The Vanishing of Katharina Linden (12 page)

BOOK: The Vanishing of Katharina Linden
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“No,” answered my father, refusing to be drawn; Frau Kessel knew perfectly well that my father went to church only when absolutely necessary—for family weddings and funerals, for example—and that my
mother being Protestant,
as it is called in Germany, she was not likely to see the rest of us in Sts. Chrysostom and Daria at all.

Still, she was never one to pass up an opportunity to needle someone; she kept the hundred-candle power smile going for half a minute as the silence stretched out between them, before finally conceding defeat and saying, “I do
miss seeing dear Kristel there every week.”

“Yes,” said my father, and sighed.

“Would you like some coffee, Frau Kessel?” interposed my mother, before the old woman could advance further on the topic of Oma Kristel’s churchgoing habits.
“Freshly ground
coffee,” she added, seeing Frau Kessel hesitate.

“Thank you, I will,” said Frau Kessel with the gracious air of one granting a favor.

She took the seat my father offered her, and settled herself in it with some care, like an elderly hen preparing to lay.

My mother departed for the kitchen, still smiling tautly—she couldn’t stand Frau Kessel—and my father and I looked at the old lady expectantly. We were under no illusion that this was a purely social visit. Frau Kessel had come over because she had Something to Say.

, it has been an exciting week for the town, don’t you think, Wolfgang?” was her opening sally. I looked at my father, puzzled. What was so exciting? My father also looked blank. Frau Kessel looked from my father to me, and then back to my father again. Her eyebrows lifted a little, and she cocked her head to one side, as though considering; could it
be that we were the only people in Bad Münstereifel not to have

“An exciting week?” repeated my father eventually. There was something inevitable about conversation with Frau Kessel; she would throw out the bait, and then wait until the victim couldn’t bear not to bite. Now she sat back in her armchair, as though to express astonishment, folding her hands together in her green woolen lap.

“Where there’s smoke, there’s also fire,” she said in a voice loaded with meaning.

“Did something catch fire?” I asked.

said Frau Kessel, giving me a soulful

“Then why—” I began, but she cut me off.

“I really think you can’t have heard,” she announced in tones of artificially heightened surprise; her eyebrows were now so far up her forehead that they looked as though they might scurry into the towering thicket of white hair. She looked at my father reproachfully. “Of course, if you had been in church this morning, you would have heard Pfarrer Arnold mentioning it.”

She put up a hand and patted her hair. “That is to say,” she went on, “he didn’t mention it
, but we all knew what he was
to, and there were those who thought that it was in rather doubtful taste to be launching straight into a sermon of
She sniffed. “I mean, it isn’t as though they’ve found the
, is it?”

Frau Kessel, whose confidences were always labyrinthine, had now lost me completely. I looked at my father again; he appeared mystified too.

“Found the child?” repeated my father ponderously.

, the little Linden girl.”

My father considered for a moment, then gave in. “Frau Kessel, what are you trying to tell us?”

Frau Kessel looked slightly affronted. “About Herr Düster,

“What about Herr Düster?” asked my father patiently.

“Why, they’ve arrested him,” said Frau Kessel with relish. “Yesterday morning, at eight.”


Frau Kessel made a little moue of impatience; she was clearly tired of my father repeating everything she said, and wanted to get to the meat.

“Yes, they came yesterday morning and took him away in a police car.” Frau Kessel spread out one hand and studied her immaculately manicured fingernails, as cool as the expert witness in a murder trial.

“Did you see it?” I asked with interest.

said Frau Kessel, in tones that implied this fact was of no consequence; she had her spies everywhere. “Hilde—that is to say, Frau Koch—saw it, with her own eyes. She was watering her flowers at the time.”

Frau Koch was Thilo Koch’s grandmother, and almost as toxic a personality as her grandson. Of course, the flower watering was a pleasantry;
Hilde Koch was very likely up at dawn spying on her neighbors, and at the first sign of anything as interesting as a police car she would have been out of doors with all sensors on red alert.

“What happened?” asked my father.

“Well,” said Frau Kessel, “Hilde said that they came at eight o’clock, two of them, in a police car. She thinks they came early in order not to be seen. Of course,” she continued conspiratorially, “not everyone would feel happy about living next door to someone who … well, you know. So perhaps it was as well. She said she knew Herr Düster was at home; he’d already been out once, to take the paper in or something. When they knocked, he opened up straightaway, and they all went inside. They were in there for quite a time; Hilde said she had watered all the flowers twice before they came out again, but she couldn’t go inside; she said she was transfixed.

“Anyway, eventually they came out and Herr Düster got into the back of the police car and off they drove; Hilde said he was sitting there as rigid as a figure on a meerschaum pipe, didn’t show any sign of emotion at all. She said it made her feel quite ill.”

“Well,” said my father, at a loss for any other remark. Then he looked up thankfully; my mother was in the doorway, carrying a tray laden with coffee cups, a pot of coffee, and a stack of cookies, the standard offering to placate visiting demons. He rose to help her.

“It’s all right, I can manage,” she began when Frau Kessel’s voice rose above hers.

“I was just telling Wolfgang—Herr Düster has been arrested.”

“Really? What for?”

Frau Kessel flashed her glittering false teeth. “The little Linden girl—what else?”

My mother set down the tray on the coffee table, her face serious. “That’s terrible. Are you sure?”

