The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales (6 page)

Read The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales Online

Authors: Carl East

Tags: #group, #erotic, #erotica, #oral, #lesbian, #romance, #fiction, #sex, #threesome, #incest, #mom, #son

BOOK: The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales
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”Do you not have electricity here?” I


There is no need, we have the ability to keep
it light in the village at all times,” she replied,


”How…?” I enquired.


”There is always someone asleep in the
village, and they dream its light, even for those that are awake,”
she said.


”Doesn’t that become confusing, I mean how do
you know who is asleep, and who is awake?”


”It used to be confusing, but now we dream of
clothes we don’t possess, so when you see someone wearing that type
of clothing, you know they’re dreaming,” she replied.


Simple yet efficient, I thought, following
Abby into a building, I soon realized that dreaming was a way of
life for these people.


”This is my home!”


I looked around; it was a nice tidy place,
large enough for one, and cozy, with a fireplace in the center.
There were no doors however, just large alcoves, one being the
kitchen and another being the bedroom. That’s where I spotted Abby
taking her clothes off, I stood watching, and enjoying the show.
She was lifting the dress up and over her head, revealing a most
perfect figure, a tiny waist with slender arms and a bust that
defied her proportions, big and rounded with large nipples.


My cock stood to attention the moment I saw
them, she smiled as she walked over to embrace me. Standing on
tiptoe she kissed me, I placed my hands onto her slender waist, as
our lips met. She then led me to the bed, but before we got on she
asked me a question.


”Have you got any sexual fantasies?”


I didn’t have to think very long about this
one, for I’d only ever had one true fantasy.”


“I always wanted to have sex with two women
at once, like every other hot blooded male on my planet,” I
replied, with a laugh.


She smiled and raised her hand; and suddenly
a double of her self stood next to me. When your lucks in, it’s in,
I thought. They were identical in every way; my cock was so solid I
could have smashed bricks with it. I undressed in such haste, that
I tore the shirt I was wearing, that’s when I realized just how
complex these dreams really were.


She could have made my imaginary clothes just
disappear, but it felt more natural this way. We all got onto the
bed, with me in the middle, and then their hands started to touch
me all over. One of them immediately started to suck my hardened
cock, while the other kissed me. I was in heaven, the feel of their
bodies along with the smell and taste of their every being,
couldn’t have been more real.


I couldn’t help thinking that this was not
going to last long, because normally whenever I ejaculated in my
dreams, I would cum in reality and wake up. However, I seemed to be
lasting a lot longer than normal, and started to wonder why?


I could feel every touch of her tongue, both
in my mouth and around my cock, and I was also feeling the
excitement associated with such erotic stimuli. But I wasn’t
coming, in fact I fucked them both, twice, making them cum, and
still I hadn’t cum myself. Now I would be the first to admit that I
am no stud, so I knew there was something wrong.


”Why haven’t I cum yet Abby?” I suddenly


I have allowed you to enjoy all the pleasures
associated with sex, but stopped you from coming, so that you can
enjoy it for longer,” she told me.


I thought about that for all of one second,
and then commenced in fucking them both for what seemed like hours.
I’d always wanted to last a long time, but found that I nearly
always got too excited too quickly. When we’d made love a number of
times, I asked her if it was possible for me to actually travel
here physically.


”Only the Dream Reaper could answer that
question,” she said.


”The Dream Reaper… Who is that?” I asked.


”He is the all knowing all powerful Head of
my people,” she replied, in a very serious voice.


”Can I see him?”


The next thing I know, we’re suddenly both
dressed and standing in front of another building. Abby knocked,
and upon hearing a voice say enter, she opened the door and led the
way. This house was very different to Abby’s it was darker for a
start with candles being the only light source, hundreds of them.
We walked into what looked like a large hallway with pillars
standing on both sides, running from one end to the other. There
seated at the end was a small man, no bigger than Abby. He beckoned
us forward, asking how he could be of service. Abby explained who I
was, and then told him that I had a question.


”You may ask your question Paul,” he


”First, thank you for seeing me,” I said,
feeling that I was in an important person’s presence, “I would like
to know, if it is possible for me to reach your plain of existence,
in my true form, as opposed to my dream one?”


”It is, but for you to enter our realm, you
would have to undergo the dream quest,” he said.


I turned to Abby with a look of an enquirer;
she pulled me to one side.


”The dream quest, is a test of character, in
order to ascertain whether or not the person going through it, is
worthy of being accepted,” she explained.


”What does it involve exactly?” I said.


The Dream Reaper answered that question, when
he stood up and came over to join us.


”There are three forms of Dream Questing, the
first is that of bravery the second that of intelligence and a
third which you may choose, but they must all relate in some way to
your reasons for wanting this,” he said.


I thanked the Dream Reaper, and informed him
that I would make my decision shortly, both Abby and I then
returned to her abode in an instant to discuss this further.


”If you would have me Abby, I would like to
try this,” I said, holding her hands.


”I would like you to be here for real, but
there is a penalty for failing the quest,” she replied.


”And that is?”


“I would never be able to contact you again,
for the Dream Reaper would deem you unworthy,” she said, holding


This was something I hadn’t counted on, and
something I couldn’t bear. I had feelings for this woman, which I’d
never felt for any other. We held each other for a long time after
that, making love a number of times. Then when she became aware
that I was going to awaken naturally, she allowed me to cum. I
awoke with my own cum juices running once more down my thigh, and
sat up. I had a lot to think about, and knew that I would be seeing
her again.


