The Unlikely Spy

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Authors: Daniel Silva

BOOK: The Unlikely Spy
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Praise for
The Unlikely Spy
"A satisfying and fast-paced World War II espionage thriller."--
The San Francisco Examiner
"Bodies pile up, and Silva keeps the suspense keen as the advantage shifts back and forth between the good guys and the Nazis."--
Los Angeles Times
"[Silva] has clearly done his homework, mixing fact and fiction to delicious effect and building tension--with breathtaking double and triple turns of plot--like a seasoned pro."--
"Deserves a standing ovation . . . superbly written and plotted. . . . In intensity and intrigue, it matches Ken Follett's
Eye of the Needle
and Robert Harris's bestselling
San Antonio Express-News
"A well-crafted first fiction that entertains while it educates." --
Chicago Tribune
"A first novel of remarkable ingenuity and daring. . . . This is a book that will stick in your imagination long after you have figured out where all the pieces fit."
"Engrossing . . . a first-class spy thriller . . . a fine piece of fiction, full of plot twists and intriguing characters. . . . The denouement is quite amazing."
Chattanooga Times-Free Press
"[A] tautly drawn thriller . . . plenty of nail-biting scenes."--
New York Post
"A classic World War II adventure thriller."
--Robert Harris, bestselling author of
"Breathtaking . . . spellbinding . . . grabs readers from the first page and holds them to the dramatic ending. . . . . This first work of fiction by journalist Daniel Silva puts him up there among the best of the spy writers."
Abilene Reporter-News
Praise for Daniel Silva's
The English Assassin
"Anexceptionallyreadable,sophisticatedthriller . . .abundant action. . . . Silva ranks . . . among the best of the younger American spy novelists."
The Washington Post
"[A] swift new spy novel. . . . Silva excitingly delivers his story's twists and turns."--
The New York Times
"Good assassin vs. bad assassin. . . . The plot is rich, multilayered, and compelling with issues as timely as the daily headlines and problems as old as humankind. . . . Silva maintains tension and suspense."--
The Denver Post
"Enthralling . . . a thriller that entertains as well as enlightens." --
The Orlando Sentinel
"Breathtakingly orchestrated. Silva makes a stunning contribution to the spy thriller."
(starred review)
"Thrilling . . . a good cinematic story."
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
"Smooth and compelling."--
Detroit Free Press
"Silva's sophisticated treatment, polished prose, an edgy mood, and convincing research gives his plot a crisp, almost urgent quality."
Publishers Weekly
(starred review)
"Silva knows how to plot. . . . [He] will draw you in--and you'll learn something at the same time."
Rocky Mountain News
"Cleverly crafted . . . engrossing . . . an intelligent thriller of the old school and one that will satisfy Silva fans and earn him many new ones."--
The Chattanooga Times
"A page-turner from start to finish."--BookBrowser
Praise for Daniel Silva and His Previous Thrillers
"[A] spy-fiction ace."--
"A writer who brings new life to the international thriller."
"Each plot-twisting segment is marked by almost unbearable tension. . . . Silva's unsmiling prose urges you on like a silencer poking at the small of your back."
Entertainment Weekly
"A terrific thriller . . . one of the best-drawn fictional assassins since
The Day of the Jackal.
The San Francisco Examiner
"The spy novel is alive and well and Daniel Silva among those who are nursing it back to life. . . . The fast-paced plot and multiple twists--not to mention multiple villains and semivillains--are the backbone of Silva's tales. Those of us who have doted on the spy novel for decades have a new light to watch."
The Sunday Advocate
(Baton Rouge, LA)
"A master writer of espionage."
The Cincinnati Enquirer
"Silva . . . writes with the atmospheric grace and whip-lash tension of Le Carre."--
(starred review)
"In the style of authors like Frederick Forsyth and Ken Follett . . . highly imaginative fiction set against a non-fiction background. . . . You will want to read this one straight through once you've started."
New York Law Journal
"At the forefront of his generation of foreign intrigue specialists."--
Publishers Weekly
(starred review)
"Silva writes superbly suspenseful thrillers, and he makes excellent use of today's headlines."--
American Libraries
Also by Daniel Silva
The Secret Servant
The Messenger
Prince of Fire
A Death in Vienna
The Confessor
The English Assassin
The Kill Artist
The Marching Season
The Mark of the Assassin
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First Signet Printing, May 2003
Copyright (c) Daniel Silva, 1995, 1996
eISBN : 978-1-440-60727-1
Excerpt from
The Secret Servant
copyright (c) Daniel Silva, 2007
All rights reserved

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