The Virgin Bet (9 page)

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Authors: Olivia Starke

BOOK: The Virgin Bet
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“I shouldn’t have walked in here alone, it was stupid,” she said between hiccups, trying to stifle her sobbing. “It’s my fault.”

“God, Tippy, no. This isn’t your fault.” He rained kisses over her forehead and cheeks. “Don’t you dare blame yourself. You shouldn’t have to be afraid to walk to your car. Come on, I’ll drive you to the local P.D.”

He kept an arm around her shoulders, guiding her to his SUV parked out along the street just outside. He opened the passenger door for her, helping her inside. Adrenaline had left her dizzy, and the start of a terrible headache throbbed in her temples. He drove to the police department. Brent kept a tight hold of her hand as she gave an account of what had happened to her. A woman police officer wrote down her account, seeming detached, but she didn’t blame Tippy for the attack. Afterward, Brent took her back to her car.

“You sure you’re okay to drive?” he asked.

“Yes, I can’t leave my car here. I’m afraid it’ll get stolen or something.” She knew Brent could bring her back later, but she hated the idea of being without transportation, even for a day.

“I’ll meet you at your place then. We have to talk.”

He sounded too serious. She stared at a spot beyond his shoulder, and swallowed. “Okay,” she finally agreed, knowing he’d show up at her place even if she said no.

The hour long drive seemed to last five minutes. When she pulled up to her house and cut the engine, Brent parked behind her, blocking her in. At least it felt like he’d blocked her in, though she reminded herself it was the most logical place for him to park. She walked inside her house, Brent close on her heels.

When she deposited her purse on the counter top in the kitchen, she couldn’t meet his eyes. She stared at the carpet.

“Now, Temperance,” he began. “Tell me what the hell is going on. You’ve avoided me, going so far as to stay God knows where. I deserve an explanation.”

From her peripheral vision she saw him place his hands on his hips. She remembered the conversation he’d been having with Chad about the damned virgin bet. Despite the exhaustion from everything she’d been through that night, anger flared hot, reigniting her flagging energy level.

She met his gaze head on. “I heard you talking to Chad,” she said over the growing lump in her throat. “I heard you talking about the virgin bet. I heard you say that I was worth the most points. Was this all I was to you? A bet from high school you finally won?”

Brent blinked and his mouth fell open. “What? God, Tippy.” He blew out a hard breath. “Didn’t you see what I did when Chad said that?”

Tippy shook her head. Her shoulders fell. “No,” she whispered, exhaustion again stealing her energy.

“I decked him.” Brent stepped forward, grasping Tippy’s upper arms. He leaned down, forcing her to look at him. “You are so much more than a stupid bet. You are everything to me, Tippy.”

His blue gaze glittered with emotion. She sniffed as tears trickled down her cheeks. “What are you saying?” she asked.

“I’m saying—” Brent took a big deep breath. “I’m saying that I love you.”

In the time since she’d broken things off with Brent, she hadn’t imagined having this emotional scene with him. He looked at her with such raw affection shining in the blue eyes she loved so much, it took her breath away.

“D-do you mean it?” she asked. “Do you really love me, Brent?”

He stroked her hair. “Yes, and I should’ve told you long ago, but I couldn’t get things straight in my head.”

She couldn’t believe him. She refused to believe it, because she wouldn’t let go of the old suspicion she’d carried with her since high school. Mistrust of things too good to be true had kept her safe all these years—or so she believed. “But why do you love me?” she asked.

His magical grin appeared. “Why? Because you’re smart, funny, quirky, and a pain in my ass.” He dropped a kiss to her lips. “Because you’re Temperance Madison and everything about you is incredible.”

She swallowed down the last of her apprehension. In that moment, she chose to believe. In him, in herself, in what they were when they were together. Everything around them had taken on a dreamy quality, she felt like she was floating. “I love you, too, Brent,” she said on a breathy whisper.

She fell into his arms. He claimed her in a kiss that spoke of all the feelings that were impossible to describe. His tongue, teeth, and lips branded her. She was his. She’d never belong to anyone but Brent Kingston. His hand roamed down, and cupped her backside, squeezing the muscle. She moaned, loving the attention, and hoping for even more.

When at last he dragged his mouth from hers, he met her eyes again.

“I was irresponsible tonight.” She licked her lips, running her hands over his chest. The muscles twitched beneath her searching caress. “I should have been more careful. I knew not to walk into a dark parking garage alone.”

Brent frowned, and tucked a stray curl behind her ear. “What happened was
your fault. Don’t blame yourself because that bastard attacked you. Just next time, make sure someone walks with you. I hate that we live in a place where a woman can’t walk unescorted into dark places, but it is what it is. I’m glad I figured out you’d gone into the garage, before you became another statistic.”

Tippy pressed her lips together. “How
you find me?” The question hadn’t occurred to her until now.

“I’d met a couple of buddies at a sports bar. I saw you walk by on the sidewalk, but by the time I got outside I’d lost sight of you. I followed a hunch that led me to the parking garage.”

“Well, regardless, I think….” She placed a sweet kiss on his cheek. “I think I deserve a spanking anyway. What do you think?”

Brent’s wicked grin heated her all the way to her toes. He gave her a quick slap on the rear. “A spanking among a few other things.”

He scooped her into his arms. She squealed as he carried her into the bedroom, and dropped her onto her bed. He pulled his belt from the loops, and folded it then snapped it. The loud pop made her flinch. An illicit thrill shot through Tippy.

God, she loved this man.


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