The Wife of a Lesser Man (LA Cops Series Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: The Wife of a Lesser Man (LA Cops Series Book 1)
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“So it looks like she has a thing for me.  Am I right?”  Matt’s head motioned towards the bathroom again.

“Yep.  But you know you’ve pissed her off right?”

“I never would have guessed.  But I don’t get it.  What did I do?”

“It’s not what you’ve done, it’s what you haven’t.”

Matt furrowed his brows and turned his body towards Shelley’s.

“You’re not sending her any signals.”

“Really?  Who am I sending signals to?”  he asked.

“Me.  And I’m married, so that pisses her off.” 

“Ah.  She doesn’t like a challenge.  I’m completely opposite.”

Shelley looked straight at him.  “So that’s why you are sending me signals?  Because you know I’m married and you can’t have me?”

“No.  I’m sending you signals because you’re beautiful, smart and know what you want.  A woman like you doesn’t come along every day.  The fact that you’re married doesn’t bother me.  Like I said, you know what you want.”

Shelley didn’t know whether that was a yes or no.  She was too tired to argue and Sarah was on her way back so she thought it best to drop the subject.

“You know what guys, I’m too tired to dance. I’m gonna head home.” 

“I’ll call you a cab,” Matt offered.

The bartender overheard and explained that there were phones at the entrance with a straight line to the local cab company.

“I’ll walk you out,” Matt said.  Sarah’s eyebrows lifted and she waited for Shelley to give eye contact. 

“Thanks Matt, but I’d like a word with Sarah before I head home if it’s all the same to you.”

Matt bowed his head in assent.  “I’ll see you later then.”

Sarah followed Shelley to the entrance.  “Oh look, there’s a cab right there.”  Sarah observed as two people exited the vehicle.

“Oh wow, I forgot my purse!”  Shelley exclaimed as she felt her shoulder for the strap.

“I’ll run in and get it,” Sarah said as she trotted back into the bar. 

“Where you headed?”  The cab driver asked, sticking his head out the window.

“Just up the street.  Five minutes.”  She gave him the address and he punched it into the gps.

Shelley stood outside the cab waiting for Sarah to return when suddenly Matt ran out with her purse in his hand and a smile on his face. 

“Her shoe broke.”  He laughed.  “She’s trying to fix it so she doesn’t kill herself,” He explained, handing her purse to her.

“Did she fall?  Is she okay?” 

“She’s totally fine.  The bottom part let go of the top part.  Essentially they’re flip flops now,” he said with his eyes affixed on her neck.

She looked down while placing her fingers at her neck.  Matt came closer and put his hands on her waist.  When her head lifted, he was nose to nose with her.  Before she could think about it, he gave her a soft kiss on the lips.  She had no room to recoil and wasn’t sure she wanted to, but even if she did she was pressed up against the cab. 

Her face registered confusion.  “Just doing what the necklace said,” He explained, pointing at her neck. 

He let go of her waist and walked back a step.  “See you later.” 

Shelley swallowed and watched as he walked back into the bar.  She was stunned.  The moment lingered in her mind for a moment as Matt disappeared.  Sarah suddenly appeared at the doorway, holding her broken shoe in one hand and her purse in the other. 

“It looks like I’ll make the worst dance partner.  Mind if I hitch a ride with you?”  She asked, hobbling with uneven footsteps. 


“What’s wrong?  You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” 

Shelley blinked and waved her head from side to side.  “No, I’m fine.  Just tired.” 





























Chapter 14


Andy hung up the phone just as Mark approached.  He took a seat in the chair beside the desk and leaned in as if he was about to tell Andy a secret.

“How’s everything with Charlie?”  Mark said with his voice lowered.

Andy sighed and raised his eyebrows, shaking his head slowly as he exhaled.  “Things are not looking good.  She’s in the hospital now indefinitely, too weak to handle more chemotherapy.  Charlie’s a mess.”  Then he made a fist and put it in front of his mouth as though he needed to clear his throat.  “The man cried on the phone.”  Andy’s eyes met Mark’s.  “I’ve never heard another man cry except my father when I was a kid.”  He shook his head and Mark gave him a gentle pat on the shoulder in exchange for words.

“We’ve got a problem,” Mark said, scratching his nose and running his fingers through his hair nervously.  Andy looked up as if to say ‘well what else could go wrong?’

“A bullet casing was found.  Not by Charlie’s crew.”

“Oh shit.”  The colour drained from Andy’s face.

“Yeah.  Reed’s mother found it in with her stuff.”

Andy leaned his head back and closed his eyes tightly.  “Jesus Christ.  And she’s a real bitch, too.”  Andy knew because he had taken some calls from her when Mark wasn’t available.

“That’s not the worst part.”  Andy’s eyes widened.

“She gave it to someone real green over at WNYU radio station.” 

“Holy fuck.”  Andy’s head shook from side to side slowly.  “What the hell are we going to do?” 

“Well luckily it was the lady Lipkus snubbed at the conference so she’s on our side.”  Mark noted how odd that sounded considering he was working with Lipkus on these cases.  “I’ve made a deal with her and she’s on her way now with the evidence.”

“Is there any more good news?”

“Actually yeah,” Mark said, brightening slightly.  “We may have a person of interest.”  Andy looked at Mark like he’d said something ridiculous.  “A person of interest?  From where?”

“Reed’s old friend came across a picture of some unknown guy.  She’s sending it over now.”

Andy gave him a look like he had just tasted something that was enticing.  “Are you heading over to Jacqueline Kent’s place to take a better look?”

“I think that’s best. Care to join me?” 

“If it’s all the same to you I’ll hang around for the evidence and pic.  I’d like to follow that and make sure nothing goes wrong.  We don’t need any trouble right?” 

