The Wells Brothers: Luke (17 page)

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Authors: Angela Verdenius

BOOK: The Wells Brothers: Luke
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He kissed her harder, one hand
coming up to cup the back of her head, fingers twining into the thick hair,
pulling out the tie holding her hair up until all those silken tresses spilled
over his hand in a fiery, silken fall.  Bunching his hand in her hair, he angled
her head to deepen the kiss, taking more of her mouth, more of her, ravaging the
delicate moistness almost ruthlessly.

Mikki met him kiss for kiss, just
as hungry, her hands sliding beneath his t-shirt, nails raking lightly down his

He reciprocated, only more
directly.  One hand beneath her t-shirt, he found her bra and without further
preamble delved under it to cup that generous globe in his hand, pressing his palm
against her nipple, feeling it already hard, needing.

In answer, she pressed her breast
into his hand, a moan slipping from her lips

Any lingering thought in the back
of his mind fled beneath the evidence of her desire.  He moved back only enough
to slide the long-sleeved shirt from her shoulders before finding the waistband
of her slacks and hooking his thumbs into them.

Mikki didn’t hesitate, didn’t push
him away, her fingers finding the snap of his jeans, the zipper, and then his
jeans were gaping open, his shaft not so confined, able to swell more freely.

Within seconds he had her slacks,
panties and sneakers off, she had his jeans around his knees, and Luke brought
her down to the floor, using her shirt to cushion her head.  No sooner was she
on her back beneath him than he shoved her t-shirt up to reveal the lacy bra,
unsnapped it expertly to release those globes, groaning in hot desire as the
luscious breasts were bared to his gaze.

Without hesitation he latched onto
one pert nipple, sucking the pink bud deep, feeling Mikki arch beneath him,
push up, her hands twining in his hair.

God, he loved these little
nipples, loved the way they hardened, pebbled, swelled through his mouth’s
ministrations, loved the way she cried out when he placed the flat of his tongue
against the very top of the tender flesh and rasped across the tip backward and
forward, driving her higher.

Her knees bent, his hips lodging
neatly between her thighs in a fit so natural it was like coming home.

His shaft throbbed, the head so
close to her entrance, and he released her nipple to rise up on his arms so he
could look his full of her.

Lying beneath him, eyes like green
pools of heat, lips swollen and red from his kisses, all that silken hair
pooled around her head, Mikki looked like a siren.  His siren.  His Red.

He could have gazed at her like
that for much longer but with a soft moan of need she reached for him, coming
up to kiss him, nip at his lips, to plead wantonly, “Please, Luke.  Please. 
Take me.”

Just about blew his mind.  Near on
blew his load, too.  The damp heat of her womanhood beckoned to him, and it was
a miracle he remembered to rip his wallet out of his pocket.  Pulling out the
condom, he gripped the corner of the packet in his teeth.  God knew how he
managed to rip the foil open, but by some miracle he managed to do it without
biting the bloody thing in half.

Coming up onto his knees, he
fisted the condom over his shaft, the action combined with heatedly watching
Mikki come up onto one elbow to watch him do it, her eyes when she lifted them
to Luke’s so hotly carnal, making him half expect to burst out of the latex.

Miraculously, he didn’t.  But he
did come down over her fast, nudging her thighs wider apart, positioning
himself at the entrance to her body, feeling the heat of her secrets.  A flex
of his hips, the hot cream of her body coating the tip of his shaft, and he
found her opening unerringly, pushing forward hard and fast, burying himself

Beneath him Mikki bit her lip, her
head tipping back as she stretched around his girth, her body welcoming him,
her cavern gripping him, making him work as her muscles clenched hard around

He almost saw stars, closing his
eyes as he stilled, braced on his hands, arms straight, muscles bulging as he
took his weight, letting the sensation of being deep within her hot, lush body
fill him.  Glorying in it.

Slowly he moved, drew out a
little, rocked back in, feeling his Red’s body give to him, accept him.  He
pulled further out, rocked further in, felt those deliciously rounded thighs
grip him tight as she bent her knees in an effort to keep him inside her.

Opening his eyes, he looked down
into hers, kept their gazes locked as he started to pump in and out of her in
long, slow, steady strokes.

