The Viking's Highland Lass (21 page)

BOOK: The Viking's Highland Lass
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His mouth was kissing hers again, his actions seemed near desperate before she felt her world collide and break apart. She cried out in wonderment, her whole being wrapped in a state of bliss. No one had ever mentioned that part of the lovemaking. It was truly wondrous.

“Are you ready, Brina?” Gunnolf whispered against her ear, his voice husky, barely able to rasp out the words.

Oh, aye, she was ready to do that again.

“Aye.” She knew this part of their lovemaking would hurt the first time. Cook's helpers had mentioned it to the maid. That if the woman relaxed, she would be through it in no time. And then it would all be good after that.

“Breathe, Brina.”

She'd forgotten to breathe as Gunnolf pushed the tip of his manhood barely inside her, and she tightened her body against the intrusion. Relax, she told herself and then she felt the tinge of pain. Slowly he filled every inch of her deep inside. Then he began to thrust, but the kissing started again and she loved the way his mouth claimed hers as she claimed his back. Her hands explored his back, her body accepting him. She relished the feel of him deep inside her, the heat of him pressing against her.

His kisses grew more urgent, and then he stopped pumping into her and held still. She waited with baited breath, worried something was wrong as she looked up into his strained face.

Then he began thrusting again as if driven until he groaned, and she felt his hot seed fill her. It was an incredible feeling of joy. Gunnolf continued to thrust, then stopped and collapsed on his side, pulling her close, kissing her jaw and throat, then her mouth again.

“Are you all right?” he whispered.

“Aye. It was beautiful.”

In that moment, she thought of how he could have given her a bairn and for the first time she worried—would she be able to bear a healthy son who would live and grow up to manhood when her mother had been unable to?

Gunnolf smiled, leaned down, and suckled a nipple, then kissed Brina's lips again. “If this had not been your first time, I would make love to you again tonight. But we must wait.”

“I love you, Gunnolf. I canna wait until we can do this again.” Once they removed Seamus from Anfa Castle, she imagined how she and Gunnolf could make love in her own bedchamber. The thought gave her wicked pleasure.

“As soon as you feel ready. Sleep, lass. We will be on our way in the morn before we know it.”

She prayed the journey ahead would be safe for all. Though she knew it was foolish to wish for it, she hoped with all her heart that her people had rallied together and thrown Seamus beyond Anfa Castle's walls. Seamus would return with fewer men than he had left with, all because of the trouble she and Gunnolf had caused, well, and Lynette who told her about the man who threatened her at the shieling when Gunnolf came to rescue her and she had shot the brigand. Would her people believe Seamus was incapable of fighting his battles alone?

She fervently hoped they would think so. Then she wondered what he had told them concerning losing three of his men. That the lass he intended to make his wife and tried to locate had managed to kill them?

She snuggled against Gunnolf and let out her breath. He stroked her back, but then he must have felt the scars across her back.

“What is this?” he asked, concerned.

“Naught.” She stiffened, not wishing to discuss this with Gunnolf, now or ever.

“You have scars on your back.” He pulled a candle closer to inspect her back.

She didn't want to tell him her da had lashed her for disobeying him. What if Gunnolf wouldn't come to his aid then?

“Brina, tell me.”

In exasperation, she let out her breath in an annoyed way. “My da didna like that I had run off a couple of times, exploring on my own. This was before we moved to the castle. He had come home with the sheep and I was still out exploring.”


“It was his right as my da. Though I dinna think I deserved the punishment.” Not when she had been trying to protect the wounded Viking lad in the glen so many years ago. But her da had felt differently and she hadn't spoken to him for a fortnight after he had lashed her. Even after that, the resentment had lingered on.

“Never. A child needs guidance. But not to be lashed where the marks leaves permanent scarring.”

“Dinna be angry with him over this. You have suffered wounds—“

“Wounds in battle, lass. This is not the same. He is a bastard.” Gunnolf blew out the candle and settled back down with her and stroked her back.

“And your wounds?”

“The one I had when you found me lying on my back in the tall grass was battle-related. And the others as I grew older and fought many more battles, the same.”

“Did no one teach you to stay out of the path of a warrior's sword?”

He laughed. “I must remember that for the future.”

“Good, because I love you for all that you are, and dinna want to see you suffer any more injuries. After seeing you so terribly wounded, I had nightmares about you for years.”

