The Wives of Beverly Row 3: Lust Has a New Address (5 page)

Read The Wives of Beverly Row 3: Lust Has a New Address Online

Authors: Abby Weeks

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Suspense, #Fiction, #erotica, #Literary, #Womens

BOOK: The Wives of Beverly Row 3: Lust Has a New Address
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“Wave,” Jake said.

“What?” Zola said.

“Wave to the camera.”

Zola closed her eyes. She lay back on the bed. She just wanted this to be over.

“You going on the top or the bottom?” Peter said.

Jake didn’t say anything. Zola opened her eyes. She looked at him. There was a pleading in her eyes. She knew there was. She didn’t mean to beg but she knew that was what she was doing. Her eyes were begging Jake not to do this.

“What’s the matter?” Jake said to her.

She didn’t say anything.

“Zola,” Jake said, his voice a little softer than it had been. He came over to the bed and sat beside her. She almost burst out crying when he did. “Are you alright with this?” he said.

Zola held in her tears. She kept her face strong. She knew how manipulative Jake could be. She didn’t trust him. She didn’t know what to do, what to say.
Was this a trick? Did Jake suddenly actually care about her, about what she wanted?
She didn’t know what to think. Her mind was racing in a million directions at once.

What was she supposed to do?
She could tell Jake she was scared, that she felt alone and helpless and vulnerable. She could tell him that she wasn’t into this sort of thing, this lifestyle. She could tell him that she wanted to feel safe and protected in her life and that he was making her feel that everything about her life was precarious and could disappear at any moment. There were so many things she could tell him, but she wouldn’t. She wouldn’t say anything. She had to keep Jake out. That was the only way she could protect herself from him.

“I’m fine,” she said. She smiled at him. It was a thin smile but it was enough. She looked toward the camera and waved.

Jake looked at Peter. “You ready for this.”

“You sure she’s okay? She seems a little jittery.”

They both looked at her, as if it was her job to set their minds at ease. “I’m fine, Peter,” she said. “Come and have me.”

She made room on the bed so that Peter could lie next to her. He was on his back, lying where she had been directly in front of the camera.

Jake went and looked at the camera screen to see what kind of picture he was getting. “Perfect,” he said. “Now, Zola, start sucking him.”

Zola got over Peter so that her back was to the camera. She was straddling Peter’s legs.

“You’re blocking the picture,” Jake said. “Get to the side.”

“Sorry,” Zola said. She got to Peter’s side and looked at Jake. He nodded. She turned toward Peter. He was looking at her expectantly. His cock was as stiff as a post sticking out of his lap. She lowered herself down toward it, opening her mouth. Her lips formed a perfect circle. She put her mouth down on Peter’s rigid cock and took it into her mouth. She felt it slide into her mouth and reach its full state of erection. She moved her tongue around the tip and then slid her mouth off it.

“Now sit on it,” Jake said.

She looked over at Jake. He was naked too now and his cock was as hard as she’d ever seen it. She put her leg over Peter and then lowered herself down on top of him. She was lying on him, face to face, her back to the camera. His cock slid into her pussy as smoothly as a sword entering a sheath.

She angled her hips and rose up on Peter, sitting on his cock like a girl riding a horse. Despite everything, the strangeness of the situation, the fear she felt at being treated like this, the awkwardness of being recorded on video, Peter’s cock inside her felt terribly good. It was her body’s way of betraying her.

She’d never thought she would be fucked by a stranger like this. She’d thought the only man she’d ever sleep with again was Jake. Now she was beginning to realize that a whole new world was opening up to her. She was still scared, she was confused by the situation, her mind couldn’t grasp what was happening or process how she felt about it, but the physical sensation of having another man’s cock slide deep into her vagina, even while her husband was watching, felt arousing to her. She couldn’t deny that. She sighed as his penis throbbed in her pussy. She moved her hips, grinding herself against Peter’s groin and felt the sensation of rising up and lowering herself back down on the firm penis. She didn’t want it to feel good, she didn’t want to enjoy it, but as her pussy moistened, she couldn’t deny the pleasure of it.

