The Trophy Exchange (49 page)

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Authors: Diane Fanning

Tags: #Fiction, #Mystery & Detective, #General

BOOK: The Trophy Exchange
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Lucinda laid a heavy head down on her pillow. Weariness hung like dead weights on every muscle of her body. Physically, she was ready for sleep but anxiety and worry jazzed her brain with a sleep-avoiding jolt more simulating than multiple cups of the strongest Cuban coffee. A combination of instinct and knowledge told her that Kirk Prescott twisted in an out of control spiral that grew tighter with every passing hour. She found it hard to believe he would not strike again soon. Maybe tonight. But where?

She knew the number of vulnerable, potential victims in the city exceeded the ability of the officers to protect them all. Where would Kirk hit? When would he hit? And she knew that even if she could cast a spell of mystical protection over the citizens in her department

s care, it would not be enough. The tendrils of terror that Kirk Prescott wove radiated out from the city like the spokes of a malevolent spiderweb.

His mother. It could all be about his mother. She flipped on her bedside lamp, grabbed her phone and called the Homicide
epartment in Lynchburg. The investigator there assured her he

d see to it that patrol officers made extra passes by Lily Spencer

s home.

She turned off the light and burrowed her head into the pillow. She tried to think mellow thoughts: the colorful panorama of life revealed beneath the surface of sea when snorkeling by Pinel Island off the coast of St Martin, the emerald green beauty that enveloped her when hiking the rainforest on Dominica, the total relaxation of lazing on the sand of Negril Beach in Jamaica. No matter how hard she tried to immerse herself in the most peaceful moments of her life, Kirk Prescott

s presence intruded on every scene driving away pleasant dreams and pushing her into a living nightmare.

Maybe it

s not just about his mother. Maybe it

s his whole family. She flipped the light back on and called her own police station. The dispatcher reassured her that her standing order still stood. Patrols continued to make extra drives past the Spencer home tonight as they had the last couple of nights.

Lucinda turned off the light and wondered if there w
anything else she could do. She berated herself for the time wasted looking in the wrong direction. At last, her mind grew as fatigued as her body. It thrust all of the questions into her unconscious to let her dreams sort it out while she slept. She drifted off feeling guilty that she needed to sleep at all.

When her cellphone chirped, she reached out and grabbed the land line first.


she said then heard the dial tone. She slapped her hand on the cellphone, flipped it open and said it again.

It’s Charley.
Adrenaline brought her to instant attention. Please God, she thought as she talked to the little girl, Let it be nothing more than a child

s over-active imagination. Please God, let it be a false alarm. When she finished the call, she pulled on a pair of jeans and fastened her holster on top of the oversized
-shirt she wore when she slept.

She grabbed her cell and called for back
up as she zoomed down the hall. She explained the situation as she slid her feet into a cheap pair of flip-flops and raced to her car.

Her internal prayer reduced to an abbreviated,

Please God, Please God,

repeated endlessly in her head as she sped up residential streets and executed turns with reckless abandon. On the near-empty streets, she made excellent time. The first patrol car was just turning into the street when she pulled to the curb.

She launched herself out of her car, pulled open the gate and loped up the sidewalk. As she hit the top step of the porch, the front door flew open. Ruby ran out and threw her arms around Lucinda

s knees.

Bad man. Bad man,

she said.

Lucinda crouched down to Ruby

s level.

Ruby, is Charley still inside?

Bad man hurt Charley.


Ruby nodded her head.

Lucinda heard the creak of the gate and looked back over her shoulder to see a solitary officer in blue.

Go to the policeman, Ruby. I

ll get Charley.

She gave Ruby an encouraging push on her rump. The toddler headed down to the sidewalk. Lucinda pulled out her gun and entered the house. I shouldn

t go in alone, she thought but knew there was no time to waste and headed up the stairs anyway. She held the gun stiff-armed at her side, barrel pointed at the floor as she bounded up the steps two at a time.

She followed the glow of the only light


s night light

down the hall. She put her back against the wall by the doorway to Ruby

s room. She pivoted around, raised her gun and planted her feet in one smooth movement.

Her worst fear stood framed in dread before her

Kirk Prescott with a rope around Charley

s neck. Charley

s head lolled to one side. Her arms and legs twitched.

