The Trouble With Coco Monroe (29 page)

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Authors: C. C. MacKenzie

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: The Trouble With Coco Monroe
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Why it annoyed him so much he couldn’t say since he wasn’t known for being touchy feely. He liked his own space in his own bed.

But now his cock was wide-awake and ready for action.

With a grin he rolled onto his side leaning on his elbow.

He pulled down the duvet and stroked gentle fingertips up the back of her thigh edging her panties, then continued to explore the smooth silky skin under her vest.

They’d slept through the morning.

The sun was high in the sky and the temperature had risen in the room. He was relieved to see her shoulders and neck didn’t look as hot as they had the night before. That oil really worked. And speaking of oil, he rolled over, grabbed a condom from the bedside table.

Christ, he was so hard it made him hiss out a quiet breath as he rolled on protection.

Tipping oil liberally over his hands, he stroked his swollen cock. Every little helps, she’d be too tight and he’d need to take it easy and not frighten her.

His teeth stroked his bottom lip as he eyed her lying there all loose and sound asleep.

Her hair was mussed and as she turned her head towards him, that fabulous mouth was sexily relaxed. Coal black lashes fanned on her cheek as she snuffled and dragged her knee up exposing her secret places to his hungry gaze.

Time to wake-up sleeping beauty.




Chapter Thirty Three


Floating slowly awake with the feather light touch of a gentle mouth between her legs, Coco gave a dreamy sigh and pondered whether she should open her eyes.

An exquisitely slow orgasm washed through her.

And it went on and on and on as a wicked tongue slid so, so gently around her clit.

Mmmm, very nice.

After lips whispered across hers, she rolled onto her side, and curled into a happy little ball.

Then became aware that Rafe had pulled her into his body, again.

Why couldn’t the man just leave her be?

How dare he disturb a key moment?

A little sound of annoyance escaped from her throat.

She felt his breath on her cheek as he gave a throaty laugh in her ear.

‘Did you just growl at me?’

Her eyes snapped open and three things hit her.

The thick, hard arousal twitching against her bare bottom. And what had happened to her panties and her vest? Her breasts felt hot and heavy as did the wet, liquid pull deep in her belly.

She whirled around and his mouth captured hers.

The taste of her sex sent another liquid spear of arousal between her legs.

His kisses were so soft that her mouth opened to let him enter.

That wicked tongue tangled, teased and stroked hers in a way that made her groan into his mouth.

His hands caressed her breasts, touching, exploring her soft belly before his body pressed hers into the bed.

She was drowning, sinking down where the air was too dense to breathe.

Her fingers speared through his hair as her hips raised to him, inviting him to touch, to take.

The way his mouth possessed hers, the way his teeth nibbled on her bottom lip and the way his tongue stroked the tiny sting had her whole body trembling beneath his.

God she hadn’t expected this, not this.

Her heart tripped then plummeted with no sound to land at his feet.

She loved him, completely and utterly and so damned much it actually hurt.

Tears gathered in her throat, stung her eyes.


The little emotional catch of her breath alerted Rafe something was wrong.

It cost him to draw back, to stare into those dazed violet eyes swimming with complex emotions.

He caught her hands in his and linked fingers. ‘Are we going to do this?’

She blinked and he saw how hard it was for her to focus on his words, but he needed to hear her say that this was what she wanted. That she wanted him. He became distracted by how fabulous she smelled. All warm and liquid sex just for him.

Through her eyelashes she stared up at him and he read hot arousal.

What was a man to do but take a long lingering taste of that marvellous mouth?

So he did and greedily absorbed her hot burst of response.


He whispered it, or perhaps just thought it.

Her hands gripped his hair as her mouth moved under his.

Another low moan in her throat, surrender, speared heat straight to his screaming cock.

She dragged her fingers through his hair.

In her aroused state, her nails scratched his scalp, actually pulling his hair as she fought to keep his mouth on hers.

