The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales (28 page)

Read The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales Online

Authors: Carl East

Tags: #group, #erotic, #erotica, #oral, #lesbian, #romance, #fiction, #sex, #threesome, #incest, #mom, #son

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”I’ll have to give you more good news in the
future then,” said Cricket, with a grin, “that reminds me, did I
hear Joe’s voice while you were servicing me?”


”No, you’re probably just remembering his
moans as you came, thinking perhaps he was here,” lied Kirsty,
knowing full well that she’d successfully blocked that part of the
scene from Cricket’s mind.


”Anyway, I’d better get your hair trimmed
young lady, or it’ll never get done,” said Cricket, finally feeling


Kirsty sat back in the chair, wondering what
her next sexual adventure would entail.


The End


Fantasy Inc


By Cark East


Striding down the city sidewalks, Colin kept
an eye out looking for the conference hall where he was scheduled
to be. His eyes took everything in and he silently acknowledged
that the city was where he came alive. He loved the way cars and
buses played dodge with each other and the occasional fool-hardy
pedestrian. Seeing his reflection as he passed the shop window he
stopped to assess his appearance. This gathering was very important
and he wanted to be on top of his game, today of all days. The navy
suit looked good and the crisp white shirt and stylish red tie was
just what it needed to complete the look. The shop assistant had
advised him well.


Brushing back his thick dark hair he crossed
his blue eyes and laughed at his reflection. He shook his head
because while he believed in being healthy and fit, he was
definitely not a man about town. He was just a hard worker who
strived to do the very best in the career he had chosen. Like a
genie in a bottle, his job was to grant the client’s wish, a sexual
fantasy of their choosing.


He started back on his way admiring the
nearby shop windows. While they offered the newest and best of
everything from stylish clothing to the most up-to-date electronics
the world had to offer…they didn’t offer what his company


Catching site of the building where his
meeting was scheduled he realized he was early. Spying a sidewalk
hotdog vendor he decided that he’d have a bite to eat before
heading in. It would give him a few moments to relax and enjoy the
fact that he was one of twenty-four managers that headed a Fantasy
Inc Office and would be attending the very first Managers Award


The company had decided early on that they
would reward their top employees, and although Colin knew that his
chances of winning were slim he considered himself fortunate to
have risen through the ranks so quickly. Rising from the park bench
he ventured into the hall and was greeted at the door by a charming
young lady who took his name.


She directed him to the banquet room and he
found that most of the other candidates were already there. Pretty
soon he was introducing himself and chatting with the other
managers. The main topic seemed to be their adventures thus far
with the company, but it wasn’t long before the event director made
an announcement.


He simply said that everyone would be
interviewed shortly and to go where directed once their names were
called out. Colin felt nervous when his name was called, but didn’t
know why. He followed the young lady that seemed to be his escort
until they came to a large office. Once inside he found three
Fantasy Inc directors seated and awaiting his arrival.


The eldest of the three rose to shake his
hand as he entered the room. “Hello Colin, let me introduce myself
and my colleagues. On my right is Judy Crowther and on my left is
Daniel Peck, my name is Peter Morgan.”


He smiled and nodded to the other members of
the panel and sat where indicated. Placing his briefcase on the
floor next to him he took a moment to assess the room and the


“Colin, as you know today is about you and
our twenty-three other managers. We have reviewed the financial
statements and business has been very good this past year. While
this is important, we are also here to find out who the most
inventive manager of Fantasy Inc was, at least for the past year.
We intend to reward that individual for his or her hard work. We
requested you to bring the top six files of your fantasy requests
and would like you to recount to us on how you managed their
accounts,” said Peter.


Colin nodded and sat forward to open his
briefcase. Reaching inside he took out the file folders and sat
back to begin.


“As you know, we encourage our clients to
commit their view of the adventures to paper, and I have been
fortunate to have clients that spared no details in their
experiences. The first one, I must admit, was probably my favorite
as I personally developed the design for her fantasy. If you’ll
allow me, I’ll read their accounts, though I must point out that
these tales were tidied up a little before I filed them,” said


“What do you mean by tidied up?” asked


“Well, I had the idea for turning our
clients’ adventures into a printed story. When completed, I would
present it to them as a reminder of their time with us. I should
point out that some individuals elected to write in a third person
perspective whilst others chose a first person one. I felt I should
follow their lead in the writing style; however, since most people
are not professional writers, I edited and revised their stories as
necessary. The clients felt that this was a wonderful idea and now
have something to refer to. I’ve been told by our clients how often
they read their own tales. They can’t believe it’s them that the
stories are referring to.”


The panel members murmured in approval and
nodded for him to start. He sat back and got comfortable in his
chair before beginning to recount his client’s adventures.




Story One


Joan walked to work down the same street
she'd walked everyday for the last three years and sighed. She was
thinking, even wishing, that something exciting would happen for
once in her life. When she reached the main road, she noticed a
sign going up on the newly renovated block, which had been under
construction for over a year. The sign simply read Fantasy Inc,
which made her wonder what type of company it was. Walking past she
finally reached her destination and lifted the eye glasses hanging
by the beaded chain on her cardigan and entered the library.
Calming looking around she sighed once again and admitted that
being a librarian wasn’t so bad but it certainly wasn’t her


She had forgotten all about the sign until
she noticed the leaflet mixed with the rest of the mail when she
came home from work that night. The elegant print claimed that any
fantasy could be yours for a small and reasonable fee. Turning the
leaflet over, she at first dismissed it as some sort of con, but as
the lonely night wore on she continually thought about it. Lying in
bed that night she continued to think about the new company.
Intrigued, she finally decided to check it out the next day as she
was off on Saturdays. She went along the same road every day and
saw no problem in just popping in for a nose.