Drop her or I

ll shoot,

she screamed.

Kirk smiled and his head turned to the side. She followed the track of his eyes over to a Mickey Mouse clock.

Sorry, officer, but I need three more minutes.

Drop her now or die.


s smile widened. He shook his head and jerked the rope making Charley

s body dance.

Lucinda applied pressure to the trigger. In the infinitesimal amount of time that it took her to finish squeezing out a shot, a lifetime of anguish passed through her thoughts. She

d killed before but never with deliberate intent. It made her feel like God and the feeling sickened her.

Kirk fell to the floor taking Charley with him. Lucinda flew to his side, pulled the rope from his fingers and off Charley

s neck.
Omigod! She’s not breathing.
Lucinda lifted Charley

s limp body and laid it on the floor. She checked Charley

s airway for any obstruction, pinched the tiny nose and blew two deep breaths into her mouth. She got no response. She laid an ear against Charley

s chest and heard the sound she feared she would not hear

the persistent beating of a determined heart.
Thank God.
She breathed two more sharp breaths into the little girl

s lungs.

Ted materialized out of nowhere
kneeling on the other side of Charley

s prone form.

If you need me to take over, I

m here.

Lucinda nodded, pressed her mouth down on Charley

s and forced air into her body again.
Breathe, dammit, breathe!
She breathed into her mouth again. Halfway through that exhale, Charley

s body arched and she sucked in a whistling gasp of breath.
She’s breathing!

s chin trembled and her eye flooded with tears. Charley swung out her arms hitting out at her and at Ted. For a confusing moment, she was incapable of discerning the difference between her attacker and her rescuers.

Lucinda wrapped arms around her and held her tight.


, Charley. It

. You

re safe now.

Lucy? Lucy!

Charley said and returned her embrace.

Lucinda looked to her left and saw the dead body. She pivoted around to face it, turning Charley

s face in the opposite direction to keep the gory vision out of the little girl

s range of sight. She looked over her shoulder at the pair of paramedics entering the room. That

s when she saw Evan Spencer lying in the doorway on the floor.





Evan Spencer snuggled in his bed wrapped in a peaceful, drug-induced oblivion as chaos and horror raged through his home. He rested unaware until one sharp, loud noise pierced through the fog. He sat bolt upright in his bed

his first thought for his girls.

He tried to throw his legs out of bed but they tangled up in the sheets and blankets. He ended up on the floor on all fours. He pushed himself to his feet grabbing his chest of drawers for leverage and stumbled to his bedroom door.

He fumbled for the doorknob without finding it until he realized he was searching on the wrong side. He shifted over, grasped the knob and pulled open the door. He staggered down the hall to Ruby

s room grabbing the molding to the doorway when he got there. His bleary eyes took in the bloodied face of the body on the floor. He turned his head and fastened on Lucinda breathing into Charley

s mouth. Where is Ruby? he wondered as his body slumped to the floor. By the time he made contact with the wood planks, he was fast asleep.

What happened to him?

Lucinda asked.

I think he

s drunk,

a patrolman said.


Lucinda said, her voice dripping with disgust. She stood and walked toward the female paramedic.

Here, take her. She was strangled to the point that she stopped breathing. She needs to be checked out by a doctor.

The paramedic set down the equipment she carried up the stairs and took Charley in her arms.


s another little girl outside that needs to be looked at, too,

Lucinda told her. She kissed Charley

s cheek.


ll see you as soon as I can, sweetie.

The paramedic nodded.


ll get them both to the hospital.

Lucinda stood over Evan with her hands on her hips glaring down
him as he quietly snored. As soon as she heard the footsteps of the paramedic carrying Charley hit the floorboards of the porch, she put a foot on Evan

s rump and pushed.

What the hell is the matter with you?

She pushed again with more force.

What are you, drunk or drugged? Answer me

she said.

Evan mumbled something indistinguishable.

Lucinda got down on the floor beside him grabbed a clump of hair and jerked up his head.


she shouted in his face.


he whispered.

Oh, jeez,

she said as she dropped Evan

s head. His nose bounced on the floor. The pain did not register.

Get him down to the ambulance, too,

she said.

