The Unlocked (Charlie Hartley Series Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: The Unlocked (Charlie Hartley Series Book 1)
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A week later, Charlie finally heard from Hilary.

Hope you are well and enjoying the summer.

Guess what? I got reprimanded
for breaking school protocol by not immediately reporting to my supervisor
regarding my near “assassination” and having dinner with you. But worry not,
because when I spoke to the headmaster and told her how you helped me by using
your telekinetic powers, she expressed interest in how you did it. I hope you
don’t mind me sharing your email address with Ms. Amanda Pitt.

All’s well that ends well,


P.S. Here’s a scanned copy of
the photo I showed you. I still can’t believe how you two are so much alike!

Charlie was overjoyed at receiving Hilary’s email. She
quickly replied, stressing her interest in learning more about Jeanne and
meeting her as soon as possible. Then she printed a copy of the photo and ran

“Mom, where’s Dad? Hilary just emailed me!”

“He’s still at work, Princess, but he should be home anytime
soon. What’s that you’re holding?”

Charlie was delighted with the high resolution photo that
allowed her to print an enlarged copy. “Look at Jeanne, Mom.”

Sarah couldn’t believe what she saw. Her eyes moved from
Charlie to the girl named Jeanne and she shook her head. “Unbelievable, Princess…
Really unbelievable. Where did you say that institute is located?”

Before Charlie could reply, Carl walked in. “Hello my
precious ladies! What’s the fuss?”

Sarah passed the photo to him. He put on his glasses and
scrutinized the print out. “Well, I’ll be damned! That

Charlie smiled and said, “What’s more amazing is that she’s
wearing a locket identical to mine!” Her parents took another look and marveled
at how a single photo could make such a huge difference.

After dinner, they remained at the kitchen table where Sarah
served each a tall glass of refreshing pineapple sherbet. Carl took the lead.
“Well, Princess, the trip to Boston brought our family more than just a weekend
adventure. With a connection to Jeanne and the possibility of developing your
special powers, our future holds exciting possibilities.” Charlie and Sarah
nodded in unison.

“I wrote Hilary about my desire to meet Jeanne. The
headmaster expressed interest in my powers, so let’s hope for favorable

Sarah inquired, “Did Hilary mention anything about Jeanne’s

Charlie shook her head and replied, “She did say that Jeanne
was sent to some place for advance training, so I assume she has powers too. I
wonder how we got them.”

Carl, always the voice of reason, said, “For now we ought to
practice patience until we have the answers. But since you still have about a
month before university starts, why don’t we revive our family summer
tournament in pool and darts.”

Charlie clapped her hands. “That will be fun, Dad. I
remember the last time we played; Mom and I couldn’t take away the scowl on
your face after you landed third in both games.” Everyone laughed at the
recollection. Carl was a good sport, and he enjoyed making Sarah and Charlie
laugh at his expense.

“Ok. Tournament starts after dinner tomorrow. Charlie,
you’ll have to help me clean out the basement and prep up the place,” Sarah

“No problem, Mom. Remind me to rinse the tokens and the
glass jars for our pot money.”

When Sarah and Carl retired to their bedroom that night, she
asked Carl about the tournament. “It’s been what...three years since the last
tournament. What’s up your sleeve, Hon?”

Carl chuckled softly. “You do see through me all the time,
don’t you? I figured this will be the last family home event we can all enjoy.
When she leaves for college, do you think she will have enough time for
activities like this during her breaks?”

“You’re right. But I sense something more is brewing in your

“Hahaha. Okay, I admit. I want to see Charlie play using her
special powers to make those balls move and those darts land where she wants
them to. I reckon that with a few weeks practice, we’ll see her potential in
honing them. If Hilary’s school calls her, she’ll be in a better position to explain
what she can actually do in terms of power, display, and control.”

The first tournament evening was fun. Carl challenged his
daughter to use her powers and outdo him. She interpreted the dare as her
father’s way of letting her know he believed she did not know how to harness
her abilities. She focused on the darts or the balls, concentrating so hard her
head hurt.

Charlie lost to Carl in pool and won over Sarah in darts.
Sarah won in darts against Carl but lost to him in pool. It was an evening of
endless teasing from her dad, and Charlie vowed to get even the next evening.
Back in her room, she admitted she was intimidated by her father’s challenge
and blamed her loss to that gnawing feeling in her guts.

