The Weaker Vessel: Woman's Lot in Seventeenth-Century England (110 page)

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Authors: Antonia Fraser

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Great Britain, #Social History, #General, #Modern

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Book of Common Prayer
Book of Martyrs, The
booksellers, female,
Boston (Massachusetts),
Bourchier, Elizabeth (Betty)
Denbigh, Countess of
Bourgeois, Louise,
Boutel, Betty,
Bowen (Roger Fulwood’s accomplice),
Boyer, Abel,
Boyle, Lady Anne (‘adored Valerie’),
Boyle, Lady Katherine
Ranelagh, Katherine Viscountess
Boyle, Lady Mary
Warwick, Mary Countess of
Boyle, Robert,
Boyle, Roger
Orrery, Earl of
Boynton, Sir Mathew,
Bracegirdle, Anne,
Bradstreet, Anne,
Brailsford, Mabel R.,
Brampton Bryan Castle,
Brangton, Mrs,
Brathwaite, Richard,
see also
Brereton, Sir William,
Brett, Richard,
Bride-Bush, A
Bridewell prison,
Bride-Woman Counseller, The
Bridges, Major John,
Bridgwater, Elizabeth Countess of (Lady Elizabeth Cavendish),
Bridgwater, siege of,
Bristol, Anne Countess of (Lady Anne Russell),
Bristol, George Digby Earl of,
Brittaine, Mabel,
Brocksoppe, Joan,
Broghill, Lord
st Earl of
Bromley, Sir Rupert,
Bromley, Sir Thomas,
Brooke, Dr Jeremy,
Brooke, Mr,
brothels (bawdy houses),
Brouckner, Henry,
Brown, Tom,
Browne, Robert,
Brownlow, Elizabeth,
Brownlow, Sir John,
Brownlow, Sir William,
Bruce, Lady Diana (Lady Roos),
Bryne, Albertus,
Buchanan, George,
Buckden Fen,
Buckingham, Duchess of (Lady Catherine Darnley),
Buckingham, Duchess of, wife of
st Duke,
Manners, Lady Catherine
Buckingham, George Villiers
st Duke of: favourite of James I,
; role in marriage of Frances Coke and Sir John Villiers,
; seizes Purbeck estates,
; favourite of Charles I,
; marriage to Lady Catherine Manners,
; assassination predicted by Lady Eleanor Davies,
Buckingham, George Villiers
nd Duke of,
Buckingham, John Sheffield
st Duke of (Earl of Mulgrave),
Bullen, Thomas,
Bullock, Jane,
Bun, Mary,
Burford mutiny,
Burgoyne, Sir Roger,
Burman, Lydia,
Burnet, Bishop Gilbert,
Burton, Henry,
Burton, Robert,
Burton, Sarah,
Bushin, Betty,
; Joan Dant and women pedlars,
; prominence of dissenter women,
; examples recorded by Pepys and others,
; Mrs Constance Pley,
; Bridget Bendish,
Butler, Charlotte,
Butler, Samuel,
Butler, Mr,
Byron, Sir John,
Byron, Lady,
Byrth of Mankind, The
(manual for midwives),
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic
Calverley, Sir Walter,
Cambridge (England),
Cambridge (Massachusetts),
Cambridge, Mayor of,
Camden, William,
Campion, Goodwife,
Campion, Thomas,
Canterbury, Archbishop of,
Capel, Arthur Lord,
Care-Cloth, A
Care, Henry,
Carew, Anne,
Carew, John,
Carey, Philadelphia (Philadelphia Lyttelton),
Carey, Thomas,
Carisbrooke Castle,
Carlile, Joan,
Carlisle, Margaret Countess of,
Carnarvon, Elizabeth Countess of (Elizabeth Capel),
Carnarvon, Mary Countess of,
Caroline (Queen of George II),
Caroline (Queen of George IV),
Carr, Lady Anne (Countess of Bedford),
Carr, Robert
st Earl of
Carteret, Sir George,
Cartwright, William,
Cary, Sir Lucius
nd Viscount
Castleton, Lord,
Catherine of Braganza (Queen of Charles II),
Catherine v. Surrey,
; convents,
; and Mary Ward,
, nuns,
; and sequestration,
; and ‘Popish Plot’,
; and birth of Old Pretender,
Cavendish, Lady Anne,
Cavendish, William Lord (later
st Duke of Devonshire),
CCXI Sociable Letters
Cecil, Lady Anne (Lady Percy),
Cecil, Lady Elizabeth,
Cecil, Lady Frances,
Cellier, Elizabeth (Elizabeth Marshall),
Cellier, Pierre,
Chaderton, William (Bishop of Lincoln),
Challinor, Francis,
Chamberlain, Doll,
Chamberlain, John,
Chamberlen, Dr Hugh,
Chamberlen, Dr Peter,
Chamberlen, Peter the Elder,
Characters of London
Charles I, King,
; and Frances Purbeck,
; and Roger Fulwood,
; trial and execution of,
; and Lady Eleanor Davies,
; and Brilliana Lady Harley,
216–17; and Jane Whorwood,
; and escape of James Duke of York,
; issues proclamation against depravity of army,
Charles II, King,
; Battle of Worcester,
; his mistresses,
; and Lady Eleanor Davies,
; appearance,
; Restoration,
; on love and marriage,
; at wedding of Mary of York,
; and Rye House Plot,
&n; at divorce hearing of Lord and Lady Roos,
; and Catherine of Braganza,
; and education,
; and Elizabeth Hooton and the Quakers,
; and navy,
; visits Henry Cromwell,
; on mistresses of Duke of York,
; death of,
; and Nell Gwynn,
; and the theatre,
; birth,
; and ‘Popish Plot’,
; and Meal-Tub Plot,
Charles James, Prince (son of Charles I),
Chartley Manor,

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