The Wedding (7 page)

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Authors: Lexi Buchanan

BOOK: The Wedding
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Lily and Michael where sitting on a private jet on their way to Molokai, one of the Hawaiian Islands.

One evening leading up to the wedding Michael had started to ask Lily questions about her parents. It was during that conversation when she’d told him her parents had been
to Molokai for their honeymoon many years ago.

Until they’d clim
bed aboard the jet and been airborne, she’d had no idea what Michael had planned and needless to say when he’d told her, she’d burst into tears. He’d held her in his lap while her tears flowed.

Eventually calming down she’d managed to tell him how much it meant to her, being able to spend their honeymoon in the same place that her parents had.

In all honesty he really had taken her breath away with his choice of destination.



When he’d told Lily their honeymoon destination he’d known beforehand that she would be emotional, but she’d taken him completely off guard with her floods of tears, which had taken nearly ten minutes to dry up.

When she’d spoken about her parents and her love for them he knew then and there that there was only one place they could spend their honeymoon. Within twenty-four hours of that conversation everything had been booked and confirmed.

“You’re deep in thought.”

“Hmm.” He pulled her down into his lap.

“I’m so overwhelmed, Michael. I can’t believe you’d think of something like this.”

Michael grinned and waited for her to realize how what she said sounded.

Then it clicked. “I didn’t mean. I mean. Oh God.” She kissed him. “I love you and I didn’t mean that how it sounded. It’s just that nobody has ever done anything so…wow for me before. Thank you for loving me.”

“Oh babe. I’ll love you always.”

The End


Prologue for Rapture, Book 2


Michael and Lily’s Wedding Reception

The Prologue takes places alongside the Epilogue in Seduce and Chapters 6, 7 & 8 of The Wedding.


Lily had looked stunning when she’d walked down the aisle towards
his nervous as hell brother, Michael.

and his brothers had spent most of the day having fun at Michael’s expense, which probably hadn’t helped any with Michael’s nerves.

grinned, thinking back to the four of them, asking him what he’d do if Lily had cold feet and ran. Michael had gone white and dropped rather abruptly onto the chair behind him. Lucien had made for the exit, only to have Michael ask him where he was going. They’d all had a good laugh when Lucien, replied, ‘he was going to go and ask Lily to run off with him’. Eventually, their mom had appeared and clouted them all across the back of their heads, like she used to do when they were kids, and put a stop to the teasing. Yeah, their mom still had it in her to keep them all in order, despite the fact that the five of her sons towered over her these days.

The fact was
, you only had to look at Lily with Michael to see how much she loved him.  They were ‘it’ for each other, and with Lily being pregnant, well, that was an added bonus. One he was actually looking forward to – being an uncle.

Spotting Lily
alone for the first time during the day, he walked over to her. “Hey, beautiful.”

“Sebastian, you look handsome
,” she replied, giving him a hug.

She stepped
back and continued to look at him – and looked at him some more. Sebastian had taken his jacket off, which left him in the white silk shirt Lily had instructed them all to wear. Not that he was complaining because without the jacket it showcased his abs, which he’d gotten through hard labor, working the job sites of their company, McKenzie Holdings.

Lily was
really having a good look at him.

“You eyeing me up?”
he asked grinning.

I’m trying to decide who I need to introduce you to.” She grinned.

“No, you’re not going to introduce
me to…” he trailed off, his gaze coming to rest on a woman across the way. “Her.”

She was breathtaking as she walked out of the marquee. One of the most beautiful women
he’d ever seen with a tall slim build. Her long dark hair, fell in curls down her back, and over her shoulders to her full breasts.

“Ah, Sebastian,” Lily said.

“Who’s she here with?” He needed to know. “Lily, who is that bodacious babe with?” He’d never been so desperate to meet someone before, especially a woman who had ‘commitment’ written all over her.

snickered.  “You did not just call her a bodacious babe?  How old are you?  Seventeen!”

“Trust me, no horny seventeen year old boy would be thinking of doing what I’m t
hinking of doing to her.” What he wanted to do to her wasn’t going to be spoken out loud in front of Lily. Michael would kill him if he said any of that to her.


“Bill and Ted’s,” Sebastian replied, not really listening.


“Never mind.   You haven’t said who she’s with.” He couldn’t take his eyes from her.

“You need to keep your
zipper up.  She’s here with Ramon.”

I thought he was gay.

Michael had come up behind them
, and started to laugh.

“How can she be with Ramon?”
That wasn’t possible.

“Well, I guess our brother i
s finally serious about someone and Lucien needs to get his facts straight in future,” Michael replied.

“She can’t be with him.  Are you sure?”

“I’m sorry, but she is,” Lily told him.

he was walking towards them, and all Sebastian could do was watch. He felt frozen to the spot.


Carla had
walked out of the marquee to look for Ramon, who had disappeared on her. With a quick look around, she spotted the same good looking guy that she’d had trouble keeping her eyes off during the wedding ceremony. He’d been standing at the front with the groom, so she’d presumed he was one of Michael and Ramon’s brothers. She knew he wasn’t Lucien, because she’d met him on arrival so he was either Ruben or Sebastian.

