The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) (19 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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“It's alright
I will see you after work later
” I said turning knowing this cause
another conflict between us. Draven didn't
want me working at the club any
more but I wasn't having any of it.

He let out a short laugh that sounded like a “Hell No

we have discussed this, you know my feelings on the matter
” He was putting on his smooth velvet voice to try and bring me round and normally it would work, making me do anything he asked but this time I remained strong. I sat down on my bed and folded my arms across my chest.

“Actually we haven't. But this
is not up for discussion Draven.
I am working at the club and downstairs, not the VIP. Don't look at me like that! Would you prefer I find another place to work, one you won't be able to keep an eye on me?”

“I would prefer you didn't work...period!” He was stood above me moving my top off my shoulder so he could feel my skin there. I shuddered under his warm hands, making me feel like he was creating sparks. This was
a tactic to get what he wanted. H
e had learnt other ways to infiltrate my mind instead of using his powers.

“That isn't going to happen. So tell me now
do I still have a job at your club
or should I start looking else
where?” He looked shocked that his power of persuasion wasn't working like he hoped. So he up'd his game. His hand moved up from m
y shoulder to my neck (
A major weak spot of mine)

He grip
ed the back
of my neck
with his full palm under my hair. He pulled upwards making me stand to face him and my heart rate doubled. He leant down to my ear but before he spoke
he kissed my neck
making me bite my bottom lip.

“Keira listen to me,
you do not want to work for me. Y
ou want to work with me
don't you? Forget this idea and join me at my table, by my side where you belong.” His voice filled my mind like a white cloud of happy ideas and I knew I was losing the fight qui
ckly. It was like getting light
headed on a hot day and staring at the sun for to
long. I couldn't focus and every time I came close to finding my way back
he would touch me down my sides making it harder to breathe.

But his confidence was his downfall because when he thought he had me completely under his will
he started to relax it
so I pushed as hard as I could making the fog fade and disperse into my clear mind once more. I opened my eyes and smiled up at him

didn't work!” And I couldn't help but laugh when I saw his face drop. He growled under his breathe to show his displeasure at being beaten.

“Now stop that! You
know you
shouldn't be doing it anyway.”

“You will not listen
to me on this matter, will you?
” He said getting aggravated at my defiance.

but I will me
t you half way, I will cut down my hours to three nights a week and work the hours you choose
” I said making his face change from a displeased one to one of intrigued.

“You are very clever at getting what you want
aren't you?”
He said raising an eyebrow at me, ma
king him look sexy as holy hell.

“I learn
from the master
” I said winking at him and this had him showing his trademark bad boy grin
adding greatly to the

“You do indeed. Right
while we are discussing compromise, I will allow you to work two nights a week downs
tairs, of your choice but Saturday
nights you will work upstairs in the VIP.
you will end each shift by accompanying me at my table. Is this acceptable?” He said in the most business like manner I had ever heard from him. It made me realise how much of a ruthless business man he must

that sounds reasonable
, but I will be at the club with my friends once a week at least and you won't moan...right?”

“Me moan?” He said seriously
and I almost laughed.

“Yes YOU.

s face it Draven, when it comes to me spending time with other people, we don't actually see eye to eye

“And I suppose this little bargain means you will be spending time with friends that are also male?” God he was so old fashioned, like I was committing sin and adultery!

“Yes, I have male friends, just as you have female friends

“Female council members you mean. Keira although I find it utterly adorable that you get jealous over me, I also know that it is completely unnecessary. You are the only one my eyes see
” I couldn't help but blush when he said this.

I did get jealous but mainly over the amazing beauty Aurora. She was Draven

s ex girlfriend and although when you

immortal and have been around
thousand years,
years are counted very differently. But twenty years for a couple to have been together is still a
bloody long time in my book.
Of course it didn't help that she was the most bea
utiful creature alive and made
starry nights and sunsets over the ocean look drab!

“Anyway if I didn't know any better I would say you were stalling for time to keep me here
” He said before kissing me and I knew it was his way of a goodbye, so
for the
I didn't enjoy it as much knowing this.