Mark shook his hand from under the table.  “My sentiments exactly.” 

Richard walked by with some coffees in his hand and offered them to Mark and Andy.  “You ready to go?  Andy, you coming?”

Andy nodded and took a sip.  “Na, you guys head out.  I’ll stay here and babysit.” 


“I’m having a deja vous,” Richard said as they pulled up to Jacqueline Kent’s house.

“Don’t you have one of those every day?”  Mark asked, looking at Officer Nelson standing at the door of the house.

“It’s freakin eerie man.”  Richard half laughed.

Richard nodded towards Nelson.  “Did you bring the smelling salts?”

“Sure, I always have them on hand.  I know I’ll need them when you come with me to the morgue.”

Richard was thinking of a witty comeback and hesitated.  “Wait, we’re not going there are we?” 

“Is Lisa not staying over tonight?  You know?  In case you have a nightmare?”

Richard sneered.  “Seriously.”

“I can’t promise anything,” Mark said.  ”Geez, and you were making fun of Nelson!  Who’s the bigger baby?  You’ve got at least ten years on him, you pussy!”

“Well then take
to the morgue!”

Mark slammed the door in mock disgust.  “How’s it goin’ Nelson my boy?” 

“Very well sir, thank you.  And you?”  Nelson saluted Mark without eye contact. 

“Same here.  You can take a break if you like, son.  But do me a favour and keep our visit under your hat okay?”

“Sir, yes, sir!”  Nelson said abruptly.

Richard nodded to Nelson on his way in and Nelson returned the sentiment.

“Did you see a wet spot on his pants?”  Richard said to Mark under his breath.

“No, but you’re going to see my foot print on yours if you don’t lay off!”  Mark said, handing him a pair of rubber gloves from the box at the entrance door.

Mark and Richard stood at the doorway, putting their gloves on.  “You’re right,” Mark said.  “This
deja vous.”

“I told you.” 

“Yeah.  Okay, let’s go look in the bedroom,” Mark suggested.

Richard followed and noted along the way that it looked like Charlie’s crew had removed just about everything from the scene.  Even the couch was gone.  “Jesus.  They were
thorough this time.” 

When they entered the bedroom, Mark concurred.  The room was a mess.  All boxes had been opened, everything had been removed from the wall, including the dressers and night tables.  It looked like the place had been ransacked. 

“Well, there isn’t much we can do here except head back to evidence and see what was bagged.”

Richard nodded.  “Good thing Andy stayed back.”

“I’ll send him a message.  He can head over to evidence if he isn’t there already.”


“Oh, here’s the Chief now.  I’ve been dodging calls from Lipkus since you left, fyi.”  Lisa said as Mark entered the office.

A familiar looking young lady was waiting at front reception, chatting with Lisa.

“Chief Tame, I’m sure you remember Peggy Beck,” Lisa said.

Mark extended his hand to Peggy.  “I sure do.  It’s a pleasure to see you again.”

“Likewise.  I hope I’m not being pushy, but I’m on a deadline.  I wonder if you have your person of interest yet?” 

Mark looked at Lisa, who shook her head from side to side.  “No, we’ll need a bit more time for that I’m afraid.  Once evidence processes the finger print we’ll have a better idea.”

“Can I give you my card?”  She said, quickly grabbing one from inside her purse and handing it to him.

“Sure.  I’ll give you a call once we know something.”

“Oh, thank you so much sir, you won’t regret it.  I promise.”

Peggy extended her hand to Mark and just as she grasped it, Lipkus entered the office.

The tension in the room was palpable.  Mark remained cool, but Lisa and Peggy looked like they had each swallowed a golf ball.

“Good afternoon, Lieutenant,” Mark said in a welcoming voice.  Lipkus saw them shaking hands and it took a moment for him to recognize Peggy’s face.  When he did, he glared at Mark. 

“Any news for me Chief?”  he asked as though he already knew.

Mark thought quickly.  He was thankful he’d spoken with Monica Sutherland earlier.  “As a matter of fact, we’re just waiting on a picture.  We may have a person of interest.” 

Lisa’s face relaxed but Peggy’s didn’t.  She gave Mark a puzzled look and he caught it quickly.  “We’ll be in touch as soon as we have word, Miss Beck.”  He smiled at her and led her to the door. 

Lipkus was no fool.  He saw the exchange and sneered at Mark.  “So how did Miss Beck know about this picture, and why did she come all the way over here when you didn’t have any news for her?” 

Mark closed the door while his mind raced.  “Nobody’s been available to answer calls.  She needed something for their six o’clock story.  She’s had nothing since the conference.”

Lipkus was stung by the reference.  “Maybe if she did better research, she might be able to expand on existing details.” 

“No need, we should have something by then.” 

“So where’s this picture?” 

Mark looked at Lisa and she quickly responded, “Ms. Sutherland emailed it to me just a moment ago.  I’ll need to get back to you as it needs work before we can run it through the system.”

“Be sure LouAnn gets contacted on that ASAP,” Lipkus demanded as he walked out the door. 

Mark shook his head.  Lisa took a deep breath.  “Any luck over at Reed’s?”  she asked.

“Nope.  Have you had a look at the bullet casing yet?”

Lisa shook her head and walked over to her desk.  She knelt down to her drawer and opened it.  The grey velvet box was still in the resealable sandwich bag which it had been delivered in.  She hadn’t even marked it for evidence yet. 

She handed it to Mark.  Richard approached from behind with some rubber gloves and gave them to Mark.  When he finished putting them on, Richard looked up at him as if they were about to make a toast.  “Here goes nothing.”  He said as Mark opened the bag and slid his hand inside.

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