The Wife of a Lesser Man (LA Cops Series Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: The Wife of a Lesser Man (LA Cops Series Book 1)
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Shelley rolled her eyes.  Matt saw a cab in the distance heading into the parking lot.  He hailed him over.  Sarah was still on hold and was relieved to press the hang up button.

Shelley felt strange sitting in the cab.  She knew nothing about this man and wasn’t sure if he felt any attraction to Sarah.  It made her slightly uncomfortable wondering if he was still planning to make a pass despite her being married.  He seemed harmless enough; he had a trusting face, the type that might appear on the cover of a boy band CD.  Since he sat up front with the cab driver, she trusted he had no ulterior motives.

The bar was only a few minutes away from the community centre and there was little conversation on the way.  Sarah and Shelley kept exchanging girlish glances at one another.  Shelley felt compelled to take out her cell phone and begin texting Sarah in the back of the cab to see what she was thinking.  She would have paid a million dollars at that moment to know.

When they arrived at the bar, Matt paid for the ride and hurried himself out of the taxi so he could open the door for the girls.  Shelley returned his smile as he opened her side first and she wondered if it was a random decision.  Sarah exited the cab while he rushed over to hold the door open for Shelley as she entered the bar.

They chose a table close to the bar, almost in the middle of the room.  The ambience was slightly dark, somewhat romantic with soft lighting at each table and a disco ball directly above them illuminating in a random pattern.  There were mirrors flanking the upper half of each wall, which helped add lighting and give the illusion of depth.  At each table stood a vase beside a paper lamp.  The vase held a small flower arrangement.  Sarah touched the flowers and confirmed they were silk.

Each round table had seating for four. Matt arranged the chairs so they could all sit together, leaving a single chair for the girls’ handbags.  Shelley offered Sarah the chair beside Matt and she winked a thank you in response. 

Sarah wasted no time.  “So I couldn’t help but notice your tattoo.  Where did you get it done?”

Matt looked at his right bicep and grabbed some of the skin to get a closer look, as though he’d never seen the tattoo before.

“Oh this?  I got that a couple years ago.  Went to Vegas with a friend and got really drunk.  It was done on a dare.  Thankfully it was a nice job. I don’t regret it.” 

“So you’re a Leo then?”  Sarah asked, touching the tattoo seductively.

Matt hesitated, taking note of her touch, said, “Yes, I am.”

Shelley rolled her eyes and was thankful the waitress arrived with the drinks.  She took her wine without offering to pass Sarah hers and took a large gulp.

After Matt retrieved his beer he took his wallet out of his pocket and paid for the drinks.  He looked over at Shelley as Sarah took a small sip and asked, “How’s the wine?”

Sarah was about to answer when she noticed Matt’s eye contact with Shelley.  “I’ve had better and worse,” Shelley answered casually and then took another sip.

“Would you like something else?”  He offered and began to raise his hand to hail down the waitress.  Shelley shook her head while swallowing and said, “No, no, it’s fine.  Really.”

Sarah sneered, realizing Matt hadn’t asked how
wine was.  Shelley caught the look and furrowed her brows.  Sarah ignored the questioning glance and instead ordered another wine and excused herself to go to the ladies’ room.  Shelley followed.

“Is there something wrong?”  Shelley asked, catching the metal door before it slammed in her face, Sarah didn’t bother to hold it open for her.

“No, nothing’s wrong,” Sarah replied, a hint of anger in her voice.

“Bullshit!  You’re behaving like a child!  Let’s have it!” 

Sarah quickly checked the stalls to see if they had company and then lowered her voice. 

“He likes

Shelley recoiled.  “Whether he does or not is irrelevant,” she said, jamming her wedding ring finger in Sarah’s face.  She suddenly felt the effects of the wine and had no trouble responding to Sarah. 

“That’s not the point!”  Sarah exclaimed. 

“Okay, then what is?”  Shelley’s hands were on her waist and their faces nearly met.

“I’m not used to this.” 

“Used to
?”  Shelley asked, returning to her normal tone.

“You….suddenly being….I don’t know…..a competitor.”  Sarah struggled to find the words.  Her hand motioned up and down Shelley’s body as if she was introducing her as Bob Barker’s showcase showdown prize.

“What do you mean?  I’m not
with you!”  Shelley said in exasperation.

“Well…I know you’re not
….at least not intentionally.” 

Shelley waited while Sarah licked her lips and shook her head.

“I feel like if I make a play for him, that I’m…well, first of all....going to
, since he likes
….and, second of all…..stepping on your turf.  It’s been years since I felt like I had to check with you before going for a guy.” 

Shelley laughed.  “Oh my god!  That is so ridiculous!”  She bent over and grabbed her crotch so she wouldn’t wet herself, leaning on Sarah with her other hand. 

“What is so funny?”  Sarah half laughed.

“You!  This!”  Shelley was still laughing, letting go of her crotch.

“Oh please!”  Sarah scoffed.  “I saw the way you drooled when you watched his ass the other day.  And you admitted you haven’t been laid in a while.  How do I know you don’t wanna hop in the sack with this guy?”  Sarah removed Shelley’s hand from her shoulder with a smack.

“Oh stop it!”  Shelley couldn’t catch her breath from laughter.  “You’re killing me!”  Her face was red and there were tears beginning to form in her eyes.  “I’m gonna wet my pants if you say any more!” she said as she stumbled into the stall beside Sarah.

Sarah waited until Shelley came out and joined her at the sink.  “So you’ve never thought about it?”

Shelley finished washing her hands and walked to the hand dryer.  “Thought about what?” 

“I know this is crazy, and totally out of character for you.  But, what if Mark can’t ever…you know…and Matt or
anyone else
should offer?  You wouldn’t think about it?”

