Read The Ufo Silencers: Mystery of the Men in Black Online
Authors: Timothy Green Beckley
Obviously Scott is convinced that the UFOs are here on a non- peaceful mission. We asked him how he reached this important conclusion. His answer:
"For over 20 years the public has been fed false information from both the government and newspapers who scoffed at anyone who dared report a flying saucer. It's gotten to the point that the Air Force and the
can expect more information from a Martian than they can from John Doe. Ol' John just won't tell anybody anything.
"That's where my tale begins: the first stages of the war that the flying saucer occupants have been waging against us has been psychological. They have spread confusion, fear, and doubt from one corner of the globe to the other in order to keep their movements and their purpose a secret until they are ready to make their move. It's a fantastic tale of ghosts,
, thought control, liars, dupes and murder.
"The most important battle in the war of the worlds was waged and won in the minds of the people. If there can be one glaring fault on our part that led to our defeat, it was the view that we were the supreme result of billions of years of a thing called evolution—that we
were the only intelligent beings in the universe.
"Our scientists, philosophers and clergy boosted our egos by telling us, endlessly, what great works of God we were—so complex (and so stupid) that there couldn't possibly be anyone else as grand and as wonderful as we were. It was a perfect set-up and the characters from the flying saucers exploited it to the fullest extent; they made a few flights over villages, countrysides, swamps and cities to shake up the public and drive a wedge between belief in what the government says and what our own eyes say."
In order to keep their mission a secret and make UFOs look like the work of idiots, Scott claims that they used ships of varying shapes, sizes, colors, and methods of propulsion to spread confusion among the few investigators, and they even used an effect that produced a number of images from a few actual saucers so that the viewers would think there were whole fleets of saucers tooling about the skies. Thus the subject of flying saucers soon became a thing of disbelief and tired old jokes.
Scott contends that the hundreds of little men, gods, beautiful space men, winged monsters, and surplus Atlantean Biplanes and talk of UFOs being from the bowels of the Earth, fifth dimension, an antimatter universe, etc. was nothing more than lies and false leads, implanted in gullible Earthly minds by the aliens.
In reality we were lulled to sleep while more land was taken. We needed and dreamed while more men and materials from other worlds were flown in. We giggled as things rushed rapidly toward a point of no return. The government refused to believe the abundance of evidence before its eyes until it was too late.
Adamski, and all the other contactees, Scott tells us, did have real enough experiences but they were selected for their gullibility, and they wrote books that were just as naive and as gullible as they were. The books got the large hee-haw from the public that the aliens had expected, and the case for flying saucers was laughed into obscurity for ten more years while the aliens went about their plans uninterrupted.
If, as Milton Scott says, the alien's purpose for being here is other than peaceful and they look almost exactly like us, how then can they be identified? The answer may lie in the scientific analysis of a "suspected" alien once he has been captured. "Perhaps the answer is in the chemical balances of the body or in the theory that the little
molecules only have a limited number of types to choose from among Earthlings."
Interesting theory? So much so that, upon hearing of Mr. Scott's opinions back in the 1960s, Dr. Edward U. Condon, of the ill-famed
Colorado UFO
study, requested that we send reproductions to him of several newspaper columns which had carried these ideas.
The Diversions
In accord with many of the opinions expressed by Mr. Scott is another famed UFO investigator, John A. Keel. Besides being one of
's foremost authorities on flying saucers, Keel has long had a history of objective scientific study of other phenomena. He has been a reporter for more than 40 years and has authored several best-selling books dealing with both offbeat and more conservative topics.
Commenting upon various diversions inherent in the UFO enigma, Keel told us that: "From 1897 on it has been a common practice for the UFOs to leave behind ordinary debris such as newspapers, pieces of metal, articles or ordinary clothing, mundane chemicals, etc. Investigators who had discovered such items have often been led to believe that the whole incident was a human hoax or prank of some kind. It is also quite common to find ordinary tire tracks in inaccessible fields where landings have been reported." Keel warns us that we should not permit ourselves to be misled by these "negative factors." Keel points out that even in these cases a thorough investigation should be made. "We have discovered that a multiple group of these negative factors often leads to positive proof that a UFO event did occur."
Other odd factors inherent in UFO contacts is that "ancient Greek is often employed by the UFO occupants. Greek names and phrases are frequently used for their non-existent planets. Many of the entities adopt Greek nouns as their personal names. The witnesses very rarely realize this or understand it. Prepare yourself by obtaining and studying a book of Greek mythology."
Keel also suggests that we should also study "our own techniques of psychological warfare which are often employed by the UFOs." Diversionary landings or seemingly important incidents frequently are staged a few miles from an area where a truly significant UFO activity is taking place. The diversion wins all of our attention and publicity and the important activity goes unnoticed.
Like Scott, Mr. Keel informs us that we should discard all preconceptions: "You must learn to accept only the correlative evidence and ignore the assorted speculations which have dominated UFOlogy. We are interested only in hard facts. All of these facts indicate that we are dealing with an environmental phenomenon, but that we have been misled into believing the extraterrestrial thesis."
