The Virgin Master (17 page)

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Authors: Jordan Brewer

Tags: #Gay, #Fiction

BOOK: The Virgin Master
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o his relief, each stroke resulted in gently welling blood. He tried his best not to hear the continuing choking whimpers and bitten back screams amid the loud sobbing his determined assault drew from Jeremy.  Evan breathed hard and tried desperately to conceal his own trembling. Hubbard made furious notes and sighed when Evan handed the crop back to him. Jeremy’s knees seemed rubbery and he swayed in place, obviously struggling to hold his position. He still sobbed and the sounds cut Evan’s heart into little pieces.


“May he alter his position now?” Evan asked. Hubbard looked up at him in surprise, noted Jeremy’s struggle to make his legs continue to hold him and shook his head.


No. That’s all part of the discipline. But, you know

it’s a big plus in your favor that you asked.”


“Can I know whether I passed or not?”


Hubbard smiled at him. “I can’t tell you, you have to wait for the official report. It is unusual to pass the first time, I can tell you that.”


Evan’s vision swam. He could
do this again. He just couldn’t. He didn’t need to know this about himself. He didn’t want to long to whip Jeremy until they both came. He urgently wanted to let Jeremy out of his restraints and get that strap and cock ring off of him so he could come. He needed to treat Jeremy’s injuries
That he put there.
He wanted this cheerful, awful, man out of their home. He wanted to ease Jeremy’s pain as quickly as possible. He wanted to forget this ever happened. But he knew he couldn’t.


“So, Mr. James, what would you guess would be the policy about pain medication immediately after earned discipline?”


I would guess, no pain meds for at least twenty-four hours?”


“You’ve been doing research. Commendable. That’s exactly right. However, in this instance, since Jeremy hasn’t earned this discipline you may give him pain relief as soon as I leave. Keep the scrotal strap and the cock ring by the way
I can’t use them for anybody else now. I’ll just take back my restraints. I didn’t ask
do you have your own?”


Evan wanted to lie, but then Hubbard would probably want to see them. “Not yet.”


at him, and made another note. “I have to tell you that I can’t approve of the fact that you’ve never disciplined Jeremy before. It is the Office’s policy to advise Masters to discipline their slaves on a regular basis at least once a month, whether any serious infractions occur or not. It keeps everybody’s mind clear as to who’s in control. Jeremy’s a big man with a lot of muscle; he’s going to scare people if he shows the slightest bit of attitude. I’m not going to report your indulgence this time, because you seem like you have your head on straight. Please get some restraints as soon as possible and send a copy of the receipt to me at this address.”


ubbard handed him a card and then smiled at Evan a shade more intimately.


“You know, if you ever want to go out for coffee or anything, you can call me
. A
fter the report is finalized of course. You should get the results in about ten days. If you get re-inspected they’ll assign someone else.”


Evan waved his card at him feeling ridiculous and tried to smile like he meant it. “I’ve got your number.”


Hubbard smiled at him again and bent to free Jeremy’s hands. He gently helped Jeremy back up
into a standing posture.
his head down. He still breathed in long shuddering gasps; his face
soaked with tears.
Unfastening Jeremy’s ankles and
wiping off and packing up his shackles, Hubbard gave Evan one more smile and a nod and Evan walked him to the door. As soon as the door shut, Evan sprinted back through the apartment and found Jeremy on his hands and knees on the tile, rocking back and forth. Evan knelt behind Jeremy on the tile.


“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry.” Evan murmured, tears stinging his eyes. Jeremy turned and buried his face in Evan’s neck, sobbing and trying to speak.


“Oh, God, that hurt so much more than I expected it to.”


Evan embraced Jeremy carefully, a surge of protective affection overriding his common sense at the moment.


I can’t tell you how much I didn’t want to do that.”


“Do you think you passed? I…Evan, I don’t want to do that again.”


“Hubbard made approving noises at me the whole time, but then he said that thing…”


“About it being unusual to pass the first time?”




Evan looked around the laundry room and saw a basket of clean towels. He leaned over and snagged one with his finger and pulled it to him. Cradling Jeremy’s face, he wiped up the tears
and snot and smiling gently got Jeremy to blow his nose in the towel.


Well, that was gross!”


van smiled at him, unaware that he looked like a man in love, “I won’t tell Marta if you don’t. We’ll just put it back in the hamper.”


He noticed that he was running his hand soothingly up and down Jeremy’s sides and wondered if he should stop.
erection still bobbed against his stomach and Evan remembered the leather strap and the cock ring.


“Uh, I guess we should get that stuff off you, huh?”


Jeremy blushed. “I might come. Maybe I better go in the bathroom and take it off.”


Evan stood up and helped Jeremy stand up. When Jeremy tried to walk, he hissed in pain and staggered. Evan put an arm around his waist and stabilized him. He helped Jeremy into the small guest bathroom near the laundry area. Before Hubbard arrived, he had placed a first aid kit under the sink hoping against hope that it wouldn’t be necessary. Jeremy couldn’t sit down, so Evan got him to kneel and lean over the edge of the tub.


