The Virgin Master (6 page)

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Authors: Jordan Brewer

Tags: #Gay, #Fiction

BOOK: The Virgin Master
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Chapter Five


Jeremy sat there, displayed on the bed in his cel
for what seemed like hours.


He had no way to tell time and nothing to use for distraction. He couldn’t even see passers-by in the corridor. He wavered about that. Watching people evaluate his body would be
, but at least it would be something to think about. He pondered the information his handler gave him about possible sampling. He would just have to comply.
He needed to be bought. He steeled himself and decided he would just submit, if someone wanted a sample. He hoped if he had to go through sampling, that it would be a woman.


It seemed as if hours passed. His thighs were beginning to protest their immobility in an awkward position, and his lower back
at regular intervals. Suddenly, the door to the cell opened and Jeremy’s mouth dropped open a bit as the fattest man he’d ever seen waddled in, accompanied by the four largest handlers.


adrenalin roared through his nervous system. This was a sampler. Without thinking Jeremy looked up at the man’s face and saw cruel pig-like eyes and wobbly jowls. The
his ears rang and his vision grayed out. The man slapped him. Hard.


“Boy, I’ll give you that little indiscretion since you haven’t been
trained. You don’t look citizens in the face. Ever. Now, up on all fours.”


eremy, despite his earlier determination to co
, could not make his body move.


Fat Man sighed in disgust. “Guys, position him.”


eremy couldn’t help struggling. He
it his lips so that the begging clawing to escape his throat went unuttered. The four handlers flipped him
put him on all fours
pushed down on his elbows so his ass was in the air
and held him firmly. Jeremy tried to shake them off, but he couldn’t move at all. Fear tingled through him and his heart pounded. Bile filled his mouth.


“God. Look at that ass. He has di
mples back here. Just gorgeous


he sudden, painful, introduction of something into his
caused Jeremy to jerk forward. The handler tightly gripping his right wrist shoved a pillow under Jeremy’s face. Jeremy wondered what it could be for until burning agony ripped and tore from his anus up his
spinal column. Mindless screams poured from Jeremy’s throat into the muffling pillow


Fat Man used his weight to pound into Jeremy viciously. Jeremy gagged and vomited into the pillow. The handler on his left pulled the pillow out from under his face and replaced it with a clean one. The pain continued to increase without abating. Jeremy prayed for it to be over as he heard the sobbing, broken noises coming from his own mouth. His whole being subsumed in the fiery torture administered by the customer he began to also pray would not buy him.


Suddenly it was over. Jeremy felt one more increase in his pain as the man’s cock swelled again slightly before it pumped out the sampler’s release into Jeremy’s torn and bleeding rectum. Fat Man pulled out with no more care for Jeremy than he had upon insertion. Jeremy felt as if part of him had been pulled out with his rapist.
Hot liquid trickled down the backs of his thighs. Jeremy
swallowed nausea again as his abused anus gaped open, throbbing, empty, and raw. The handlers helped him sit up and then turned to the customer.


Fat Man considered Jeremy. “No flogging for resisting right this minute. I’ll wait and do it myself when I get him home.”


Jeremy’s heart plummeted. He wondered if he committed suicide immediately after being sold, if his family would still benefit from the purchase price.  He looked at the sheets and noted the blood
stains.  Blood streaked the insides of his thighs and he could feel hot liquid continuing to leak out of him. The vomit soaked pillow lay in the corner
. The
smell rose through the air, making Jeremy gag again. His body shook uncontrollably.


A harsh tapping on the window made him remember that he should sit up. He raised his head, seeing his own
face in the mirrored wall. No one else would want him now. He belonged to the Fat Man. Jeremy began running through suicide plans in his head. He also wondered how any man could stand to be gay, if the sex was that horrific.


A few minutes later, the handler who had spoken to him earlier came in with a bowl of warm water and a wash cloth.
the window, he offered the water and the cloth to Jeremy.


“There’s a mild analgesic in the water which should help blunt the pain. I’m sorry this happened. We all know that customers aren’t allowed to sample merchandise without proper preparation. Mr. Cavenaugh paid off Ronald and the others to
let him at you like that once he found out you were a virgin. If he offers for you, a premium will be added to the price for the damage.”


Jeremy tried to say something to him, but choked on tears. He began trying to clean himself up. The water did sooth the burn a little bit, but he was still bleeding. He stood up and moved to the side taking a sharp inhale as moving caused pain to rip up inside him again. The handler stripped the bloody sheet from the bed and replaced it with a clean one.


