The Urth of the New Sun (44 page)

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Authors: Gene Wolfe

Tags: #Fiction, #Science Fiction, #Fantasy

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"One further question, illustrious Hierodules, before you return me to my own period. When I spoke with Master Malrubius beside the sea, he dissolved into a glittering dust. And yet—" I could not say it, but my eyes sought out the corpse. Barbatus nodded. "That eidolon, as you call them, had been in existence only briefly. I don't know what energies Tzadkiel called upon to support you on the ship; it may even be that you yourself drew the support you needed from whatever source was at hand, just as you took power from the ship when you tried to raise your steward. But even if it was a source you left behind when you came here, you had lived a long time before that, on the ship, in Yesod, on the ship again, in the tender, in Typhon's time, and so on. During all that time you breathed, ate, and drank matter that was not unstable, converting it to your body's use. Thus it became a substantial body."

"But I'm dead—not even here, dead back there on Tzadkiel's ship."

"Your twin lies dead there," Barbatus told me. "As another lies dead here. I might say in passing that if he weren't dead, we couldn't have done what we did, because every living being is more than mere matter." He paused and glanced toward Fainulimus for help, but received none. "What do you know of the anima?"

I thought then of Ava, and what she had said to me: "
You're a materialist, like all ignorant
people. But your materialism doesn't make materialism true
." Little Ava had died with Foila and the rest. "Nothing," I muttered. "I know nothing of the anima."

"In a way, it's like a line of verse. Famulimus, what was the one you quoted to me?" His wife sang, "Awake! for Morning in the Bowl of Night, Has flung the Stone that puts the Stars to Flight."

"Yes," I said. "I understand."

Barbatus pointed. "Suppose I were to write those lines upon that wall—and then to write them again upon that other wall. Which would be the true lines?"

"Both," I said. "And neither. The true lines are not writing, nor speech either. I can't say what they are."

"That is the way of the anima, as I understand it. It was written there." He indicated the dead man. "Now it is written in you. When the light of the White Fountain touches Urth, it will be written there again. Yet the anima will not be erased in you by that writing. Unless—"

I waited for him to continue.

Ossipago said, "Unless you come too close. If you write a name in the dust and retrace it with your finger, there are not two names, but one. If two currents flow through a conductor, there is one current."

While I stared in disbelief, Famulimus sang, "You came too near your double once, you know; that was here, in this poor town of stones. Then he was gone, and only you remained. Our eidolons are always of the dead. Have you not wondered why? Be warned!"

Barbatus nodded. "But as for our returning you to your own time, we can't help you. Your green man knew more than we, perhaps; or at least he had more energy at his disposal. We'll leave you food, water, and a light; but you'll have to wait for the White Fountain. It shouldn't be long, as Famulimus said."

She had begun to fade into the past already, so that her song seemed to come from far away. "Do not destroy the corpse, Severian. However tempted you may be—be warned!" Barbatus and Ossipago had faded while I watched Famulimus. When her voice was gone, there was no sound in the House of Apu-Punchau but his own faint breath.

Chapter LI

The Urth of the New Sun

FOR ALL that remained of that day I sat in the dark and cursed myself for a fool. The White Fountain would shine in the night sky, I knew, and everything the Hierodules had said implied it; yet I had failed to understand it until they had gone. A hundred times I relived the rain-swept night when I had descended from the roof of this very structure to aid Hildegrin. How near had I come to Apu-Punchau before I had merged with him? Five cubits? Three ells? I could not be sure. But surely it was no mystery that Famulimus had told me not to try to destroy him; if I were to come near enough to strike, we would merge—and he, having deeper roots in this universe, would overwhelm me just as I would overwhelm him in the unimaginably distant future when I would journey to this place with Jolenta and Dorcas.

Yet if I had longed for the mysterious (as I certainly did not), there was riddle enough. The White Fountain shone already, that seemed certain, for without it I would not have been able to come to this ancient place or heal the sick. Why, then, had I been unable to travel the Corridors of Time as I had from Mount Typhon? Two explanations seemed likely. The first was simply that on Mount Typhon my whole being had been spurred by fear. We are strongest in a crisis, and Typhon's soldiers had been coming for me, doubtless to kill me. Yet I faced another crisis now, for Apu-Punchau might rise and come toward me at any moment.