Each stroke was a lick of fire,
each pump one of erotic sensation.  He wanted to stay like that, looking at
her, ardour binding them together in their own little world, so lost in each
other’s eyes, each other’s heat, but his body had different ideas and by the
feel of her inner muscles, so did hers.

Lunging up onto one elbow, she
slid her hand behind his nape, kissed him hotly, demandingly.  And she stayed
like that, partially supported by her elbow, curved up so she could kiss him
while he rode her.

It should have been bloody awkward. 
Instead it was damned hot, mostly because it kept him from stretching above
her, from strengthening his strokes, from going deep, and her taunting laugh
made it clear she knew.

The dominance that rose in him was
unexpected.  He’d felt it before, but the women he’d been with had let him take
the lead, had simply taken what he’d given.  None had taunted him, none had met
him so hotly, so decadently, none had fired his blood, brought out the darker
side of his passion, his desire, made it rake through him with such voracity.

Mikki brought it out.  Brought it
out, encouraged it, met it with her own heat, her own desire, riding the
passion with him.

In an abrupt move he pushed her
back down, even in the midst of his lust ensuring her head didn’t hit the
floor, his hand cushioning the back of her head before he slid his palm out,
capturing her wrists and pinning them down each side of her head, holding her
down for his pleasure, her pleasure, their combined pleasure.

He couldn’t stop the small, dark,
satisfied smile at the sight of her pinned beneath him, at the resistance he
felt as she pushed against his hold, the burn of her eyes letting him know she
loved this, loved him using some force.

Some.  He’d never use more, never
push her further than she was comfortable.  Always he’d watch out for her
pleasure, her need, he knew it, knew it in the baser part of his soul, knew it
in the present, knew it in his heart.

Mikki was his.

His Red.

The knowledge buried deep, fuelling
his desire, the burn of carnal lust riding him as hard as he was now riding
her, his hips thrusting hard as he pounded into her.

Fire raked along his spine,
plunged deep into his sac, blooming with prickling, almost painful heat as his
shaft plunged through the delicate folds of her body, plundered the depths of
her womanhood, tunnelled strong and deep.

A shift of his hips, a change of
angle, and he knew he’d hit that magic spot inside her by the way her fists
clenched, her body shuddered, the catch of her breath.  He pounded the spot,
tormented it, giving her no relief, driving her higher.

Luke’s heart beat hard in his
chest.  He knew when  the passion overtook Mikki, saw the green of her eyes
darken so much more, the hunger in them burning, her teeth catching her bottom
lip as she flung her head back, her curvaceous body undulating beneath his, her
hips rising to match his tempo.

He craved her, wanted to stay
inside her forever, wanted to keep her a part of him, be a part of her, but
nature had its own course and he automatically moved faster, harder, as sexual
desire overwhelmed him, filling him, coiling up from deep in his sac to ribbon
through his shaft in a hot, fiery rope as he thrust hard into her - once,
twice, arching up, hips pressing into her, jerking as he pushed deeper and deeper,
spilling into the latex, wishing for the first time in his life that it was
deep into a woman’s body instead.

Into Mikki’s body.

Wishing in that split second
between exploding desire and burning ardour that nothing separated him from her,
that they were flesh to flesh.

Then the orgasm took him, shoving
him out, raking him back, throwing him over the edge, Mikki’s following orgasm
making her inner muscles clench on him, squeeze his shaft, throw him out into
glorious, exploding fire.


A slight breeze ruffled Luke’s hair
as he sat on the floor of the tower, one knee bent upright, his forearm resting
on his knee, his other leg bent on the floor, leaning on one arm as he watched
Mikki finish dressing.

Pulling on her sneakers, she tied
the laces slowly, her back to him, head bent to concentrate on the task at
hand.  When she finally finished, she kept her knee drawn up, her back
partially to him, her face turned away as she gazed out at the few clouds scudding
across the peaceful sky.

In the distance a truck could be
heard starting up and driving away, Elspeth calling to Dog to come inside, then
nothing but the sound of birds.

When the silence grew too long, he
said quietly, “Mikki?”

She turned her head enough to
glance at him over her shoulder.  “Yes?”

The uncertainty was clear to hear,
the blush in her cheeks and the way her eyelashes lowered to hide her eyes
enough to let him know that she was ueasy.

