The Vengeful Djinn: Unveiling the Hidden Agenda of Genies (23 page)

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Authors: Rosemary Ellen Guiley,Philip J. Imbrogno

Tags: #Gnostic Dementia, #Conspiracy Theories, #Retail, #21st Century,

BOOK: The Vengeful Djinn: Unveiling the Hidden Agenda of Genies
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Djinn seem to take the guise of alien extraterrestrials to hide
their true nature. This is not to say that all UFO experiences are
caused by djinn, but some experiences, like Sam's, may be ultraterrestrial rather than extraterrestrial.

A Master Trickster

The following case study involves "Ben," a man in his late thirties.
At the time of his encounter, Ben had a family and a good job, and
an interesting history of contact-he had experiences as a child. At
the age of six, he once woke up in the middle of the night to see
a creature standing at the foot of his bed. He described the entity
as tall, with scaly skin that looked like an "alligator" with a green
glow around it. He watched in total terror, too afraid to scream
for his parents. The entity then looked at him and said, "In the
future, I will come for you again and then we shall talk about how
you may serve me." The creature's eyes flashed red. It turned into a
cloud of black smoke and went right through the bedroom's closed window without breaking it. As soon as the "smoke" left the room
Ben was able to move again. Crying in terror, he screamed for his
parents. His parents told him what he had seen was nothing more
than a nightmare and that it was not real. He wanted to believe
them, but deep down, he knew the visitation really had happened.
For the next five years, Ben had to sleep with several nightlights
on, as he was dreadfully afraid the "monster" was going to come
back for him.

After the initial paranormal experience as a child the rest of his
life was normal, and as he got older he forgot about the threat of
the entity to return. He got married at twenty-five, landed a job as
a building inspector for the State of New York, and led a normal
life. On his thirty-fifth birthday, he woke up in the wee hours of
the morning and was shocked to see the same creature he had seen
as a child, once again standing at the foot of the bed. He was so
terrified he couldn't move-he was again paralyzed with fear. Ben
couldn't so much as scream to wake his wife, who was sleeping
soundly right next to him. The creature looked exactly the same,
and when it spoke, its eyes flashed red. It was wearing what looked
like a very thick suit made of some type of rubber. In an interview,
Ben told us the creature was so horrible-looking, he was sure it was
the devil. The being then said in a coarse, deep voice, "I am from
another place, another planet if you wish. Do you remember me?
I have returned and will be with you until the transition is made."
Ben did not understand what the being meant, and still has no
idea today.

The entity said his name was Orlis and that he was part of an
ancient group of beings who have been around since humans were
nothing more than "monkeys." Orlis said he would make amazing
things appear in the sky in the next few days. Just before the creature vanished, Ben heard a voice in his right ear give a number of
dates: September 28, September 30, and November 6, all at 8:30 PM. Sure enough, on all three dates, a large, glowing "egg" shaped
object appeared in the sky over his hometown of Kingston, New
York. Dozens of people witnessed the UFO, which was described
as yellow in color and hovering and making circular motions in
the sky. One witness said that "at times, the object would move
so fast that it looked like a bright glowing `infinity sign' (a lemniscate) in the night sky. In anticipation for the next two dates, Ben
called his neighbors just before 8:30 in the evening to watch for
the "UFO" he knew would appear as the being promised. He was
correct all three times: he and his neighbors watched the sky on
those dates and at those times and saw the "glowing yellow egg"
make its strange maneuvers.

The fact that Ben was able to predict when this object would
appear was remarkable enough to warrant a visit by us. During
our visit, five different neighbors corroberated his story. This was
the first time in Phil's thirty-plus years of investigating UFOs that
someone was able to accurately predict when a sighting would take
place. Over the next few weeks, we would visit Ben quite frequently
and with each interview, his story would get more incredible.

