to me in this beautiful place?”

“Wait here.” He put her down, trotted to the tent and returned seconds later with a condom. She regretted she missed seeing him sheathe himself. He waded to her and once again pulled her against his muscled chest.

“Now?” she asked, breathless, as they continued their mating dance while water lapped gently around them.

An animal gleam lit his eyes as he thrust inside her. A low moan escaped her lips as he began moving inside her. Slowly. Sensually. Building toward climax with agonizing patience. Amelia threw her head back and closed her eyes. This was sinful. It had to be. It was just too good to be real.

Brody’s fingers dug into her thigh, kneaded her flesh, as he lowered his head to trail hot kisses down her neck. The crescendo built. Her breath was coming in pants now. Urging him deeper, faster, harder. Begging for release. Her body screamed for what he withheld.

Lifting up, she met Brody’s kiss, fierce and wild, and he drove them over the edge they teetered on. When it was over, she collapsed against his chest. They stayed that way, joined, water lapping gently around their entwined bodies. Brody finally carried them out of the pool and up a grassy slope where he lay with her on a bed of green.

Content, Amelia cuddled against his side and laid her head on his shoulder. She never wanted to leave this place. Didn’t want to share it. It had been hell to find, but it had also brought her Brody. That was all she needed.

and Brody. This was what her aunt had found and wanted her to have. This beautiful place with a man she loved. Did that mean Aunt Pan hadn’t found it with the man she loved? Was that the lesson she was supposed to learn?

Suddenly she sat up. “Can we go find the treasure?”

• • •

“You want to go treasure hunting now?” Brody asked, eyes closed, face lifted to the fading sunshine.

“It’s why we came, isn’t it? How can you stand it? Aunt Pan marked it on the map. Aren’t you curious to know what’s buried there?”

He’d rather make love to her again, but Amelia’s excitement was contagious. It only drove the dagger deeper into his heart. Maybe, just maybe, there was no buried treasure and he could walk away with his dignity intact. Not betray Amelia. And not live to see another day.

When he opened his eyes and looked into Amelia’s sparkling green gaze, saw the flush in her cheeks, the hope in her eyes, he knew.

He couldn’t do it.

He’d rather die than betray her.

He cupped her cheek, one weight lifted off his shoulders, but another replaced it. This may be the last he saw Amelia Sawyer. “It’s going to be dark soon. We need to set up camp. Tomorrow, we’ll dig.”

With a tired sigh, she lay back down on his chest. “It’s not like it’s going anywhere, right?” she said with a yawn.

Brody waited until she’d fallen asleep to get up and find their clothes. As he dressed he tried to ignore the ache in his chest.

• • •

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