Peter looked up at her and smiled. There was such a look of lust on his face. She looked back over her shoulder at Jake. He was adjusting the camera, making sure he was getting a perfect recording of the encounter so that he could show all his friends on the forum.

Zola smiled at him. “What are you waiting for, husband?” she said.

She was playing a role, she was pretending to be someone she was not, but as the full reality of the situation became more and more clear to her, her body reacted in a way that she never would have imagined.
She suddenly wanted this! She wanted both of them inside her at once.

She plunged down onto Peter, her mouth reaching his, her tongue sliding into his mouth and tangling with his. She didn’t love this man, she wasn’t even attracted to him, but she was so turned on by the novelty of the situation, the strangeness of it, that her body was overcome with lust and desire.

As she passionately kissed Peter, Jake brought the camera over to the side of the bed. She looked right at it. She pressed her pussy hard against Peter’s groin and felt the thrill of knowing his hard cock was deep inside her.

“Are you ready for this?” Jake said.

“Fuck me, daddy,” she said.

Jake went behind her. The camera was now perfectly placed to capture everything that the three of them did. Peter was on his back beneath her, his cock pointing straight up like a rocket piercing her pussy. Jake got behind her and began sliding his hard cock against the lubricated crack of her ass. She felt the tip of it press hard against her anus. She closed her eyes and clenched her fist as she felt the tip of Jake’s penis squeeze into her anus. The feeling was overwhelming. As his cock slid deeper and deeper up inside her, she felt an all-encompassing desire to scream. She didn’t know if it was out of tension, fear, relief or pleasure. She didn’t even know how she felt about what she was doing. All she knew was that it had started and she was going to see it through to its conclusion.

Jake began thrusting his cock deep into her anus with a passion she’d never before seen in him. The situation was exciting him so much that she could already feel that he was ready to explode. She wanted both Peter and Jake to orgasm inside her at the same time. She leaned down and licked Peter’s lips with her tongue. The look on his face was of such intense desire. She knew he was going to burst into orgasm soon. She could feel Jake’s hands come around her and hold her two breasts firmly. Peter’s hands were on her hips, pushing her up and pulling her back down on his cock with a rhythm that got faster and faster as he closed in on his climax. Jake kept thrusting into her anus. Zola had never imagined that anything in the world could feel so intense. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the tidal wave of sensation that was rushing through her body.

“Oh God,” Jake cried out from behind her. At that moment, Zola felt the first pulse of semen flowing through his cock and filling up her anus. She cried out. Again and again his cock pulsed and semen surged out of him and into her rectum.

“Jesus,” she cried.

“Jesus,” Peter cried and at the same moment began to climax in her vagina, gushing his sperm into her pussy. Zola looked down at him. The look on his face was of such exquisite pleasure, pleasure that she was giving him. She suddenly felt in control of the situation. In that intense moment when both men were violently climaxing inside her, Jake pulsing his sperm up into her asshole, Peter flowing semen into her pussy like a chef basting the inside of a turkey, she suddenly felt that she was secure. Her life was safe. As long as she could please Jake and his friends, as long as she could make him proud of her and give him everything he desired, she would be safe in this situation.

And with that thought she finally gave in to the sensations that were rushing through her body. A wave of orgasm washed over her, flowing from her vagina and rectum at the same time and rushing through every part of her body like a drug.

“Holy fuck,” she screamed as she rode both of them, her head thrust back in ecstasy. “Holy fucking fuck!”


of sorts for days. Everything about her life suddenly seemed so difficult. She felt as if she was wading through water. Things were going fine on the surface, Hank seemed to have forgotten about the little incident they’d had when they tried to have anal sex, but underneath, Veronica’s emotions were in turmoil. All she could think about was Matt. Ever since Ariel had told her that Matt was in love with her, she just couldn’t get him out of her mind.

“Could you pass the butter?” she said to Hank.

He was sitting across the dinner table from her enjoying his steak. She hadn’t seen Kyle all day but had tried calling him four times for dinner. Ever since getting a girlfriend he’d definitely become harder to keep track of.

Hank passed her the butter and cleared his throat. “Honey, are you alright?”

