The Wizard (22 page)

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Authors: Gene Wolfe

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fatter. I can forgive you anything." She laughed. Her laughter was bells of delight. "Even a younger lover?" "Anything," I repeated. "Then I will have a younger lover, and he will be you." The wild wind whirled about us, and I wrapped my cloak around her as I had wrapped it around Ulfa. "I could make myself younger, but it would be by the power of Skai." "Really?" All the merriment of all the maidens was in her laugh. "I'd have to go back then, honoring my pledge." "Yet you ride among clouds." "Cloud bears me up. I do not bear her." Our lips met; when we parted we were lying upon moss. "The game is nearly over," she whispered. "That is what I came to tell you. Did you think it would go on forever?" When Gylf found me, I was sitting alone, wrapped in my cloak and weeping. "I ate," Gylf said. "We ought to go." I nodded and rose. Cloud was waiting in the village street, her rump to the wind. On her, I rose higher and higher until I was above the storm; but the wind blew hard even so and it was very cold. When at last we reached the camp in Jotunland I found I could scarcely dismount, and nearly fell. "No more night riding," I promised, and Cloud nodded happily, and filled my mind with thoughts of sunlit cloud-mountains, mountains ever changing because they are ever new. "Ya wanna blanket, sar?" The voice was Uns'. "I been keepin' ya fire goin'." I nodded, and the truth was that I wanted a blanket and a fire badly; but I said, "You're supposed to be serving the queen, Uns. Not me." "Her's sleepin', sar. Her don' want me. I'se sleepin', ta, most a' th' time. On'y I'd rouse 'n t'row onna stick." "Thank you." I took off my helmet and rubbed my scalp with fingers stiff with cold. "But you must sleep. It's only a little before sunrise." "Soon's I help wit' ya boots, sar." Knowing that I should have removed them myself, I sat and let Uns pull them off; and while Uns was brushing them, I struggled out of my mail. "I need clean clothes," I said sleepily. "I can get some in Utgard, I suppose." "Take 'urn off 'n I'll wash 'um inna river fer ya," Uns declared. "Dry 'um at th' fire real quick." The temptation was too great. "Uns?" "Yessar?" "A woman told me my hair was receding, that it was leaving my temples bare." "Yessar." "It's true." Naked, I stretched myself on blankets Uns had spread near the fire and pulled them over me. "Yessar," Uns repeated. "Looks nice, sar." "But I was wearing my helmet, so it didn't look at all." Seeing that Uns had not understood, I added, "It was dark, too. She can't have seen my hairline." "Guess she seen ya some udder time, sar." Uns collected the soiled garments I had discarded. "She must have, and must have seen me since I returned from Skai. One does not grow old in Skai, Uns." "Yessar." "No one does. I was there twenty years, and looked no older when I left than I had when I arrived. Now those years have overtaken me. Not that it matters." "Nosar." "What matters is that she's been watching me. I knew Baki and Uri watched from Aelfrice, as we watch Overcyns." "Never seen none, sar." "Those who look see them. We see what we want to see." "Awright, sar." "You're going to wash my clothes now?" "Yessar." "I wish you'd do me one more favor before you go. You unsaddled Cloud, didn't you?" "Nosar. Not yet. Will, sar." "Please do, and see to her needs. When you do, you'll take my bowcase and quiver with the saddle. I'd like you to open the bowcase and take the bowstring off the bow." "Yessar." "Bring it to me. If I'm asleep, put it into my hand." No doubt Uns said, "Yessar"; for all his crudity, Uns was a good servant. Although he must have, I did not hear him.


