The Virgin Master (8 page)

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Authors: Jordan Brewer

Tags: #Gay, #Fiction

BOOK: The Virgin Master
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Steeling himself, Evan walked down and stood
by the vet’s shoulder. “Show me.”


he vet rolled back on his stool and let Evan look at the injury. It wasn’t very far up into the rectum, so Jeremy should be able to reach it easily to apply the cream. Evan nodded.


“Are you sure this is the only injury?” Evan fought to keep his eyes away
from the impressive bulge in the sheet draping Jeremy’s genitals.


Surprised by his inappropriate thoughts, Evan had a sudden memory of the glimpse he had gotten earlier at the auction house. Unwanted heat simmered in his groin.


“He’ll be bruised as well, but this is the only one I see that needs treatment. Do you want me to go ahead?”


Evan gritted his teeth.
How would a master respond to this question?
Jeremy is a significant asset, as you can imagine. I don’t think three months of care is too much to invest in keeping him active.”


The vet nodded as if Evan had finally phrased something correctly. “Okay. It shouldn’t take
the injury is pretty easily accessible.” He got out a thin, curved needle and proceeded to put in neat stitches drawing the tissue closed. He then cleaned up the rest of the dried blood on Jeremy’s perineum and thighs, withdrew the speculum, and presented Evan with three packets of powder to make the anal douche, and a prescription for antibiotic cream and an anal douche kit.


“He’ll come around in about fifteen minutes,” the vet remarked as he removed Jeremy’s IV line. “He’ll be loopy as hell. I’ll send the nurse in with a wheel chair.”


“Do you have some extra scrubs I could buy for him? The clothes they gave him at the auction house were ruined.”


“You’re really running up a bill here. Of course he
exceptional. I guess you’re hoping he’ll help you with your
, huh?”


The vet leered and laughed as he went whistling out the door. Evan saw why the vet whistled as he examined the bill for services. He felt certain that the charges had been grossly inflated
but he could easily afford it
Jeremy felt no pain and would heal. That was the goal. He paid cheerfully and waited for Jeremy to regain consciousness


length, Jeremy rolled his head toward Evan and sighed as he finally opened his eyes. When he recognized Evan he grinned
a full on grin revealing all his dimples a sparkle in his intoxicated eyes.


“Ev! What are you doing here?”


huckling with reli
ef, Evan grinned back and began unfastening
Jeremy's restraints.


all tied up? You kinky bastard!”


Evan smiled, and ruffled Jeremy’s hair. He got the new blue scrubs and helped Jeremy sit up.


“I’m naked!” Jeremy looked wide-eyed at Evan and Evan saw the second Jeremy remembered. The light died out of his eyes and face. His lip trembled and he hung his head.


Evan put two fingers under Jeremy’s chin and lifted his head to look him in the eye. “You’re going to be fine. We’re
going to be fine. I got you out of there. I paid enough that your family will all be released and have enough money to start over. I’ll find them for you tomorrow. You’re mine now and nobody will ever hurt you again. The damage has been repaired and I’m going to take care of you.”


….I mean, what do I call you, now?”


Evan sighed. “I don’t know how any of this works, yet. As much as I hate it, I guess you’d better call me ‘Master’ while we’re in public if you have to speak. We need to do some research to find out how to act.”


“Do you expect…I mean of course you expect… and since it’s you and everything,” Jeremy floundered for words, turning redder and redder.


“Do I expect you to, uh, serve me sexually? No. That’s not why I bought you. I saw you in there and I couldn’t have been more shocked.
saw your face right when they let that, that, motherfucking bastard in to your, uh, cell. You’re my friend. I have more money than I know what to do with and I have to have a personal slave for reasons I’ll explain later. I only expect you to pretend when we’re in public. I promise I will never offer you to anyone else. I really think you can be a big help to me in my business. You’ll be more of a personal assistant who never goes home
a roommate.” Evan smiled at him gently. “I don’t want you to be a slave any more than you want to be one. This is new to both of us. But…we’re both far from stupid and I think we’ll be good for each other.”


Jeremy ducked his head, and Evan handed him the scrubs and turned his back letting Jeremy slip into the clothing. He couldn’t help but see in the reflective surface of the stainless steel cabinets and glass cabinet doors. He had already had a glimpse of Jeremy’s body at the auction house


But only a
since Evan had ended up concentrating on his face, and the window had been blacked out almost immediately. Jeremy moved slowly, still under the influence of valium and versed. Evan tried not to look, but Jeremy’s body riveted his attention with its perfection. The slightly blurry reflection still showed deeply cut and chiseled flesh. Since all of Jeremy’s concentration focused on getting into the scrubs without falling over, Evan let himself look. The sheer size of Jeremy’s penis, even flaccid, stopped his breath. The man was perfect. If Evan
been looking for a pleasure slave, he couldn’t possibly have done any better.