“Oh? I had the same about you—only they were not nightmares—of the beautiful girl who bound my wound and left me to get help, your raven hair flying behind you. I thought for certain you were a goddess who had come to take me with you. I kept thinking I would be with you in that other place, but then I came to my senses and realized I was in too much pain to be dead. I believed your kin might hunt me down should you reach them. I do not believe I have ever had such a time climbing onto a horse.”

“I am so sorry, Gunnolf. If I could have, I would have nursed you back to health myself. I did fetch a cart first. So I hadna gone for help yet.”

“Which probably was the reason I successfully made my escape.”

“You didna come back to tell me you were alive and well.” She knew he wouldn't have. Why would he?

“Ahh, but I did, Brina. When I was well healed, I returned and learned the shieling where you probably stayed was occupied by some other sheepherder and his family. He did not know of a lass who had lived there. I thanked the family and returned home.”

“Were you alone? ‘Tis a wonder the sheepherder didna come for my da and tell him a Vi—Norseman had come into his territory.”

“I was with James and some of his men. The sheepherder knew of James and that he was laird of the MacNeill clan.”

“But if you were with James, why didna you come to the castle?”

“And what? I did not know you lived there. And if I had, what would I have said? That you saved my life? I was still a Norseman and didna know as much of your language back then.” He stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. “It was best we met like we did much later instead.”

“Me plowing into you and taking you into the snowbank?” She thought about how one day, they would tell their bairns of how they first met.

He touched her arm around where the arrow had nicked her. “The wound is but a tiny pink line.”

“It wasna much.” She was surprised he'd even noticed it when the candle was lit. She ran her hand over the scar on his side. “No' like yours.”

He smiled. “If you keep touching me, I will not want to sleep.”

She snuggled against him. “For fear of falling asleep in the saddle, I bid you good night.”

“Was it…good for you?”

She smiled at him, loving that he was concerned how she felt about him. “Beautiful. More than beautiful. Truly astonishing.” She sighed and then he sighed too, as if he was finally satisfied that everything was right between them.

She knew that they should be together the moment he had asked her to marry him. But tomorrow was the beginning of an ordeal she really didn't want to face. She listened to Gunnolf's heartbeat, and she'd never felt as protected as she did in his arms tonight.


where he was going and with no blinding snowstorm hampering his way, Gunnolf found it amazingly easy to navigate through the mountains, around lochs, and across streams. The sun was chasing away the mist, a few clouds lingering high above. With James and his men escorting them, Gunnolf felt the women were at less of a risk, yet anything could befall them, and he wished they had remained safely behind at Craigly Castle.

He hadn't thought Brina would quit hugging Beowulf before they left either, reassuring him over and over again that she would return for him. Gunnolf wondered how that would go over with her father, should they restore him to power. Gunnolf loved her for the way she treated the pup and admittedly he had also given him a hug and rubbed his head before they left. Beowulf was having so much fun with the deerhound pups, Gunnolf suspected he wouldn't miss him or Brina anytime soon.

Gunnolf had it in mind that he could even help her father return to his position, stay around for a time until everyone felt secure that he could manage, and then Gunnolf and Brina would leave again for the MacNeill lands and stay there.

When they finally reached the old Roman ruins, they set up camp there.

“I hope we dinna find Beowulf's family here when he isna with us,” Brina said, laying out their bedrolls.

The snow had all melted off and it was a little warmer than it had been when they'd come through here before. This time, his horse and hers remained with the others while men guarded them. But Gunnolf was staying with both the ladies in this part of the keep's remains to ensure their protection. That meant he really couldn't make love to his bonny wife. Though most likely she needed to heal some more from their first bout of lovemaking.

James brought Lynette's bedding into the keep, and Lynette sighed and said to James, “I really feel I should stay with you.” She made a pointed look in Gunnolf and Brina's direction as if to say they needed their privacy.

“Nay,” James said. “You wanted to come and part of the deal is that the two of you ladies stay together while Gunnolf watches over you. I know I can trust him to keep you safe. As to other matters, I have sent two of our men ahead to speak with Cadel to learn what we can about your da, Brina.”

“What if they think your men are really Seamus's hired mercenaries, and they are looking for my da to kill him?” Brina asked, alarmed.

“The two men met Cadel first when he came to Craigly Castle to tell me your da demanded Gunnolf wed you,” James said.

“All right, but what if Cadel isna at home?” Brina asked.

