The Wolf Who Played With Fire: New Adult Paranormal Romance (Cry Wolf) (6 page)

Read The Wolf Who Played With Fire: New Adult Paranormal Romance (Cry Wolf) Online

Authors: Sarah Makela

Tags: #New Adult Paranormal Romance

BOOK: The Wolf Who Played With Fire: New Adult Paranormal Romance (Cry Wolf)
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Nolan rose to get the door, but I waved him back to the game. “It’s okay. I’ll get it.”

“All right.” He kept his gaze on me, watching my every move.

I headed off to the door, tired of him doing that. When I opened the door, I nearly slammed it again. What in the hell was Mia doing here? She hadn’t told me she’d be stopping by. She said she would be with her friend until late.

“What are you—” I cleared my throat, knowing Nolan wasn’t far away. The last thing I needed to do was act even more uncomfortable. “Hi Mia. We’re playing poker. Nolan’s right over there.”

She frowned at me. From the look in her eye, there was something bothering her. “Thanks. Nolan called. I’m here to pick up my brush. He said he found it around here.”

I stepped aside to let her in and wondered exactly how much Nolan had said. I just hoped he hadn’t tried to press her too hard; if his behavior toward me was anything to go by, then I wondered if she might’ve been subject to it as well.

Nolan rose from his chair and grabbed a plastic grocery bag from the coffee table. “Here you go, sis.”

“Thanks. I guess I’m off now.” She looked between us as if waiting for something. “Have fun with poker night.” However, she didn’t walk back out the door.

“Do you want a beer or something?” Nolan asked, his eyebrows drawing together.

She sucked in a breath. “Oh no, sorry. Night, guys.” She waved to Tony and Jim, then strode away casting a glance over her shoulder.

When Nolan shut the door, I grimaced. Now I needed to make my escape. If I didn’t go soon, I might be late, and that was the last thing I needed.

“Sorry guys. I have to go to the store, gas up my car, and get a few things, since I start work tomorrow.” Worst excuse ever, but I didn’t know what else to say.

“Aww, man. Really? That’s lame.” Jim set down his cards and stretched back in the chair. “Why didn’t you get it done earlier?”

Good question. “Guess I wanted to savor my last free day. It slipped my mind.” I waved. “Be back a bit later.” I nodded to Nolan. “Night.”

“Good night.” He lowered his voice so only the two of us could hear. “When you get back, we’re talking.”

I forced a smile. “Sure thing.” Then I shoved my feet into my shoes, tucked the laces inside them, and walked out.


* * *


When I’d gotten a little distance from the house, I called Mia. I didn’t have a lot of time to talk, but I wanted to see what her visit had been about. Her phone rang and rang before she finally answered.

“Sorry,” I said. “Were you sleeping?”

“No, I was busy working on... never mind. It’s nothing. I need to talk to you.” The softest wisp of anger filled her voice, and I wondered what was going on.

This wasn’t like her. Something had to have happened. What had Nolan said?

“What’s up? Everything okay?” Then again, I had every right to feel upset. She’d jumped out of the fucking window instead of waiting for her brother to leave. The siblings were trying to drive me crazy. “How’s your ankle?” I asked, letting a little of my own anger slip free.

She sputtered and groaned. “Wait, I can explain. But first, you should tell me what Chad meant when he said there are things you’re keeping from me.”

Chad had something else coming to him. If he wanted my help, then he needed to promise he’d shut his mouth when it came to Mia. The fact he’d seen her made my blood pressure soar. The Pack didn’t like her at all, so I couldn’t help the fear that someone might hurt her out of revenge for what she’d almost done to their Alpha. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I told you this morning what was going on.”

“Somehow I don’t know if I believe that. I really want to, but it’s hard since it took this morning for me to know the Pack had thought of killing you. It’s possible you’re keeping other things from me.” She sighed, sounding wary. “I want you to feel comfortable talking to me. I’ve told you so much about myself. I just don’t want to feel like you’re pushing me away from your other self.”

