The Ufo Silencers: Mystery of the Men in Black (18 page)

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"There were no physical objects of any kind visible in the sky, including the jet aircraft, though I could hear them faintly. Oh, the Moon was there, with Astronauts Shepard and Mitchell resting comfortably in their Lunar Excursion Module after their first exploration of the Moons surface. If there was a UFO flap in this part of Southern California that afternoon, as seems likely from the jet activity above, no hint of it was in the daily papers—just another classified report in the files of the
's Flying Saucer Board, in Washington, D.C."


The Ordeal of the Country-Western Singer

In my book,
Psychic & UFO Revelations in the Last Days
, I detailed the story of Country-Western singer Johnny Sands, who on
January 29th, 1976
, experienced a hair-raising close encounter outside of
Las Vegas

We'll recap that night just briefly, as we want to get on to Sands' follow up "ordeal" as soon as possible.

"I was 14 or 15 miles outside of Vegas, heading Southwest on the Blue Diamond Highway," states Sands, who had been performing that evening in a well known Las Vegas hotel. "I was headed back into town, when I noticed a light to the side of me coming along the same way I was driving. It was quite high up, but it was losing altitude." Sands' car malfunctioned and he thought he was running short of fuel. "I pulled over to the side of the road and got out of the automobile. I opened the gas cap and shook the rear of the car to see if the gas would flush. I could hear gas so I went around to the front of the car and raised the hood. As I pushed the hood upward over my head I noticed there was a craft directly over me, about a thousand feet in the sky."

The musician says the craft landed and two beings emerged from the object. One of the UFOnauts proceeded to walk towards Sands until he stood right in front of him. "The being looked to be about 5 feet 8 inches tall and was completely bald. His face was really pale. He had no eyebrows, no eyelashes—no hair at all. To me he looked like somebody frozen to death."

The alien and the singer communicated by telepathy. "He touched something on his belt and right after he did so I got impressions in my mind. It was like listening to someone talking over the telephone from a great distance away." The being asked what the lights were in the distance and what Sands was doing in the desert.

At one point during their conversation, the alien placed his hands behind his back and brought them back out in front of him seconds later. "In his hands," notes Sands, "he held a silver ball the approximate size of a basketball. He held it out in front of him as he turned back to me. He let the ball go and it floated there right in front of us. He passed his hands over the object and made it start rotating in a circular motion as the Earth rotates around the sun. He started to explain something that tied in with our nuclear devices, and why they were coming here. He said nuclear devices cause a 'confliction' in the galaxy—those were his exact words. He then put his hand over the top of the ball, and as he did so there was an explosion just above its smooth surface. There was a flash, a minor explosion like a firecracker going off in an eruption similar to a volcano. Next, the ball started to act up a bit, as if it were being stirred up by the explosion. He said that when we use nuclear devices that it causes both our world as well as his planet to vibrate like this. He added that because of these tremors, the rotation of the Earth is slowing down, and we are actually losing time, and thus we grow older much faster. Sands admits that the alien did not go into detail nor did he explain any of the things which he said. However, the performer contends that all during the conversation he felt like he was talking to a very wise person, who had been around a long time.

Though he had originally decided to remain "quiet" about his experience with the aliens, eventually the story leaked out and was published in the Las Vegas Sun, a city daily with a wide circulation. In no time at all, Sands became a kind of "local celebrity," appearing on area talk shows and even telling his story in the lobby of a hotel on "the Strip," where a painting he did of one of the bald-headed aliens was being prominently displayed.

Because of his newly found "Celebrity Status," Sands didn't think twice when he received a telephone call from the manager of a TV crew requesting an interview. Little did the entertainer know that he was soon to be confronted by an even bigger mystery, which involved MIB-types, as well as hairy beasts not of this world.

But Johnny tells the story best in an interview conducted shortly after this all happened.




The men called and said they were doing a UFO television special, and wanted me to go on location. I agreed to go with them and show them the spot where the encounter took place. We went out there in the daytime, and when we finished they wanted to do a polygraph and voice analysis as a part of this segment.

I suggested we go down to the polygrapher's office and I would permit them to set me up in the chair like I was taking the test and let the polygraph examiner read the results. At first they thought it was a good idea and then they changed their minds and then said they'd like to go out in the desert and read the polygraph results. It didn't make too much sense to my way of thinking to go out in the desert at 10:00 o'clock at night to read the polygraph results.

They were supposed to have this camera truck and all. At first I told my business manager—he was a policeman for 17 years in Philadelphia—and he said he'd heard a lot of things and that didn't make any sense. Why would they want to go in the desert at 10:00 o'clock? But, I met them. They asked me to meet them at the Tropicana in Las Vegas. When I drove up, they were all parked outside; two cars and a camera truck. They said they were all going to load up and go in one car, and just take the camera truck. Before leaving, they had a mixed drink—I think it was a Manhattan—and offered me one. They gave me one and we started driving on out.

