The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales (56 page)

Read The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales Online

Authors: Carl East

Tags: #group, #erotic, #erotica, #oral, #lesbian, #romance, #fiction, #sex, #threesome, #incest, #mom, #son

BOOK: The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales
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Kim slipped a hand down her skirt, starting
to moan softly as she pushed her finger into the pussy below,
watching our every move she then released her gorgeous breasts
tweaking her right nipple with her left hand, and arching her back
to get a better penetration. Judy was unaware of any of this for
she was too busy with kissing my neck, and then working down my
chest. Upon reaching my stomach her chin hit the top of my enormous
cock. Licking the end she teased me, feigning to place it in her
mouth. Instead she licked the entire length, cupping my balls with
one hand and squeezing lightly, letting the head circle her mouth
with her tongue diving in and out to play with the hole that she
knew would deliver the goods.


Kim was feverishly playing with herself, her
nipples fully erect. She started to writhe on the chair in an
uncontrollable fit of wanton lust. My cock was so erect it was
hurting, it wanted to burst, the blood pumping to the head making
it visibly throb. It entered Judy's mouth with a gasp from its
owner, wanting to plunge ever deeper into that lovely oral pleasure
zone. She was a woman possessed with many fine qualities; giving
head was one of them. I reached down between her legs to find the
moistness that had engulfed her panties. Slipping a finger inside I
gently rubbed the hood of desire making her push her hips onto my
finger, my cock halfway into her mouth she started to slurp as her
desires took over.


Kim could take no more, she was coming
big-time her hand covered in the love juices that were freely
ebbing from her pussy and she collapsed into the chair still
breathing heavily. I, too, was near the end, my balls were getting
tighter, a sure sign that I knew all too well. Judy kept pushing
herself onto my finger wanting me to speed up, which I did to a
chorus of "yes’s!”


I could hold on no longer. The sperm hit the
roof of her mouth leaking at both sides and she deliberately
allowed a load to fall back onto the end of my cock before scooping
it back up with her tongue. I came again, this time on her chin.
She placed a finger underneath so as not to let any escape, pulling
it back up to her mouth she licked it clean. She finished me off
with both hands pumping the very last drop out. My finger was still
playing with her pussy and soon she started to cum, her juices
running over my hand and down her leg. She sat up smiling, but not
saying anything and then she looked around to see Kim redressing


"Did you enjoy that Kim?" was all she


"Immensely," replied Kim.


That had to be the first time I'd had sex
without vaginal penetration, but it was just as memorable. Little
did I know that things were not over between Kim and me?


Chapter 4


It was a lovely drive up into the mountains.
The scenery was spectacular, and being the height of summer meant
that you could see for miles. Judy had said I would like this and
she was right. I looked over to ask if she was all right to drive,
for she had been driving now for three hours. She just nodded. Kim
and Dean were in the back seat lightly dozing; I couldn't help
thinking what a sight they were missing as we drove up the road
that led to the cabin.


I was glad that Judy had invited Kim and
Dean, I liked them both. I hadn't been out of the hospital for
long, so I still had a cast on my broken leg. Fortunately it was
below the knee, so I didn't have to have my leg outstretched. That
of course was the second time I'd been to the hospital.


We turned the corner at the top of the slope
to find a magnificent log cabin sitting on top of a clearing that
was breathtaking to behold.


"We're there Kim," I said.


Kim opened her eyes to look.


"Wow!" was the only word that needed to be
said, "Dean, look at this," she added.


Dean awoke just as we stopped the car, taking
in the surroundings. We got the luggage down from the roof of the
car and proceeded into the cabin. The inside was everything Judy
said it would be and more. Everything was spotless and well
polished; the bay windows were a sight to behold, for the view was
nothing short of spectacular. Judy hadn't said much for the past
hour and I began to wonder if there was something wrong.


"Are you all right Judy?" I asked


"Yes, but if you don't mind I'd like to have
a nap. I'm feeling very tired."


"Of course, I'll get the luggage sorted out
and then fix us something to eat. I'll call you in a couple of
hours," with that I kissed her on the cheek and told her to


I did start to unpack the bags, but Kim and
Dean soon put a stop to that, saying that they would do what needed
to be done; I should put my leg up and rest. Kim was very
efficient, she soon had the luggage unpacked and in the proper
places, while Dean turned out to be a dab hand at cooking. Once the
meal was ready I called Judy and we all sat down to eat. After
dinner we broke out the drinks and the card table, which was Judy's


"What shall we play?" Kim asked.


I jokingly said strip poker, and to my
surprise Dean agreed. Looking at Judy and Kim, and finding an
affirmative I started to deal the cards. Once dealt I asked them if
there was any rules, to which Kim asked if we should have dares
included to avoid shedding clothes. Apparently this involved
writing down two dares each, which could be anything you wanted.
Then if someone didn't want to lose a certain item of clothing they
could elect a dare, provided they took the dare on. They were then
free of any obligation.


We all wrote our dares out and placed them in
a bowl and then placed it in the center of the table.


The first hand went to Judy with the loser
being Kim; she elected to remove her shoes. Slowly but surely we
all lost some clothing, I was the first to take a dare. Reaching
into the bowl I drew one out, and couldn't believe what it asked me
to do. I sat there reading it again when Judy told me to read it
out loud.


"You have five minutes to arouse the person
of your choosing, other than your partner."


Looking around the table, I could see every
one waiting for me to make my choice.


"Ok, I accept," I said looking at Kim.