“Why do you have to go again
” I said after catching my breath. Ok so I kind
lied about th
e whole not enjoying it comment.
He laughed to himself as he clearly loved it when I was being

“I don't want to go but I do have some business that needs my attention. But Ragnar will bring you back to me

He said making me feel like a lost puppy being returned to his owner, that or a Frisbee.

“It's ok
I will
just see you tonight after work.
I should probably do some college work before I go back next week.” The idea didn't have me dancing about the room with joy
that was for sure. I had got
used to spending all my time with Draven, that the thought of being apart made me feel a bit lost inside.

“I think you are smart enough.”
He playfully flicked my nose before continuing. “So I take it you have decided you are working
” I had chosen
as it was always student night and very busy
which I liked because the hours went quicker and the bands were good.

“If that is alright by my boss
then yes
” He frowned when I called him boss but secretly I think he liked it.

I walked him downstairs and Libby was sat on the couch with Frank looking cosy.

“You two going out?” She a
sked like she was the mum of
this picture.

“Dra...Dominic has to go back to work
” I said but couldn't help but giggle a bit at the idea of Draven actually working. It was more like he just barked orders and they got obeyed. And I really needed to
get used to calling him Dominic.

“Thank you for having me
” He said this like
I had my friend to stay and his
um had told him to thank my mum, w
hich i
n this case was Libby.

“Oh no problem, any time really. But before you go
me and Frank were wondering if you would like to come over tomorrow night for dinner?” This was so sweet and I was about to decline for him, knowing this was a bit to
soon for so much human company, when he shocked me.

“That would be great, I would love to but please let me bring the wine
” O...K


Y, this was going to be weird! I shot him a look as if to say “really?” but he just smiled before agreeing on a time and saying goodbye. Once outside on the deck with the door closed behind
I asked him if he was

“Of course
, why not?  I
s this not a customary gesture in humans?” He looked a bit hurt so I back tracked.

but I guess I didn't know if you would be comfortable
that's all

“Keira, I may have not spent a lot of time around humans but I know how to behave around them and besides if it all go
es wrong, I can just blank their
memories and replace them with more positive ones. Then they will have no other choice
to approve of me.” I couldn't tell if he was joking or not
but knowing Draven he would get his way, no matter what.

“Well I am pretty sure you

already in there, but if you did want to seal the deal then maybe turn up in your Aston Martin and you will have Frank ready to sell his soul to you, for one ride
.” He raised his eyebrows as if
I had just given him an idea and I would be very surprised if he didn't turn up tomorrow night in the shiny beast.

“That's good to know. Ragnar is already on his way here and he will follow you to the din
er and back,
to the club but remember no one but you will see him. Oh and also I thought you would want Libby to have forgotten what happened earlier so I altered her memory on the matter. She won't remember you getting upset
” This was the most considerate act that anyone could have done for me, giving my head strong nature and hating anyone knowing my emotions. He knew how this affected me because his hand went to my cheek to lift my gaze to his.

“Your eyes look amazing in this light and when glazed by emotion they look deep enough to swim in.
” He said stepping back to admire them and I automatically closed them resorting back to my shy self. He had never mentioned anything about my eyes before so it took me
back. I always thought my eyes were dull and plain, being not really blue but more
of a
grey. Before I had chance to open them again he was kissing me
softly at first then with more intensity. His arms wrapped around me like he never wanted to let me go.

“You are incredibly difficult to leave
” He said once he had finished but by then my legs were like hot moulding clay.

It took two more kisses and a
“I love you” before getting in his car and driving away
which made me feel cold as soon as he was out of sight. I saw Ragnar come around the side of the house and waved, to which I received a nod in return. I went back into the house and Libby was ready to pounce.

“Right tell me everything
” She said smiling and very nearly dragging my arm off when pulling me upstairs. But I was very
willing as I was getting desperate
to talk to somebody about it and if I couldn't be with him
then talking ab
out him was the next best thing.
We both jumped on the bed and folded our legs up like we used to as kids. She looked so excited for me and I couldn't keep the smile off my

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