In our first conversation with Ben, he told us he was in mental contact with a being from another universe. He said this being
purposefully arranged for the UFO to be seen by him and multiple
witnesses. The being did this, he said, to prove the contact was real
and he was not crazy. Ben was told he was contacted from a very
early age and was specially selected to bring information to the human race from a race of ancient people that once lived on earth.
Although the being never told Ben exactly where he was from, he
did tell him he was part of a race that was non-physical, composed
entirely of energy, existing in another dimension. The being that
identified itself as Orlis told Ben that they were "responsible" for
the human race and were trying to straighten things out because an
experiment had gone wrong. They were correcting their mistakes by contacting certain people like Ben to give information to help
our species.

Ben was in contact with the being on a mental level for several
months, never actually seing Orlis in person. The communications
became more frequent after photographs were taken. Orlis would
wake Ben up at all hours of the night to "talk" and give him information about future events and UFO sightings around the world.
These conversations became a major concern for his wife and two
children, who would witness Ben having a conversation with nothing but the air. Eventually, Ben learned that he did not have to
talk-Orlis could read his thoughts. Soon after, all their conversations were on a telepathic level, Ben thinking the questions and
Orlis giving him an immediate answer.

Unfortunately, the information Ben received never really checked
out. For example, one night Ben called Phil very late to tell him
there were going to be massive UFO sightings over France and major earthquakes and natural disasters within the week, but nothing
happened. At that point, it seemed the only correct information Orlis gave Ben was in his initial contact about the UFOs that would
appear in the sky. As stated above, this was indeed verified-a number independent witnesses verified the sightings and the local paper
carried a number of stories.

After a time, communications with Orlis became so frequent
they began to interfere with Ben's job. While driving his car, Orlis
would tell Ben he was going the wrong way, and so Ben would
turn around, only to get lost and go on wild goose chases for hours
before reaching his destination. One night, Orlis told Ben there
was going to be a starship landing in Connecticut, and they would
finally meet face-to-face. Ben got into his car in the wee hours of
the morning, and began driving to the location Orlis had given
him. He did not really want to go, but by then, he knew that if he
disobeyed Orlis' "command," he would torment Ben all night and
prevent him from sleeping.

Ben drove in circles for an hour until Orlis directed him to a
dirt road and a fenced area just outside Pawling, New York. He
was instructed to climb the fence, ignoring the "No Trespassing"
signs posted around the perimeter. After climbing the fence, he
walked through a field, eventually seeing some structures and huge
antennas ahead. He made his way toward them when he suddenly
heard a noise and was blinded by a brilliant white light. The light
was so bright, he couldn't see anything; he stood motionless, waiting to find out who had found him. Ben was sure the light was
coming from a ship and that the outline of the figure approaching him was Orlis, but it was not. Ben had actually been stopped
by a military security patrol. Orlis had directed Ben to a secret
government installation we later found out was partially operated
by the National Security Agency. Ben was arrested for trespassing
and his wife was called to come and get him the next day. When
Ben told his fantastic story about his communications with Orlis,
he was forced to get psychiatric help and was placed on several
drugs. Ben told us that when he started taking the drugs, communications with Orlis stopped, but he can still feel his presence. He
knows that if he does stop taking his drugs, the communications
will continue where they left off.

Ben's case is bizarre, but not unique. The whispering voice in
his ear, the mixture of true and false information, the torment-all
point to contact with djinn. Often, djinn entities may approach
selected individuals and use extraterrestrial guises. To gain a person's confidence and interest, the djinn may say the individual was
specially selected to help the human race save itself from some
worldwide catastrophe or other form of widespread destruction.
The combination of urgency and trust opens the person up, allowing a djinni to continue its link with this reality and in the long
run, assume direct control of the person.

Glowing Orbs, Aliens, and Djinn

Earlier, we gave an account from Turkey wherein six friends wanted
to have some scary fun and summon a djinni. To their surprise
(and misfortune), the djinn appeared, but refused to take on physical forms; the witnesses described the djinn presences as looking
like several brilliantly glowing orbs. The following case comes from
the United States and also involves orbs of light, but this time they
took the form of the "gray aliens" common in UFO stories.