Before she
could head in any other direction her feet started to take her towards him. He hadn’t taken his eyes from Carla, which made her nervous and also sent tingles, where she shouldn’t have tingles, considering she was with his brother.

When she
was a few feet away from Lily, Michael and the delicious guy, she focused her gaze on Lily. “Hi Lily.  Do you know where Ramon is?”

I’ve not see Ramon for a while.”

Lily looked to her husba
nd then back to Carla, all the time she was conscious that Michael’s brother was still looking at her.

“Let me
introduce you to Sebastian, Michael’s brother.  Sebastian, this is Carla.”

turned towards him and froze. Never in a million years had she reacted to anyone the way she was reacting to him. His eyes held hers in some sort of trance.  She was unable to look away.

He leaned forward and took her
hand into his. “Carla, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”  His voice melted her insides.  “Are you really with Ramon?”

His questi
on jerked Carla back to her senses. What the hell was she doing being drawn in by Ramon’s brother? Her life was too
complicated as it was without Sebastian adding to it. “It’s great to meet you, but I better go and find Ramon.”

As she
dashed back towards the marquee, Carla prayed he didn’t follow, because she wasn’t sure she’d be able to keep her hands to herself. He had her turned inside out.

Back inside the marquee, she
grabbed a glass of champagne and quickly gulped it down before grabbing another one.  Over to the left, towards the back, she spotted a vacant table, which she made her way to, and hoped to hide for a while and maybe spot Ramon.

The wedding had been beautiful, and Lily had looked amazing in her wedding gown. She really had been a glowing bride. When Michael had seen Lily for the first time she’d noticed his eyes fill with unshed tears.

She wanted that one day; someone to love her unconditionally. Someone she could love as well, who’d look at her the way Michael all ways looked at Lily.

Carla shook her head of his image; it wouldn’t do her any good to keep thinking about him. Instead she smiled to herself, remembering when she’d been at the ranch house with Ramon as the wedding cake had arrived, much to Michael’s embarrassment. She’d spent about an hour trying to work out why a wedding cake would embarrass the groom. The cake had four layers with scarves made out of confectioners’ sugar around the base of each one. Nothing whatsoever embarrassing; until she’d managed to get Lily alone and asked her about his reaction. Lily had snickered and told her it was the scarves, and to use her imagination – which she had!

“Carla, I’ve been looking for you. I’m just going to help Ruben finish getting his car sorted, and then we’ll leave. Is that, okay?” Ramon quickly asked.

“Yes, that’s fine,” she replied to his back.

The band that’d been hired for the day was very good, and had certainly entertained the guests – young and old alike. They had started to entertain the more amorous guests, by playing the slower, romantic songs.

Michael was leading Lily onto the dance floor, and then he took her into his arms as the singer announced it was the last dance of the evening. He started to sing ‘I Don’t Want to Miss A Thing’,
the original having been sung by Aerosmith.

Carla smiled, standing up to leave, and practically walked into Sebastian. She lifted her eyes to his, not able to look away. She stayed frozen to the spot.

“Dance with me Carla. I know you’re with my brother. I don’t like it, but I respect it. Please, just one dance.”

Without waiting for a response he stepped close and placed one hand on her hip before caressing her face with the other.

Carla inhaled, rubbing her cheek against his palm as a shiver racked her body. She needed to leave, and quickly. Because all she wanted was to stay here with this man, but she wouldn’t break her promise to Ramon. After everything he’d done for her, she just couldn’t let him down. He was counting on her…



Book 2, McKenzie Brothers



Sebastian meets Carla at his brother Michael’s wedding to Lily, Carla being the guest of his brother Ramon.

He’s never in his thirty-four years had such a strong attraction to a woman. Oh, he’s felt instant lust before, more
times that he cared to remember, but there’s something about Carla that’s different and he finds it difficult to get her out of his head, which is where she needs to be considering she’s dating his brother.

Carla has been pretending to date Ramon for a while now to keep a violent ex of hers away and to keep Ramon’s family off his back. They’ve been friends for a couple of years, so it was only natural that they’d help each other ou
t, except she hadn’t bargained on falling for Ramon’s brother, Sebastian.

She had four months left of her agreement with Ramon, so she was counting down for the time when she could finally be free to see where the ‘something’ between Sebastian and her could go, but the brothers had an agreement ‘no dating a brother’s ex’.


Somehow, I don’t think it’s going to be plain
sailing, especially when Jacky, gets involved.

catch up with the rest of the McKenzie’s as they welcome the twins to the family.


Books by Lexi

Bad Boy Rockers


Spicy (Jan 2014)


McKenzie Brothers


The Wedding (Novella, July 2013)

Rapture (Oct


Jackson Hole

From This Moment

When we Meet

New Beginning (2014)


Holiday Season

Under the Mistletoe (Dec 2013)


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The Wedding,
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Lexi Buchanan Author

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