If I could have slammed my fist against the steering wheel without second-guessing the force I’d use would break it, I would’ve. This was the worst time for her to be getting into this kind of discussion with me. I appreciated the fact she wanted to know what was going on. However, this werewolf situation was new to me, and I was having a hard enough time trying to take care of her and myself, without our new relationship get stomped down by all the opposition.

“Mia, babe, this isn’t a good time.” Especially since I was getting closer to the location where the werewolves met, which not surprisingly was out on the outskirts of town surrounded by lush woods.

“Why? I’m trying to open up. It’s hard enough to pretend in front of Nolan without things getting too awkward. But when it’s just you and me, I want to feel like you care enough to talk to me.”

The whistling of a teakettle shrilled, nearly making me drop the phone. My ears were too good at picking up sound and loud noises were still something I was struggling with. I didn’t want my hearing obliterated.

“I have to go to a Pack meeting. That’s why. I promise I’ll give you a call later if you’re still awake. Promise.” However, I had no idea how long this thing would last. “I’ve got to go now, babe. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Talk to you later. Love you.” She sounded so sad when she said those words that it ripped at my heart.

“I love you too.” Just as I put my phone away, there was a knock at my window. I nearly jumped out of my seat, but it was just Chad. I hadn’t heard him approach, but then again, the wolves were a lot stealthier than I was.

Chad opened my car door then stepped out of reach. “You were talking to your girl, huh? Make sure the phone is off. Disruptions during the meeting are punishabled.”

He’d told me this before, so I fished my phone out again and turned it off. I didn’t know what punishment for his people meant, but being in the military, I didn’t have any rose-colored delusions.

“It’s off.” I looked up at him and slid the phone in my jeans pocket. “Let’s get this done.”

Chad slapped me on the back. “That’s the attitude. You’re already starting to fit in. I can only imagine how you’ll be when you’re an actual wolf.”

That’s exactly what I was afraid of.

We walked into the majestic mansion. I’d never been in someplace like this before. Men and a few women lingered in the corridor, watching me...sizing me up. They were dressed in all manners of clothes from jeans and t-shirts to suits.

Thankfully, Chad was dressed in a pair of faded jeans and a snarky t-shirt, so I didn’t feel underdressed. “Now that we’re all here, let’s head into the meeting hall,” he called out, raising his voice over the low hum of conversation.

Regardless of the fact I’d been early, I was still the last one to arrive. This was off to a great start. I had no idea what Chad or any of these werewolves expected from me.

When we headed into the hall, there were seats set up like an auditorium. I grabbed a spot in the back, while Chad strode up front and took a seat in one of the chairs facing the audience beside another younger man about our age—that was, if werewolves aged at the same rate as humans. However, from what I’d learned so far, I wasn’t exactly sure that was true.

Once everyone was settled in their seats, a gentleman I recognized as the Alpha stood in front of the group. He didn’t need a microphone. For one thing, werewolves had sensitive enough hearing, so unless he was whispering very, very softly, everyone in the room would hear him. Plus, he had a booming authoritative voice that reminded me of a drill sergeant I knew.

For the first time in a while, I didn’t feel quite as awkward around these people. I could relate to the hierarchy and an authoritative leader. The supernatural was the only element that made me uncomfortable.

“Good evening. Most of you should know why I’ve called everyone out here on such short notice.” The Alpha glanced back at the young male sitting next to Chad, both of whom lowered their gazes. “One of our young members named Jacob Armstrong is missing. I strongly suspect there’s something amiss. Jacob is not one to run. Plus he left a voicemail for his brother, Shane,” the Alpha said, waving a hand at the guy next to Chad, “which proves our reason for concern. Not only is his life in jeopardy, but I think there’s something else going on here. The whole Pack and our race could be in danger.”

Chad handed his father a digital recorder, then returned to his seat.

I couldn’t believe that when I was close to becoming a werewolf, the Pack was having problems of this magnitude. My concerns about my career and my relationship with Mia seemed less worrisome and intense.

“Shane, I need your help,” a young man’s deep voice came through the recorder. “They’re after us. These men... they’re studying us—” A soft thud made me think he’d dropped his phone. “Shit!” Tires squealed and an engine revved, as another set of tires screeched. There was someone after him, but what did he mean about people studying them?

