The Virgin and the Billionaires: The Complete Series (13 page)

BOOK: The Virgin and the Billionaires: The Complete Series
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“I need help, too.”
Alexander stood at the top of the tub’s steps. Dana rubbed her hands along his
body, delicately sticking her fingers in the waistband of his jeans. She rubbed
her other hand along the bulge in his pants, feeling its hardness and making
Alexander’s breath quicken. She teased him for a moment, making the bulge grow
larger and stiffer, then set it free. Alexander’s pants and boxers fell to his

Dana leaned back in the
tub, spreading her arms across its rim. The hot water felt good against her
throbbing mound.

Alexander leaned his weight
into the water, pushing back into Dana. He reclined into her bosom, and rested
his arms on her ample thighs.

“You’re so soft,” he
whispered. “I could sit in you all day.” He did only for a moment, then changed
his mind. “Let’s switch places.”

Dana let Alexander take her
seat and turned to face him. She reached her hand around in the water, tracing
the line of his thigh with her hands. When she found his cock, she grabbed it
and began stroking it gently. Alexander threw his head back and sighed. With
her free hand, Dana gently cradled his balls and lightly massaged them. She
could see his chest and arms beginning to tremble.

“Dana…” His whispers and
moans made Dana quiver with anticipation. “Any more and you’ll make me come.”

Alexander jumped onto Dana,
embracing her in a passionate kiss. He ran his wet hand through her hair.
Dana’s skin prickled as his tongue danced around in her mouth, less forcefully
and more sensuously than it ever had. She enjoyed the taste of his breath and
the warmth of his lips.

Alexander’s arms slipped
around her wet shoulders as he turned her around and draped the front of her
body over the edge of the tub. Dana knelt on the seat that ran around its
perimeter, exposing herself to Alexander. He ran his hand over her backside,
grazing his fingers across her wet lips. He playfully began to finger her
asshole, using the lubrication from Dana’s pussy to gently insert the tip of
his smallest finger.

Dana’s head was swarmed by
endorphins. She felt filthy allowing Alexander to finger her ass, and she
quickly realized that she
feeling. Combined with the physical sensation, she lost herself in Alexander’s
gentle fingering. She let out a loud moan.

“More,” she gasped.

Without warning, Alexander
rammed the entire length of his pinky into her tight hole. Dana screamed a
guttural howl, enjoying the sharp pain. Once she had relaxed, she slowly swayed
her hips around, feeling the sensations of Alexander’s finger inside of her.
Alexander, eyes gaping at her red and swollen sex, began rubbing her clit with
this thumb.

Dana’s elbows went weak and
she almost fell into the tub. Her moans were growing louder. Her toes curled in
delight. Alexander removed his finger from her ass and made his way down to her
pussy with his mouth, lapping up the moisture and smearing her sex all over his
face. He fucked her opening with his tongue, sliding up and down, in and out,
then back and forth. He swirled his tongue around her nub, then moved back to
tongue-fucking, repeating the cycle and moaning with pleasure as he did it.
Dana, paralyzed with pleasure, dropped her head. Opening her eyes, she could
see Alexander growing incredibly hard. She enjoyed the view, unable to keep
track of every element of the moment that was working to get her so wet and
horny, surrendering to the warm sensation that grew stronger inside of her.

Alexander stopped eating
her for a moment. “I’m going to make you come,” he said, and buried his face between
her legs again.

Dana heaved a sigh, eager
for her climax to come. Alexander moved his mouth back to her bud, sucking on
it with his lips, as if kissing it repeatedly. He took two fingers and thrust
them in and out of Dana. She could feel the sensation getting even stronger and
began crying out in fits of ecstasy. She was so occupied by her pleasure that
she couldn’t be bothered to think.