“The men are being careful. You have naught to worry about,” James said. “Be sure and get your rest. We should have some word in a few hours. I will let you know what we learn.”

“Thank you.”

Lynette took hold of James's arm and pulled him toward one of the openings to the outside of the area of the keep they were settling in. “I am going to talk to my brother for a while.”

James seemed surprised, but then she tilted her head to the side as if trying to tell him that she wanted to give Brina and Gunnolf some privacy. He finally seemed to realize what she was attempting to do.

“Oh, certainly. We should go over the plans concerning what we are going to do exactly. We will be a while, but I will ensure my sister's safety in the meantime.” James smiled at Gunnolf and Brina, then escorted Lynette out of the ruined keep.

Brina closed her gaping mouth. Gunnolf chuckled and pulled her into his arms. “We have been riding all day. You are probably sore.”

“Can…can we try it?”

It would my pleasure, but if you feel uncomfortable in the least, we will stop. I want this to be as pleasurable for you as it is for me.”

“Oh, aye, but we must hurry.”

This time, they didn't remove their clothes though. It was too cold in the ruins of the keep. Instead, she lay down on the bedding, and he joined her. He lifted her gown and began to pleasure her as he had done last night, kissing her, making her hot and wet for him, his fingers stroking her. She wasn't hurting at all. Just feeling exquisitely uplifted as if she were climbing the highest mountain. Then she was soaring, her hands in Gunnolf's hair, his mouth on hers, muffling her cry of ecstasy as she fell off the edge of the world in bliss.

He continued to kiss her, but didn't make a move to lift his tunic to take his pleasure.

“We can do it,” she assured him, wanting this intimacy between them, eager to have it, insistent.

“On the morrow, mayhap when we bed down for the night.”

She clung to his shoulders then. “Nay, now.” What if something bad happened and they couldn't make love ever again. She wanted this intimacy between them, his loving her like she loved him. They could be separated tomorrow night by circumstances beyond their control. “Nay, this night.” She insisted because he was only kissing her and massaging her breast, and not fulfilling his own need. She felt his manhood pressed against her, and knew he was ready for her, knew he wanted her.

He still didn't enter her. “Brina,” he said softly, his voice ragged with desire.

She reached down and lifted his tunic until she felt his flesh against hers, warm and hard and wanting.

“I dinna want to hurt you. If I do, you might fear it the next time, worried it will always hurt. You must have time to heal.”

She frowned at him. “Think you I am a delicate flower?”

He smiled then. “You are delicate and strong and beautiful and stubborn.”

She smiled back at him. “Then you know I willna take no for an answer. Make love to me unless you dinna wish it.”

“I wish it.”

She grinned. “I can tell.”

He chuckled, and then he sighed. “If you are too uncomfortable, stop me. I mean it, Brina. I want this only to bring you pleasure.”

“You bring me joy. Now hurry before Lynette tires and returns to the keep.”

Gunnolf loved his bonnie wife, and though he craved having her this eve, he really didn't want her to hurt. But he suspected she worried they might not be able to make love tomorrow eve. That they may be separated by some unforeseen predicament. Maybe for more than the night. Maybe for an eternity. Knowing she might still be sore, he tried to enter her as slowly as he could, restraining his need to thrust, to conquer, to claim her for his own. He loved her dearly, the Highland lass who called him Viking, who had shoved him down in the snow, and berated him for being in her way, blaming him for the arrow nicking her.

She was wild and loving and all his. He felt her tense, whispered against her ear to relax, and began to rock inside her, slowly at first, allowing her to stretch her tight sheath around him until he felt her ease up. She was beautiful and eager to please when she didn't have to do anything to please him at all. He loved everything about her, the way she widened her eyes when she saw his ready shaft, the way she thrust her hips slightly, as if learning how to enjoy the act of consummation even more, the way she moaned so softly when he was kissing her throat or her breasts, making him harder even faster.

Since she had to be somewhat uncomfortable from their first bout of lovemaking, he thrust, wanting to prolong the pleasure, but knowing he needed to let her heal no matter how much she had wanted him inside her again.

His blood on fire, he continued to kiss her, hoping to get her mind off any pain she might be feeling, pushing deeper inside, and felt the end coming. He thrust again, her hands on his naked arse warming his skin that was exposed now to the cold, and he loved her touching him, making his blood even hotter. Then he groaned with the release, their hearts pounding in unison, her fingers stroking his hips now. He continued to pump into her until he was completely done, feeling both the pleasure and a sense of real gratitude that she had chosen him to be her husband. No one else.