“Will he take me to the doctor? I mean are there laws about that?”


The man hesitated before answering. “I would think that after
the amount of money he’s going to have to put
purchase he would get you some treatment; but
there aren’t
any laws.”


The handler answered his headset and looked glum. He walked over to a corner cabinet and pulled out a pair of flip-flops and a white shirt and white drawstring pants. He held them out and Jeremy took them, a cold ball of fear settling low in his belly.


“Put these on, you’ve been bought.”


“Who by?”


“They won’t tell me that, but I think it likely that Mr. Cavenaugh
bought you, don’t you?”


Tears rolled down Jeremy’s face as he fumbled the clothing on, and slipped his feet into the shoes. He looked up numbly at the handler.


“Turn around and put your hands behind your back.” His hands were securely fastened at the small of his back with plastic restraints. “I’m sorry. Wait here; a warehouse crew will be up to get you shortly.”


Jeremy sank down on the refreshed bed, defeated and terrified.
How can I live like this? How could anybody be expected to live like this?
He had a whole new level of respect for the personal slaves he had known in the past. Well, seen
. H
e had never talked to them. He thought about his friends and wondered if any of them treated their slaves so cruelly.


He hoped not. It didn’t matter now. If he ever
encountered any of those people again they would look right through him as if he were invisible. He no longer existed as Jeremy Paxton. He was now just some nameless, helpless toy. He resolved to kill himself as soon as possib




“Number 537
does he have a’ buy now’ price?” Evan tried to keep the desperate urgency out of his voice, with fair success.


“You’re the second man to ask me that in the last five minutes. Yes he does. I can let you have him for $300,000.”


“The other man, did he make an offer?”


“Mr. Cavenaugh? He has gone
to check his resources."


“I’ll give $900,000 for him.”


The auctioneer stared
, wide-eyed,
at Evan.


Well? Do we have a deal?”


How long would you need to get the cash together?”


“I have it now. You can have it wire transferred immediately.”


“Why so much?”


“Does it matter?


“No. But you should know that any overage you pay will go to the debtor family after the debts are retired and the fees and auction house pai
d. This large amount, Mr. James..
.people might not understand a citizen helping slaves disguise their true nature.”


“Thank you for your concern. Now, show me where to go to make payment and pick up my bill of sale. He’s bleeding and I need to get him to the doctor before I take him home.”


To the vet.”


“Excuse me?”


“You’ll have to find a vet. Doctors can’t treat slaves.”


bolt of anger lance
brain. He gritted his
“Fine. To the vet then.”


“Right this way, sir.”


As Evan completed the paperwork to take Jeremy home, he became
. He made up his mind to free Jeremy as soon as


“What’s this?”


“It’s a certificate for his mandatory vasectomy.”


“Why the fuck…excuse me, why does he have to have a



he girl shifted uneasily in her chair. “He’s feral. This is the second time a family member in his blood line has revealed that they are actually slave and not human. He cannot be allowed to perpetuate the blood line.


Evan hung his head,
clutching his knees tightly
. He had largely ignored the rhetoric he had been exposed to all of his life about the rightness of slavery
about slaves being actually a sub species that revealed itself through inferior behavior. To have this nonsense spouted about bright, sunny, Jeremy Paxton, sickened him to his soul. He controlled himself and accepted the certificat


“You have to take proof of vasectomy to the Slave Licensing Bureau within thirty days of purchase. I can go ahead and register him for you from here, but that has to be personally delivered,” She informed him hesitantly. Evan nodded jerkily. A thought occurred to him.


“Since I’ve made a successful offer for him, no one else has been permitted to sample him have they?”


“No sir. He’s yours. I can open him back up if you want to charge...”


“No. No. I just want to take him home.”


“You also need to know that since you have never owned a slave before you will be on probation with the Office of Slave Regulation for six months.”


“What does that mean?”


“That means that inspectors from the Office of Slave Regulation might make unannounced visits to check on Jeremy’s welfare and your ability to control him.


an digested this.


She continued, “
There will also be some
s you both will be expected to master. It’s all in the brochure.”


Evan sighed heavily. “Okay, what else?”


“Just read and sign this
and you’ll be almost done.”


Evan read the rest of the
rapidly. One of the clauses stopped him cold.


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