The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales (5 page)

Read The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales Online

Authors: Carl East

Tags: #group, #erotic, #erotica, #oral, #lesbian, #romance, #fiction, #sex, #threesome, #incest, #mom, #son

BOOK: The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales
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Coming to, I heard my sister say. “Are you
alright sis” he was still inside me, so I couldn’t have been out
for long. I reached up to his head and pulled him forward, and then
kissed him passionately on the lips, and thanked him for the best
fuck of my life. It was just as well we’d finished, for soon after
getting dressed and tiding up a little Father returned, bidding his
guests farewell saying he hoped his daughters had entertained them
while he had been gone, they all smiled saying yes, and then


We retired to bed shortly after that talking
about the night we had had, I placed this tale of ours in the
journal the next day, but I couldn’t forget that night, and wanted
a repeat performance as soon as possible, who knows what my next
entry will tell.”




Closing the journal I looked over to my two
friends, smiling.


”You had quite an adventure there didn’t


They both smiled spotting the erection that
tale had elicited, moving closer to me, they may not be solid to
touch but they could touch others, don’t ask me how, I just knew
they could. Samantha pulled my zipper down and slid her mouth over
my cock, in much the same way as described in the story, being able
to see both of them clearly now, I was about to enjoy another sex
romp with my friends, but that’s another story.


The End




The Dream Reaper


Chapter 1


I awoke feeling the sperm running down my
thigh. It had happened again, a wet dream that I’d been having
three times a night. It always started the same way, I would be in
a bar getting a drink, and once I sat down in an alcove that was
situated at the back of the bar, someone would get under the table
and start to give me the best damn blowjob ever. But I couldn’t see
who it was, and when they’d taken me to the very edge, I would cum
for real, and wake up. I cleaned up the mess, and then lay there
wondering why I should be having such vivid and incredible wet
dreams. It wasn’t because I didn’t get laid. On the contrary, I had
my fair share of sex. Also I was twenty-one, and had never
experienced a wet dream in my life.


Then I noticed something on the floor of my
bedroom, a small brooch. I got out of bed and picked it up, and
upon examination I discovered engraved writing on the back, too
small to read with the naked eye. I searched through my desk until
I found my magnifying glass. Looking closer under the lamp, the
inscription read, To Abby, for passing the MD Exam. I didn’t know
anyone by that name. I also knew that the brooch hadn’t been there
when I’d gone to sleep.


The more I thought about it, the more I
realized I had had an intruder, but upon checking the house, I’d
found all the doors and windows locked from the inside. At that
point I figured that it must have been snagged onto my clothing,
and I’d not noticed. I decided to hide it away, and had the perfect
place for it. A week later, I was still having these wet dreams
when it suddenly changed. I was still in the bar, but a voice could
be heard in my head, saying, where is my brooch. I awoke with the
dream still fresh in my memory, wondering why I should dream about
the brooch. Then I had a wild idea, what if someone was visiting me
during my sleep, someone who had lost a brooch.


I laughed at myself, but couldn’t shake the
idea, so I decided to humor me. I set the camcorder to record my
movements during sleep, and the next night when I was ready for
bed, I started the camcorder off and went to sleep. I awoke with my
own cum running down my thigh, and then remembered the


To be honest I didn’t think I would find
anything, but what I did find was mind blowing. First of all the
tape had only been going for half an hour, so I rewound it, and
then placed it into the video player. At first it was what I
expected to find, me asleep, with an occasional turn for
excitement. Then suddenly a light appeared above my head in the
film, I watched very intently, and witnessed a vision of beauty
appearing from the light. She was a young woman, of small stature
floating above my bed, and then I saw the covers start to move on
their own, revealing my naked body beneath. She then proceeded to
hover above my cock, taking in the entire length down her throat,
and giving me a blowjob. I looked down and found that I had a real
boner right now.


This was incredible, she continued until I
came and then placed everything back as it was, and vanished. I
rewound the tape going over it again and again, not believing what
my eyes were seeing. I just had to talk with this little beauty,
but how, the only time she appeared was when I slept. Then I looked
at the computer, and started to get an idea.


If you’ve ever owned a computer you will know
that they are incredibly versatile, able to do a number of everyday
things. The obvious things being typing out letters, playing games,
using the Internet and so on, but you can also set your computer up
to do a number of things around your home. For instance, if you had
the right equipment you could actually save money on your
electricity bills, simply by setting up sensors around your home
that the computer could identify with. Then when it detected you in
one room, it would automatically turn out the lights in


So what I did first was get the right
equipment for the job in hand, and started to set it all up. Once I
had set things up I sat in front of the camcorder and recorded a
message just for my little visitor. Then re-recording it onto my
computer, I set the camcorder as before to watch what happened. I
had set the camcorder to start as soon as my computer


That night I waited until I was really tired,
and then after making last minute checks I got into bed. When I
awoke twenty minutes later, the lights were all on, as well as my
computer and camcorder. Quickly getting out of bed I rewound the
tape and started to play it through, it began as before with
nothing happening, and then the light appeared above my head again.
She appeared, floating above my bed, and then the lights came on,
and at the same time my voice could be heard coming from the


”Please don’t be afraid, I will not harm you,
but I now know of your existence.”


I watched her face on the tape, at first she
had been startled, and was about to flee, but she then heard my
voice, which seemed to calm her a little.


”I have found your brooch, and it is safe
with me, I would like to meet with you,” I heard myself saying.


