The Virgin Master (16 page)

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Authors: Jordan Brewer

Tags: #Gay, #Fiction

BOOK: The Virgin Master
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The doorbell rang at 9:59 and Evan found himself irritated at the loss of the minute. Inspector Hubbard was nothing like Evan had imagined. He was young and friendly and seemed aware that Evan would be nervous.


“Mr. James? Inspector Hubbard, but you can call me Steve. Can I see Jeremy?”


Evan nodded and went down and tapped on Jeremy’s door. Jeremy appeared with alacrity and with no sign of apprehension or dread. He dropped to his knees
at Hubbard’s feet. Hubbard squatted and tapped Jeremy on the shoulder as a signal to look up. Jeremy held his position until Evan gave the signal. Hubbard grunted in approval. “That was nice.”


He held Jeremy’s eye. “Ask him to lose the robe, please.” Eva
gave the sign for stripping and Jeremy shrugged the robe off his shoulders and Hubbard surveyed his skin.


“You’ve never disciplined him?”


“Hasn’t been necessary.”


“Oh, come on. Perfect obedience doesn’t exist. Although so far he seems pretty biddable.”


“He’s new to being a slave. He’s bound to make mistakes. I tell him and he doesn’t make the same mistake again. So far, I haven’t needed to do any more than that to gain his obedience.”


“Well, just the same, we have to get through this little exercise. So, where’s your discipline area located.”


Evan was glad he even knew. “It’s back here in the laundry room.”


Hubbard instructed
Jeremy to put his feet in the black squares, which were located slightly over shoulder width apart. Hubbard produced some wrist and ankle restraints from his pack and shackled Jeremy’s ankles to the walls of the discipline corner, hooking each shackle to one of the many staples embedded in the tile with a locking carabineer.


Oh! So that’s what those are for.
Evan’s mind fairly boggled as he tried to conceive of the number of positions a person could be restrained due to the number and placement of the staples. To his horror, he felt a little flurry of heat that he promptly tried to squash.


“Okay, now Jeremy, bend forward and put your hands flat on the floor.”


Jeremy did so promptly and Hubbard hooked the handcuffs to a staple on the floor. Jeremy was now firmly held in a position nearly like “downward facing dog”, Evan thought
ysteria bubbl
under his skin at the surreal nature of this whole series of events. Mirrored tiles ran around the base of the enclosure and Evan immediately noticed that the only thing reflected in them were Jeremy’s genitals. He wondered why.


“I’m glad you have a tiled enclosure, because blood and semen are a bitch to get out of carpet,” Hubbard observed.


Evan picked up his case of discipline instruments and offered it to Hubbard, unasked. Hubbard took them and
compared the ID numbers to the ones he had on file for Evan and smiled encouragingly when they matched.


“Have you been working with him on orgasm denial?”




Hubbard chuckled. “Okay. Then you can’t just tell him not to come and expect him to be able to obey today. So
.we’re going to need these.” He offered a thin leather strap and a cock ring to Evan who
just stood there looking at him. Hubbard grinned and took the strap back. “Can I touch him to show you
what to do?”


Evan was grateful that at least Hubbard appeared to be polite. “Sure,” he managed to get out.
Why would Jeremy come
from being beaten?


Hubbard reached out and grabbed Jeremy’s scrotum gently and pulled his balls away from his body, wrapping the leather strip around the scrotal sac several time, creating an impediment so that Jeremy’s testicles could not draw up for ejaculation to occur. Evan stared at him blankly.


“Why would anyone come from being whipped?”


“Not all slaves have that reaction, but many do. When the buttocks and upper thighs are struck with sufficient force the blood vessels dilate, creating much greater blood flow to the groin. Erections result

not necessarily from liking pain, but just as an anatomical adjustment to accommodate the extra blood flow. It’s what some people used to do before Viagra.” Hubbard smiled. “Now, we’re going to start out with simple spanking, okay? Normally, for spanking, Jeremy would lie across your lap, nude. But for the purposes of this inspection it’s more efficient not to move him around.  Now, I want you to
strike him with your open palm ten times, alternating buttocks.
Please strike with force, or we’ll have to do it again.”


Evan’s heart seized up. His lungs felt squeezed in his
chest. He really didn’t know if he could do this. He wondered if there was anything he could possibly do to make this any easier
for Jeremy. That had to be a hard position to hold. He thought he could already see Jeremy’s thigh muscles barely shaking. But that could be just from
dreading the onset of
the beating.


His mind raced.
Okay, he’s not supposed to speak without permission. I wonder about crying out? I better be sure he’s safe.


“Jeremy? Make all th
e sounds you need to make, just do
n’t say any words.” Evan braced himself.


Hubbard nodded and made a note on his electronic notepad. Evan hoped that was the right thing to do. He closed his eyes. He had to do this and he had to do it right. He struck Jeremy hard. The resultant loud smack startled him and he opened his eyes to see a large red handprint appear on Jeremy’s left buttock.


Swallowing his anxiety, he followed up with very hard smacks, alternating buttocks as instructed. When he had finished Jeremy’s buttocks were cherry red and, Evan noted, Jeremy was fully erect. Evan wondered how many Master’s used that autonomic response to blood flow to justify beating their slaves. Jeremy so far had not uttered a sound, although his breathing had become erratic. Evan didn’t know how he felt, except his hand stung. The whole thing was unbelievable and he seemed to be seeing things in brighter colors, almost like he was high. As he watched his handprints begin to fade on Jeremy’s ass, his cock swelled slightly.
What in the hell is wrong with me?


done, Mr. James. Since this isn’t really discipline, I’m going to set Jeremy up to get a reward at the end. May I touch him?” Hubbard waved the cock ring. Evan nodded.


