The Ufo Silencers: Mystery of the Men in Black (20 page)

BOOK: The Ufo Silencers: Mystery of the Men in Black
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As it turned out, after working in the fields, Rongchang was returning home as he was hungry, when he saw an odd man on the road walking towards him. The man was robust and otherwise normal, except for his huge head, which was about three times the size of a normal human head. He was unable to distinguish his facial features, however, since the head was covered by a helmet; the man was wearing a one-piece suit covering his entire body from the neck to the feet. The "man" didn't seem to walk in a very flexible manner, "he was faster than us." The elderly Rongchang asked the figure to identify himself and state what he wanted, but as the stranger remained silent and motionless, the peasant was overcome by fear and ran away; a few seconds later he turned his head "to see him one more time, but he had already vanished."

Chuanxiu's account adds that when his grandfather reached the village, he asked some youngsters to look for the stranger in the fields, but they could find no one. Afterwards, the old man was in a state of constant fear, his health deteriorated, and he died a few months later, in January of 1972. Shi Bo concluded that this CE-3 was too controversial to be published in CURO s Journal, yet he believed that "the event is true and the man with a big head could have been a space robot," or a MIB!


A Phantom Car and Protection

You want to know how to protect yourself from the MIB? If you were attacked by a vampire, you'd carry some garlic; a werewolf, a silver bullet. Frank Stranges has his own approach:

In addition to being a popular Christian evangelist, Rev. Frank E. Strangers is a long-time UFO investigator and Director of the National Investigations Committee on UFOs. Because of his bold attitude on the subject of extraterrestrials, and the fact that he claims to have met a space being named Val Thor in the Pentagon, Rev. Strangers has come under continued attack from the "Men in Black," and other "Luciferian oriented silence groups" who have tried to keep such matters hush-hush. His life has been put in severe danger on many occasions. Just recently, for example, he was sent to the hospital after being pushed off the road by a "phantom car." In this story, Rev. Stranges tells about this incident, as well as his special "Ring of Fire" blessing, which he has devised, so that others may shield themselves from negative forces at work in the cosmos.



The information found herein has originated from an unimpeachable intelligence source in time and space. The reader maintains the option to either accept or reject its contents.




On the 11th of April, a few years back, Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. Stranges were driving on
Boulder Highway
, returning from Hoover Dam, when all hell cut loose without warning.

The weather was clear, the sun was brightly shining, and the Highway was uncluttered when, without warning a "Phantom Car" cut directly in front of our car, causing a series of events that almost promoted us both from this planet. Our car swerved to avoid hitting the "Phantom Car," blowing a front tire—being struck from behind by another vehicle, thus sending us spinning into the dirt meridian separating the oncoming traffic from that which we were traveling.

According to the Nevada Highway Patrol accident report, the "Phantom Car" was also viewed by witnesses who claim that the car was nowhere to be seen following the impact.

Dr. Stranges had no feeling from his neck down. When the emergency vehicles arrived on the scene, they carefully removed Dr. Stranges from his car (under the watchful eyes of a deeply concerned wife) who sat in the front seat of the ambulance, continuously looking over her shoulder and wondering at the fate of her injured husband.

Upon arrival at the hospital, they were both taken to the emergency room. Mrs. Stranges suffered injuries in her neck as well as to her right wrist.

Dr. Stranges was taken to an isolated area where the resident doctor, following a quick examination, instructed that x-rays be taken immediately. The nurse administered a shot to diminish his pain, while he was being prepared for the x-ray room. The long journey through the hospital corridors seemed endless as he lay helplessly watching the ceiling lights dash by. He was wheeled into the x-ray facility when a voice rang out from the corridor requesting that the three men come out to the corridor immediately.

This is when it happened! From his right eye, Dr. Stranges saw a lone, uniformed figure approaching the stretcher upon which he was still lying.

Commander Val Thor simply stated "Frank, please lie still. Do not move." (His head was still taped down to the steel stretcher upon which he had been placed at the scene of the accident.) Commander Thor then said, "Do not worry, do not speak, everything will be all right." Commander Thor then placed both his hands over the top of Dr. Stranges head, and began to pray.

Within seconds, Dr. Stranges felt what he described as "warm water" passing from the top of his head to the very soles of his feet.


All Pain Was Gone!

When the technicians had returned to the x-ray room, Commander Thor was "gone." They proceeded to x-ray Dr. Stranges from head to toe.

Following this, he was quickly returned to the emergency room for further examination and evaluation for treatment. Dr. Stranges was then subjected to a host of questions by the Medical Doctors, because he (1) had no pain anywhere in his body, (2) there were no marks or bruises on his body (3) he was sitting up, ready to get dressed and leave the hospital under his own(?) power...