Dad is a wise man. He knows that to bring out the best in
me is to push me to the edge. When I feel I’m not good enough, I get nervous
but a light switch eventually turns on and brightens the path I should follow
to overcome.
  Before turning off the night lamp, she looked at the
framed photo of Hilary and Jeanne on her bedside table and wondered how it was
for her sister to grow up without parents. The sense of empathy filled her and
she vowed to find Jeanne. She was certain Carl and Sarah would welcome her with
open arms.

4: At the Crossroads

“Come in.” Amanda Pitt looked up from her work to greet the
student who wanted to speak with her about meeting someone in Boston who
exhibited telekinetic powers.

“Good morning, Ms. Pitt,” greeted Hilary. “You wanted to see
me.” Hilary did not ask a question. The students at ANDREI were trained to give
statements with confidence, not ask questions in uncertainty.

“Yes, Hilary, take a seat. Now tell me what you wrote to
this new acquaintance named Charlie.”

“I told her you expressed interest in how she stopped a
moving bullet aimed at me. I also told her I shared her email address with

Amanda weighed her words before speaking. “So you are
confirming that this Charlie exhibited telekinetic powers without concern of
being seen or noticed?”

Hilary replied, “To my knowledge, her foremost concern was
blocking an object that she believed was potentially life threatening. She told
me she thought it was a regular bullet that could have seriously injured or
even killed me.”

“To the best of your knowledge, have you encountered any
person outside ANDREI who has psychokinetic powers?”

“No, Ms. Pitt, I have not… until I met Charlie.”

Amanda pursed her lips and watch Hilary, holding her fingers
in a steeple under her chin as she considered her. “Well, Hilary, I admit I am
intrigued at this first report ever on the existence of a person outside our
institution who has special powers. Do you have anything to say about this?”

Hilary felt uncomfortable about being pressed into answering
the question. “Ms. Pitt, I reported the facts objectively. If my subjective
input is of any interest to you, allow me to say that Charlie Hartley is the
spitting image of Jeanne Weaver, who is now at the ATC.”

Hilary’s statement hit Amanda like the jubilant sound
effects of a slot machine - jangly music, whirring spinning reels accompanied
by beeps and chimes. She was glad to swivel her chair towards the window behind
her desk, keeping the flush of red color rising on her face away from Hilary’s
observant eyes.

“I know where Jeanne Weaver is, Hilary. Thank you. You may
go now.”

After a moment’s hesitation, almost as if to speak, Hilary
stood up and left. Amanda watched the girl leave from over her shoulder,
calculating her approach for Charlene Hartley, and picked up the phone.

At the Hartley home, the phone rang three times before the
caller was diverted to the voice message feature. Charlie ran down the stairs
as the answering machine beeped. “Good morning, is this the home of Ms.
Charlene Hartley? This is Amanda Pitt calling from the Genetic Engineering and
Neuro-Science Laboratories. I am calling to…” Charlie jerked the phone up and

“Hello, Ms. Pitt, this is Charlie Hartley.”

“Oh, hello, Ms. Hartley. I’m glad you picked up. This was
the only number in Milford listed under Hartley, so I took a chance. How are

“Please call me Charlie. I’m alright, ma’am. Hilary did tell
me you wanted to know more about the incident at Fenway Park.”

“Yes, I do. In fact, unless you or your parents object, I would
like to meet you all in Milford next week.” Charlie was silent at the other end
of the line. Amanda clenched one fist in a tight ball until her knuckles
showed. She pleaded in silence, “Please say yes.”

“Ms. Pitt, my parents and I would be honored to have you as
our guest. Do you have a date in mind?”

Amanda’s face broke into a big smile. “That’s wonderful,
Charlie. Thank you. I’ll book a flight for next week and email you the details.
Have a good evening.”

Charlie put the phone down after it disconnected, happy at
the opportunity to learn more about her sister presented itself through that
phone call. She counted the days, excited about the arrival of Amanda Pitt.

The chartered plane operated by Meliaire Aviation took off
at Burlington with Amanda on board. Three hours and twenty five minutes later,
the pilot made a smooth landing at Tweed New Haven Regional Airport.

It was a breeze renting a car and driving past New Haven
Harbor to the Hilton Garden along Old Lane Gate Lane. Amanda liked the 120-room
hotel for its indoor pool, gym and self-adjusting sleep system beds. A stickler
for fitness and health, the lean and trim woman in her late forties viewed
exercise as a religion and practiced it in her daily life.