Mani heard Uns' breathing as he loosed Cloud's cinch, and his muttered words of reassurance to Cloud, and hunkered lower in my right-hand saddlebag. The saddlebags would be taken off, Mani reminded himself, and thrown down somewhere. There would be a shock (he braced himself), but it would be merely uncomfortable, not dangerous. The scraping near his ear was the sound of my bow being taken from the bowcase. Was Uns (the muttered words had certainly been Uns') planning to shoot a cat? No, because this new scrape was the bow being replaced, beyond question. That thump as the end of the bow struck the bottom of its hard leather case was unmistakableunless it was really something else. Uns had not known what was in the case, and had taken it out to see if it was good to eat or play with. Finding it was not, he had sensibly put it back. The thought suggested various occasions on which Mani himself had not put something back, and Uns is lifting the saddlebags now. Here it comes! But it did not come. The saddlebags settled into place Somewhere Else, where in place of Cloud's slow, grazing steps there was a faint, faint swaying. Mani shut his eyes tight and counted until he lost count somewhere between twenty and the other one, then risked a peek from under the flap. Uns had gone. I lay under a blanket by a fire. This was as good as conditions were ever apt to be. Untying the thong that held the saddlebag closed had been the hard part of hiding in the bag. But Mani (who was not inexperienced in these matters) had labored with tooth and paw. Once inside, he had reached down to pass the thong loosely through its loop. Now it was not even necessary to pull it out. Raising the flap drew free the thong. Half in the bag and half out, he had a look around. The bags hung on a limb near the ground. A larger limb held Cloud's saddle and bridle. Cloud herself was rolling on her back in the manner of cats. Cloud, Mani reflected, was an unusually fine animal and might well have a dash of cat somewhere in her ancestry. He leaped to the ground, flattened himself against it, and waited for any sign that he had been seen. All quiet, save for splashing some distance away. Fish jumping, quite possibly. Large fish, and even minnows were very good. Mani licked his lips. More fires, and tents, on the other side of the tree. In this tent, a tree-sized woman sound asleep, her breath heavy with wine. Beside her, a snoring man with a blond mustache. Before the other, a shield tastefully ornamented with spotted cats; in it, a dozen men asleep. One stirred, and Mani left in haste. Black was surely the best of all colors. Assuredly, it was the best of all colors for cats. What, he wondered, did white cats do? How could they live, much less do their duty, when they were visible at night? A sumptuous pavilion remained, which Mani felt certain was Idnn's. He entered boldly, found her asleep (and the elderly maid at her feet also sleeping), and springing lightly onto her bosom offered the traditional gesture of love and respect until she woke. "A thousand apologies, Your Majesty." He lowered his eyes demurely. "I presume upon your affection, I know." "Mani! What are you doing here?" "Reporting, Your Majesty. When you left, you charged me to observe everything, cautioning me that I'd have to give a full account of all I'd heard upon your return. I've heard a lot, and given an opportunity to make an interim report, I seized it. There's much you should be apprised of." "How did you get here? You can't possibly have walked this far." "Nor did I, Your Majesty." Briefly, Mani considered the ethics of the situation. Ethics seldom concerned him, yet it seemed to him that this was one of those rare occasions when they had to be accorded weight. He cleared his throat. "My previous owner, the gallant knight for whom I still hold so much affection, carried me in a saddlebag, Your Majesty." "Sir Able?" Mani had been hoping that Idnn would pick him up and stroke him, and now she did. "Mani, Sir Able's herehere in the mountains with us not in Utgard. I spoke to him tonight." "It is nearly morning, Your Majesty." "All right, I spoke to him last night. Are you telling me he rode to Utgard and back in a night?" "No, Your Majesty, for I do not know it." The old woman stirred, and Idnn whispered, "Go back to sleep, Gerda. It's nothing." "Your Majesty not infrequently doubts my veracity," Mani said stiffly "Your Majesty is prone to discount my sagacity as well. I am, however" "I don't mean to insult you," Idnn declared, "and I didn't mean that you were nothing, only that Gerda should go back to sleep. But Sir Ablehe simply cannot have gone to Utgard and returned with you as quick as that." "Doubtless Your Majesty is correct." Mani's tone was no longer unbending. "Nor did I say he had, only that I rode in his saddlebag. As I did, Your Majesty. So riding, I arrived not long ago, and since my arrival have been seeking you. Famished and exhausted from a trip you yourself call lengthy, but