Result? The car suffered over $ 1500.00 damage, and both Dr. and Mrs. Stranges are alive and well—Thanks be to the provision made by Almighty God by assigning His Ministering Angels to assist and help in the hour of deepest need. At this writing, they are both receiving minimal care from their family doctor in the city of Van Nuys.


As a result of the above, I, Dr. Frank E. Stranges, present to you, for the very first time, a topic that will indeed be a challenge to all of our members—friends, and associates, worldwide.

On the following pages, I am presenting the secret of the "Doctrine of the Ring of Fire."

You will read for the first time, certain truths, that if properly applied, can alter your life. Please remember, that this ceremony of which you will read, is also practiced by those from other spheres before they set foot upon this planet.

Do not be at all surprised if you find yourself motivated to travel to Van Nuys, California, in order to observe and take part in this important ceremony that will prepare you to meet the future head-on.


Special Warning

Now, please prepare yourself. Do not lay this report aside until you have completely digested the entire report. Do not allow anything or anyone to interrupt you in any way, shape or form. Disconnect your phone (if necessary) and then, read on.


The Ring of "Fire"

For the first time, you are being informed, in this writing, of a major segment of Divine Order that was established before the very foundations of this planet were laid.

You are about to read powerful words that are "absolute" in all respects. The mystery of the "Ring of Fire" will become a vital part of your life, whether you reside within the United States or abroad.

The "Ring of Fire" is:

a.  essential

b.  necessary

c.   important

d.   the only way that you will survive on this planet without being snuffed out like the flame of a candle.

Proposition One:

Since war was declared (many eons ago in the Heavenlies), Lucifer, the son of the morning was thrust forth and literally cast out of the Holy sphere along with "millions" of his angels (demons). Cast where? Cast down and into this Planet Earth.

Proposition Two:

Holy books the world over, record that since the dawning of that awesome morning, the Planet Earth has been captive by Lucifer and his evil forces. He is, in fact, the Prince of the powers of the air, the Prince of Darkness and also, the god of this world.

Proposition Three:

Lucifer is also the one who has polluted the atmosphere that you breathe. This condition is prevalent around this planet 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, thus creating a devastating effect on the human family since the very beginning of man's sojourn on this planet. And—the situation is not growing any better. It is getting rapidly worse.

Proposition Four:

Every evil act that is committed on Earth today by members of the human race as well as those of the animal kingdom is attributable to the Luciferian effect. Satan's hold on this planet hangs heavily like a drape of doom. This also accounts for all of the ravages of crime, civil disorder and general disharmony on Earth today.

Proposition Five:

Because of this condition, those from other planets are instructed to perform a ceremony called the "Ring of Fire." This has been performed by a small number of people in Bible days. However, because of the threat brought to by certain high Church Officials, few people even know of the power of the "Ring of Fire."

Proposition Six:

There is a formula by which all of you can benefit by the Divine Protection which is the result of the Ceremony. Some of you may even take issue with the manner in which this power is invoked. But, this is immaterial. The Name in which the Invocation is pronounced may cause friction. But I will take this liberty of informing you of this great truth because by ignoring it, you may lose your life.

Proposition Seven:

The proof lies in the results. The formula has been "time tested." If those friends from space have invoked this divine protection before setting foot on this planet, can we be so complacent that we can afford to allow the evil forces on this planet to continue to "rule our lives, "plunge us into constant danger, plague us with an atmosphere until there is no more life left in us? Or, shall we maintain an open mind and accept the freedom and protection that has been provided?

And Now Proposition Eight:

Fire has always represented divine protection, cleansing and purification. The three Hebrew children (of the Old Testament) walked freely in the fiery furnace that was heated seven times hotter than usual at the command of the evil King because the three refused to bow down to his idol. They survived (accompanied by a fourth man who was also seen with them in the furnace). In this 20th Century, far too many people are perishing before their time. UFO researchers are fast becoming the target for ungodly forces. Sickness and disease are running out of control in this generation. Governments are likewise deceiving the people into believing a great lie. In view of this, do you or do you not need to be surrounded by the "Ring of Fire"?

Please Do The Following:

1. In the privacy of your home, office, etc., place a lighted white candle before you on a table.
2. Do not permit anyone or anything to disturb you until you are completely finished with this ceremony.
3.  Repeat the Lord's Prayer.
4.  Pray the following proclamation without doubt in your heart. As you pray, believe that the God of Creation is hearing you at the very moment that you are praying! Do not close your eyes, but look into the flame. Maintain your full senses and know what you are doing at all times! Then, repeat this proclamation aloud: "Eternal Father, Creator of the Universe, hear my petition. Surround me now... with your Divine Ring of Fire. The Fire of Protection, The Fire of Your Abundance, The Fire of Complete Healing, and The Fire of Divine Abundance. I command the Hand of Almighty God on my behalf. Let it be so... this moment, in the Blessed name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!"

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