At the Hartley home, Charlie did a last minute check on the
dining table setting while Sarah turned off the oven. When the doorbell rang,
they took off their aprons and went to meet their guest.

After the necessary introductions, Sarah led the way to the
formal dining room.  Amanda delighted in the cozy home of the Hartleys.
“It reminds me of the home where I grew up. My mom tended a flower garden, so
we always had fresh flowers in the house, just like this,” pointing to the
assorted floral arrangement.

“Thank you, Amanda. Carl has the green thumb in the family,
while I wear the chef’s hat. Charlie inhales the flower scents and devours the
food.”  They all laughed at Sarah’s joke and sat down for early dinner.
Carl arrived just in time, after Charlie started serving the minestrone.

Over a carefully planned Italian dinner, Amanda explained
more about ANDREI and how its students were meticulously prepared for the noble
mission of upholding the United States’ national security. Carl and Sarah asked
many questions, which Amanda addressed to their satisfaction. Charlie rubbed
her chin as she patiently waited for the right time to inquire about Jeanne.

“Charlie, how long have you known about your telekinetic
abilities?” Amanda asked while taking one of Sarah’s little dessert treats
layered with cake, mousse, pastry cream and berries.

Charlie jumped at the first opening she got. “Since I was a
toddler. Dad and Mom have built a collection of stories to share about my neat
little tricks. But beware; they’re mostly about rolling pencils and dancing
spoons. Hilary didn’t mention much about Jeanne. What power does she have?”

The abrupt change of subject didn’t bother or shock Amanda
in the least. “Hilary did tell me you have a striking resemblance to her.”

“Yes, I now know that she and I are identical twins. I would
like to meet her as soon as possible.”

Amanda was intrigued at the girl’s close resemblance not
only to Jeanne, but also to a former work colleague. However, she chose to keep
this to herself. “Jeanne is now training with an elite group to further develop
exemplary display and control of her ergokinetic powers, which is the ability
to create, shape and manipulate energy.”

Charlie’s eyes lit up at the confirmation of her sister
manifesting a special power as well, but she was let down by the circumstances
that would not allow her to meet her sister. “Is there a way you can help me
reach her?”

Amanda reassured her, “It’s highly unlikely if you attempted
to find her yourself. But if you join us at ANDREI, I can find a way for the
two of you to meet.”

At that point Carl interjected, “Do you mean Charlie can
develop her powers at ANDREI under special conditions? She is all set to go to
Harvard in the fall.” He looked at his daughter to gauge her thoughts.

Amanda was apologetic. “I’m sorry to have jumped the gun,
Carl. I should have made a formal offer first. The conversation just led from
one thing to another. With your and Sarah’s permission, I would like to meet
Charlie tomorrow for some screening.”

“I see. The decision is Charlie’s. She is an adult. ” Carl

“Charlie, think carefully about your decision, but know that
whatever you choose, we’re a hundred percent behind you.” Sarah searched
Charlie’s face for any sign of hesitancy.

Charlie suggested, “If it’s alright with you, Ms. Pitt, we
can use our basement tomorrow where we will be undisturbed.” She was keen on
establishing a stronger connection to her twin, and Amanda seemed to be the way
to make that happen.

Amanda agreed to return the next day. She thanked the family
for hosting a superb dinner and invited them to lunch at her hotel before the


On the way to the Hilton Garden the next day, Carl asked
Charlie what she thought of Amanda and ANDREI.

“Honestly, Dad, I’d do anything to find Jeanne. If it takes
going through the training phases Amanda explained to us yesterday, I’d do it.
That would be killing two birds with one stone, wouldn’t it? I find my sister
I hone my powers, which is what you and Mom want.”

Sarah opined, “Learning to control your powers will ensure
your safety, Princess. But undergoing training may derail your plans for your
future. What I’m saying is you may be faced with a potentially life changing

Carl added, “For now, I suggest you keep your options open.
Listen to what Amanda says and tread cautiously. I like the thought of Jeanne
coming home to us and becoming part of our family, but not at the expense of
your safety and future.”

“I know, Dad. I’ll be careful, promise,” Charlie murmured.

At the hotel restaurant, the four sat down for a lunch that
was light yet appetizing. Amanda explained more about the institute.