seeking you and not my own comfort." "There isn't a lot of food here, but I'll see that you have your choice of whatever we have." "In that case, I may be able to provide Your Majesty with a quail or a partridge, and I would account it an honor for Your Majesty to accept any such gift I may supply. But I should warn Your Majesty that Sir Able was unaware of my presence in his bag. It might be better not to speak of it." Idnn had not been listening. "How is my husband?" "I am no physician" "But a shrewd judge of every matter brought before you." Having smoothed Mani's head sufficiently, Idnn tickled his chin. "How is he?" "Your concern for him does you credit, Your Majesty. I am concerned myself. He has treated me with great civility, on the whole." Idnn sighed. "I don't love him, Mani. I can't. But I'm his wife. To be noble is to do one's duty" "Indeed, Your Majesty." "And to be royal is to do more. Knights serve their lord, and lords their king. But the king serves his people and his crown, or he is but a tyrant." "A queen, Your Majesty" "Is a woman, and a woman, having half the strength of a man, must bear twice the burden. How is he?" "Weak, Your Majesty, but stronger than he was when you left him. He has lost a great deal of blood." "And endured a lot of pain. I know. Is he eating?" "Soup, I think, Your Majesty. Broth." "Does he speak of me?" "With the greatest affection, Your Majesty. My former master explained to him that you had sent him to His Majesty, and His Majesty praised you to the skies, if I may put it thus picturesquely." "He's awake then, and speaking." "Happily so, Your Majesty." Mani coughed delicately. "He spoke of your wisdom, Your Majesty. Not of your wisdom exclusively, of course, for he praised your beauty as well. But he spoke glowingly of it. He Here I can't help but be indelicate, Your Majesty yet I think the matter important." Idnn nodded encouragement, her nod just visible by the gray light filtering through the doorway. "He compared your insight to that of his first minister, Lord Thiazi, Your Majesty." Mani purred. "He judged yours to be superior." "I must thank His Majesty as soon as possible, Mani. He has paid me a great compliment." "Indeed, Your Majesty. He likewise compared your acumen to your noble father's, again judging in your favor. That, Your Majesty, has a certain bearing upon my errand." Idnn's hands left Mani. "I hope you're not about to tell me something to my father's discredit." "Your Majesty is the best judge. Your noble father is eager that Sir Able enter your royal husband's service." "I know it." "A most impressive prophecy having assured him that your throne shall stand secure if Sir Able is your royal husband's vassal. Your husband wishes the same, for the same reason." "I know all that," Idnn said brusquely. "Come to the point, Mani." He made her a small, seated bow. "I am making every effort to do so, Your Majesty. I considered my preliminaries necessary. Doubtless you are also aware that your noble father designs the death of Sir Svon's squire." At these words Uns, who had been listening outside the pavilion for the past minute or two, edged a little closer. Svon woke Toug, shaking his shoulder. "I wish I could let you sleep, but Lord Beel wants to talk to us together." Etela sat up. "And me. I'm going with." "You need a bath," Svon told her. "It's just charcoal from our shop." Etela tried to scrape her arm with a forefinger. "Smoke 'n stuff." "You really do need a bath," Toug confirmed. "Clean clothes, too. My sister . . ." "Left with Sir Able," Svon said brusquely. Mute, Toug nodded. "I wish we had her back. I wish we had Sir Able back, too. He won't return until he brings the duke, so he said." "And my sister won't return at all." Toug got out of bed, found Sword Breaker, and looked around. "Where's Mani?" "If you don't know, I certainly don't." Etela said, "Put on more wood," and Toug did. "You'd better be sparing," Svon told him. "There's only so much, unless we can go out and get more." "Unless?" Toug looked around at him. "I think something like that's what His Lordship wants to talk about. We won't know until we hear him, and we won't hear him until you're dressed." Nodding, Toug turned to Etela. "My sister's gone, but Baki's still around, or I think she is. I know Pouk is, and he knows all the women. Find someone and tell them I said to give you a bath and see that you wash your clothes." "I want" "Breakfast. I know. Say I said to feed you, too." "To go with." Toug took a deep breath. "When you're clean and wearing a clean dress, and you've had breakfast, you can come with me anyplace I go." He and Svon left. As they climbed down the oversized stair, Svon said, "You're not really going to take her, are you? Any foray outside the castle will be dangerous." Toug shrugged. "We may not be going anywhere, and if we are, we'll be gone ..." A heavy tread on the steps above interrupted. Both stopped and moved to one side. "Gud mornin'. Wud you want me to carry