“What do you mean?” she said.

“You just seem like you’ve been, I don’t know,

Veronica looked up at him. “I know, honey. I’m sorry.”

“What is it?”

“I don’t know,” Veronica said. “Do you ever just feel like you need to shake things up a bit?”

“Of course I do,” Hank said.

That was one of the things Veronica really appreciated about Hank. She could always rely on his support. No matter what she brought up, he would always try to help her. She knew she should just get Matt out of her mind and appreciate the life she’d created with Hank.

“I’ve been thinking about opening a restaurant,” she said.

Hank nodded as he chewed on his steak. “You’ve always wanted to do that. Before we got married that was your plan wasn’t it?”

“It was, but it somehow slipped away from me.”

“And you spent all that time traveling and learning all those fancy foreign recipes.”

She thought back to those years, traveling in Spain and France, tasting new foods, experiencing new adventures, living a life that was exciting and fulfilling. She thought that if she put her energy into a new project she might be able to forget about Matt and settle down in her current life again.

“And I think the timing is pretty good, for us I mean. Kyle’s going to be off at college next year.”

“The timing’s great, as far as I’m concerned,” Hank said. “Financially, we’re very secure. We would definitely be in a good position to make an investment. Put some money into the place. Get you a really good start.”

She looked up at him. She was so grateful. He was always so good to her. All she had to say was that she was thinking of opening a restaurant and he was ready to support her a hundred percent. She had to remember to appreciate things like that. Hank didn’t thrill her, he didn’t make her dizzy with desire and lust, but he was a good man and dependable.

“I’ll call Matt,” Hank said.

“What?” Veronica almost fell off her chair.
Why was he bringing up Matt?

“You’re going to need a contractor. The first job will be finding the perfect location, and you’ll need Matt’s help with that.”

Veronica wanted to walk out the back door, cross the patio, and jump into the pool.
The entire point of this project had been to get her mind off Matt.
It seemed that wasn’t going to happen no matter what she did!


of the evening flow through her hair. It was her favorite time of night, just as people were going to bed. Everything was peaceful. Everything was quiet. All of the hustle and bustle of the day was over. Whatever people spent their lives doing would have to wait till the next morning. This was a time for fantasies and desires to take over.

She was on her balcony looking out over her pool. The Roycroft’s house was right beyond the metal railing. She could see the patio behind their kitchen. She knew every room of that house. She’d been a good friend of Veronica’s for so many years that she knew virtually everything about that house. She’d even watched Kyle mature into adulthood. She’d been there the day he started high school. She could still remember reassuring Veronica that he’d do well in school. And now she was preparing to pounce on him again. She was going to have so much pleasure and he was going to give it to her. There was something so
about seducing a boy she’d known from such a young age. There was a time when Trudy never would have imagined sleeping with a younger man. She’d liked older, more mature men. But after the marriage she had, that changed. When she got her divorce she’d become the typical, stereotype cougar, making up for lost time by sleeping with as many younger men as she could possibly get her hands on. But now she felt she’d found an even better way to reclaim the lost years of her youth.
Her best friend’s child!
He was of age. There was nothing illegal about seducing him. But the fact that she was skirting so close to the edge of what was acceptable by society gave her such a thrill that it almost overwhelmed her.

She reached down under her skirt and touched her panties. She was tingling with anticipation.

She picked up her phone and texted Kyle.

—I need your help.

She pressed send and then waited, watching the moon rise over the bluffs at the end of her property.
It was a perfect night to seduce a boy,
she thought.

—What is it?

She’d been certain he’d reply. What eighteen-year-old boy wouldn’t reply to a woman who was willing to do for him what she wanted to do?

—I need a man. I’m all alone here.

She knew she didn’t need much of a pretext to get Kyle to come over. He’d be able to slip out and meet her without his mother noticing. Her phone beeped.

—Do you need me?

—I’m desperate for you.

She grinned wickedly as she sent the message. She couldn’t wait for him to get there. She was going to make him feel so good that he would worship her for the rest of his life. She wanted to be his first true love. She wanted to
him, heart and body and soul.

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