Two officers put their shoulders under Evan

s arms and half-carried, half-walked him down the stairs.

Lucinda supervised the techs making sure they took plenty of photographs and gathered all possible evidence.
She was more than thorough. She wanted everything documented using as many methodologies as available. It lessened the possibility that something might be overlooked.
Her demands for redundancy earned her more than a few rolled eyes. The techs, although numbed by the monotony, followed her instructions without hesitation.

Ted roamed through the house searching for Kirk

s point of entry. In the cellar, his flashlight gleamed on the padlock on the top step by the cellar door. He left it in place and went up the two flights to report his finding to Lucinda.

When he reached her, she detailed all that she had accomplished to reassure herself she hadn

t overlooked anything at the primary scene in Ruby

s bedroom. She knew she

d be facing a tough Internal Affairs investigation. She didn

t want it complicated by charges of inadequate crime
scene documentation or incompetent evidence retrieval. After Ted

s input, she grew confident that the job on the second floor was complete. She sent Ted outside with
techs to process the cellar door while she stood guard over Kirk

s body.

She stared down at the fresh corpse wondering why. How could the son of a gentle lady like Lily Spencer turn into such a violent man? Is the answer locked in his genetic code? Or is there a trauma in his early childhood no one has mentioned? An accident or incident that twisted him into the monster he became?

A wheezing sound ascended the stairs pulling Lucinda

s gaze to the doorway. The coroner came into view.

Dr Sam!

she said in greeting.

Dammit, Pierce! How many times do I have to ask you to find these dead bodies during regular business hours,

he grumbled.

I didn

t find this one

I made it myself.

That makes it even worse and even more inconsiderate of an old man

s sleep.

He stood over the dead man and examined the obvious bullet wound as Lucinda explained the sequence of events leading up to the shooting.

So, I suppose you want me to rule that the manner of death was natural causes?

Dr Sam teased.

Yeah right,

Lucinda said.

I could say he suffered a spontaneous cessation of brain activity,

he said with a crooked grin.

Lucinda laughed.

You could. But you won


If only it was that simple

if a change in the medical records could alter reality and wipe out the memory of her finger on the trigger and the bright red bloom on the dead man

s forehead, she wouldn

t give Dr Sam a moment of peace until he did just that.

Damn ethics!

he grumbled.

Makes life so hard for decent people.

Two men entered the room carrying a stretcher and a body bag.

Take him away, boys,

Dr Sam said.


ve seen all I need to see here.

He turned to Lucinda.

Next time, wait till morning before you pull the trigger.


ll try to remember that, Doc, if I

m still a cop after tonight.

Kill the pity party, Pierce. You

ll get through this one, too. Only this time, the damned reporters will hail you as a hero.

Me? Never. They hate me.

Till the next corpse, Pierce,

he said and ambled out of the room and down the stairs.


Ted and Lucinda took separate cars to the hospital. The sun poked its way into the sky as they made the drive, burning a painful glare into their sleep-deprived eyes. On their arrival, an emergency room nurse gave a glowing report on the condition of the two Spencer girls. Lucinda asked about Dr Spencer.

The nurse laughed.

We toddled him down to the doctors

lounge to sleep off his sleeping pill. Follow me.

When the nurse opened the door, Lucinda and Ted heard water running in the small bathroom. Seconds after it cut off, Evan emerged in bare feet, pajama bottoms and a


he said as he rushed to Lucinda with open arms.

Thank you. You saved Charley

s life.

He wrapped Lucinda in a firm embrace. He pulled back enough to lay a hand on the damaged side of her face.

You want a referral to take care of this, you let me know. I

ll hook you up with the best doctors in the business and make sure they don

t charge you more than your insurance will pay.

Lucinda nodded and smiled.

Evan traced his fingers down to her jaw line and moved one finger to the tip of her chin. He lifted it and planted a kiss right on her lips.

Lucinda backed away.

What will you do now, Doctor?

The ER doctor caring for the girls told me I could take them home any time. I think we

ll head down to my mother

s house. I need to tell her about Kirk and everything else that happened last night. And it

ll be good for the girls to get away from the house for a while. I guess you

re convinced Kirk killed Kate.


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