Surrendering completely to
the moment, Dana’s cries became louder and faster. Alexander began grunting,
picking up the speed of his tongue and lips on her most sensitive spot. As the
pleasure became too much for her to bear, she let out a yell that filled the
room and echoed off the marble walls. Her body exploded with pleasure that shot
all through her limbs, making every inch of her quake. Her arms gripped the
ground as she writhed around, moaning and shouting as Alexander refused to let
up. She convulsed with each flick of Alexander’s tongue, pulling away and
begging him to stop as the radiant pleasure faded and she became hypersensitive
to his touch.

“Stop…stop,” she panted,
out of breath and unable to speak.

Alexander gave her clit one
final kiss and gave her ass a loud, wet smack as he stood up and wiped his
mouth off with a handful of water.

“You liked that.” Alexander
said in a sinister tone. All Dana could do was nod. She was still catching her

Alexander stroked his
manhood as Dana recovered, priming it for her glistening pussy. He only gave
her a few seconds before plunging into her from behind, bouncing off of her
rump with every thrust. The smacking sound echoed off the walls.

Dana began howling again.
The tip of Alexander’s cock continually rubbed against the most sensitive spot
inside of her, and she could feel herself seizing up again. Alexander’s forceful
thrusts pushed her out of the water and onto the floor, until her whole torso
was lying flat against the tile. Alexander held her legs open as he thrust, the
tight muscles of his thighs and ass contracting with each motion.

“Be a good girl and turn
around,” he commanded.

“Yes, Mr. Price,” Dana barked. She turned
onto her back. Alexander reached for her shoulders and pulled her up. Dana
supported herself with her hands as Alexander picked up her legs, one at a
time, and rested her soft calves on his muscular shoulders. Holding onto her
thighs with his arms, he resumed thrusting his throbbing erection into her.

Dana’s head fell back
behind her shoulders. Every part of her body bounced with Alexander’s thrusts.
Her moaning grew a bit softer.

“Touch yourself,” Alexander
ordered without stopping.

Dana moved her hand to her
mound and began rubbing her clit with a circular motion. The combined sensation
of Alexander’s dick plunging in and out and the clitoral stimulation was
intensely pleasurable.

Alexander continued
thrusting in and out, slowing down as he felt himself get closer to the edge.
Dana continued touching herself, having become certain that she could have a
second orgasm. After several minutes of rubbing and getting fucked, Alexander
took his finger back to her ass and gently massaged her rim.

Alexander’s touch sent Dana
over the edge once again, and she felt a different set of muscles seize even
deeper inside of her. She cried out again, gasping for breath as the three
sensations combined into one form of ecstasy. Dana’s moans, in turn, caused
Alexander to groan and shudder. He pulled himself out of Dana just in time to
squirt his seed all over her body, covering the length of her torso with shiny
white beads. He let the last drop of his cum fall right on the top of her
mound. As his breath slowed, he began delicately playing with the beads that
had fallen around Dana’s navel.

Dana lay down on the floor
and threw her arms back behind her head. She didn’t move. Her stomach heaved up
and down as she tried to catch her breath.

“Wow,” she muttered.

“Indeed,” Alexander replied
quietly. He ran his hand up and down her thigh. “The first time was just a
warm-up for this time.”

Dana smiled. That was how
she felt too, but she wasn’t going to say it. In that moment, she was happy and
satisfied. They sat in silence for a few minutes, Alexander resting his head on
Dana’s thigh. As her mind began to return to her, Dana spoke.


He looked up at her. “Yes?”

“I’ll take you up on your
offer. But I’m not going to let you go overboard with the money.”

“Fantastic,” he replied,
grinning. “You won’t regret it.”

“With orgasms like that,
how could I?”

Alexander laughed. “You’ll
have to come with me when I go places.”

Dana smiled and nodded. She
wondered how often Alexander had to ‘go places’.

The hard floor was
uncomfortable. Dana propped herself up and walked over to the counter for her
champagne. She handed Alexander his glass as well.

“I have to work tomorrow,”
she lamented.