Guilt swamped his burgeoning arousal like a gallon of water putting out a match. Rationally, Evan knew that feeling attraction to Jeremy could not be construed as cheating on Justin. Emotionally, he felt dirty and ashamed. Even though he knew that Justin wouldn’t want him to live out his life alone, Evan felt that he would be dishonoring Justin’s memory and
betraying their love if he ever felt something for someone else. Unhealthy and wrong, he knew. But it felt worse to even imagine being with someone else. Jeremy was probably straight, anyway.


At least he hoped so. Evan had gotten mixed signals from
Jeremy back at Stanford. He thought that Jeremy occasionally looked at him with some heat, but Evan had watched him, first with his fiancée and then with various girlfriends on enough occasions to be nearly sure that he had been mistaken. At any rate, it would be totally wrong to even think about taking advantage of this situation.


He remembered, with even more sharp-edged guilt, that he had felt attracted to Jeremy when he first met him. What he had with Justin was too precious to jeopardize with random flirtation, so he had acknowledged to himself that Jeremy was highly attractive and let it go. Now, legally, he could force Jeremy to do literally anything he wanted
. A
little frisson tingled at the base of his spine and his cock twitched with that thought.
What the hell! Why would that turn me on? Maybe I do need therapy. I’m absolutely not that guy.
Disturbed by the maelstrom of conflicting thoughts and feelings,
he struggled to get his face under control before he turned to help Jeremy finish fighting into his shirt.


Jeremy still grinned at him, drunkenly
and Evan
help smiling back. A nurse came in with a wheel chair and Evan helped Jeremy sit in it and pushed it himself out the back door into the parking lot. The nurse frowned and checked to be sure they were unobserved. Evan wondered how many laws and social customs he had already violated and he had owned Jeremy for less than six hours.


Chapter Seven


By the time Evan got Jeremy home, both of them were
exhausted. Evan had driven though an all- night drug store
drive-through window to get Jeremy’s prescription filled, only
to be told that the drugstore didn’t fill prescriptions for slaves.
Evan’s very frayed temper snapped and he stormed inside.
After establishing that no law prohibited the store from filling
the prescription and that they had the antibiotic cream and the
anal douche kit in stock, and that they really didn’t want him to call in a complaint to corporate headquarters, Evan left with what Jeremy needed. Evan couldn’t recall ever losing his temper like that before in his life. When he left, the pharmacy tech had been dead white and trembling. Evan had been bright red and trembling.


Jeremy had mostly recovered from the versed by the time they finally got to the James Enterprises, Inc. building
. T
he pain started to kick in and he struggled to walk. As they entered the lobby, Evan wracked his brain trying to think of some way to shorten the distance Jeremy would have to walk to get to his
, uh, their,
apartment. He helped Jeremy gently sit down on one of the leather sofas in the foyer and walked up to the security desk, where he was surprised to see the head of security manning the desk.


“Hey, Mark.  Where’s Duke?”


“Mr. James! Duke’s daughter had her baby this
afternoon and I couldn’t get anybody else to take this shift, but I don’t mind.
You’re out late. Is there something you need?”


“Yeah. This is going to sound a little bit odd
o we have a wheelchair?”


“Huh. No. Not that I’ve ever seen.”


Evan’s mind raced. Then he had a silly idea. “Well I know we have a dolly ar
ound here somewhere, don’t we?


Uh…yes sir.”


“Would you mind getting it for me?  I know you’re not supposed to leave the desk…but, it wouldn’t take long, would it?”


Mark gave him a weird look as he stood up. “No
in the janitor’s closet at the end of the hall.”


“Well, that’s fine, don’t get up, just give me the key to the closet and I’ll go get it, then.”


Mark handed him his master key card without a word.


“Who’s that on the sofa?”


“Jeremy. My new personal slave. He got injured and I just brought him home from the vet.”


“You’re going to try to take him upstairs on the dolly?”
. “Do you have him chained up?”


“Nah. There’s no need for that, with this guy.”


Evan hustled down the hall, anxious to get Jeremy upstairs and in bed. So he could rest. And h
eal. Firmly blocking out images
of a naked Jeremy, he unlocked the janitor’s closet and easily located the
dolly. Relocking the door, he rolled it back to the foyer and returned Mark’s key card. Mark still
struggled to hide his amusement


“That’s a lot of man you got yourself there, sir.”


. “Sure is.”


He rolled the dolly up to
Jeremy, who looked at him, and
then at the dolly. Evan spoke quickly. “See? Stand on the plate and lean back; I’ll roll you to the elevator and down the hall to our apartment.”


Jeremy laughed and then moaned because laughing hurt
. But he kept
grinning up at Evan who smiled like a fool right back. Evan helped hoist Jeremy to his feet and Jeremy obediently stepped up on the plate
Evan tilted the dolly back slowly, making sure that Jeremy’s back was supported and that nothing hit his sore rear. Jeremy still snickered as they passed the security desk. Mark smiled.

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