The Unexpected Series (Unexpected #1-3) (36 page)

BOOK: The Unexpected Series (Unexpected #1-3)
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I don’t know at what point I started to see Trent as a good looking, successful, grown man and not my best friend’s little brother. However, the more time I spent with Jason and saw how much he looked like a mini Trent, the more I saw the man Trent really was. Strong, independent, and ready to do what he had to for his son. That makes him even sexier than the face of a thousand disintegrated panties.

“Noelle?” He breaks the silence looking at me desperate. “I...”

“DINNER’S READY!” Walker yells out interrupting Trent.

He lets out a growl and shoots up stalking away in frustration. I watch him leave; letting out the breath I didn’t know I was holding in.


rin’s mom makes the best roasted chicken and rice. She serves it with some mixed vegetables and dinner rolls. Sunday dinners are always amazing at the Decker house.

Little Savannah is sleeping, and Jason is still with Alex’s parents after they asked Trent for another day with him. That seems odd to me since from what I’ve heard, they are always ready to hand him back. They aren’t the best at being grandparents. Not like Mama Decker.

“So, Noelle. Erin tells me you met a handsome stranger at the coffee shop yesterday.” Mama Decker starts up the dinner conversation.

Silverware clangs onto a plate and I don’t have to look across the table to see it was Trent who dropped it.

“Yea.” I glare at Erin, who is conveniently looking down at her food. “I did.”

“So, tell me about him.” She presses on making me, and most likely everyone at the table besides her, uncomfortable.

“Well, he’s twenty nine and owns his own gym,” I say hoping she will stop asking.

Trent chimes in. “Douche.”

My eyes go wide.

“Trent!” His mom scolds.

“What Ma? It’s true. He lives across the street from me and he’s a total douchebag.”

A laugh slips between my lips when I see a bit of the green eyed monster appear.

“I think he’s nice...” I say turning my glare onto Trent. “And hot. We spent the day at the beach. It was a good day.”

“That sounds great, dear,” Erin’s mom says and changes the subject. “I hope everyone is enjoying dinner.”

We all agree it’s fantastic, and I can hear a quiet moan coming from over my water glass. Trent has put his piece of chicken down and is proceeding to stare directly at me as he licks the remnants of the meal off his fingers.

“So good.” He swirls his tongue around one finger, and I clench my legs together remembering him doing just that with a different kind of juice earlier in the day. From the look of pure lust and jealously in his eyes I know that’s what he is doing too.

If he wants to play, I can play too.

I slip off my sandal and glide my foot across the carpet towards his chair, lifting it to the middle of his parted legs. When my toes find their destination, I watch him jump and then smirk when he realizes what I’m trying to do. As the conversation goes on around us, Trent takes my foot in his hand and presses it into him, and he grows beneath it.

I think I’ve met my match.

He massages my arch and when he puts pressure on the inside, it makes the ball of my foot push further into him. The foot rub alone would turn me the hell on but feeling his dick grow harder by the second and the look of bliss in his eyes has my body in a tizzy. When I feel like I can’t take this beautiful torture anymore I quickly pull away.

“I need to use the restroom.” I slide back my chair and meet Erin’s questioning eyes. I shake my head to signal not to worry about it and leave them to finish their meal.

As I close the door I reach below my dress and graze my core finding that I might be able to release this built up tension myself with just a few rubs of my clit.

A quiet knock startles me, and I straighten out my dress, pulling myself together.

“I’m fine, Erin,” I say opening the door to beautiful brown irises, but they aren’t Erin’s. They’re Trent’s.

He pushes his way into the bathroom and grabs my face, kissing me like it’s the last time before he deploys for war. My tongue doesn’t hesitate to mingle with his. His hands drop from my face and start pushing the thin straps of my sundress down until it pools onto the floor leaving me in just my white and yellow polka dot bikini.

“Did you kiss him?” He pulls away pinning me with his stare. When I don’t answer he leans down and forcefully bites my bottom lip. “We’re his lips on you, Noelle?”

I nod yes and something snaps in him. His hands are all over my body, his tongue licking my neck, my shoulder and the top of my breasts. I don’t fight him. I want anything he is giving me right now.

“Did you tell him about me?” He asks just as his hand pulls on the string at my hip giving way to one side of my bottoms.

“Yes.” I breathe out.

His fingers find the strings on the other side. With one tug I am completely bare with the exception of my top.

Ghosting the tips of his hand across my pubic bone he continues his game of twenty questions. “What did he say?”

Standing on the tips of my toes I silently beg for his fingers to delve back into me and finish what he started this afternoon. “Trent, please.”


“He said he’ll fight for me and not to have sex with you. Okay? Please. Damn it.” I shamelessly push against his hand, but he moves them so quick grabbing me by my waist and picking me up so that I don’t have time to think.

He puts me down on the sink and ravishes my mouth with his. When his two fingers push into me, I quietly thank the heavens but as his thumb pushes down on my clit my appreciation gets much louder.

“Shh. If you want me to keep going you’re going to have to be quiet, Noelle. Do you understand?”

I groan out a yes, and he takes his finger fucking to a feverish rate. With them pumping into me and his thumb circling on the outside I’m so close I can feel it starting in my toes. I reach out and unbutton his shorts without protest and grasp his rock hard erection sliding my fingers up and down.

“Shit, Noe. That feels incredible.” He growls and picks up his pace as I do.

“I’m going to come, Trent. Oh, God!” I whisper in his ear before biting it.

“I’ll make you come, Noe, but you just remember that I don’t share. If you want the piece of gold you are holding in your hands to fuck this sweet pussy all night long you get rid of that fucker and quick.”

