The Vampire and the Virgin (13 page)

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Authors: Kerrelyn Sparks

BOOK: The Vampire and the Virgin
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“Scotland, a few miles south of Inverness. I have about twenty acres next to my grandfather’s land. I have my

own house, but he always expects me to stay in his castle.”

She blinked. “A real castle?”

“Aye. ’Tis a wee bit drafty for my taste. My house is cozier, but I’m rarely there. I’m usually on assignment.”

“What kind of assignments?”

He rested an elbow on the back of the couch. “Security and investigation.”

She nodded. Even though her lie detector skills didn’t work with Robby, she believed he was being honest.

The physical signs were correct. He was facing her, keeping eye contact with her and looking comfortable.

What’s more, she had a strong feeling that he wanted her to trust him. He’d claimed from the beginning that he

was trustworthy. He’d endured torture without betraying his colleagues. So why shouldn’t she trust him? He’d

confronted a huge jaguar in order to save her.

“You were working for your grandfather’s company last summer when you were captured?” she asked. “What

kind of assignment was that?”

He rubbed his jaw. “Sometimes MacKay S and I gets involved with some sensitive security issues.”

He rubbed his jaw. “Sometimes MacKay S and I gets involved with some sensitive security issues.”

She sat back. “You mean national security? That’s how you know people in the CIA?”

He nodded. “We were trying to locate a group of domestic terrorists.”

“Where? How come I never heard about this?”

He shrugged one shoulder. “’Tis a secret.”

She took a deep breath. “And these terrorists are the ones who tortured you.”

“Aye, but I’d rather no’ talk about it. ’Tis over and done with.”

“Is it really?” She turned to face him, resting a bent leg in front of her on the couch. “Can you honestly say that

you never think about it?”

His jaw shifted. “I think about it every day.”

“When you answered my first question about what you wanted more than anything, what was your answer?”

His gaze lowered to her leg.

“Do you want to get even, Robby? It would be understandable if you did.”

He leaned forward and tugged gently on her big toe. “If I tell you, ye’ll have to give me yer answers, too.”

She bit her lip. “Okay. It’s a deal.”

He wrapped his hand around her ankle and squeezed. His green eyes locked on hers, glimmering with

emotion. “I want revenge. My worst fear is that I willna get revenge, and no, it willna make me a better person.”

She swallowed hard. “So you still intend to do it?”

He nodded slowly. “Do ye think that makes me a bad person?” He trailed his fingers up her calf.

She watched his hand as it slowly approached her knee. Oh, he could definitely be bad. And she’d like it. “I

think it means you’re human. And you suffered more than physical injury.”

“It was humiliating,” he whispered as he stroked the tender crease behind her knee.

She was having trouble concentrating. “There’s a famous saying by Eleanor Roosevelt. I—I can’t recall the

exact words, but it’s something like, no one can make you feel inferior without your permission.”

He sat back, withdrawing his hand from her leg. “I like that. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

He slanted her a curious look. “For someone who dinna want to be my therapist, ye’re doing a great job.”

She grinned. It was about the best compliment she could ever receive. “It’s a good thing I’m not your

therapist. Otherwise, it would be totally unethical for me to be involved with you.”

With a smile, he touched her hair. “So ye want to be involved with me?”

Heat rushed to her face. “I think I already am.”

His smile widened and he coiled one of her curls around a finger. “Yer turn now. What do ye want more than


“A long, happy life. I’m not quite sure what that would entail, though.”

life,” he murmured, and released her hair. “And what was your greatest fear?”

This was the part she didn’t want to talk about. She turned to face the fireplace. “Apples.”

“The fruit?”

“Yes.” She drew her legs up in front of her, hugging her knees. “He sends me apples. Big red ones in a box.

First he sent them to my office. Then he sent them to my apartment. I moved to another apartment, but he found


“Who is he?”

She shuddered. “Otis Crump. I even moved to a safe house, but the apples still came.”

