The Wells Brothers: Luke (16 page)

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Authors: Angela Verdenius

BOOK: The Wells Brothers: Luke
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Coming back around the corner of
the mansion, he saw that two of the trucks had left while the third was still
being packed.  But he saw something else that made his eyebrows draw together.

Standing at the bottom of the
steps was a golden-haired man with a flashing smile.

The bloody pharmacist.  And beside
him stood Mikki, laughing at something he’d said.  What the hell was the
pharmacist doing here?  Oh yeah, sniffing around Mikki’s heels.  And by the
looks of it, she was enjoying the way he was practically eating her with his

No doubt those eyes had dollar
signs in them.

Luke’s eyes narrowed, his
annoyance shifting into downright irritation when Mikki laid a hand on Mark’s
arm as she leaned forward a little, telling him something that had the drongo’s
head flinging back, his laugh filling the air.  Right before he patted her

The jerk was flirting with her.

The little sheila was enjoying it,
too, making no move to shift away from him.

Time to break this little soiree



Chapter 6


Shoving the pencil behind his ear,
Luke strode forward, rolling the papers up in his hands.

Trotting beside him, Dog looked
from Luke to Mark, letting out a little bark.

Both Mark and Mikki turned their
heads, their amusement fading as Luke neared.

Mark nodded, held out a hand. 
“Luke, isn’t it?  I don’t believe we’ve met.”

Luke took his hand, gave it an
extra hard squeeze.  Call him childish, but when he really wanted to smack the
bloke in his handsome dial for being so handsy with Mikki, a hand-crushing was
pretty mild.  “Yep.”  And then he swivelled so he stood next to Mikki, slinging
an arm around her shoulders as though he did it every day.

He fully intended to, and a whole
lot more, but right now he was staking his claim and making damned sure the
golden boy saw it and understood. 

Call it a caveman attitude, he
didn’t give a shit.

Eyebrows rising, Mark looked from
Luke’s arm to Mikki’s face.

Good, Mark got the message.

With an affable grin, Luke tugged
an astonished Mikki into his side.  “So, baby, what’s going on?”

Incredulously, she stared at him.

He grinned back down at her.

“So, um…” Mark shifted his gaze to
Mikki.  “You and Luke…?”

“N-” she began.

“Yep.”  Luke dropped an
affectionate kiss on top of her head, ignoring her stiffening.  “So, Mark, what
are you doing here?  Delivering something?”

Shifting back a step, Mark slid
one hand into the pocket of his neat dress slacks.  “Just popped in to see how
you were all settling in.”  He glanced briefly at Mikki, his smile forced.  “I had
offered to show Mikki around, thought I’d come by and see if she was ready to
accept it.”

around?  Wow,
that’s awfully kind of you.”  Luke jumped when Mikki reached behind him and,
out of sight of Mark, gave his arse a savage pinch.  Shit, even the jeans
didn’t soften that pinch, probably because they were old and worn thin.

  She made to step away but he
strengthened his hold.  Trying not to make a scene but let him know her
displeasure, she glared up at him and said through gritted teeth, “Isn’t there
something you need to be doing? 

Oohh, his Red was annoyed.  Luke
winked at her.  “Apart from spending a lovely day with my Red?  Nope.”  And
then he paid her back for the pinch by giving her a smart smack on her curvy
bum before quickly wrapping his arm back around her shoulders while informing
Mark cheerfully, “So Mark, it was real nice of you to come all the way out here
to invite us to check out the sights.”

Man, he did enjoy the way golden
boy shifted uneasily, moving further back while clearing his throat.

“Yes, well…” Mark managed a laugh,
looked at his watch, made a surprised expression.  “Oh dear, look at the time. 
I need to return to town or I’ll be late for work.”

Mikki started forward.  “Oh, but-”

Luke yanked her back.  “What a
shame.  Well, no doubt we’ll run into you in town.”  Time to rub the claim in
good and proper.  “Actually, I think I may need to make  a little trip to the
pharmacy for a packet of…you know.”  He glanced down at Mikki and winked.

She had a right to look
uncomprehending - probably because she looked like she wanted to murder him but
was trying to maintain some dignity by simply letting the anger burn in her

“A packet of what?” Mark asked,
fishing the keys to his flashy car out of his pocket.

.  There was no call
to be that stupid.  Luke looked incredulously at him and mouthed, “Condoms.”

Cheeks flushing a little, Mark’s
jaw tightened, a flinty look crossing his otherwise handsome features before he
nodded jerkily.  “Oh yeah.  Anytime.”