The second was that such power as I had received from the White Fountain was diminished by distance just as its light was. It must have been far nearer Urth in Typhon's time than in Apu Paunchau's; but if it were indeed thus diminished, the passing of one day would scarcely make a difference, and a day at most was the longest for which I, could hope, with my other self alive again and so near. I would have to escape as soon as I could, and wait elsewhere.

It was the longest day of my life. If I had been merely awaiting nightfall, I could have wandered in memory, recalling that marvelous evening when I had walked up the Water Way, the tales told in the Pelerines' lazaretto, or the brief holiday that Valeria and I had once enjoyed beside the sea. As it was, I dared not; and whenever I relaxed my guard, I found my mind turned of its own accord to dreadful things. Again I endured my imprisonment in the jungle ziggurat by Vodalus, the year I had spent among the Ascians, my flight from the white wolves in the Secret House; and a thousand similiar terrors, until at last it seemed to me that a demon desired that I surrender my miserable existence to Apu-Punchau, and that the demon was myself.

Slowly the noises of the stone town died away. The light, which earlier had come from the wall nearest me, now penetrated the wall beyond the altar on which Apu-Punchau lay, cutting the gloom with blades of hammered gold thrust between the crevices. At last it faded. I rose, stiff in every joint, and began to probe the wall for weaknesses. It had been built of cyclopean stones, with smaller stones driven between them by workmen swinging huge wooden mauls. The small stones were wedged so tightly that I tested fifty or more before finding one that could be pried loose; and I knew that I would have to remove one of the great stones to make an opening through which I could pass. Even the small stone required a watch at least of tugging and prying. I used a jasper-bladed knife to scrape away the mud around it, then broke that knife and three others trying to get it out. Once I abandoned the task in disgust and mounted the wall like a spider, hoping that the roof would supply an easier road to freedom, as the thatch had in the hall of the magicians. But the vaulted ceiling was as solid as the walls, and I dropped to the floor again to bloody my fingers on the loose stone.

Suddenly, when it seemed certain it could never be freed, it slipped clattering to the floor. For five long breaths I waited paralyzed, fearing that Apu-Punchau would wake. As far as I could judge, he never stirred.

Yet something else was stirring. The immense stone above tilted ever so gently to the left. Dried mud cracked, sounding as loud as the breaking of river ice in the stillness, and came rattling down around me.

I stepped back. There was a grinding, as of a mill, and a second shower of mud. I moved to one side and the great stone fell with a crash, leaving behind it a rough black circle full of stars.

I looked at one and knew myself a pinprick of light nearly lost in the opaline haze of ten thousand more.

No doubt I should have waited—certainly it was possible that a dozen more great stones might follow the first. I did not. A leap carried me onto the fallen one, another into the aperture in the wall, and a third into the street. The noise had wakened the people, of course; I heard their angry voices, saw the faint red glow of their fires seep past their doors as wives puffed dying embers while husbands groped for spears and toothed wardubs.

I did not care. All about me stretched the Corridors of Time, waving meadows roofed with the lowering sky of Time and whisperous with the brooks that ripple from the most supernal universe of all to the least.

Bright-winged, the small Tzadkiel fluttered beside one. The green man raced beside another. I chose one that ran as lonely as I, and mounted to it. Behind me along a line that seldom exists, Apu-Punchau, the Head of Day, stepped from his house and squatted to eat the boiled maize and roast meat his people had left for him. I too hungered; I waved to him, then saw him no more.

When I returned to the world called Ushas, it was onto a sandy beach—the beach I had left when I dove into the sea in search of Juturna, and as near that place and time as I could make it.

A man carrying a wooden trencher heaped with smoking fish was walking the sea-wet sand fifty cubits or so in front of me. I followed him, and when we had gone twenty paces he reached a bower, dripping with sea spray yet draped in wildflowers. Here he set his trencher upon the sand, took two backward steps, and knelt.

