The Viking's Highland Lass (26 page)

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“I thought I would stay with Brina.”

“Good,” Brina said. “Come. We have much work to do.” She led Lynette down the stairs to get to work on the morning meal.

Gunnolf went to Robard's chamber where the elders and Christophe had assembled. Robard was seated, looking tired.

“We understand the way Robard feels about you being in charge, Gunnolf,” one of the elders said. “Like Robard, we have heard of your successes and your failures. But we havena seen you lead our people.”

Christophe was quiet, smug.

Robard listened quietly.

“We have had good campaigns and bad under Robard's leadership. For the most part, he has led us well. By his own admission, he needs time to recover before he can lead us again,” Lorn said.

“Christophe was Robard's first choice, but his leaving the clan as he did for no good reason and not protecting our people from the likes of Seamus when we learned of his deception, didna bode well. Would he lead our people to meet the challenge head on? Or would he always close the gates and hide within?”

Christophe's face reddened, but he wisely didn't speak.

“We canna hand over the clan to a man whose family has been fighting ours for years“–Lorn raised his hand to stop Robard's objection--“until he has proven himself worthy. The best way that we can see this happening is for Robard to continue to lead. Gunnolf will be his second-in-command and as such, he will do everything Robard asks of him. If this means Gunnolf will lead our men into battle, so be it. If he can handle alliances with other clans until Robard has recovered enough, he will do so. Is this acceptable?” the elder asked Robard.

He looked to Gunnolf for his consent. Gunnolf bowed his head, thinking it was the best of options. He would prove his worth while Robard recovered and if someday Robard no longer wished to rule and his people trusted in Gunnolf's leadership, he would lead.

“Nay, this isna acceptable,” Christophe said, his face red with anger.

“'Tis the lot you chose when you abandoned the clan,” Robard said. “If we are done here, I wish to get on with the feasting.”

Gunnolf thought Robard needed to rest further, but he realized this was important to Robard and the news would be shared with the clan then.

It turned out to be a grand feast, with alliances made between Robard and James, the elders knowing the only reason for it that Gunnolf was staying on to help lead the clan. Even though the celebration was about Brina's marriage to Gunnolf, everyone seemed to be celebrating the fact she was in charge of the management of the staff and made the feast happen.

Christophe and his wife attended, Guennola, angry at the world. Gunnolf had overheard her pitching a fit. But Christophe assured her that Gunnolf would never earn the clan's favor and as long as they remained here, he would prove his own worth.

Gunnolf wondered how long that would last. Would they really stay and see if Gunnolf couldn't sway the elders to his cause and hope to still take his uncle's place? Maybe his wife would learn how to manage the staff in the meantime. Or would he leave like he'd done in the past?

In any event, Gunnolf was delighted that his Highland lass was so excited to be home among her people, singing, dancing, and enjoying the revelry as much as anyone else. And he was caught up in the moment just as much as she.

James spoke to Gunnolf as they watched Brina and Lynette dancing with several others.

“This was the best thing that could have come out of the situation, dinna you agree?” James asked.

Robard joined them. “Aye. I finally have my son.” He smiled darkly at Gunnolf.

James laughed.

Smiling, Gunnolf inclined his head toward Robard in concurrence. He'd never expected Brina's father to call him son. And he would do what he could to prove to him his support was fully warranted.

“But what I really want to know is when I will have my first grandson to bounce on my knee.”

“That is something we are working hard at,” Gunnolf said.

Just then, Brina joined him and pulled him out to dance. “Working hard at what?”

“Loving you.”


Year Later
, Anfa Castle

unnolf held
his infant son in his hands as Brina smiled up at him. She lay on the mattress, the covers pulled up to her waist, exhausted but happy. “He is beautiful, is he no'?”

Beowulf was eager to see the baby too, his paws on Gunnolf's leg, his tail whipping back and forth.

Gunnolf smiled down at Brina. “As beautiful as his mother.”

Lynette brushed Brina's hair and said, “Aye, Hagen is.”

Brina couldn't have been happier to have a son, that Gunnolf was now chief of the clan, having proved that he had what it took to lead them, and that Lynette had decided to stay and everyone knew her as Brina's sister. And her da—

“Where is my grandson?” Robard asked, stalking into the room. “Are you going to hold him and no' let anyone else see him? We must show him to the gathered clan at once.” He reached out his hands to hold their son.

“Hold him close to you,” Gunnolf said, like a midwife teaching Brina's father how to do it right.

“I have done this with my daughter, your wife, I might add,” Robard said, and took the bairn and admired him. “He has my eyes.”

Everyone laughed.

But she loved how close she'd become to her da who had worried enough for all of them that she would survive the pregnancy and that her son would too. “Bring him back soon,” Brina said.

“I will go with them to ensure they dinna lose him in the crowd.” Lynette kissed her cheek. “He is beautiful, Brina.”