Bet he nearly choked on that. 
Luke smirked, pulling his sunglasses down his nose as he watched Mark get into
his car, start it up and drive sedately out of the driveway and onto the road
leading to the main road.

No sooner was he out of sight than
Mikki wrenched out from beneath Luke’s arm, swinging to face him furiously,
those gorgeous green eyes sparking, those lush lips tight.  “What the hell,
Luke?  What the hell are you doing?”

Luke slid the sunglasses back up
his nose.  “You’re a little annoyed, I can see-”

, I’m more than a
little annoyed!”  Hands on hips, she glowered.  “What are you playing at,
making us out to be-”  She stopped as one of Yorick’s workers passed her
carrying a small stool with a ratty top that was once a beautiful piece of
tapestry.  No sooner had he disappeared into the back of the truck than she
started again.  “Why did you hint that we-”

Amused, Luke adjusted his
sunglasses as the worker appeared, walking down the ramp and up the steps back
into the mansion.

“Damn it, Luke Wells, I don’t know
what you’re pl-”  Fuming, she stopped as the second worker came out carrying a
box with who-knew-what in it, though it must have been precious going by the
slow, careful way he was walking.

Several times she tried to have a
go at Luke, but each time someone either came out or went into the mansion
until finally, refusing to yell at him where everyone could hear or see, Mikki threw
up her hands and stalked into the mansion leaving Luke and Dog watching her
departing back and tantalizingly swaying hips.

Woman had curves enough to make a
man’s tongue fall out of his head.

“Yep,” Luke drawled, “guess she’s
a little mad.”

  Man, any other woman would have
been thrilled for him to stake a claim, but Mikki?  Not so much. And damned if
that didn’t please him.  She didn’t fawn over him, jump to do his bidding, or
be all saccharine sweet.  Nope, she was fiery, temperamental, and altogether a
delightful spitfire.

God, he was lucky to have realised
just how much he enjoyed her presence before he’d lost her to some other man.  Not
going to happen now.

Of course…
Luke rubbed his
jaw thoughtfully.  Now she was mad at him, and while that could be entertaining
- he really was a sick puppy like Blue accused him - it wouldn’t make her see
him in a better light.

Time to put out the fire.

Well, not the carnal fire, or the deliciously
hot fire, just the temper fire.  The carnal fire he would happily stoke into a
full-on inferno.

Entering the hallway, he saw
Yorick and Elspeth standing at the base of the staircase, Yorick holding a
clipboard on which he was writing notes while Elspeth stood beside him with a
small camera, obviously recording everything that left the mansion.  Smart

As he entered, she gave him an odd
look, almost speculative.  Shit, she’d obviously seen Mikki’s anger.  For a
second he wondered if she’d let him have it for upsetting her niece, but
instead she gestured with her head towards the staircase.

Luke pointed upwards.  She shook
her head.  He pointed to the right, she shook her head.  Okay, what was she
trying to tell him?  He held out his palms in a ‘where’ gesture, she rolled her
eyes and said, “Mikki went up to the tower.”

Oohh.  Privacy.  Good plan.  He
started towards the little alcove at the back of the hall beside the staircase,
only to have Elspeth add, “Good luck.”

That made him falter.  Looking
down at Dog, he said, “Stay here.  I think we might get burned.  I don’t want
you singed.”

Dog sat, cocked his head to one
side inquiringly.

Luke grinned ruefully.  “I think I
might have over-stepped a boundary.”

Dog cocked his head to the other

“What would you know?  You’re a
dog.  You live to have your belly rubbed.”

Dog barked and scrambled off
towards the hallway leading to the kitchen, no doubt to see Duchess in her
cage.  Sure as shit he’d get a better reception from the delighted kitten than
Luke would from a seething Mikki.

His Red had a bit of a temper to
match all that glorious red hair.  Mind you, he had to admit that he
kind of pushed some boundaries, been a bit juvenile even, probably could have
handled it a little better in hindsight.

Opening the door leading to the
winding staircase up to the tower, Luke debated his choices.  Leave her up
there to stew and hope she got it out of her system, or go up and talk to her? 
He rubbed his jaw thoughtfully.  Nope, he couldn’t leave her seething, that
wouldn’t tip the odds in his favour.  He’d acted like a bit of a dick - he
could admit that - so now it was time to show her he could be reasonable.  Be
an adult.  Be responsible.

Placing his sunglasses, roll of papers
and pencil on a stone shelf that jutted partly out of the wall, he took the
steps with renewed determination.  At the top, he found the manhole open and
climbed up, glancing around to see Mikki standing on the other side, her arms
folded, her back to him as she stared out over the landscape.