Hubbard reached around Jeremy’s waist and snapped the cock ring in place snugly around the base of Jeremy’s swollen length. Jeremy shifted his weight nervously.


“Okay, now we’ll proceed to the paddle. You will note that we are going in order of ascending ability to cause pain. If we started out with the most painful, then the others would be a relief

so we are going in ascending order. Make sense?”


Evan felt unsettled. He wanted to feel sick; but it wasn’t happening. Instead as he looked at Jeremy spread out like that, he just couldn’t help thinking about running his finger around that barely hidden pink rim. Maybe dropping to his knees and opening Jeremy up with his tongue. He pulled his mind forcefully away from that line of thought.
What had Hubbard just said?
The theory of ascending painful sensation?
Yeah, it made sense; in an abstract way. He felt a little bit dizzy at the idea of hitting Jeremy with the paddle. He couldn’t understand what was happening to him.


Managing to nod his understanding,
he took the paddle when Hubbard thrust it into his hand, the smooth wooden handle feeling like a natural extension of his


Hubbard went on explaining in a jovial tone. “You can hit much harder with the paddle for two reasons
. I
t doesn’t hurt your hand, and the handle on the paddle provides for greater swing arc resulting in more torque. Therefore the speed and force of the blow are magnified. Give him ten more with the paddle, alternate buttocks and upper thighs this time. Make it crack!”


Evan felt his cock swell and fill as he swung the paddle. He did indeed make it crack. He went about this quickly as well. He couldn’t help but hear that Jeremy made some sound this time and stood up on his toes as his body struggled to avoid the blows. Evan saw some water hit the floor and knew that Jeremy was


When Evan finished this time, Jeremy’s whole body visibly trembled. His penis still stood totally erect, curving up into his stomach.  But of course, because of the cock ring, it had to stay erect. He looked at Hubbard who examined Jeremy’s response
nd gave Evan another approving nod, scribbling something on his electronic notepad. Evan struggled not to show Hubbard any sign of the self-
filling his soul.


“Okay, then. Now: the flogger. This has nine lashes, so the sensation will be exponentially sharper than with the paddle. Spanking and the paddle don’t sting nearly as much as a flogger. The paddle will bruise. The flogger will raise welts and, if wielded too enthusiastically, or in anger, will draw blood. I have to warn you about the flogger and the crop, Mr. James. You can’t really do permanent damage by spanking or paddling as long as you confine the blows to the buttocks and upper thighs. But the flogger?”


Hubbard shook out the knotted lashes and pulled out the telescoping handle and flourished it in front of Evan’s trying-very-hard-not-to-be-horrified face.


can actually pull out chunks of flesh with these knots. And you have to remember that every lash is the equivalent of nine separate strokes. Anything over forty strokes with it, if wielded too
strongly, starts edging over into terminal. As in dead.” Hubbard looked at Evan’s now
ashen pale visage.


“You understand. Now, back to the business at hand, I don’t want to see blood, but I need to see welts, Mr. James. You’ve been doing just great so far
. G
ive him ten with that and just alternate buttocks.”


Welts. Great.
Evan didn’t know if he could do this. He hated himself, but he had to do this. He hated himself more because hitting Jeremy with the paddle made him hard. So hard he ached. Jeremy never needed to know how much he was affected by it. Using the same force as before he struck Jeremy and drew a little surprised scream from him.
Oh God
. Evan got through it as fast as he could, seeing a
-cross of welts rise on Jeremy’s backside and hearing his increasingly desperate screams followed by open sobbing. Every little sound went in his ear and straight to his groin. Tears and drool and snot dripped from Jeremy’s face onto the tile below. Evan fought to maintain an impassive mask.


Hubbard beamed at Evan. “That was perfect! I have to say, I’ve never had a first inspection go this well for a new Master. And Jeremy has managed not to beg you to stop. That’s impressive, because, you know, if
he begs, we’ll have to add
what we’re doing.


Evan felt faint. He didn’t know if he could get through the crop without bursting into tears, coming, or passing out. Maybe all three, with vomiting as a back-up. He prayed that Jeremy had heard Hubbard, understood, and had enough control not to beg. Hubbard passed him the crop.


“This one stings worse than the flogger and usually opens up
cuts. Again, if used too enthusiastically, or in anger it can do permanent damage. We strongly advise Masters never to use the crop directly over the spine as it’s too easy to break a vertebra or do permanent spinal cord damage. Okay?  Now, I need to see a little blood here, Mr. James

otherwise you won’t be using enough force. Okay, ten strokes; I want to see alternating buttocks and upper thighs this time.”


He looked brightly up at Evan who held the crop as if he’d just been handed a live tarantula.


van gathered his breath. Jeremy’s buttocks and thighs
were blood red and covered with welts. Ten more strokes with the crop and he might never have to do this again. He would
do this again. He took a deep breath and began. Jeremy
bucked in his restraints and wailed. Evan thrashed him with grim deliberation, using precise strokes and the same amount of force he had before. He felt heat pool in his groin and feared that he was about to come in his pants. He had never
himself more.

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