Her heart beat wildly against his.

God she was as slim as a wand, so soft and so graceful.

Fast and greedy now he wanted to taste all of her, the slim curve of her shoulders, the fabulous delicate swell of her breasts.

Her skin, satin soft, went hot under his mouth as he began to devour.

Coco cried out his name as her leg wound around his waist.

She groped for his flesh and part of her mind realised they were both slick, damp and dewy with desire.

Her hands braced on wide strong shoulders.

Savage clutches of need clawed a burning path into a world where arousal was brutal and there was just one answer.

‘Please, please, please ...’ Was that her voice? It was too high, too breathy.

In a fast move, he twisted, shifting her until he was cradled between her thighs, his thick erection nudging against her soft, slick folds.

Lifting his head, his eyes were too dark as they stayed on hers.

Strong hands slid under her bare bottom, lifted her hips.

‘I need to take care with you.’

He shook his hair out of his face and she simply stared in amazement at the contorted muscles of his neck as he clamped his jaws shut and trembled with need for her.

‘Just do it, for God’s sake, Rafe.’

‘Now,’ he said, watching her face. ‘Now.’

He filled her in one hard stroke.

She screamed as stinging pain shot through arousal straight into her brain.

He was too big, too tight.

She was going to split into two.

Time spun away as tears flooded into her hairline.

No movement, just nothing but sensation.

He held absolutely still.

His heart thundered against hers, their rhythms totally synchronised and beating as one.

Pinned beneath him she couldn’t move.

Oh God, what had she done?


Rafe licked at her salty tears.

Her knees collapsed open on the bed and he was impaled deep inside her to the hilt.


He’d hurt her.

And was so sorry for it and didn’t know what the hell to do except to keep going, show her just how good it could be between them.

With infinite care he moved.

She gasped. And went stiff in his arms.

‘You need to relax and trust me. The worst is over.’

And he sent up a desperate prayer to the universe hoping to hell that he was right.


Coco didn’t want to move and tried to hold herself perfectly still.

But when he bent down to lick at her neck she shuddered. And when his mouth closed hungrily over a tender nipple she gasped. Arousal poured fluid from her womb and her core muscles clenched too tightly around him making him moan.

With care she lifted her hips, arching her back as he slid out and then slowly, slowly slid back in. Suddenly she was lost in a flood of pleasure pain and he quickened the pace as she rode with him. Her breath hitched even as she begged him to go faster, harder, as pleasure overcame caution and she let herself go.


God, he couldn’t get enough.

The way her body held his, the way her core muscles squeezed his cock almost too tightly made him hiss out a shuddering breath.

She was so hot and so wet.

He’d never felt anything like it.

His hands raced up her back and down over her buttocks as he lifted her hips, changing the angle as he thrust into her.

He kissed her and the taste of her mouth exploded inside him and only made him crave her more.

Every single cry and ragged gasp brought him a fresh excitement.

Never had a woman been so responsive to him.

Then her teeth bit into his shoulder as her fingernails desperately tried to find a purchase on his back; her body arched like a drawn bow as her core fisted him in a way that made his moan sound like a soul in torment.

The orgasm shot from his toes to his scalp then speared into his balls up his cock so fast he cried her name out loud.

Jesus, God, her body milked his without mercy until his shuddering breaths gasped, until he was an empty husk.

He needed a minute, just a minute to recover.

And he couldn’t decide whether to laugh or cry that the woman who’d been put on this earth to drive him crazy had him by the balls. And she was utterly unaware of what she’d done to him.


Gasping for breath Rafe rolled onto his back, cushioning her on his chest.

He might have known there would be a wildcat inside Coco.

And gave thanks that he’d been the one to release it.

Stroking a lazy hand over her bare bottom and up her shoulders he realised the first time had not been as great as it should have been for her, but told himself he would make it better, much better, next time.


Coco was stunned and appalled.

Or she should have been.