The loud crunch of metal as two cars impacted nearly had me reaching to plug my ears, but I kept my hands fisted in my lap.

“Damn it! It’ll be okay, baby. I’ll get us out of this. We still have hope.” A low murmuring stared in the room, but the Alpha cut it off with a wave of his hand. There was the sound of a car door being squeaked open, and a couple of tranquilizer guns firing off a few darts.

“Let’s get them back to the facility.” This guy sounded like a mercenary, or maybe a high-dollar security guard. “The doctor is pissed that two of his best specimens are on the loose. If they had escaped, I’m not sure we would still have jobs.”

“I don’t know what to think about what we’re doing. Look at them. They’re kids. I don’t see what’s so wrong with them that they’d have to be locked in a place like this.” His partner had a conscience, and he questioned the cause, which meant he hadn’t been there for long. Maybe he’d give enough information to figure out where they were.

“Don’t talk that way. I’d hate to have to report your behavior. You have plenty of potential. Now do something with the car. Maybe drive it into the woods and burn it.”

“Ugh,” the softer of the two men said, then the recording cut off.

I leaned back in the chair, wishing I had more background on all involved. Jacob had said ‘us’, which meant there was someone with him. Still, I couldn’t figure out why these werewolves wanted me to help them.

“Your brother is apparently with a woman at this research facility. Has he said anything about having any relationships?” the Alpha asked.

Shane’s gaze shifted between Chad and his leader, looking as if the Pope had just spoken to him. “No, sir, he didn’t. He spent full moons with Alayna on occasion, but that’s all I know about his love life.”

The Alpha looked into the crowd of people, and several people sitting around a certain tall, blond female stared straight at her. “Alayna?”

She shook her head. “Alpha, I don’t know anything about Jacob having relationships outside of ours. He doesn’t seem exactly thrilled to stick around or come by unless there’s a full moon, but he didn’t call me last month. I figured he was with someone else in the Pack.”

The Alpha turned his attention back to Shane. “Do you know who he was with at the full moon? I’m assuming that’s the last time anyone saw him. That was a couple nights before the voicemail, wasn’t it?”

Shane cleared his throat and squirmed a little under the Alpha’s scrutiny. “That was exam week, so he was off studying with one of his college friends. I didn’t really ask for details. I figured he’d come by later, but when he didn’t, I just assumed he was busy, sir.”

“You didn’t think to get in touch with him?” The Alpha crossed his arms over his impressive chest.

“We’re brothers, but that doesn’t mean we’re joined at the hip.” Chad subtly elbowed Shane in the side, making Shane wince and cough a little. “Sir,” he added.

“You’re his older brother. It’s your responsibility to look out for him. If anything happens to Jacob, you’ll pay for it dearly.” The Alpha nodded to Chad, who grabbed the other man by the upper arm.

The fact Shane hadn’t gotten in touch with his brother, or seemingly even tried to, boggled my mind. It reinforced the fact that my relationship with Nolan needed to be patched up, and soon. While we weren’t blood, I couldn’t even imagine something like this happening between us. We looked out for one another as if we were related. Shane had a brother that was blood, yet he hadn’t. My anger increased on Jacob’s behalf.

Quiet chatter arose from the crowd again. The Alpha looked back at the audience. Once again, the talking simmered down. His gaze scanned faces and he jerked his head in my direction. I sat up straighter, feeling the full force of his gaze like a physical weight.

“As some of you might know, we have a new person with us. Ethan Parker will be joining the Pack when the next full moon rises. My former second in command bit him without my permission, but my son convinced me to look beyond Jared’s insubordination and give Ethan a chance.” He waved a hand to me. I wasn’t sure if he wanted me to stand or if he was just trying to make me feel more uncomfortable, so I stood straight, keeping my hands at my sides.

The Alpha nodded, looking impressed.

All eyes in the room landed on me. I kept my attention toward the front, not wanting to see the expressions on their faces. It was better if I just focused on the Alpha. Right now, he was my biggest obstacle and the one who would determine my fate. I would follow what Chad said, and hopefully, all would be okay.

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