Robby moved closer to her on the couch. “He must be following you.”

“He can’t. He’s in Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary. In solitary confinement.”

“He’s ordering the apples from prison?”

“There’s no record or proof of that.”

“Then how can ye be sure he’s the one sending them?”

She closed her eyes briefly.
Don’t make me explain it. It’s too awful.
“Believe me, it’s him.”

Robby touched her shoulder. “I believe you. He must have an accomplice.”

She rubbed her forehead. “That’s what I thought, but my supervisor thinks I’m…overreacting. That’s why he

sent me away, so I could calm down. Regain some perspective.”

“Ye were a wee bit vocal in stating yer opinion?”

“More than a ‘wee’ bit. I was told I was being paranoid.”

Robby smiled. “Och, we have so much in common.”

She snorted. “Thanks.”

“I still think yer prisoner has an accomplice.”

“I agree, but I don’t know how. He’s been in solitary for two years. They monitor all his mail. I’ve questioned

him about it, but it’s hard to tell now when he’s lying. He scatters just enough truth and half-truths into everything

he says, that I can’t tell what’s what anymore. He—he enjoys playing with me.”

“Does he know about yer gift?”

“He figured it out after the first few times I caught him lying. He…he finds me fascinating.”

“Bugger,” Robby muttered, then rose to his feet. He paced toward the fireplace, then turned. “Doona see him


“If I’m ordered to—”

“What crime did he commit?” Robby interrupted.

“He raped and murdered at least thirteen women.”

“He raped and murdered at least thirteen women.”

Robby grimaced. “He’s a bloody monster. Why did ye ever see him?”

“He was convicted on three murders, but we suspected he’d committed other homicides in several states. It

was my job to get him to confess. He’d been in solitary for so long, he really looked forward to our meetings. He

kept dropping hints that he would tell me more if I continued to see him.”

“He was manipulating you.”

Olivia sighed. “I know. We all knew, but my supervisor wanted me to play along. Otis is very proud of what he

did.” She shook her head, wishing she could block out the images. “We knew he’d want to brag about it


Robby sat next to her on the couch. “What happened?”

She focused on the fire in the hearth. “He promised to tell me everything if I would just bring an apple to our

next meeting. A big red apple and a paring knife. He watched from behind the glass while I peeled it. And he…”

How could she admit that the monster had ejaculated in her presence? Or that he’d described to her in great

detail how he’d tortured the girls, using a paring knife just like she had.

She covered her face, but the gruesome images still haunted her. Tears burned her eyes. “That’s how I know

he’s the one sending the apples. He wants me to go back to see him. He—he’s obsessed with me.”

“Olivia.” Robby scooped her into his lap and wrapped his arms around her. “Sweetheart, ye’re safe now. I

willna let anyone harm you.”

She buried her face against his shoulder and let the tears go. She’d held them in for so long, always trying to

be strong on the job. She cried for the girls who had died. She cried for the perversion she’d been forced to

endure. She cried for the torture Robby had suffered.

He continued to murmur sweet things as he rubbed his hands up and down her back.

She rested her head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. “I got the confession like I

was supposed to, but I felt so

He took her by the shoulders. “Sweetheart, ye’re an angel. Ye canna be tainted with that man’s evil.”

She smiled and touched Robby’s cheek. His whiskers were prickly and sexy, but above the whiskers, his skin

was baby soft. He was the sweetest man she’d ever met, and God help her, she wanted him with an ache that

squeezed her heart till she could hardly bear it.

“I think we should modify that quote of yers. No one can make ye feel dirty without yer permission.”

The tears returned to her eyes. “Thank you.”

He smiled. “We’re good for each other.” He wiped her damp cheeks with his fingers. “Enough sad tears.” He

kissed her cheek. “We should be happy.”

She smoothed a hand over his temple and into his hair. “You make me happy.”

“Lass, ye fill every dream in my head and every desire in my heart. I’m falling in love with you.”