Chapter 3


I was on the verge of committing myself to
the Dream Quest, a sort of right of ascension. Abbey had shown me
her world, and I had shown her my desire to stay, but in order to
do that I had to pass the Dream Quest. There was one snag however,
if I failed the Quest, I would never see Abby again.


Abby came to me in my dream again that night,
and looked as lovely as ever.


”Have you made up your mind?” she asked.


”I’ve decided to go for it, but I need to
know if I can have a quest on sex?” I replied.


”Yes you can, but be aware, the Dream Reaper
will test you to the limit, only ending the quest when he is
totally convinced that you are worthy,” she said, with concern in
her voice.


I’d made up my mind; I wanted this with every
fiber of my being, because for the first time in my life I’d found
someone that I cared about. Abby waved her hand, and the meadow was
replaced with the village, an impressive sight the more I saw it.
We were soon in the presence of the Dream Reaper, who asked if I
had come to a decision.


”I have,” I said, thinking of the best way to
put this, “I would like the quest to be one of a sexual


My thinking for this had been simple, the
Dream Reaper had told me, the reason I wanted the quest would
somehow be involved in the quest, and as Abby was the main reason,
I felt sure that she would be involved in the sex part.


”What are your reasons for wanting this
Quest?” He asked.


“I wish to spend the rest of my life with
Abby, she is all I care about,” I replied.


begins!” he said.


Suddenly I found myself in Abby’s house, and
then horror, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. He’d
changed me into a woman. I looked more closely; I was wearing a
short dress, and had long dark hair, with a large bust. I placed my
hand onto my left breast this was unbelievable it felt every bit as
good as the real thing. Then I looked down pulling my dress up a
little; I was wearing panties that felt very comfortable, I rubbed
my finger over the area that most intrigued me. Then realized what
it must be like for women everywhere, I felt a tingling in my
crotch, followed by a longing to rub the clitoris.


Then I came to my senses and realized that I
was now in the Quest, and wondering what my task would be. As if in
way of an answer, a man appeared before me, and I realized in an
instant what I would have to do.


He never spoke; he just stood there looking
me up and down. I wanted to ask where Abby was, but then I had a
thought, I wondered if this man was indeed Abby. If it was, then I
could do this I just had to get the idea of making love to another
man out of my mind. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against
homosexuality, I just had no desires in that direction.


The man in front of me started to move
towards me, I braced myself thinking, this is Abby, the woman you
love. He started by kissing me on the cheek, and then working down
to my neck, still not saying a word. Then his hands reached behind
me unhooking my dress, and letting it fall to the floor. I was now
almost naked, and thought that if I am to prove myself I’d better
start to enjoy this. I tried to imagine what it must be like for a
woman to undress a man, but of course I couldn’t even begin to
understand. Then I had an idea, why don’t I imagine it was a woman,
at least that way I could act out what I would do in real life.


Taking the plunge I placed my hands on either
side of his face and gently pulled him towards me, we kissed for
the first time. It wasn’t as bad as my imagination was portraying,
and slowly but surely I got into the mood. He put a hand down my
panties, making me jump back slightly. But then his finger touched
my clit, and I suddenly found myself wanting him to rub me there a
bit more. Then his finger entered me, I wanted to push forward, but
allowed him to take control. His finger was doing all right up
until now. He kissed me again, and then his hands were around the
back of my panties and pulling them down. He had to crouch down in
order to get them off, which meant his head was now level with my
pussy. He applied pressure to my inner thighs opening my legs, and
then he started to lick the area known as the vulva.


I was getting to learn how a woman must feel
when these things are done to her, it was a nice feeling but it
lacked something. Then he started to lick the clitoris vigorously,
and a very pleasant feeling shot through my body. I placed both
hands on the back of his head, pulling him gently into my mound. He
started to dart in and out of my pussy, making me want to feel
more, and then he stood up and undressed. This was it, I thought,
if I can get past this, I will surely have past the Quest. His
muscular body didn’t do anything for me in fact it was making me
wonder if I could go through with this. Then he removed his
trousers revealing a large cock that was fully erect, strangely I
could imagine what a woman must be thinking when she sees a sight
like this. He then pulled me gently onto the bed, and laying me
down he climbed on top pushing his cock up to the entrance.


I knew at that moment that I was going to let
him do this, and still believed that this was indeed Abby. Then his
cock started to enter me; my thoughts getting me worked up for
nothing, because it felt quite pleasant. Once he’d slowly and
gently entered my pussy, his pace started to pick up. The juices
were suddenly flowing. It was a delightful experience as he picked
up speed, going faster and faster. I suddenly found myself opening
my legs wider, wanting him to go as far as possible, and then it
started I was having an orgasm. Wow! So this is what an orgasm
feels like, its no wonder a woman hates it when a man comes without
satisfying her needs. I felt like thrusting upwards, a need for
more building inside my vagina.


He plunged his cock in again and again, and
my orgasms were coming more frequently, and then I felt him coming,
another experience that I’d often wondered about. I could feel some
of it running down my ass cheeks, but he hadn’t stopped fucking me,
so that sensation was the furthest from my mind. Then he turned me
around, and entered me from the back, as this was my favorite
position in my natural form, I was more than curious as to how this
might feel. I didn’t have to wait for long, his cock was soon
making the juices flow once more only this time I could thrust back
getting the maximum penetration.


By now I think I had successfully let myself
go, for the orgasms were even more intense, and his treatment of my
new pussy was gorgeous. Then it all came to an end, with me
suddenly being dressed and standing in front of The Dream

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