The Witch's Dream - A Love Letter to Paranormal Romance (Black Swan 2)

Read The Witch's Dream - A Love Letter to Paranormal Romance (Black Swan 2) Online

Authors: Victoria Danann

Tags: #vampire romance, #vampire, #paranormal romance romance, #werewolf, #steampunk, #chick lit urban fantasy, #order of the black swan, #werewolves, #witch, #shifter romance, #shifter, #victoria danann

BOOK: The Witch's Dream - A Love Letter to Paranormal Romance (Black Swan 2)
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The Order of the Black Swan, Book 2


A love letter to Paranormal ROMANCE.


by Victoria Danann











Copyright 2012 Victoria Danann

Published by 7th House at Smashwords




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Cover image: Collage of royalty free image
s from shutterstock, purchased for commercial use.

"Never Gonna Give You Up" performed by Rick Astley, written by Peter Waterman, Mike Scott, and Matt Aitken, published by BMG UK, 1987.






Praise for Amazon Best Seller
My Familiar Stranger





This book was a ride!
I simply cannot say enough great things about Victoria Danann and the genius that is
My Familiar Stranger

- Between the Bind.



"If I could write like this I would never do anything else… "

- Books, Books, and More Books


"I do see shades of Lara Adrian's
books and shades of J R Ward's
Black Dagger
books but this story is unique enough that it stands out all on its own and can stand up alongside those other books and I think given time will elbow them out of the way with the rich storytelling and deep emotional core."

- Musings of a Bookworm


"I have read many vampire novels over the years, some good and some just plain awful.
My Familiar Stranger
is a breath of fresh air to the vampire genre that has been done to death thanks to the overrated Twilight series.
My Familiar Stranger
has an original plot. I thought it was pure genius that the author would set the book in a parallel universe. The characters are all likeable and the dialogue is snappy."

- Coffee Addicted Writer


"Created with a deft hand, each character is so well developed and defined that their voices are unique and specific, although their development is gradual, as befitting of plot and action. The rest of the story is just as well-crafted, almost to the point that you aren't 100% certain that the world described is not just outside your door. The author has done a stellar job in creating the world, those who live within it and a story-line that both compels you to read as you rush through to see just what happens next..."

- Booked and Loaded



"This book is not the usual paranormal story that I am used to reading. It is way better. ... There are many surprises and in this reviewer's opinion this book had it all."

- The Paranormal Romance Guild

My Familiar Stranger
was a wonderfully engrossing paranormal romance with just a dash of science fiction that grabbed me from page one and didn't let go! Ms. Danann absolutely knows how to get a series going."

- Bitten by Paranormal Romance

"Let me just say I am (im)patiently awaiting the next installment. I loved this story. I loved how Ms. Danann didn't make this story into an instant love, it progressed over time. It was a wonderfully intriguing romance with its own twist on the paranormal world and I loved every page."

- Bitten by Love Reviews


My Familiar Stranger
is a very complex book that is beautiful and heartwarming. There are numerous laugh-out-loud moments, as well as several nail biting, edge-of-your-seat moments. The adventure quotient is high, but not too much so. The romance in the novel is built in seamlessly, exquisitely enhancing the story. I absolutely loved this novel, and cannot wait for the next one!"

- Night Owl Reviews TOP PICK


"I absolutely loved this book!
Paranormal romance isn't a genre I usually read but after reading the plot, I was intrigued by this book and decided to broaden my reading horizons and give it a try. I'm so glad I did because I devoured the book in less than two days!"

- Book Nympho


"... emotional, sweet, moving, funny, heart-wrenching, action-packed and totally enthralled me from the get go! On the edge of my seat I was hitting the turn key on my Kindle trying to figure out what was going to happen next. Nothing is predictable."

- Emily Guido, author of the Lightbearer Series


"Go sneak off to your reading nook, get comfy and get ready to dive into a new dimension with horrors, villains and true love that will keep the pages turning till the very end leaving you wanting more, but satisfied!"

- Addicted to Reading


Victoria Danaan has created a new world that explodes stereotypes of what warriors, vampire & elves should be
My Familiar Stranger had
my full attention from chapter one, kept me guessing who Elora would end up with, and still had a surprise at the very end! Can't wait to read the next in a great new series."

- Dancerythm, Amazon Reader



Praise for Amazon Best Seller
The Witch's Dream



"...dramatically fun, sexy, and addictive."

- Between the Bind

"Wow, Danann does it again. The lady knows how to weave quite the story. Filled with magick, love, and jealousy
The Witch's Dream
is a sweet and sexy good time."

- Bitten by Paranormal Romance



" awesome follow-up to
My Familiar Stranger

- Book Maven

"Sometimes sequels can be a bit of a disappointment, but Victoria Danann has written an intriguing sequel that surpasses
My Familiar Stranger

- Ramblings of Coffee Addicted Writer

"...the writing is tight, descriptive and flows neatly along a path that often is twisty, but always seems to resolve with a satisfying feeling of "what will they get into next. This world is so unique and the writing so constant and detailed with little pieces of information drop like breadcrumbs until the loaf is completed. You will be turning pages as you need to get to the end - and then re-reading as you await book 3 in this series."

- Booked and Loaded


"The story itself begins fast and never once slows down. The characters from the first book are back and smarter and sassier than ever. There is plenty of blazing hot romance, as well as plenty of adventure and dimension jumping."

-Night Owl Reviews TOP PICK

"This is a wonderful series of handsome, macho men and beautiful, intelligent women. I highly recommend this series and look forward to book number three."

-The Paranormal Romance Guild



"Victoria definitely has a way of pulling you in and making you feel like you're part of the family."

- Bitten by Love Reviews


he Order of the Black Swan, A Team.
A big thank you to my BETA readers.


Amanda Zafris

Ashley Logan

Christine Merritt

Elizabeth Quincy Nix

Frances Royer

Janice McNamara

JoBeth Sexton-Harris

Karen Berglund

Leah Barbush

Liz Cabrejos

Margaret Nolan

Martha Smith

Maxine Murphy

Maya Bowen

Nelta Baldwin Mathias

Tabitha Schneider

Heather Poindexter



Table of Contents

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