No sooner had he stepped out than
she said tightly, “I don’t want to talk, listen or see you.”

Okay, he could accept that. 
Crossing the space between them, he wrapped both arms around her and pulled her
back against his chest.

She stiffened before whirling
around to shove him away.  “What are you doing?”

“You said no talking, listening or
seeing.”  He smiled engagingly.  “So I went with feeling.”

“Are you
?”  There
went those hands slamming onto those curvy hips.  “Luke, tell me what the hell
you were playing at down there!”

Hooking his thumbs into his jeans
pockets, he maintained an easy stance.  “I have a perfectly good explanation.”

“Well I’d sure like to hear it!”

Man, she was pretty, all hot and
bothered and fiery.  Would she be like that in bed?

Forcing himself to concentrate on
the task at hand, he drawled, “I want you.”

Her mouth fell open.

Actually, now that the words had
left his mouth… “That sounded better in my head.”


“Sounded better.  In my head.” 
Luke ruffled his fingers through the back of his hair.  “Not so good when it
came out.”

“What did you say?”

Really?  She wanted him to admit
that again?  Still, if it meant cooling her anger… He shrugged.  “Sounded better-”

“No, you idiot.”

“Little harsh, Red.”

“I meant, what did you say before

“Oh.  You mean the wanting part? 
Sure.”  Luke flashed her a winning grin.  “I want you.”

Okay, he didn’t expect her to
throw herself at his feet and kiss his sneakers with gratitude, but the sheer
astonishment on her pretty face followed by horror was totally unexpected.

“Jesus, Red.”  He frowned.  “Could
you at least look like I hadn’t just spat into your cup of tea?”

She recovered quickly, he’d give
her that.  Mikki’s mouth opened, closed, and then she said, “

“Yes,” he replied a trifle
impatiently.  “Yes, I want you.”  Hells bells, how could he make it any

She turned away, turned back, ran
her hand over her face before sighing.  “Luke, you idiot.”

“Now look, I realise this has come
as a surprise-”

“That’s putting it mildly.”

“It came as a surprise to me,
too.  But trust me-”

“Stop.”  Walking forward, her face
softening, she placed a hand on his arm, looking earnestly up at him.  “I know
you think Mark is after me for the money Aunt has-”

“He is, but that’s not the point.”

“And in your own cockamamie way you
think you’re protecting me-”

“With my life.”

“But really, Luke, I don’t need

“Wait.”  He realised what she was
saying.  “I don’t think we’re on the same wavelength here.  I-”

“You can be really sweet in a
totally daft way sometimes.”  Her smile was unexpectedly gentle.  “Thanks,
Luke, but I promise you, I’m fine.”  With that, she turned and started towards
the open manhole.  “You don’t need to pretend to make me see the truth, I know
he’s a gold-digger.”

Dumbfounded, Luke stepped
forward.  “Mikki, wait-”

“Pretending you want me.”  She
gave a little laugh.  “Snowball’s chance in hell.”

He’d have been insulted if it
wasn’t for one thing - the hint of sadness in that laugh.  It was that that
propelled him forward, his arm shooting out to wrap his fingers around her
wrist.  “Red, stop.”

With a sigh, she started to turn
around.  “Luke, it’s okay, really.  I understand.”

“No,” he said, “you don’t.”  And
with that he yanked firmly, bringing her stumbling into his arms which he
wrapped around her, pinning her to him so he could gaze down into her startled
face.  “You really don’t,” he added softly.  “But you will.”

Words weren’t working, so he kissed
her.  He’d meant to be gentle, sweet, but one touch of her lips and he was a
goner.  He moulded his lips to hers, ran his tongue demandingly along the soft
seam of her lips, and when she opened on a soft moan he swept inside that warm
moistness.  Immediately her taste flooded him, the essence of her sweetness
filling him.  Combined with her soft body in his arms, those enticing curves
pressed to his harder, leaner, muscular frame, her scent tantalizing, his
senses went into overload.

Suddenly unable  get enough, he
kissed with a hunger he’d never felt before, a hunger that burned through him,
seared his blood, flowed like molten lava through his veins, pooled low in his

Never in his life had he ever
reacted so fast to a woman’s touch, reacted so strongly to her kiss, sucked her
scent in so deeply as though trying to imprint her on his soul.

When those lush lips moved beneath
his, when she sought his taste, his own essence, fire danced beneath his skin,
sparking in delicate areas, a thin rope of heat coiling in his shaft,
stretching and stiffening, filling with need.

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