Gunnolf kissed Brina before he left. “Will you be all right?”

“Aye, I will sleep for a while. I know you will wish to celebrate. Enjoy yourself. You and my da have been so worried about this bairn—“

“And you.”

“Aye, that it is time for you to celebrate.”

“I will return soon.”

And she knew he would, because when other men would rather drink and celebrate good news, he'd rather be with her, and now the bairn, to enjoy them as a family.

unnolf couldn't have been more
pleased at how things had worked out. Some still grumbled about his leading the clan, but for the most part, the clan members knew he was doing the best he could. Inga had even married the man who had confronted Gunnolf and they'd had peace for this past year between Brina's clan and theirs.

Lady Akira, Lady Eilis, and Wynne were coming with James to see the baby after a few weeks. Eilis's own baby was a girl and was several month's old, and their son, Ian, was eager to see Brina and the new baby too. Christophe and his wife had left the castle that morn as soon as they learned Brina had survived the birth of their bairn and their son was perfectly healthy.

Gunnolf knew Christophe had only stayed to see him fail. But Gunnolf would never fail when being here for Brina was so important to her and her people.

He caught up to Robard holding up his grandson, proud as could be. And for a moment Gunnolf folded his arms, watched, and smiled, Beowulf sitting beside him, a couple of months older than a yearling, so not quite full grown, wagging his tail as he watched Robard and Hagen too.

The Highlanders and the Norsemen had finally made peace, and Hagen was the result of it—a beautiful son bringing their two worlds together.

It all began with Gunnolf believing he had died and the goddess had come to take him away. Brina was that goddess, and she had taken him away all right. To a place that was perfect for the both of them and for their newborn son.


any thanks
to Donna Fournier and to Vonda Sinclair who helped to make Gunnolf and Brina's story so much better!!! Thanks, ladies. If I could, I'd send you both a braw Highlander to thank you too.

About the Author

and award-winning author
Terry Spear
has written over sixty paranormal romance novels and seven medieval Highland historical romances. Her first werewolf romance,
Heart of the Wolf,
was named a 2008
Publishers Weekly
's Best Book of the Year, and her subsequent titles have garnered high praise and hit the
USA Today
bestseller list. A retired officer of the U.S. Army Reserves, Terry lives in Spring, Texas, where she is working on her next werewolf romance, continuing her new series about shapeshifting jaguars, writing Highland medieval romance, and having fun with her young adult novels. When she's not writing, she's photographing everything that catches her eye, making teddy bears, and playing with her Havanese puppies. For more information, please visit
, or follow her on Twitter,
. She is also on Facebook at
. And on Wordpress at:

Terry Spear's Shifters

Also by Terry Spear:

omantic Suspense
Deadly Fortunes, In the Dead of the Night, Relative Danger, Bound by Danger

The Highlanders Series:
Winning the Highlander's Heart, The Accidental Highland Hero, Highland Rake, Taming the Wild Highlander, The Highlander, Her Highland Hero, The Viking's Highland Lass

Other historical romances:
Lady Caroline & the Egotistical Earl, A Ghost of a Chance at Love

Heart of the Wolf Series:
Heart of the Wolf, Destiny of the Wolf, To Tempt the Wolf, Legend of the White Wolf, Seduced by the Wolf, Wolf Fever, Heart of the Highland Wolf, Dreaming of the Wolf, A SEAL in Wolf's Clothing, A Howl for a Highlander, A Highland Werewolf Wedding, A SEAL Wolf Christmas, Silence of the Wolf, Hero of a Highland Wolf, A Highland Wolf Christmas, A SEAL Wolf Hunting; A Silver Wolf Christmas, A SEAL Wolf in Too Deep, Alpha Wolf Need Not Apply, A Billionaire in Wolf's Clothing

SEAL Wolves
: To Tempt the Wolf, A SEAL in Wolf's Clothing, A SEAL Wolf Christmas; SEAL Wolf Hunting, SEAL Wolf in Too Deep

Silver Bros Wolves:
Destiny of the Wolf, Wolf Fever, Dreaming of the Wolf, Silence of the Wolf; A Silver Wolf Christmas, Alpha Wolf Need Not Apply

Highland Wolves:
Heart of the Highland Wolf, A Howl for a Highlander, A Highland Werewolf Wedding, Hero of a Highland Wolf, A Highland Wolf Christmas

Billionaire in Wolf's Clothing

Heart of the Jaguar Series:
Savage Hunger
Jaguar Fever
Jaguar Hunt, Jaguar Pride, Jaguar Christmas, A Very Jaguar Christmas

Vampire romances:
Killing the Bloodlust
Deadly Liaisons
Huntress for Hire, Forbidden Love

Heart of the Cougar Series:
Cougar's Mate, Call of the Cougar, Taming the Wild Cougar, Covert Cougar Christmas, a novella, Cougar Trouble

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