Read The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) Online

Authors: Stephanie Hudson

The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) (116 page)

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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“I want you to come with me
” There I had said it and now I could feel myself wincing ready for his answer.

“But o
f course
” He answered
simply as that. I was shocked that I even shook my head slightly.

“Of course?” I repeated.

“Yes, Keira do you really think that I would let you go alone. I will buy the house next door if need be
” He wasn’t joking.

“I don’t think that Mr. and Mrs. Sutton would
be happy about selling, all their cats are buried in the garden and John worked forever on that vegetable patch

what are you talking about?”

“Prize turnips
” I giggled making him see that I
teasing him again.

“You crazy human
” He called me
trying to hide his smile. He turned back forward and lifted his hand to the stone wall. I had seen it a few times but I still jumped at the sight and sound of it moving back and
over. There it left a hole the size of a dumper truck and as we drove in slowly I alway
s felt like I was entering the Bat C
ave. Draven would hav
e made an excellent B
atman although in demon form he would be classed more as a birdman than bat and if you ask me birdman doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.

“So you

coming wit
h me, even if you have to play ‘Crazy Human’
for a few weeks
” I asked getting excited about the idea. He whipped his head around so quickly on any normal person it would have snapped off.

“You want me to spend it with you and your family?” O...k
what did he think I wanted him to do?

“Umm...yes, that’s if you want to?” I was getting worried now, maybe he didn’t want to spend any more ti
me around humans than he had to
. After all, before he met me, he wasn’t exactly our biggest fan.

“Of course but I didn’t think you would want me to...invade on that part of your life
” He was surprised that I wanted him to be a part of my family, how crazy was that!

I can’t say it will be the life of luxury you

e used to
and my mum won’t let us sleep together, not until we

re married that is...” Oops too far, much too far with the speaking. I bit down on my lip just below the point of it bursting open. I can’t believe I had said the M word around him! I felt like smacking my forehead but I think this would have given away my view of marriage a little too much. I mean I could only just get my head around being Draven’s girlfriend but...wife.

And then it struck me at how that could never be. Never, never, all thanks to one little word....























Chapter 51




“Married?” He inquired obviously amused thinking about it. His face had brightened and his eyes were wider than I had ever seen them before.

“I didn’t mean that! I just was explaining the rules
” I hurried out.

“You said and I quote
“Not until

So I think that constitutes as evidence to something you having been thinking about
” He was so smug.

“No I haven’t
” I said stubbornly. He laughed at me and said

“Yeah right
” as he got out of the car and came round to my side to open my door. 

“Stop smiling Drav
en it does nothing for your bad
arse image
” I said congratulating myself on what a great comeback that was. I took the hand he held just because I knew there was no way of getting out of this car gracefully without it. He tugged a little too hard not knowing his own strength or maybe he did
cause he caught me in his arms as I was flung towards his chest.

but it does wonders for my Angel side
” He said in the ear he was now nuzzling. His hand pressed out on the small of my back and pulled my body closer into his own, while his other hand ran up and rested on holding the back of my neck. My spine felt like it had ran off and left me. I was putty in his oh so capable hands.

“It is nice to know what you think about
” He whispered in the sexiest voice imaginable and once again I was trying to think about how to breathe without panting. He was kissing up my neck and I soon found myself wedged between his solid body and carbon fiber. Luckily
s seemed to be smooth and rounded enough not to dig in anywhere uncomfortable and I believed the marketing department for Ferrari didn’t use this as enough of a selling point. I mean
ly if men bought one of these, they certainly knew they were going to get laid, so maybe they should roll with that. Sex on this car would not disappoint
but I could imagine Draven as a partner would
make a VW Beetle look sexy.  


thinking about my car
” Draven said shocking my mind into shut down.


projecting your thoughts Keira, it’s not hard to hear when you

shouting in your mind. Of course
I have no objection to listen
to your sexual fantasies and
you being my first passion and collecting cars my second, I think combining the two would prove not only to be an incredible experience but also the limit on my control. YOU drive me insane
” He finis
hed his
evaluation by pushing me hard against the car and kissing me until my toes curled. His hands came up to remove my jacket and under my top, making me gasp as he took hold of my breasts in each strong hand
filling his palms with my bra covered mounds. He was breathing hard and he wasn’t the only one finding there wasn’t enough oxygen to fill our lungs.

