The Wait: Belonging to the Bear (BBW Werebear Erotic Romance) (Mates of the Walkers Book 3)

BOOK: The Wait: Belonging to the Bear (BBW Werebear Erotic Romance) (Mates of the Walkers Book 3)
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The redhead had just resigned herself to her fate and taken a few steps down the street towards her apartment, when heavy breathing and pounding footsteps sounded behind her. She whipped around, a familiar warmth flooding her core even before she could see who it was. Her lips twisted into a hopeful smile, seeing the flustered form of the big man rush down the street towards her. When he stopped before her, just a small distance from her, she felt a sudden calm brush over her. It didn’t matter that he was a werebear, he was just the man she had always imagined him to be. Though, of course, she would be properly wounded at his tardiness.


“I’m so sorry I’m late, Tara,” he said, his breath heavy and his chest heaving. Her gray eyes rolled over him, noticing that he had changed his clothes since last she saw him (well, being nitpicky, she had last seen him naked, but still). Colden was wearing new jeans and a proper blue button-up shirt, the tiniest hint of a white undershirt and a tuft of brownish chest hair peeking out behind two unbuttoned buttons at his collar. It made her a bit embarrassed that she had not thought to change, but she hoped he would not mind too much.

“I thought you weren’t coming,” she said with a small voice. The man tilted his head and exhaled deeply, his hands clutching her arms. She gasped, her eyes widening. They had never touched before and it was as if lightning strikes of heat and lust coiled through her, starting from his fingertips on her skin.

“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.” There was no room in his tone to doubt his words.





Copyright © 2015 Anya Nowlan

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


The Wait: Belonging to the Bear

BBW Werebear Erotic Romance Short

All rights reserved.


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Anya Nowlan
. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material is prohibited without the express written permission of the author.


Cover image © DepositPhotos, user curaphotography, jukai5






















Tara’s neck burned under his watchful gaze. She knew he kept a close eye on her and it always made her stomach flutter with millions of butterflies. Tara bit her lip and did her very best to keep from peeking over her shoulder at the broad-shouldered, hazel-eyed devil she knew to be at the corner booth. Instead, she focused on spreading a friendly smile on her lips as she stopped to refill a cup of coffee for one of the other regulars at Mae’s Diner. Tara chatted merrily with the elderly couple, discussing the weather and the upcoming Summer Festival that everybody looked forward to. In a small town such as Auberville, Colorado, there weren’t that many things to get excited about. Any kind of festivities would do.


When she spun about on her heel to head back behind the counter, she caught a glimpse of Colden, sipping on his steaming black coffee and reading the town newspaper. She bit her lip slightly, averting her eyes and busying herself with preparing another pot of coffee. If there was one thing that there was never enough of at the diner, then it was good strong coffee. Most of the people of the town were simple folk. They either worked at the nearby mine or logged for a living, meaning that there was never a shortage of tired, muscled men in loose plaid shirts and worn jeans around the only eatery for 20 miles. Tara liked the place she worked at and the people that frequented, though she had to admit that perhaps she liked Colden the best of all.


She had only been living in the town for about a year, having come all the way from Chicago at her aunt’s beckoning. Auntie Mae had lost her husband to a heart-wrenching battle with cancer and now that she was alone, it kept getting more and more difficult running the small but successful diner on her own. There weren’t a lot of young people around town and she could hardly afford matching their salaries from more physically grueling work, so help was in short supply. Tara, however, had jumped at the chance. She hated living in the city and her heart had always belonged to the great outdoors, so moving to the depths of Colorado seemed like the best idea she had heard in a long, long time.


Ever since starting to work for her aunt, Tara had learned to expect certain things. She expected the first eggs of the month to be three days late because the farmer was a bit of a boozer and got his first check of the month then. She also expected the cook to be a happy sing-songy nuisance every now and then, his joviality getting in the way of his work. The flash floods were a given and it didn’t scare her none to come across an animal or two on her way to work at dawn. But, most of all, she had come to expect seeing Colden Walker at the corner booth every morning at 6 sharp. He never disappointed.