“We’ve got this place for
the night,” Alexander hinted.

Dana smiled. “I’m going to
freshen up, but then I’ve got to go to bed. They expect me at the office at
eight tomorrow.”




Dana woke up in a mild
panic when she briefly forgot where she was. She looked over at Alexander, who
had migrated toward the other end of the bed. She was surprised when he looked
back at her.

“Good morning,” he said.

“Good morning.” Dana

“I’ve got to get going

“Me too.”

Together, they rolled out
of bed and began reassembling themselves. Dana shuffled around in a hurry.
There wasn’t much time for her to get over to Beverly Hills. She threw on the
previous night’s outfit as quickly as she could, then tossed her hair into a
deceptively stylish messy bun in front of the bathroom mirror. Suddenly, she heard
her phone buzzing on the table. She ran out of the room trying to catch the
call, thinking it was probably something work-related.

Alexander was standing over
the table, adjusting his tie.

“Do you get calls from
‘Blocked’ numbers a lot?” he asked.

Dana’s face turned as red
as a beet. “No, that must be my dad. He works for the government.”

Alexander nodded. “I see.
Your dad likes to call you this early?”

“He lives on the East
Coast. Sometimes he forgets the time difference.” In reality, Dana’s dad was a pharmacist
in Chico. “In any event, I’ll call him when I have a free moment at work.”

She shimmied over to the
couch where she had left her flats. “I have to go now. I’m already running a
little bit late. We’ve got an 8:15 meeting.” Shoes on, she walked over to
Alexander. “Bye, then.”

“I’ll see you soon,” he
said, kissing her on the cheek. “Thanks for a fun night.”

“Likewise,” Dana replied.

Dana walked back to her car
and headed out into traffic.

What happened to him? He was so much –
Dana struggled to pinpoint
the change in Alexander’s affect.
He was
so much nicer!
She caught herself reminiscing warmly about the more tender
moments of the evening.
Don’t get
attached, don’t get attached, don’t get attached…

But was it already too late
for that? She was aware of Alexander’s ability to toy with her emotions, but
she found solace in the fact that she had yet to cry over him, as if that meant

Dana snapped out of her
thoughts and realized that she needed to call William back. She didn’t know how
much she really wanted to get in touch with him, but felt that returning his
call was the prudent and professional thing to do. She dialed him up and put
him on speakerphone. Why would he call so early, anyway? He picked up.

“Hey, it’s Dana.”

“Hi, Dana. Sorry to call so
early.” There was an awkward pause.

“What can I do for you?”

“Will you meet me for
lunch? I’ll be in Beverly Hills today.”

Dana thought for a moment.
Lunch seemed harmless enough. She’d have to excuse herself eventually.

“Sure, she replied.”

“Great. I’m in the mood for
some Pad Thai from Mr. Noodle.”

“Sounds good to me. Just
give me an address and I’ll meet you there.”

“Alright. See you soon.”

That was awkward.
I hope this
isn’t like pulling teeth.




Back at work, Dana’s boss
stopped her as she was on her way out of the office for lunch.

“Can I talk to you for a
second?” she asked.

“Sure,” Dana replied,
knowing that that usually wasn’t a good thing.

“Dana, I just got off the
phone with Fashion One Models. They were incredibly pleased with the shoot. The
agent and the model both had wonderful things to say about you. Sandy from
editing showed me your shots and I have to agree: the final product is

“Thank you,” Dana smiled,
genuinely flattered. She contemplated saying something positive about Bela, the
model who had disappeared into the crowd of swingers at the Brentwood party,
but couldn’t bring herself to. Graciela interrupted her thoughts.

“Keep conducting yourself
professionally and giving us this kind of quality work, and you’ll see yourself
moving up the ranks in no time.” Graciela smiled, gave her a quick pat on the
shoulder, and let her leave the office.

BOOK: The Virgin and the Billionaires: The Complete Series
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