She listened intently, and then spotting the
camcorder she floated over to it.


”I can only meet you in my dreams, for it is
forbidden by my kind to make contact with the dream receiver,” she
said, in a soft voice.


I looked at her face, she was beautiful, her
hair was white and flowing, her eyes a gorgeous blue, her skin
perfect, and a body that you would die for. The only defect, if you
could call it that, was her height, for she only stood four foot
from the ground. But four foot of perfection was still, four foot
of perfection.


”I will come to you once you fall asleep
again,” she said, floating back up and disappearing.


I quickly turned everything off, and then
climbed back into bed, before long I was asleep again. I suddenly
heard a voice and turned around, and there she was a vision of


”Hi, is Abby your name?” I said, looking into
those gorgeous eyes.


”Yes, and you are Paul. I have made you my
soul mate,” she replied.


”Are you real?” I asked.


She laughed at that, her laugh being
infectious, for I laughed back.


”Yes, I’m real, I just exist in another
reality,” she replied.


Up until now our surroundings were dark
within the dream, with nothing to see, but she waved her hand and
changed that, for we were suddenly walking in a meadow.


”How do you do the things you do?” I said,
sounding like a song I’d once heard.


”All the things you see are illusionary, even
I am a projection of my real self,” she replied.


”But you do exist, in the flesh as it were?”
I said, reaching out to touch her, and feeling her solid arm.


”Yes, only my projection is controlling
everything around you, for I too am asleep at this moment, and if I
woke up in reality, this would all vanish,” she said, explaining it
all very clearly.


”I see. What did you mean when you said that
I was your soul mate?”


”When we have learned to manipulate our
dreams we can choose a soul mate as a kind of reward, this reward
is nearly always of a sexual nature, as we think about sex every
bit as much as you,” she explained.


”But if you’re just a projection, then how
could you have left your brooch in my reality?” I asked, thinking
this will stump her.


”We found out a long time ago that when we
enter your reality, whatever we bring with us becomes a part of
that reality, but only while it is fresh in our minds,” she


”So what you’re telling me is that as soon as
you blank that memory out, the brooch would disappear?”


”Exactly,” she said, taking my hand.


We walked for a while taking in the beauty
that she had created, and then I spoke again.


”May I kiss you?”


”Yes, you may.”


I drew her into my arms and kissed her softly
on the lips, having to crouch a little. Her return kiss was more
passionate, making me hard once again; I placed my hands onto her
butt, squeezing slightly. She reached down taking hold of my cock,
which made me realize I was now naked. She really did control
everything in this reality. With her hand moving along my cock, she
too suddenly appeared naked. Her body was a work of art, but I
couldn’t help thinking how much was projection and how much was
reality, was this how she looked, or how she would like to


We found ourselves on the floor, our kiss
becoming more heated, and then I felt the wall of her pussy, she
was wet. I pushed my way in, and she gasped as my cock entered the
tightest pussy I’d ever felt, and then I started to work it faster.
My cock was feeling great as I felt every inch sinking into her
love canal, her cries of pleasure turning me on even more. Her
breasts were heaving, as her breathing seemed to get more
pronounced. Then I felt myself coming; it was running down my
thigh, once more, and I suddenly realized I’d awoken.


Sitting up, I cleaned myself, and returned to
sleep. She was still there waiting for my arrival, and we were both
dressed again.


”That was incredible!” I said, taking her


”I waited, for I knew that you would return,
but I am about to wake up myself, as soon as that happens you will
return to your own thoughts, and I will see you again tomorrow,”
she said.


We walked for a while longer hand in hand,
not saying anything, and then I was back, sitting up in bed, and
looking forward to the next night.


Chapter 2


My first meeting with Abby was an
unbelievable experience. Tonight I had gone to bed early, knowing
that I hadn’t slept well in the past few days, mainly through
waking up every half-hour with cum juice running down my thigh. Not
that I was complaining you understand I just knew that if I had an
uninterrupted sleep I would probably sleep for eight to ten


Pretty soon I was asleep, and looking forward
to finding out what was in store tonight. Suddenly I heard Abby’s
voice, and I was in the meadow once more. Turning around, I found
her running towards me with her hair flaring back, being caught in
the wind. Her breasts were moving in a delightful manner, making me
feel horny already.


”Hello Paul,” she said, as she approached me,
“are you alright?”


I had to admire her imagination, for she wore
a delightful little dress, which hugged all the right places.


”Yes, I’m fine, and you?”


”Oh, I feel great, full of life and raring to
go, does that sound silly?” she said.


”No, not at all, life is too short as it is,
so you should enjoy it while you can,” I replied,


She smiled, and then grabbed my hand, and we
ran down the meadow.


”I want to show you where I live,” she


We stopped in a glade, which was very
peaceful, and then she waved her hand, more for theatrics rather
than a need. As she did so the surroundings changed. We were
suddenly standing in a small village, which had a water-well in the
center, and was currently very active.


”These are my people, they are all dreaming
at the moment, so you will find they can all talk to you,” said


I had to wonder why they should be dreaming
of working in their own village, and I was about to say the same
when Abby told me.


”If you’re wondering why they’re dreaming of
their own village, when they could be exploring other places, it’s
because they are content with their lives, and do not feel they
need to wander far,” she said.


I looked closely at my surroundings, I’d
expected to find them technologically advanced, but I couldn’t even
see streetlights.

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