He pulled out and kissed her mouth slowly and warmly, wanting to connect in this way too, praying he had not hurt her too much again. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him just as thoroughly back as if proving she was fine. He tugged her gown down and pulled her into his arms, and loved how she snuggled against him.

“Are you all right?” Gunnolf kissed the top of her head and caressed her arm, hoping she would be feeling better soon.

“You make me feel desirable and loved, and I love you.” She sounded sleepy and content, and he was glad she was well.

He pulled the furs over them, and they heard Lynette enter the ruined keep. She slipped into her bedding and settled down.

He wondered just what kind of a fight they could be in on the morrow. He didn't even want to think of Brina or her sister being in the middle of it.

t didn't seem
as though they had slept long when James shook Gunnolf awake. Though he could tell it was later than he first had thought from the hint of light in the sky. He carefully disentangled himself from Brina so as not to disturb her and joined James outside.

“What word have you?” Gunnolf knew the men who had sought to have word with Cadel must have returned with news.

“He wasna there. No one was. The family was gone. Her da was gone. Some bloodied rags were left behind on the bed. It appeared they had been eating porridge and rushed out of there.”

“By force? Or had they fled?”

“No' sure.”

“How long ago?”

“Mayhap last eve. No' long.”

Brina bumped up against Gunnolf, and he wrapped his arm around her. “Did you hear?”

“Aye. When do we leave?” Her voice was strained, and he couldn't blame her.

“As soon as everyone is ready,” James said.

Brina hurried back into the keep and Gunnolf lit a torch from one of the campfires and set it up on top of one of the walls so they could see to pack.

Lynette groaned. “Next time, I am going to bed earlier.” Then she glanced at Brina. “Oh, Brina, what is wrong?”

Gunnolf had grabbed their bedrolls, saw Brina was tearful, but when he went to comfort her, Lynette said, “I will take care of her.

“I will ready the horses.” He pulled Brina into a warm embrace first though.

She hugged him heartily back.

He kissed her on the cheek. “Will you be all right?”

“Aye. We must leave at once.”

” He wiped away her tears, kissed her lips, then he grabbed the bedrolls and left.

“My da was no longer at Cadel's shieling. They left in a rush or were found and…” Brina couldn't finish her words. “My da could be the worst of tyrants at times, but I have seen his tenderness too. A time when a boy had lost his mother and was crying his heart out and Da lifted him onto his lap and told him that I had lost my mother much the same way. But that my mother and his were in a place where they were loved and couldna hurt any longer. I canna say how much that touched me. I think he dearly wanted a son. He loved my mother and he was bitter about losing both her and his son. Then my cousin, whom he treated like a son, didna want to stay there with him. He wanted adventure, excitement, and not to be told what to do. He refused to take on any responsibilities, though my da attempted to groom him to be the next clan chief.” Brina helped Lynette on with her brat.

“And that is why Seamus came to be.”


Lynette hugged Brina. “We canna know what has happened to your da. Mayhap he is well and being cared for at the castle. We canna give into our anxieties about it. We will know soon enough.”

“Aye, I know, though I canna help but worry about him.”

“Your da is a fighter. Look how he managed to survive on the battlefield when everyone thought him dead.”

“True.” Brina gave her a hug back. “Be careful this day.”

“Aye, you too.”

After the ladies and the rest of their party mounted their horses, they headed for Cadel's shieling. When they arrived, Brina, Lynette, and Gunnolf searched the shieling for any clues as to what had happened while others searched the surrounding area.

“We could spend the next couple of days looking for your father, or we can go the castle and see if we can learn if he has been taken there,” Gunnolf said, grasping Brina's hands in his own.

“We take our chances and travel now to the castle.” They would spend too much time searching for her da, if Cadel and others had moved him to another location. Best to do what they came here to do. See Seamus and learn if her da was there, and deal with the traitor.

“Once we have Anfa Castle in sight, you will stay in the glen, far from the castle and out of the archers' range,” Gunnolf said to both Brina and Lynette. “I will approach first and speak on James's behalf.”

“You willna,” James said. “I will speak for myself and for Lynette.”

James's senior advisor said, “Mayhap I should do the speaking. Does Seamus even know either of you?”

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