She was speechless. She was lost. She opened her mouth to speak, but simply stared at him.

He pressed a kiss against her lips, then sat back.

“Robby.” Her heart cracked open, and she knew he was the one. The one she’d waited for all her life. She

flung her arms around his neck and squeezed him tight. “I want to be with you forever.”

“We can do that.” He rose to his feet, still holding her in his arms, then skirted the coffee table. He dropped to

his knees on the rug in front of the fire, neatly depositing her on the afghan and pillows.

She pulled him close for a kiss, and he claimed her mouth with a hunger that thrilled her. He stretched out on

the floor, half on top of her. She smoothed her hands down his back and arched against him. She’d never felt

so desperate before. Or so bold.

A small voice in her head reminded her that she’d only known Robby a few days. It was all happening too

fast. She didn’t know him well enough.

But she knew he was the one. Wasn’t that what mattered? She needed to stop overanalyzing and enjoy this.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. He groaned and rolled onto his back, pulling her

on top of him. She dusted his cheeks and closed eyelids with kisses.

His hands slid underneath her tank top. Abruptly, he shifted her onto her rump and whisked the top over her

head. She gasped, but before she could react, he’d pushed her onto her back.

“Robby.” She struggled to catch her breath, painfully aware that each breath caused her bare breasts to

heave. And he was watching, his eyes downcast.

“Ye’re so beautiful.” He rested a hand on her rib cage, then slowly moved it up to cup the underside of a


Her nipples pebbled, and she closed her eyes, feeling suddenly shy and embarrassed. She shivered when

Robby nuzzled her neck and nibbled on her ear.

“Yer nipples are growing darker,” he whispered. “They were a lovely shade of pink, but now they’re turning red.

Do ye think they’re more sensitive now?”

She jolted, her eyes flying open, when he tweaked a hardened tip.

“Och, I was right.”

She watched as he lowered his head and circled his tongue around her nipple. With his free hand, he

cupped her other breast and teased the nipple with his thumb. She moaned. She’d never felt anything this good


He sucked her nipple into his mouth.

She jerked in response. Oh, now this was even better. She’d never felt anything this wonderful. Her fingers

dug into his back. Her toes curled.

dug into his back. Her toes curled.

He was doing something incredible with his tongue. And it was making her squirm. Making her feel wet.

He released her nipple and she stared at it, shocked that it could be so red and distended. He moved to her

other breast and clamped down on the nipple. All the itchy, wiggly sensations started again. They prickled her

skin and sent waves of heat straight to her vagina.

With a moan, she squirmed and pressed her thighs together.

His hand skimmed over her pajama shorts. Her heart lurched.
. She lifted her hips just as his hand

cupped her.

She gasped. She lowered her hips to the floor and held her breath. She’d never gone this far before. The one

time she’d come close, she’d caught the guy lying and she’d stopped him.

But now all she could feel were her own sensations, and Robby was making it so good. He suckled her

breast gently and started pressing his hand against her core, massaging her in a circular motion. Her

nervousness melted away and she was able to breathe. Her breaths matched the movement of his hand. It felt

like her whole body was in sync with his hand.

She moaned and rocked her hips in rhythm with his hand. This was definitely the most incredible thing she’d

ever felt. Her whole body was tingling and tensing.

He released her breast and blew on it. She shuddered. Then suddenly, the slow, languid circles weren’t

enough. Her fingers dug into his back. “Robby.”

“Yes, love.” He slipped his fingers inside the baggy hem of the pajama shorts and stroked the damp hair.

She whimpered. Something intense and amazing was building inside her.

He hooked his fingers around the crotch of her pajama shorts and pulled them down her legs.

She’d never been completely naked with a man before, but instead of feeling awkward, she was desperate.

“Robby, please.”

He seemed to understand she was past the point of gentle coaxing. He slid a finger inside her wet passage,

then pressed his thumb against her clitoris.

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