“I want you now Keira. I want to strip you naked and take you up against this machine but I WILL lose control and I cannot allow that to happen.” He was fighting with himself I could tell. His eyes were closed and he had spoken through gritted teeth. He then released my breasts and took a new position.

He now had hold of the car either side of my head and when I shifted against him, accidently... on purpose, pressing against his need, I heard the sound of metal crunching making me flinch. I turned my head slowly and saw there was now two hand shaped dints in the car’s roof thanks to Draven’s pressure. The thought about how that could have been my head made me realize he hadn’t been exaggerating about losing control.

you hurt the car!” I shouted jokingly. This made him open his eyes and the purple flames started to fade. He raised an eyebrow and gave me a smug smile.

“I thought you didn’t like this car

“Not when it’s at ‘kill me’
speeds but I do otherwise. Plus it’s very comfortable for kissing against.” He laughed but when his eyes flashed a brilliant, deep purple flame I knew he was thinking about something a little more than just kissing.

He placed his hands over the dents and soon the sound off metal popping told me he had fixed it.

“See, all better and healed. Although I don’t think the car would have survived much more than me kissing you and I do like this car, It was given to me by Enzo’s son,
Piero Lardi Ferrari

“Really? Is he like the owner or something?” I asked feeling completely out of my depth.

“No, he only owns ten percent of the company
” When I frowned he continued

“He was his son from a mistress and was only made acceptable as his legal air after the death of his wife. See that Ferrari there
” He pointed to a
sleek red car that was a master
piece in its own right. It was higher up than the rest and after following him, weaving in and out of all the parked vehicles he owned, I could see it better as it was up on a dais. Even I knew what car this was as it was such an icon.

“It’s a
Ferrari F40
” I said making Draven’s head incline towards me. He held a strange look, I think it was somewhere between pride and impressed.

“It is in
deed and one of my prize poss
essions. I was the first to buy one and it was presented to me by Enzo himself. It was the last car
to be commissioned by him before his death and h
e knew that,
being 90 years old
it would be his last but he was proud to know at the time, it was the fastest street legal production car ever to be made

“It figures
” I said sarcastically and Draven laughed.

“What’s that one over there
” I pointed to a little silver car that didn’t have a roof and was numbered 130 at the front, side and back. The car had
on the seating and two red stripes at the rear of its wheelwell. Of course to me it was just a nice, kind of cute looking old car but what did grasp my interest is that unlike any other car here, it was in a very large glass box with frosted symbols etched all around the base. I walked round and was about to touch the glass when a hand shot out and shackled my wrist.

” Draven’s warning was enough to make me retract my hand.

“Why, what’s wrong, it’s just a car....isn’t it?”

Draven looked uncertain for a moment and then tried to replace it with a fake smile.

“It is
” Was all he said on the matter.

“Why did you name it Little Bastard?” I asked referr
ing to the black writing at the back of the
car which was situated under ‘Porsche’

“I didn’t, his first owner did
” Draven looked a bit disgusted which I didn’t understand but as he was pulling me away I quickly understood how this was one car he was not proud of owning. I had a million questions flooding my mind but the only question I asked was

“His?...I thought people usually associate cars as female

“I guess they do but with this car they would be wrong. It is most
” He was not comfortable talking about this so I decided to let it go. Maybe I would ask Sophia some time.

“I suppose it’s nice you have a hobby
” I said lamely not knowing what else to say.

“Well could you see me playing golf
” He joked and I burst out laughing. That was the last thing I could see him doing.

not. But what was your hobby before cars were invented?” I asked feeling cocky which didn’t last long when I got my answer.

“I also collect weapons
” He said like it was collecting stamps.

“Of course you did
” He playfully tugged on my jacket and when I looked up he was grinning.

“And how about you?” He looked genuinely interested.   

“Me? Oh the same. You wanna see my ax collection, I bet it will beat yours any day
” At this he burst out laughing and the sound filled my heart. I loved to hear him laugh.

“What a fierce little warrior you would have made
” He said as he led me up a b
ack staircase I had been up a f
ew times before. 

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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