The first thing I did was get under the
table, and then without warning I slipped both hands up Kim's skirt
hooking my fingers around her panties and pulled them straight off,
to which she responded with a yelp. Then spreading her legs I
licked her thighs, I inserted my tongue between her pussy lips, and
then started to probe. To be honest, I thought she would have
submitted by now, but there wasn't even a murmur. Then I decided to
insert a finger while licking her clit and that got a response but
still she wouldn't concede.


"You've got two minutes left!" I heard Dean


She was really wet at this point, so I knew
that I was arousing her, I also knew that she was going to let the
full five minutes pass before conceding -- who could blame her. In
the last minute I got a little more vigorous: as I started to lick
around her clit I inserted three fingers and went at it like a pro,
this made her concede in the last thirty seconds. I stood the
victor, knowing that I not only didn't have to shed an item of
clothing, but that I'd had the pleasure of sucking Kim's pussy.
Kim’s face was hot and flustered, while Dean had a grin from ear to
ear. Judy just laughed and then proceeded to deal the cards once
again. Judy lost the next hand, but decided to lose the bra. This
always turned me on, for the bra she wore was a little tight, so
when she released the catch at the front her breasts sort of sprang
out making a delightful jiggling motion as they came free.


"You have a gorgeous body my dear!" said


"Thank you," she replied, obviously feeling
proud to show her attributes.


Unfortunately Judy lost the next hand also,
which meant that she either took a dare or was the outright loser
of this game; she chose the dare. Reading it she began to laugh and
then folded it back up and placed it next to her cards.


"Well, what did it say?" I asked, eager to


"It said I’ve got to play with myself in full
view of everybody here while the next hand is being played without


Pushing the chair back from the table
allowing them to see everything, she removed her panties and then
inserted her finger deep into her pussy. It was my deal, but it was
hard to concentrate when the woman you love is just three feet away
and playing with herself. My hard-on was becoming very
uncomfortable and I tried discreetly to shift its position. She was
going at it like a woman possessed, opening her legs wide to the
amazement of Dean, who also shifted his position. I dealt the hand
and picked my cards up to find I had three kings, an ace and a
deuce. Throwing my deuce in the unwanted pile, I drew another card
to find an ace, which of course meant that I had a full house. Dean
had two pair and Kim had ace high, which meant that Kim lost. She,
too, elected to take a dare, which I'm sure at this point Dean had
hoped for.


First though, we all agreed that Judy had
fulfilled her dare. She replaced her panties and rejoined the game,
and then she asked Kim what the dare was.


"I've got to insert something in my pussy
other than my fingers until I cum," she said, smiling.


She looked straight at me and I knew what was
coming (in more ways than one). She pushed away from the table and
approached me. Turning my chair around was easy, for they were all
on casters, and then she proceeded to take down my underwear.


"My God, you're massive!" said Dean, being
the only one in the room who didn't know.


Kim sat astride my now throbbing pussy-hungry
cock and inserted the head in to her love canal. She slowly edged
it in with a gasp from her lips, and then proceeded to move up and
down managing to take a little more in with each downward movement.
I looked over to Dean, who, to my surprise, had his pants off and
was jerking himself off to the action being performed in front of
him. Judy was watching him intently. Kim started to move faster,
almost screaming with delight at the sensations she was clearly
feeling. Her short but fast movements were really starting to turn
me on. I spotted Judy rise and go over to Dean's chair, taking his
cock out of his hand and inserting it into her mouth. He gasped
then relaxed back into the chair allowing Judy to do the deed. I
could see she had no trouble in taking the entire length down her
throat. He looked surprised to see how able the Doctor was, and how


Kim was moaning louder, now completely
oblivious to her surroundings. Her juices were literally pouring
out and down to my balls, her breasts were rubbing against my chest
and I could feel her hardened nipples pressing into me. Once or
twice she would go too far down and wince as the head of my cock
struck deeply to the inner walls of her pussy. She couldn't quite
take it all, but it wasn't for the lack of trying. I could hear
groans emanating from Dean's mouth as Judy brought him nearer to a
climax. I knew it wouldn't take her long and sure enough the
tell-tale signs on his face were a give away. He let her have it,
pulling the sort of face that meant 'this is good.' She sucked his
manhood with gusto, swallowing every last drop, and then climbed on
top in much the same manner as Kim was doing.


This was all too much for me, I was about to
cum. I hadn't cum in the last three days so it was well stocked. I
felt it surge up my shaft and threw my head back when it reached
the end. I don't think Kim was quite ready for the amount of hot
sperm that I am capable of producing; for once I started to cum it
flowed like a torrent into her pussy and slowly slipped out the
sides. She must have cum as well, for she started to slow down,
feeling the pleasure of my cock before extracting it from her


"God that was good!" she said, with a deep


We both sat and watched Judy and Dean, who
were totally oblivious to our presence. She was riding him like a
horse with fast bucking motions. He was grabbing her butt in an
attempt to lift her higher each time she moved, but you could see
she was in total control. He yelled out that he was coming and she
started to move faster. It was very erotic watching his cock appear
and disappear. He came and she followed soon after, slowing down
and breathing heavy. Both Kim and I started to applaud, which was
the first time they were aware they’d had an audience. Judy climbed
off his lap and took a bow.


Finishing off the wine after getting dressed,
I commented how good the first night had gone, totally unaware of
the adventure I was about to have.


Chapter 5


We watched the sun rise the next morning,
from the bay windows in Judy's log cabin. It was an incredible
sight, and one that will forever stick in my mind. We'd been there
now for three days and we were having a great time; Kim and Dean
were also there enjoying them selves.


"What shall we do today?" said Judy.


"Well, if you three don't mind, I wouldn't
mind getting in some fishing while we're here," replied Dean.


We all agreed that it was all right, but
nobody else wanted to do that, so Dean decided to go it alone.

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