Frau Kessel gave her a look that should by rights have curdled the cream in the milk jug. She hated her nuggets of gossip to be questioned. “Hilde Koch saw him being driven away by the police.” She accepted a cup of coffee with a large quantity of cream and spiked with two lumps of sugar. “Of course,” she added, after taking a cautious sip, “it did not come as a surprise to those of us who have lived in the town as long as

A wrinkled hand embossed all over with rings hovered for a moment over the cookies, and then retreated without selecting one.

“Once you have seen Evil in Action, you never forget it.” You could hear the capital letters in that portentous voice; Frau Kessel’s delivery was nothing if not dramatic.

I reflected that if she wanted to see Evil in Action she had only to look in the mirror every morning, but wisely I kept this to myself.

“Well, he is a little—er
suggested my mother cautiously.

“Unfriendly!” Frau Kessel was outraged at this understatement. Then she collected herself, leaned forward, and patted my mother on the knee.

“Of course, you could not be expected to know.”

She managed to make the remark sound insulting; my mother could not be expected to know anything because she was a foreigner, probably with a comically poor grasp of German. Seeing my mother heating up for a tart retort, my father stepped in and rescued her.

“I don’t know either, Frau Kessel.”

, Wolfgang!” Frau Kessel shook her head. “And when Kristel was so close to poor Heinrich—Heinrich Schiller, I mean. We always thought it was so charming that she took Pia to visit him—since he lost his own daughter, of course.” She heaved a theatrical sigh, and then, perhaps noticing that her whole audience was still looking unsatisfactorily bewildered, she decided to put her cards on the table. “We all knew Herr Düster was responsible.”

“You mean for …?” began my father, his brows furrowed.

“For taking Gertrud,” finished Frau Kessel. She shook her head. “I don’t know why he wasn’t put away then. That poor little thing—no older than Pia, and such a beautiful child. Poor Heinrich was never the same afterward—and how should he be? With Herr Düster living a few meters away, and nobody doing anything about it.”

“That’s a terrible accusation.” My mother sounded shocked.

Frau Kessel shot her a narrow glance; had she overreached?

“I’m not making an accusation,” she retorted, tossing her head. “I’m repeating what is common knowledge in the town. Ask anyone.”

“How did they know it was him?” I asked.

Frau Kessel looked suddenly uncomfortable, as though she had only
just remembered that I was there. She reached out one of her jewelencrusted claws and would have patted me on the head like a small dog if I had not ducked out of her way.

“Never mind,
she told me. “Just remember that you should never,
go anywhere with a stranger.”

I remembered something. “But isn’t Herr Düster Herr Schiller’s brother? Then he wasn’t a stranger, was he? He was her uncle. It’s OK to go with someone if they’re your

said Frau Kessel curtly, irritated at being contradicted. “But how poor Heinrich came to have a brother like that, I cannot imagine.” She sniffed. “No wonder he changed his name.”

So it was
Herr Schiller
who had changed his name? I was opening my mouth to ask another question when my mother cut me off. “I don’t think this is a suitable topic for Pia,” she said firmly. Before I could protest, she said, “Can you go into the kitchen and make sure Sebastian is all right, please, Pia?”

I slouched off reluctantly to find that Sebastian had got into one of the food cupboards and torn open a packet of asparagus soup; he was now sitting in the middle of a little snowdrift of the stuff, drawing squiggles in it with a wet finger, which he occasionally inserted into his mouth. By the time I had extricated him I could hear my mother talking to Frau Kessel in the hall, and then the front door closed firmly behind the old woman.

“Thank God for that,” said my mother with a sigh. I was disappointed, however. There was so much more I would have liked to ask Frau Kessel, but now she had sailed off like a little ship laden with Pandora’s boxes of other people’s secrets. My mother saw me looking wistfully at the door.

“Pia,” she said sternly, “I don’t want to hear you repeating any of that to anyone, understand?”

“Why not?”

“Because we don’t know if any of it is true.”

“Do you think Frau Kessel was lying?” I asked doubtfully.

“Not exactly,” said my mother, and I had to be content with that.

Chapter Seventeen

n Monday morning I was up before the alarm sounded. Ignoring my father’s suggestion that I eat more slowly and with my mouth closed, I bolted breakfast, slung my
onto my back, and by eight o’clock sharp I was outside the school gate. I was not disappointed; at two minutes past, Stefan appeared. He looked a little pale, but otherwise perfectly all right.

you? Did you go up to the Quecken hill? Why didn’t you come over on Saturday like you promised?” Impatiently, I bombarded him with questions.

“I was sick.” He shook his head. “We can’t talk about it here.”

He was right; little groups of children were starting to flow through the entrance to the school courtyard. We adjourned to the girls’ bathroom on the ground floor; Stefan said the boys’ was a better bet, as it was much less often visited, but I absolutely refused to go in there.

Barricaded into a cubicle in the girls’, I immediately demanded, “So? Did you go? Did you

Stefan nodded, his face sober.

did you see? Was it the huntsman?” In my eagerness to know what had happened, I was almost jumping up and down.

“I’ll tell you,” said Stefan slowly. “But when I’ve told you, I don’t want to talk about it anymore. OK?”

Why not?
I nearly blurted out, but with an effort I restrained myself. “All right.”

There was a pause that stretched out for such a long time I started to think Stefan was never going to utter a word. Then suddenly he said, “It was dark up there, very dark.” He folded his arms, rubbing them as though he were chilly. “And cold.”

He looked at me, and I had the eerie sensation that he was not seeing me at all, but looking right through me into another time and place.

“There was
up there, but I don’t know what it was. I went up to the castle just after half past eleven—I know it was then because I heard the bell in the church clock strike twice as I went up the track through the woods.

BOOK: The Vanishing of Katharina Linden
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