Thus unlike Milton Scott, John Keel is convinced that the flying saucers, although very real are not from other planets. "So long as we accepted the ET concept, the phenomenon and its source are safe and free from interference. Deliberate hoaxes were executed to sustain skepticism and convince government agencies that the phenomenon was non-real. The UFO buffery was convinced of the ET thesis, which was unacceptable to both the general public and the scientific community, and by loudly advocating it, they succeeded in heaping ridicule upon the subject. Thus the UFO source was able to operate unhindered for 20 long years."
UFO believers usually rebel at any suggestion that the UFO phenomenon may be hallucinatory or psychological. However, Keel points out: "In recent years, many psychological factors have been discovered and various groups of psychologists and psychiatrists are now actively engaged in UFO research. Unfortunately, very few UFOlogists are trained or equipped to understand or even to investigate the underlying psychological factors. You should read at least one good book on psychiatry and/or psychology."
As far as the contact stories are concerned, Keel tells us that "at least some of these cases have proven to be hallucinations, because it seems that the effects were produced in the witnesses' minds by an exterior influence. These effects are similar to hypnosis. While the witnesses' bodies undergo one sequence or experience, false memories of another sequence of experiences are planted in their minds.
"Frequently the true (but forgotten) experience surfaces from the witnesses subconscious later on in the form of a dream or nightmare. We cannot outline the whole process here, but it must be considered as a very important factor in many cases."
Important Factors in UFO Sightings
Some of the important factors to look for in UFO sightings, according to Mr. Keel, include:
"Emotional Reactions—In low-level sightings, auto pursuits, etc., the emotional and psychological responses of the witnesses are extremely important. Get them to explain in detail how they felt immediately before, during and after the sighting. Did they suffer fear, nausea, dizziness? Did they have unusual dreams afterward? In some cases, these reactions are more important than the sighting itself.
"Sounds—The sounds accompanying the objects can be of great importance. Many of these sounds have proven to be 'mental' in nature. That is they were not audible movements of air, but were electrical responses in the brains of the observers. Beeping sounds frequently indicate that the witness was subjected to an unconscious experience. Such witnesses may find that they are unable to explain lapses of time or geographical transfers during such sightings. Such witnesses should be examined by a qualified psychiatrist whenever possible.
"Eye Burn—Witnesses who suffer from burned or inflamed eyes after viewing a UFO should be examined immediately by a professional doctor and a full medical report should be obtained. In those cases involving 'eye burn' weeks or months previous to the investigation, the investigator should get the witness to draw up a full statement explaining in full the reactions suffered. Medical documentation is most important.
"Dreams—Many witnesses suffer unusual nightmares weeks before their UFO sighting. Others have strange nightmares for weeks afterward. These dreams are important, and you should obtain full descriptions of them. Some witnesses begin to have prophetic dreams after their UFO experience.
"In landing cases when definite markings are found on the ground they should be photographed and measurements carefully made. For the past 40 years hundreds of landings have been neglected even though the markings are always similar to size and formation. If we had collected and documented photos of all these landings we would now have an impressive body of correlative evidence."
In further investigating important sightings, landings and contact experiences, under no circumstances should any witness be hypnotized by anyone other than a qualified psychiatrist. Amateur hypnotists have ruined several important cases in recent years.
During this same period of which Keel speaks of, there has been a growing number of cases which involve the Men in Black. These strange individuals have been known to warn UFO witnesses not to reveal what they have seen long before the case is ever made public. Keel comments on the activities of these MIB by pointing out that many different investigators in "flap" areas have no had confirmatory experiences with the MIB and only a small percentage of these cases have been published. There are several different types of MIB. One group appears to be more psychic or hallucinatory than real. They appear and disappear suddenly in bedrooms and the witnesses often experience paralysis or a sudden rise in temperature during their presence. We now have dozens of such cases in our files.
Another type now common throughout the
is represented by men who travel in pairs. The same description is always given. One is tall, blond (usually has a crewcut), fair-skinned and seems to be a Scandinavian. His companion is shorter, with angular features and a dark olive complexion. The blond usually does most of the talking while the other remains in the background. There seems to be several identical pairs of these individuals operating simultaneously in several states.
Other types of MIB include men with oriental features, dark complexions, slight stature and a heavy, undefinable accent. These men sometimes pose as salesmen or poll takers. The witnesses usually regard them as "a little strange" but think nothing further about them. Always ask witnesses if they have recently received any "unusual visitors or salesmen" but do not offer any descriptions. See if the witnesses can offer correlative descriptions to the above. Naturally, every stranger is not an MIB.
Going further, and here we are in total agreement with Mr. Keel, researchers should "never alarm witnesses by displaying unusual interest in such visitors." Never discuss "silencing" or MIB cases with witnesses.
Other types of MIB include "dark-skinned, dark-haired females of about 18 years of age." Other MIB types "pose as photographers and offer to take free photos of the witness' entire family."