On October 29, 2007, the witness, a twenty-eight-year-old man
whom we shall refer to as Ted was returning about eleven in the
evening to his home in Lake Carmel, New York, from a friend's
house along Route 52 near Stormville, a nearby town. Route 52
becomes quite isolated around the Storm King Mountain area.
The main danger is hitting a deer or other animal as it crosses the
road-but in this case, the witness would have something more to
worry about. As Ted drove south on 52, he saw a large, lit object
in the sky. He stopped his car and got out and observed an object
he described as being the size of a large commercial jet pass directly overhead at low altitude. What surprised him the most was
that although this aircraft was quite large and flying quite low, it
made no noise at all. The object consisted of twenty or so bright
white, yellow, green, and red lights in a V shape formation. As he
watched, the UFO slowed down almost to a halt and he suddenly
felt scared. He felt a pressure in his head he interpreted as the object (or someone inside it) trying to communicate with him. Although Ted claims to not have heard a voice, he felt a strong presence he described to us as being "not human." Without warning,
Ted felt as if "ants were crawling" up and down his back, and a
strange blast of heat went around him. After ten seconds or so, the
sensations ceased and the object vanished in the sky, right before
his eyes. The rest of the trip home was uneventful.

The next day, Ted called the state police and was told he probably saw nothing more than a group of private pilots who enjoyed
flying around at night, faking the appearance of a UFO. The officer asked Ted if he wanted to file an official UFO police report,
but he declined. Although he didn't really believe the officer's explanation for his encounter, Ted thanked him for his time and attention. Ted told us, "I wanted to argue the point that this couldn't
have been any type of conventional aircraft, but I decided it was a
good idea to just drop the issue, especially when the officer wanted
to bring me in to headquarters to make an `official statement."'

In the week that followed the encounter, Ted strongly felt something was in his bedroom late at night. He would wake up at about
the same time, between two and four in the morning, and felt as if
someone was watching him. Ted reported to us that the presence
he felt was "evil" in nature, and was so strong that he got out of
bed several times to search the house, including all the closets and
under the bed, to make sure no one was hiding somewhere. In an
interview, he told us, "It was strange-for a week after that sighting of the UFO, I felt uneasy. Usually, I'm a very sound sleeper,
but I kept waking up. In the morning, I would feel drained of energy, as if some type of vampire was visiting me at night and taking
my blood or life force."

When we asked if he ever woke up with marks on his body or
nose bleeds, he replied that nothing like that ever took place; he
only felt tired and weak. Despite his willingness to talk, it seemed
to us that Ted was holding back and much more happened than
he was letting on. When Phil asked him if indeed this was the
case, Ted replied, astonished, "How did you know? I was afraid to
tell you, but I should tell you about what happened if we're ever
going to find out what's really going on." We encouraged him to
continue with his story. With a considerable amount of hesitation,
Ted proceeded to describe a late-night visitation he had with an
alien force that still had him stricken with fear.

Was It Aliens or Djinn?

Ted told us that in mid-November, he opened his eyes one night
and noticed a faint greenish glow on the wall that faced the foot of
the bed. He tried to get up, but was unable to move his arms and
legs. As Ted watched, the glow became brighter until three balls of
light came through the wall with a "whooshing" sound. The lights
were all about the same size, approximately the "size of a large cantaloupe." As Ted watched them, the lights began to pulsate from
orange to white, emitting heat. The globes of lights stayed motionless for five seconds or so, and then began to change form. As
Ted watched in fear, the globes of lights changed into three small
"gray aliens" that were only a few feet tall and very thin. He told
us, "They were classical aliens you see in the movies, television,
and magazines, with the large heads and big eyes, in some type of
dark, tight-fitting outfit."

The "aliens" threw glances at each other and began to walk toward the bed. Ted knew they were going to do something very
bad to him, so with all of his focused energy, he broke the paralyzing hold and sat up in the bed. Ted then pointed his finger at
the beings and yelled, "I now know you are not aliens, but sent
from the devil and in the name of Jesus Christ, I order you to
leave me alone!" The beings stopped in their tracks, looking quite
caught off-guard. They morphed into their glowing orb forms and
retreated through the wall. To our knowledge, this was Ted's final
experience, as he never called us again. Perhaps once they were unmasked, the djinn no longer wanted to bother with him.

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