She was naked, sprawled over Rafe like a wanton, and she was almost sure she’d been begging him to go faster, harder. Not only that she’d bitten him like a wild animal.

Heat scorched her cheeks as she nuzzled her mouth into his neck, scraping her forehead against his unshaven jaw.

The sheer intimacy of the moment threatened to overwhelm her.

Their connection, what they’d shared, seemed to fill a part of her she’d been unaware was empty. And that was dangerous.

She’d never felt this way before with a man, certainly she’d never used her teeth, her nails, begging him take and take until she was screaming his name.

She ached in places she never knew existed and it felt incredible.

This was merely chemistry, she assured herself, as a part of her hoped he would keep stroking her and never let her go.

With her eyes closed she struggled to find her centre in the middle of the warm glow of completion.

All the while anxiety fluttered in her belly.

If she’d dreamt of feeling like this after making love with the man of her dreams, it was with a vague idea of meeting someone who was laid back, easy going, who would adore her and put her needs before his and she would put his needs before her own.

Did that make her selfish?

Perhaps, but she was a human being who had basic needs and desires, and this experience with Rafe had certainly been basic.

And she might love him, but that didn’t mean she wanted a long-term relationship with him.

For one thing she was too busy for a relationship.

She had a foundation to run, people who depended upon her.

Plus, for a relationship to work there needed to be give and take and compromise.

Rafael Cavendish compromised absolutely nothing.

He was the total opposite of what she needed in a life partner.

Life with him, love with him, would be nothing but a battlefield with her left bloodied and broken among the mayhem.

Something like panic rose up to grip her lungs.

Her pride wouldn’t allow her to show Rafe how much she was affected by his lovemaking.


With a deep sigh, Coco rolled off him and sat at the edge of the bed.

‘Hmm,’ Rafe purred like a contented big cat after a satisfying kill. ‘Where are you going?’

‘Do you have any idea where my panties are?’


Okay, bugger her panties, she’d make a run for the shower.

It wasn’t as if he hadn’t seen it all already.

‘That was really great... er... sex.’

‘That was amazing sex,’ he growled.

Coco took her courage in her hands and turned to look at him.

He lay there, a big fabulous male with messy hair the colour of jet, and heart meltingly dark eyes.

And she should have known he’d be lying there with a huge grin on his gorgeous face.


Her traitorous libido sparked.

The temptation to crawl all over him and have a taste of that amazing body flashed into her brain.

‘Stop looking at me like that,’ she spat out the words. And since it was the only thing that came to hand yanked his T-shirt over her head.

At least it covered her bits.

Coco did her level best to sound nonchalant as a strong arm wound around her waist, pulled her back. ‘We’re adults so why you’re grinning at me like an idiot, I have no...’ His hands slipped under the T-shirt, his fingers found a too sensitive nipple. ‘Please, I need to...’

Christ, her voice had gone weak.

She was exquisite, small bones, soft skin.

‘Touching you, watching you wake up, making love to you is enough to drive a man insane, Coco. I’ve never seen anyone sleep the way you do.’

‘I love my bed.’

‘I love your face,’ he said.

She settled her head in the crook of his shoulder. It felt right the way she leaned into him, as if she belonged there.

Her mouth nuzzled his shoulder. ‘I love your strength. You’re so fit.’

‘You’re puny.’ His fingers squeezed her non-existent triceps.

‘Excuse me?’

‘No muscles. Wimpy arms.’

She opened her mouth in time for him to take it with infinite care, wanting to taste her. Her lips were soft and warm. With no hesitation her tongue sought, tasted, his.

Lust exploded, starving mouth on starving mouth and he felt the quiver sprint through her.

His fingers slid between her legs and her cry of anguished delight speared straight to his shaft.

It all became too much, she couldn’t bear the arousal a moment longer.

With a strength that belied his wimpy arm comment she pulled him close, locked her legs around his waist and pressed her wet centre against his impressive erection.

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