Evan fumbled with the scrotal strap and released it. Jeremy’s balls immediately drew up taut and with a flick of his thumbnail, Evan released the cock ring. Jeremy fell forward with a sharp cry, come spraying all over the side of the tub and Jeremy’s thighs. Evan shivered with want and ruthlessly suppressed any sexual feelings by concentrating on the injuries he had inflicted on Jeremy.


He carefully cleaned every welt and cut and put antiseptic cream on the wounds before trying to bandage the areas. He couldn’t help dropping gentle kisses on Jeremy’s back from time to time. He moved on to Jeremy’s ankles and wrists, hissing at the abrasions
bruises resulting from Jeremy’s involuntary struggling. After he had cared for the damage and got Jeremy to take a couple of Tylenol, Evan felt exhaustion sweep over him. Getting Jeremy to his feet, he started walking back toward the bed rooms, thinking that a long nap would be good for both of them.


As they walked Jeremy leaned heavily against Evan’s side. Unthinking, Evan put his hand on Jeremy’s neck and ran his finger around and slightly under the top edge of his collar. Jeremy moaned and Evan suddenly couldn’t catch his breath.


Arousal swept through Evan like a freight train and before he knew what he was doing he
had claimed Jeremy’s mouth in
, deep kiss, licking up inside Jeremy’s mouth sucking on his tongue, doing everything he could think of to wring soft moans and whimpers from his slave.


They were near the couch and Evan lay down on it, pulling Jeremy down on top of him.




Evan didn’t respond. He couldn’t stop kissing Jeremy if his life depended on it. Jeremy dropped all of his weight onto Evan and buried his head in Evan’s neck, nuzzling and biting gently. Evan mindlessly ground up into Jeremy as he hardened again. He had never meant to take advantage of Jeremy

but then,
Jeremy seemed to be fully cooperating. He nibbled down
neck and pulled at his shirt. Catching on, Evan ripped his t-shirt over his head and groaned as skin met skin. Jeremy slid down Evan’s body licking and sucking, reading Evan’s responses and finding all of his hot spots as he went.


Coming to his senses a little bit, Evan grabbed Jeremy by the collar. “Stop.”


Jeremy froze and Evan thought that might be the hottest thing he had ever experienced. He had total control over two hundred pounds of solid muscle.
Not because I own him legally
. B
ecause he gave me control voluntarily,
Evan realized suddenly.


“Talk to me Jer. Tell me what you want.”


Licking his lips, Je
remy raised his head and stared
deeply into Evan’s eyes. “I want you to
me. I want you to order me to
suck your cock. I want you to fuck me until I don’t know where I am, I want anything you want to give me and I want to do anything you tell me to do.”


uddenly light-headed, Evan gasped and groan
ed and pushed
Jeremy’s head down toward his crotch, his hips involuntarily bucking up seeking friction of any kind.
I can’t do this! Jeremy doesn’t really want
he’s just grateful and feels obligated. I have to stop. Oh God. I can’t.
  With haste clumsy fingers, Jeremy undid Evan’s jeans and pulled down the zipper.


With enormous effort, Evan gasped out, “Jeremy, stop, please.”


Jeremy stopped just short of sucking the head of Evan’s erection into his mouth.


“Okay.” Jeremy’s breath came short and hard.


“Stop. I can’t do this. I can’t take advantage of this situation. I know we’re both upset right now and we both need comfort

but it doesn’t have to be like this. You don’t mean what you said. You couldn’t.”


Jeremy stared at Evan and then slithered back up his body, ignoring the deep flare of pain in his buttocks and thighs as he moved, and the lesser pains in his wrists and ankles, rubbed raw by the shackles. He lay flat on top of Evan, forcing his way between Evan’s legs, their erections lying side by side. He cradled Evan’s head in the palms of his huge hands.


“Evan. You are not taking a
dvantage of me. I’ve wanted you
since the first minute I ever saw you. I want this. There’s something about kneeling for you and following your commands that makes me feel….whole. Complete. Like you care about me. This may be too soon for you, I understand that. But I’m here; obviously I’m not going anyplace
I can assure you that there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. With pleasure.”


“I can’t. I can’t be this….this….kind of man. I….what do you mean you’ve wanted me since
You were engaged! You
.why are you lying to me?”


“I am not lying to you. I never felt anything sexual for any man until I met you. I saw how it was between you and Justin
and truly,
no one should ever have tried to mess that up
. Y
ou guys were beautiful to each other and so full of love and adoration that you glowed with it. I couldn’t stay away from you, but you were so happy I couldn’t help but be happy for you. Lonely and jealous, yes; but happy for you. I tried to forget about you. Nothing worked. You left for Dallas and I had to go to New York to try to help my Dad. Wo
rk helped. Seeing you again like

all these things you’ve done for me

if I wasn’t in love with you already, I would be now.”


Love? You think you love me?”


“I know I do. I know you don’t feel the same way. Maybe yo
can’t feel anything for me, but I know at least that you want me.” Jeremy
mphasized his last statement by rubbing his erection
against Evan’s. Evan arched and moaned. And then laughed.

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