They had barely said a word to each other over the year, aside from careful small-talk when she brought him his meals. He didn’t strike her as particularly brooding, but there was something about him that just made her tongue-tied and more nervous than a cat in a rainstorm. Every time she looked at him, her cheeks would flush with a tint of pink and her core would tighten and twist, driving forth a hunger she had never felt for any man before. It was confusing and a bit unnerving, but she had the feeling that the man shared her nervous attraction. It was in the way he looked at her and the long lingering glimpses he gave her when he thought she wasn’t paying attention. Auntie Mae had made a bit of a game out of all of it – spot when Colden Walker is drooling over the pretty waitress again. Tara was almost expecting the dastardly old minx to start a coin jar for each glance he gave her. She kept saying that it would fill up right quick.


Day in and day out, she hoped that the man would break through his shyness, or she hers, and ask her out. The sensation of her lungs seemingly contracting every time she had to share a few words with him made her head spin and the constant expectant teetering over the edge just made her blood-pressure rise and her heart beat like a jackhammer. If she didn’t know better, she’d think she was having a heart attack from just the thought of standing closer to the bear of a man.

This is no way to live,
she thought to herself miserably, pursing her lips as she picked up Colden’s waffles from the window. He liked them with extra whipped cream and syrup and honey slathered all over them. It looked like the express train to diabetes, but she thought it was kind of adorable that he still ate like a boy, despite being quite a bit more than any man she had met.


Colden had dirty-blonde hair and eyes that could see right through lies. His wide chest and impressive height made him tower above any man in town and Tara always felt like a tiny little speck next to him. Rippling muscles twisted under his skin, his arms tanned and coarse with work. She could just imagine them dragging up the hem of her shirt, sliding across her soft stomach until reaching the very edge of her breasts…

Oh, stop it,
she said to herself, a frown knitting across her brows.
Show some backbone.
But really, she didn’t feel much like having a steadfast stance against the mesmerizing man. She wanted him and had done so for a long time and it was starting to wear her down. Tara had never been the kind of girl to lust after someone, let alone someone who looked like they could move a mountain just as a daily chore. Yet, something about Colden had gotten deep under Tara’s skin and she couldn’t rid herself of thoughts of him.


She had tried to make it casual when she asked about him and his family from her aunt and friends, but there was no fooling them. After vigorous teasing, they had parted with the few nuggets of information they had about him. Colden and his two brothers all lived in the mountains, far away from the towns and nestled so deep in the forests that no one but themselves could really find the cottages. While the youngest of the family, Callum, and the eldest, Caleb, were a rare sight in Auberville, Colden had made a point of coming down each morning. No one really knew much about the three striking men, other than that they didn’t seem to need to work for money, but were always there if someone needed a helping hand or a supportive shoulder. Almost every family had a story to tell about how one or all of the Walker brothers had shown up at just the nick of time to save them from a harrowing disaster. They were also known jokingly as the Bear Brothers, as for some reason there always seemed to be grizzly sightings near the Walker boys.


Colden seemed to like working as a lumberjack, so he often went to help out one of the smaller logging companies in the region. He never accepted pay, yet he had the best work-ethic of any man in the county – and Colorado men were no slouches! All of that was, of course, of little help to Tara, though she appreciated the curious glimpses into his life. Careful deduction had led to her deciding that the man must be single, as after a year one would assume that if he had a girlfriend, she would have accompanied him at least once. That bit of knowledge made the curvy redhead feel a bit better. She had seen Callum in town a while ago, a bright-eyed auburn-haired girl on his arm, and she could only hope that Colden shared that particular fascination with fiery-haired girls.


Of course he does, you’ve seen the way he looks at you,
Tara told herself as she rounded the corner of the counter and made her way over to Colden’s table, her hips swinging with forced seductiveness. It made her blush even harder, but she couldn’t really help it. Just being around the man made her behave like a silly teenager. She made it to his table and Colden looked up at her, the tiniest hint of a smile dancing on his lips. It made her gulp drily, a smile forced forward to match his. Tara was entirely preoccupied by the sound of her heart pounding against her chest, worried that he might hear it.

“Here’s your usual, Colden. More coffee?” she asked, immediately battering herself for the shrill note of over-eagerness in her voice. Colden seemed to catch it and his smile crept wider, the man nodding.

“Yes, please.”


Tara breathed easier as she turned her back on him and went to nab the coffee pot, but the return was made that more harder. This time, Colden wouldn’t hide his gaze. He eyed her the entire short way back from the counter, keeping his steady hazel eyes fixed on her luscious form. Tara thought she would melt into a puddle right in front of him and was surprised to find that she was still in a solid shape when she poured out the coffee. She paused for a moment and Colden quirked a brow at her, a devilish smirk planted on his expression.

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