“Oh, God!” I moan out and his thumb pushes down giving me the orgasm my body has been craving all day. A few more thrusts into my hands later he lays his head onto my shoulder and climaxes.

After we clean up and straighten out our clothes I’m hit with the realization that both of us have been absent from dinner for almost twenty minutes.

“Trent! They are going to know something is up.”

“Don’t worry,” he says placing a small kiss on my lips. “Just go to your car. I’ll be there in a minute.”

I walk out of the bathroom, out the door and to my car without question. Trent comes out a few minutes later with my bag and keys.

“What did you tell them?”

“That you weren’t feeling well and that you were going to drive me home.” He holds his hand out for my keys.

I hand them over and walk to the passenger side. “Erin will see right through that and where is your truck?”

“At home. Erin and Walker picked me up,” he informs me as we get into the car. “When Erin told me you were coming I figured you could just give me a ride.”

I look over at him thinking there is a double meaning behind it. He winks, confirming my suspicions.

’m so distracted from Trent’s light touches to my knee that I forget he lives on the same street as Jace. When we finally arrive on Park Avenue I look around to see if I can find his house. When I spot Jace’s car my eyes go wide. He lives directly across the street from Trent. You could back out of Trent’s driveway and into Jace’s.

He eases my car behind his truck and turns off the engine. Neither of us moves. I don’t know what he expects, but I’m not making the decision.

“Noelle,” he speaks into the quiet night.

“Mmm hmm.” I look over but he is staring out the windshield.

“I want you to come in.” His hand reaches back over and grabs mine. “I just want to talk. We’ve spent the day touching and not talking. We need to talk.”

“Okay.” I agree and we silently go into the house.

I’m scared to look back to see if Jace is watching.

Upon entering I make myself comfortable on the couch noticing that the house is in immaculate condition just like it should be.

“Did you clean up from last night?” I ask and then think to myself that I can’t believe almost twenty four hours ago I was here, kissing Jace.

“I did.” He hands me a glass of wine sitting beside me. “Are you proud of me?”

“I am. You know how much I love things neat and clean.”

He looks over, taking me in and bites his lip.

“What?” I’m curious. “You seem to be holding something in.”

“I was just going to say that ‘unlike how you have sex’.” He laughs.

“Trent. I’d deny it but then I would be lying.” I chuckle with him and take a sip of my wine.

“So.” He leans back and crosses his arms behind his neck. “Let’s talk.”

“Okay.” I set my glass down on the table and turn my body so one leg is propped up on the cushion. “Talk.”

Letting out a long breath he leans forward placing his elbows on both knees and turns his head to look at me.

“Two years, Noe. It’s been almost two years since I realized I have feelings for you. Do you know how long that feels?” He asks.

I shake my head in complete astonishment. I never knew. If there had been a few hints I missed them. Obviously, there has been a sexual attraction, but feelings?

“It feels like fucking forever. I think it started even before then. Anytime you were with Erin I would watch you. Watch the way you move. Watch the way one side of your mouth tips up when you’re really interested in what someone is saying. The way you bite your lip, like right now, when you’re nervous.”

I release my bottom lip from my teeth and look down. He lifts my chin back up so he can look into my eyes.

“The way you walk with a small sway to your hips. More if you want to be noticed, which isn’t hard because I don’t think a man within a block of you doesn’t see you. When you smile, the entire room brightens up and most importantly how you treat Jason like he is your own. Showering him with kisses and rocking him until he falls asleep. God, Noelle!”

He jumps up throwing his arms to the side. “You used to make me crazy and then, all the sudden, I fell...and I fell so hard that I haven’t been able to stand, until this afternoon. When I kissed you it felt like a weight was lifted. I was showing you I wanted you and I know you want me. Just say you want me. You want this.”

His eyes are pleading as he sits back down, closer to me this time.

Do I want this?

What would it mean if we gave it a chance?

“Why now? Why after two years do you decide to tell me now?” I’m trying to figure it all out.

“I was planning on telling you last night, Noelle. I asked Erin to get you there and everything just went to shit and when I saw Jace kissing you I fucking lost it. I watched him watching you and I watched him pursue you. How could you be kissing some guy that you just met when you should be kissing me?” He leans over kissing my exposed shoulder.

“What if there’s no chemistry?” I joke.

“No chemistry? I know we have chemistry but if you’re unsure I can remind you.”

Trent props himself up and leans forward pushing my body down across the couch. Burrowing himself between my legs I can already feel how much chemistry we have. He rolls himself into me, and I whimper.

“You’re a beautiful, smart and sexy woman, Noe.” His kisses shower down my neck as his hands grip my hair. “Choose me. Choose this.”

I want to. I want to so badly, but I need time to think clearly.

“Trent.” I push on his chest, and he lifts his body off mine. “It’s my turn to talk.”

Stabilizing himself he grabs my hand and lifts me back up.

“Okay. Shoot.”

“You need to move back more. I can only think with my lady parts if you are that close.”

He lets out a full blown laugh but moves back.

“We don’t just have us to think about, Trent. If we get together and something happens it can affect my friendship with Erin, my dinners with your family, time with Jason and your nieces and nephews. What if this doesn’t work out?”

“Noelle, please stop with the ‘what ifs’?” His frustration is starting to surface. “Can you honestly tell me that you would regret it more if we tried and it didn’t work than if we didn’t see this through at all?”

“I don’t know and I think that’s what the problem is. I need to think this through and figure all that out.” Standing up I grab my glass of wine and empty it. “I need to go.”

He follows me towards the door but grabs me just before I reach it. “You promise to think about it? Do that entire ‘pro and con’ list shit that you like to do? Weigh all the options, Noe, because I have. I would rather you and I try it out and promise to stay friends if it doesn’t than the alternative.”

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