The next morning was crisp and bright when
she left her apartment and headed towards her destination. As she
stepped through the shiny brass doors she was immediately impressed
with the décor and plush carpeting and made her way to the main


The attractive receptionist wasted no time in
greeting her.


"Good morning, may I help you?"


"Why yes. I was wondering what you do here,
what services do you provide? I have a leaflet that claims that
your company is able to fulfill any fantasy, so I thought I'd check
it out," said Joan, feeling a little silly talking about fantasies
to a perfect stranger.


"That's correct Madame. If you would like to
take a minute to look through this small booklet, you'll see
exactly what we do offer."


Joan went over to a nearby sofa and took a
seat to scan the contents of the booklet. Much to her surprise she
found that there was an adult section. Turning to it, she found
that all conceivable sexual activities were catered for. Looking
carefully around to see if anyone was watching her she adjusted her
glasses to have a closer look. So shocked was she, at this point,
that she had to read it again just to make sure she'd read it
correctly. Thumbing quickly through the booklet she could not find
any prices for the fantasies listed, so she returned to the


"Is there someone I can talk to in private
about this and discuss prices, etc?" she said, handing the booklet


"Yes Madame, it just so happens that we’ve
had a cancellation. I can arrange for you to speak with someone
within 20 minutes if you care to wait.


"Yes, that would be fine," replied Joan.


"Okay, I just need to take your name, and
you're all set," said the receptionist getting her notebook


"Right…my name's, Joan Banner. Do you need my


"No, not just now, but they probably will
later on, please have a seat and when they’re ready I’ll buzz you


Sitting back on the sofa she tried to read
one of the magazines left on the side table but she began to have
second thoughts. What on earth was she doing here, what if someone
from the library found out? She was just about to get up and leave
when she heard the receptionist say, “Miss Banner would you like to
go straight through?" indicating the direction with her hand.


Joan thanked her, and shakily walked into
another smart room, where a huge mirror dominated the back wall and
landscape pictures adorned the rest. Too busy gazing around the
room she missed the occupant.


"Miss Banner?" said a voice in front of


Joan turned her head to see a well dressed
gentleman walking around the modern desk with his hand extended to
usher her into the nearby seat.


"You can call me Joan, I'd prefer that,"
replied Joan self-consciously and taking the seat indicated.


"Okay, Joan it is,” he replied with a smile.
“Now then what particular fantasy have we tempted you with?"


"'," said Joan hesitantly not
knowing where or how to start.


"I see. Well look, how about you just write
it down on paper, and we'll take it from there," he said, handing
over a sheet and a pen.


Smiling, Joan took the paper and found that
she did find it easier to commit to paper, and quickly did so. She
handed the paper back and could feel a flush covering her face.


"Ah, you want our 'Gangbang Treat,' well you
may consider it yours as soon as you leave these premises. I’ll
explain how all this works. We request that our fee of $250 is paid
up front and within a month we will arrange your request. Your
fantasy will come true and to your satisfaction or your money will
be refunded."


"It all sounds very exciting and I agree to
the terms, but will I get any advanced warning?" said Joan.


"Not with this package. Your idea with this
fantasy is that you want to be taken by surprise. Something I've
come across several times in the past, it seems women tend to have
darker fantasies than men, it can be prearranged though, if that's
what you prefer?" "No, that's fine. I did want it to be surprise,"
replied Joan as she counted out the fee.


Joan left a few minutes later and from that
moment on she thought every group of men she saw was part of her
fantasy. Yet for two weeks nothing happened, and she was starting
to think that perhaps it all had been a con. Too embarrassed now to
speak to anyone about it, she went about her normal day-to-day
routine. On Wednesday, she realized that she had to go to the bank,
but found her branch closed for renovation. They'd apparently left
a cashier in the next store who was apologizing to everyone for the
inconvenience, and just as Joan was about to leave, a big white van
screeched up to a halt and four masked men with guns jumped


It was a hold-up, and Joan knew better than
to disobey anything they told her to do. So, she was along with
everyone else, lying down on the floor as the gang proceeded to
fill their bag with cash from the register. Just then the sound of
sirens could be heard in the distance and one of the four grabbed
Joan roughly by the arm and started to drag her, shouting for her
to move. Terrified she stumbled to her feet, it seemed they were
after a hostage. They pushed her into the back of the van and
someone immediately blindfolded her as they sped off.


Nervous she stayed huddled on some type of
soft pad when she heard one of the robbers softly say, "What're we
going to do with the broad?"


"As long as she cooperates, we'll set her
free eventually, for now though, she's a hostage until we're in the
clear," replied a husky masculine voice.


Joan listened to all this intently, trying to
memorize their voices, and then just decided to behave herself.
With a bit of luck she'd get out of this unharmed. It was a good
time later before they pulled up and stopped. She heard a metal
grating sound and as the vehicle inched forward she realized that
they must have pulled inside a garage or other such building. The
van was finally turned off and she could hear doors begin to open
and felt a large hand take hold of her arm. She was taken from the
van and led a short distance when her arms were raised and tied,
probably to a post. A hand fell to her shoulder and pushed her down
apparently onto some time of padded seat. She was made reasonably
comfortable and remained silent, as she listened for anything being
said or decided upon, where she was concerned.

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