you?" Svon smiled. "Good morning, Schildstarr. I know your offer is kindly meant, but these steps don't really pose much of a problem for my squire and me." "As you will. I'm for the lordlin'. An' you?" "If you mean Lord Beel, the same." "Stir stump, then. I'll not come for you." Schildstarr paused, then chuckled. "You sma' folk set us to work here. In our north country, we dinna fetch nor carry." Still laughing, he preceded them, and they followed him as quickly as they could. "Here's our dilemma," Thiazi told Svon and Toug. "As you just heard, we're sending Schildstarr and his men to buy the forge and tools, and to collect more of His Majesty's loyal subjects if they can. Lord Beel," he nodded toward him, "fears we cannot trust him. Perhaps I should not tell you that, since it may influence your own thinking. But I have no doubt you knew it before." Svon nodded. Beel said, "You're entitled to your own opinions, both of you, and I'd like to have them. Can we, Sir Svon?" "I would not, Your Lordship. No more than we must." Beel nodded. "Squire Toug?" "I don't think he'd go against the king," Toug said slowly. "Only we're not the king." "We act for him," Thiazi declared. "But Schildstarr isn't sure we're honest about it. Or that's how it seems to me, My Lord." "There you have it." Beel laid a leather bag on the table. "That's gold, a lot of it. I want you twoaloneto go into the town with it. Take no men-at-arms, and no archers. Just the two of you. Will you do it?" Svon said, "Certainly, Your Lordship." "Squire?" Toug took a deep breath. "If Sir Svon goes, I'll go." "Good. We've been hiding in here. You may think that's too harsh a word, but it's the truth. Hiding, and hoping His Majesty would recover and save us. And then Her Majesty, my daughter . . ." Beel paused, rubbing his forehead. "She leftrode to fetch Sir Able. That made it worse, for me anyway." "To tell you the truth," Svon said, "I've been hoping for something like this." Thiazi cleared his throat. That throat looked as long as Toug's forearm, and the clearing of it was like the noise of barrels rolled on cobblestones. "We can't hide, as Lord Beel calls it, much longer. There isn't enough food. We've told Schildstarr to tell everyone he meets that His Majesty is recovering." Beel muttered, "They heard that." "Of course they did. I repeat it to emphasize it. We also told him to buy food, if he can." Svon nodded. So did Toug. "Now I tell you the same things. If you speak to any of our sons of Angr, tell them His Majesty will be well soon. If you speak to slaves, as seems more likely, the same." "We will." Svon nodded. Beel added, "Buy food, if you can. Wagon loads of it. If Schildstarr brings more Angrborn we'll need tons of it. And in fact we need tons of it already, for Thrym and his men and for ourselves. To say nothing of the slaves." "We'll get what we can," Svon said stoutly. Toug added, "I think Schildstarr will, too. It's food for him and his men, a lot of it." Beel nodded. "So far we've only asked you to do some of the things Schildstarr will be doing. But there's much more. No doubt you guessed." Svon nodded. "First, we need to test the waters. If we sent Sir Garvaon and his men-at-arms with you, the Angrborn would feel threatened. I have no doubt they would attack you." "I agree," Thiazi declared. "But one knight and one squiredon't take your lance, by the way. I want you to leave that here." "I will, Your Lordship." "Are clearly no threat. They've had ample time to grow used to the idea that there are humans in Utgard, friends of their king who are neither slaves nor foes. If I'm right, they should let you alone. I think you'll find I am." Thiazi favored Svon with a cruel smile. "If Lord Beel's misjudged, you'll find yourself in a fight that will make you famous even if you lose. As you will. Will you still go?" "Certainly, My Lord." Beel spoke to Thiazi. "I told you." "I know you did. I didn't believe you." He shrugged. Svon rose, sliding from the seat of his chair to the floor. "Is that all, Your Lordship?" "You're anxious to be away." "Yes, Your Lordship. I am." "There is one more item." Beel looked from Svon to Toug and back again. "Lord Thiazi tells me that under the laws of Jotunland the king can commandeer the slaves of his subjects if he has need of them. The slaves of this smithLogi?" Toug said, "Yes, Your Lordship." "Assisted him in making the tools Toug saw. You are to sequester them, if you can, in the king's name, and bring them here." Thiazi added, "Or kill them if you cannot." Toug started to speak, then closed his mouth and waited for Svon; but all Svon said was "I will, My Lord." Toug cleared his throat. "I ask a boon, My Lord." Thiazi smiled as before. "To which you think yourself entitled, I'm sure." "Yes. Yes, I do. You just gave me one, I know. You gave me my sister. That was really very nice of you, and I haven't forgotten." "Yet you believe that you're owed another." Beel said, "I

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