Well, hell, that wasn’t what he
wanted after making love.  He preferred to snuggle, but then this wasn’t his
usual conquest.  Mikki wasn’t a conquest at all, she was special.  “Red, come

This time she did turn around,
coming onto her knees, sitting back on her heels to look him full in the eyes. 
She looked delightfully rumpled, from her t-shirt that was a little crumpled,
to her hair which flowed over her shoulders and down her back in wild red

Uncertainty was written all over
her face.  “What was this, Luke?”

Observing her carefully, he kept his
features calm, reassuring.  “This was us.”

Hands unconsciously flexing on her
thighs, she glanced away, glanced back.  “There’s never been an ‘us’.”

“There is now.”

Mikki slid a sideways look to the
open manhole and for a split second he thought she’d jump to her feet and run. 
Fully prepared to follow, he relaxed again when she instead returned to
regarding him out of those fathomless green eyes.

When she started to nibble her
bottom lip, still swollen and red from his kisses, his gut tightened a
fraction, a little spurt of heat shooting through him, but he ignored it, concentrating
on her emotions and not his own over-sexed libido.

Reaching out with one hand, he
said encouragingly, “Come here.”

She shook her head.

“Red, you look like you think I’m
going to pounce on you.  I’m not.” 
Yet.  Definitely later, though.

“I just…”  She pushed a thick
swathe of hair back from her face.  “I’m not sure what happened.”  At his raised
eyebrows, she amended, “I mean, I do know what happened, but not why.”

He curled the fingers on his
extended hand in a ‘come here’ gesture.

Mikki sighed.

He simply repeated the gesture.

With another sigh, she dropped to
her hands and knees and crawled across the small distance separating them.

Jesus, if she knew what that sexy
crawl did to him, seeing those sweet curves dip and slide so smoothly, her eyes
on him, those wild curls spilling over her shoulders.  There was something
almost primitive in the way she came towards him, a little wary, a little
resigned, all woman.

It made the dominant side of him
want to reach out and simply take her, drag her to him and protect her from
everything, replace that wariness with contentedness.

Banishing that urge, he waited
until she was near enough before taking her hand.  “Turn around and sit down.”

She stared up at him for several
seconds before obeying, turning to sit in front of him. 

“Shuffle back.”


“Shuffle, Red.”

It was a telling moment when she obeyed,
her bottom fitting up against his hips and lower abdomen, her back to his
chest, his knee on the floor bending more so that his thigh ran along the
outside of hers as she straightened her legs.

He placed his mouth at her ear. 
“Lean back.”

Immediately she baulked.  “I’m too

“No.  You’re not.”  Sliding his
arm around her waist, he eased her back against him, her warmth seeping into

She held stiffly upright, but when
he ran his hand up and down her arm soothingly she relaxed a little.  Shifting
his hand to the base of her neck, he pressed and massaged, working the tight

Their position meant he could see
her profile clearly, their closeness hopefully reassuring her.

“Luke,” she finally murmured, “I
don’t want you to think I normally do this.”

“Do what?”  He watched the sun
tint the gold among the red hair sliding across the back of his hand.

“What we did.”

“Have sex?”  He was amused at her
wording.   “You can say it.  I swear you won’t be hit by a bolt of lightening
from Heaven for saying the word.”

“Very funny.”

He grinned.

“Fine.  Sex.  I don’t have sex
with a man I’ve only just…”

“Just met?  You’ve known me for
several years.”

“We’ve never been a couple.”

Satisfaction oozed through him. 
“We are now.”

That had her head snapping around
quickly.  “Are we?”

Growing serious, he regarded her
soberly, ceasing the kneading motion to rest his hand between her shoulder
blades just below her nape.

Her gaze was searching, intent,
seeking an answer.

He’d seen her happy, mad, annoyed,
amused, and now in the throes of passion, but her seriousness was another
emotion he realised he’d never noticed.  With the freckles sprinkled across her
nose and upper cheeks, a question in her eyes, he realised that he quite liked
this side of her as well.  So many facets to people’s moods and emotions, but
experiencing Mikki’s pleased him, pulled at something deep inside him as she
looked to him for an answer.

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