I had parked my car, I rode in their back seat. They were riding in a Cadillac.

As we started going out to the spot, the drink I had had started to make me feel a little woozy. Normally, I didn't drink at all, so I poured the rest out. What happened was we drove on past the location. And when we reached a new location about six miles up the road, there were about 40 cars parked there waiting for us.

They had all driven off the highway and had turned their headlights back across the road and aimed them at the car I was in, so they ail faced in the same direction. We came to a stop so that their headlights were shining right on us. It was then I realized that all these people knew in advance about our coming here, because the production company didn't know anybody in town, and we hadn't advertised that we were going into the desert.

The men got out of the car, but when I started to follow, they said, "Just wait in the car a minute!" So I just sat there, and I could see they were standing in the road. Eventually, a fat man with glasses on came across the road and shook his finger at the others, and was pointing at the car where I sat.

He was saying that I knew too much—meaning me. "We took this thing too far. It's no sense taking it any farther. He knows too much." And then one of the guys with the motion picture company said, "He only knows what they have let him know." And then I thought I was hallucinating. I thought perhaps I had been in the desert too many times.

I said to myself they can't be talking about me. I don't even know that man. He was just out there raising hell. I tried to get out of the car, I wanted to see what was going on for myself.

As I opened the door—this is the part that really makes the whole thing sound totally strange—there were two fuzzy-looking, furry-type creatures, standing in the desert in an upright position, kind of like a gorilla, only they were more square.

Their heads looked like it was not even with their shoulders—like a robot. They looked to be about five feet tall. I thought the whole thing was just my mind, that I was hallucinating.

More than ever, I wanted to get out of the car, but they had done something to that drink. As I got out of the car, one of those furry things started running towards the door. It scared the hell out of me, so I shut the car door right away, locked it, and rolled the window up.

This thing ran right up to the window and just looked in. Eventually, it walked towards where the two men and the fat man were arguing. He made some kind of talk with the fat man and the other two men, then he went back to this direct location where he came from to start with, and stood there like he was on guard.

Then I passed out, and went I came to, they were getting in the car. It seemed like it was only five minutes, but I found out later it was really three hours.

Inside the car, the production people looked at me. I woke up then, and they said, "You have done a good job, we liked the filming."

When we got ready to leave, the cars were gone, everybody was gone. When I got home I told my manager what happened, and he called them up. He played like I wasn't home and said to them, "Hi, have you seen Johnny?" And they said, "Didn't he come home?" And he said, not yet, to which they replied, "He probably stopped somewhere to get coffee, because we finished filming in the desert."

I told my manager to hang up and so he hung up and then I told him, "I don't care if you believe me or not, but during the time in the desert, I didn't do any filming because I didn't get out of the car."

I told him about the 40 cars, the fat man, and everything. He didn't believe me at first, so I called a friend and told him to watch these people, and check them out. I started raising questions. To start with, the fat man that was doing all that arguing, and one of the guys said, "I don't know, he wasn't my friend, he was my buddy's." Then I went to talk to the other man, asking him about the fat man. He also said, "That wasn't my friend. It was my buddy's." I asked how the filming went, and he said it didn't turn out so well, so they were going to do it again.

I asked to see the film we had done, and he said it was torn up because it didn't come out right. I asked him about the 40 cars and he said he didn't know anything about them.

Investigating some more, I found out they had just come into town three days before. They claimed their home base was in Hollywood, but they had moved their production company to Nevada. Now, since then they have not been in contact. They made me sign a contract that I would not release any likeness of the alien whatsoever until after their television special. They said they paid for the artist's conception, and said they did not want it exposed.

They had no office, just an answering service. Later, I found out that the FBI had a wire tap on their telephone. When I called one of them up, he said not to talk about the incident over the phone, because the FBI has a tap on his phone. I went over there and asked why, and he said, "It's something I don't want to get into." They could be the "Men in Black!"


Warning From The MIB

William Alexander Oribello is a highly spiritual person who channels the essence of Count Saint Germain and other highly advanced souls, including members of the Ashtar Command.  On his way to visit the author, he maintains that the MIB tried to do him in. Fortunately, he survived the attack. Here is his story.




"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but againstprincipalities, againstpowers, against the rulers of the darkness ofthis world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

(The Holy Bible)


Dear friend, what I am about to share with you is of vital importance to you, your family, and all inhabitants of the Earth. This message will cause unrest among those who pervert the way of truth, but will bring hope and comfort to all workers of the Light on this planet.

Since the beginning of time a battle has been in progress throughout the cosmos. The battle began in the misty past when the great light-bearer, Archangel Lucifer, rebelled AGAINST the cosmic plan of God, and plunged into the lower regions of the cosmos, taking legions of rebellious spirits with him.

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