Thankful she’d already had some wine, Shelley answered hesitantly.  “I’ve never thought about being with anyone else, no.  I’ve only ever thought about Mark whether I’m with him or alone.”  She paused, searching for more words.

Digesting the information, Sarah picked up on something and brightened.  “What do you mean
?  You mean you’ve……?”  Sarah put one hand on her breast and the other at her crotch and mimicked masturbating.  Then she smiled and nodded, encouraging Shelley to confess.

Shelley turned red and half smiled.  “Well, yes…..I told you it’s been a while.”

Sarah’s mouth opened wide and she gasped, then she looked down, “Not so vanilla any more are we?”


Matt rose as the girls returned, but at the same time he gave them a concerned look. 

“Everything ok?”  He asked, pulling out Shelley’s chair for her.  As Matt’s back turned, Sarah slid a glance Shelley’s way.

“Oh yeah, you know women…we take forever in the bathroom.”  Sarah commented.

“I’ve heard of that.”  He smiled.

“I took the liberty of ordering another drink for you both.  I hope that’s ok.” 

“Bottoms up,” Sarah said, clinking her glass with Shelley’s and Matt’s.

Shelley swallowed as though she had just ingested syrup.  “Whew!  That’s
last glass.” 

Sarah leaned toward Matt, “She can’t handle her liquor.” 

Matt smiled again.  “Do you ladies come here often?”

“Not as much as we’d like.”  Sarah laughed, clinking her glass against Shelley’s again.

“Oh no, you’re just the bad influence here.  I drink very casually,” Shelley declared matter-of-factly.

“I didn’t take you for a drinker.  You seem very in tune with your body.  You know what it needs,” Matt said in support.

“I do try to take care of myself.  I’m trying to
others,” she said, passing a guilty look at Sarah.

“That’s what I like in a woman,” he said with a gentle pat on her back.

Sarah was irritated.  She looked directly at Matt and asked bluntly, “So how come you’re still single?” 

He seemed to have expected the question, “It’s my choice,” he answered flatly.

“Have you been married before?”  she continued.


“Dated many women?”

“That depends on your definition of
.”  Sarah pondered a moment, taking a sip of wine. 

men have
dated?”  Matt asked boldly.

Sarah looked at him like he had one too many sets of balls.  “That’s
of your business.” 

“It’s a fair question.  You asked me the same.”

“It isn’t
to ask a

Matt smiled.  “Forgive me.  I don’t mean to offend.” 

Shelley’s phone suddenly beeped.  Mark was leaving her a text message.  She reached over beside Sarah and took her phone out of her purse.  ‘Be home super late babe.  Don’t wait up.’  She responded ‘Don’t work too hard.  Love you.’

“Was that your husband?”  Matt asked.

“Yes.  He’s working late,” she said, the disappointment registered on her face.

“Well, it looks like a dance is about to start.  Are you girls interested in sticking around?”  Matt offered, noticing the DJ setting up. 

“It looks like they’re about to rearrange and boot us out of our table anyway.  Shall we go closer to the bar?”

“Guys….I don’t know about this…..I’m sorry but this is too weird,” Shelley admitted.

Sarah had a smirk on her face.  She wondered how long Shelley would stick to this scenario.

“What is weird?  We’re just having a drink and filling time since Yoga was cancelled.”  Matt’s hands were outstretched and his eyebrows lifted slightly.  “Did you tell your husband where you were?”


“Why not?”  Matt asked, half laughing, like her admission was ridiculous.

“I will later.  It’s no big deal.” 

“Well then….stay,” Matt said earnestly.

“He’s right Shelley.  I mean, what’s the big deal? 
with you,” Sarah interjected.

The waitress approached and asked them to change seats so they could clear space for the dance area.  Shelley looked at her watch as they rose.  It was only 8:30pm. 

Her head felt light as she stood, trying to make up her mind.  The room was fuzzy and her focus blurred.  She suddenly realized her attack of conscience was silly and waved Sarah’s comment away.

“Fine,” she said, as though Sarah asked for the last piece of pizza.

Matt looked pleased.  He led them to a table by the bar and strategically moved two chairs out at the same time to accommodate both girls simultaneously.

“Can I get you another drink?”  Matt offered.

“Just water please.” 

He looked over at Sarah, who was finishing the last of her wine.

“No, I’m okay for now.  But now I really must go to the washroom.” 

“Okay.”  Matt laughed.

Sarah walked away and Matt turned back to Shelley, who was helping herself to some beer nuts at the bar.  “Tiny bladder?”  he asked with his head pointing towards the ladies room.

“No, she didn’t go before….girl talk.”  She explained, scrunching up her nose.

Matt nodded and motioned to the bartender to bring him another beer. 

“I take it you really don’t drink very often, do you?”

“I had a few last week with Sarah and she’s right. I can’t handle my alcohol.” 

“I’d say.  You’ve only had two glasses of wine and you look like you’re ready for bed.” 

Shelley guffawed.  “I’ve also had a long day at work and I was up early this morning.”

“What do you do?”  Matt asked as the bartender delivered his beer.

“I’m a teacher.  What about you?”

“I’m actually a student at the moment.  The plant I used to work for shut down and the government offered me funds to train in a related field.”

“Oh yeah?  What are you studying?”

“I’m taking engineering.  I’ve seen so much of it that the degree is just a technicality, but they won’t give me a job unless I’ve got the credentials.”

“Impressive.”  Shelley nodded.

“What does Sarah do?”

“She owns a jewelry store downtown.”  The bartender brought her a bottle of water and she took a long sip.  Matt waited until she finished.

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