Catching up, I asked in the speech of the Commonwealth who would eat his fish. He looked around at me; I could see he was surprised to find me a stranger. "The Sleeper," he said. "He who sleeps here and hungers."

"Who is this Sleeper?" I asked.

"The lonely god. One feels him here, always sleeping, ever hungry. I bring the fish to show that we are his friends, so he will not devour us when he wakes."

"Do you feel him now?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Sometimes it is stronger—so strong we see him by moonlight lying here, though he vanishes when we come near. Today I did not feel him at all."

"Did not?"

"I do now," he said. "Since you have come."

I sat down on the sand and picked up a large piece of fish, motioning for him to join me. The fish was so hot it burned my fingers, so I knew it had been cooked close by. He sat too, but did not eat until I made a second gesture.

"Are you always the one?"

He nodded. "Each god has someone, a man for a man-god, a woman for a woman-god."

"A priest or a priestess."

He nodded again.

"There is no God but the Increate, all the rest being his creatures." I was tempted to add,

"Even Tzadkiel," but I did not.

"Yes," he said. And he turned his face away, not wishing, I think, to see my look if he offended me. "That is so for the gods, certainly. But for humble creatures like men, there are lesser gods, possibly. To poor, wretched men these lesser gods are very, very exalted. We strive to please them."

I smiled to show I was not angry. "And what do such lesser gods do to help men?"

"Four gods there are."

From his singsong, I knew he had recited the words many times, no doubt in the teaching of children.

"First and greatest is the Sleeper. He is a man-god. He is always hungry. Once he devoured the whole land, and he may do so again if he is not fed. Though the Sleeper has drowned, he cannot die—thus he sleeps here on the strand. Fish belong to the Sleeper—you must beg his leave before you fish. Silver fish I catch for him. Storms are his anger, calm his charity."

I had become the Oannes of these people!

"The other man-god is Odilo. His are the lands beneath the sea. He loves learning and right conduct. Odilo taught men to speak and women to write. He is the judge of gods and men, but punishes no one who has not sinned thrice. Once he bore the cup of the Increate. Red wine is his. Wine his man brings him."

It had taken a breath for me to recall just whom Odilo had been. Now I realized that the House Absolute and our court had become the frame for a vague picture of the Increate as Autarch. In retrospect, it seemed inevitable.

"There are two women-gods also. Pega is the day goddess. All beneath the sun is hers. Pega loves cleanness. She taught women to strike fire and to bake and weave. She mourns them in childbirth and comes to all at the moment of death. She is the comforter. Brown bread is the offering her woman brings her."

I nodded approvingly.

"Thais is the night goddess. All below the moon is hers. She loves the words of lovers and lovers' embraces. All who couple must beg her leave, speaking the words as one in the darkness. If they do not, Thais kindles a flame in a third heart and finds a knife for the hand. Aflame, she comes to children, announcing that they are to be children no longer. She is the seducer. Golden honey is the offering her woman brings her." I said, "It seems you have two good gods and two evil gods, and that the evil gods are Thais and the Sleeper."

"Oh, no! All gods are very good, particularly the Sleeper! Without the Sleeper, so many would starve. The Sleeper is very, very great! And when Thais does not come, her place is taken by a demon."

"So you have demons too."

"Everyone has demons."

"I suppose," I said.

The trencher was nearly bare, and I had eaten my fill. The priest—my priest, I should write—had taken only a single small piece. I rose, picked up what was left, and tossed it into the sea, not knowing what else to do with it. "For Juturna," I told him. "Do your people know Juturna?"

He had jumped to his feet as soon as I stood up. "No—" He hesitated, and I could see that he had almost spoken the name he had given me, but that he was afraid to do so.

"Then perhaps she is a demon to you. For most of my life I thought her a demon too; it may be that neither you nor I have made a great mistake."

He bowed, and although he was a bit taller and by no means plump, I saw Odilo in that bow as clearly as if the man himself stood before me.

"Now you must take me to Odilo," I said. "To the other man-god." We walked the beach together in the direction from which he had come. The hills, which had been barren mud when I had left, were covered with soft, green grass. Wildflowers bloomed there, and there were young trees.

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