“The two-year training is strict and rigid and I expect only
the best from my students.” She addressed Charlie, “Andreians are scholars who
are trained, fed, clothed and housed at government expense. Think of yourself
as an asset to the country.”

The conversation gradually shifted to less serious stuff.
When they learned it was Amanda’s first time at Milford, Charlie told Amanda,
“Mom and Dad have a dental appointment after lunch, so we can have the house to
ourselves. When we’re done, I can show you around Milford.”

“How thoughtful of you, Charlie. Yes, I’d love to see a bit
of the place before flying back to Kit Carson tomorrow.”

After lunch, Carl and Sarah thanked Amanda and left Charlie
to ride with Amanda back to Claremont Circle.

In the privacy of the Hartley basement, Amanda conducted the
screening process, which included Charlie’s display of her telekinetic
abilities based on Amanda’s specific instructions. Charlie eagerly demonstrated
what she did best: controlling light objects.

“Charlie, let’s move on to heavier objects. Impress me.”
Intimidation and trepidation tickled Charlie’s mind. She looked around the room
and focused on the velvet lined poker table. She couldn’t make it move. She
tried the metal shoe rack with the same result.

Amanda looked disappointed but said nothing. Charlie
squirmed in her seat as she willed more objects to move but to no avail.
Exasperated, she raised her arms in disgust, frustration and surrender. That
was when the bathroom door fell on the carpet with a big thud.

Amanda expressed surprise. “Charlie! How did you do that?”
Charlie opened her eyes, frightened at what damage the loud thud may have caused.
She looked at Amanda with innocent eyes and shrugged her shoulders.

Amanda, unsatisfied with the noncommittal answer, continued
the testing, asking Charlie questions to gauge her aptitude for learning as
well as her physical fitness level. While the headmaster was satisfied with
Charlie, she did not seem impressed or enthusiastic. Charlie felt all her hopes
of meeting Jeanne fly out the window. Amanda would not invite her to ANDREI.

By the time Amanda gathered her purse and folder, Charlie
was distraught.  Then Amanda spoke: “Based on what you’ve shown me today,
I’d say your powers, albeit limited now, can fully work to your advantage with
ANDREI’s sufficient and efficient training. I’m willing to bend the rules for
you to join the incoming batch this year.”

Charlie’s eyes lit up. “Is that a firmer offer than what you
said yesterday?”

“I suppose it is.” Amanda smiled at Charlie’s enthusiasm.
“Well, Charlie, this is about as much as we can do for now. How about we get
started on the Milford tour while I explain how joining ANDREI can serve you

After a quick restroom stop, Amanda and Charlie climbed into
the rental car for the tour. Following Charlie’s directions, Amanda drove out
of the cul-de-sac and headed for Lover’s Leap State Park off Grove Street. The
walk-in park was a popular destination with hiking trails, scenic vistas and
historic ruins. She turned onto Lover’s Leap Road and cruised along until they
reached a hiking trail.

“The park is the home of the Berlin Iron Bridge, built in
1888. Beyond it is the Lover’s Leap Trail leading to the rock formation that
gives the park its name. Tradition has it that the Pootatuck Indian Chief
Waramaug’s daughter, Princess Lillinonah, and her lover plunged to their deaths

Amanda sighed. “What a tragic story. Not many people these
days will go to that extent for love.”

As they continued to follow the trail and admire the scenic
view, Amanda’s voice turned serious.

“Charlie, I hope you will seriously consider joining ANDREI.
My invite is actually a unique offer because ANDREI has not offered training to
someone who hasn’t gone through the Conditioning and Evaluation Phase. You are
the first. The reason I am going out on a limb for you is because I am
convinced your powers can be elevated to an irreproachable level.”

“Ms. Pitt, if I accepted your offer, will I meet my sister?”

“I admire your persistence in getting in touch with Jeanne
when your only tie with her is a photo. But I promise you this. I will tap my contacts
and associates to help you meet her. For now, you have to decide whether it
will be Harvard or ANDREI, so you have to be a hundred percent sure before
committing to one.

“When the government selected Jeanne, she knew the program
was a highly confidential one. Confidentiality is supreme when one commits to
such an endeavor. I myself do not know her exact location. I only know that
ANDREI is the best source of the government’s elite group of defenders of
global peace.”

BOOK: The Unlocked (Charlie Hartley Series Book 1)
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